Properly grown, dried, and cured flowers burn smoothly and taste flavorful. The smell and flavor come from the terpenes and flavonoids in the buds. Terpenes also contribute to the cultivar’s specific effects. Cannabinoids have no odor.
Using most methods, for quality dried and cured buds, think “low and slow.” Drying and curing flowers takes time and patience, but the finished buds are worth the wait.
“Low” refers to temperature. Terpenes evaporate at different temperatures, and some slightly below room temperature. When the air is fragrant with flower odors, the buds are losing their terpenes. Improperly dried and cured buds lose terpenes due to evaporation.
For example, the terpene myrcene—found in mango fruit, hops, bay leaves, eucalyptus, lemongrass, and cannabis—volatizes at just 68°F (20°C). Flowers must be dried at low temperatures for the terpenes to be preserved. Drying at low temperatures and moderate humidity takes longer, hence “low and slow.”
Keeping the area clean is imperative when slowly drying buds at low temperatures. No animals are allowed in the area because they shed fur and dander that become airborne and catch on sticky buds.
Workers should wear gloves, hair, and beard nets. Fungal spores are ubiquitous and germinate under favorable conditions: moisture, oxygen, and temperatures between 50 and 70°F (10-21°C), and a mildly acidic surface. Bacteria also prefer moisture, warm temperatures, and a neutral pH.
Buds infected with powdery mildew are considered unfit for consumption. Hydrogen peroxide baths remove powdery mildew. (See Picking.) Smoking has not been implicated in any human ailments, but some people may be especially sensitive to inhaling mold.
Buds attacked by bacteria turn brown and crispy. When anaerobic bacteria attack, they emit an acrid ammonia gas and turn buds to mush.
Under cool conditions the plant’s cells can stay alive for several days after cutting. It is theorized that during the early part of drying, the plant consumes some of its store of water and carbohydrates. Dried too fast, the buds use fewer starches, resulting in a harsher smoke. Cells on the surface of the plant die first, and the ones farther inside die last. During the first stage of drying, water loss is rapid. At the same time, some of the chlorophyll degrades, creating a smooth smoke. Buds dried slowly and then cured for a few weeks develop the smooth draw of fine herb.
It is hypothesized that a slow drying process, coupled with low to no light conditions, promotes a more thorough breakdown of the plant’s primary metabolites such as chlorophyll. These compounds decompose into their congregate parts (sugars, aldehydes, etc.). Then they are available to aerobic bacteria to metabolize during the cure process. The secondary metabolites and compounds resulting from their breakdown add to a harsher smoke, which is why their removal via aerobic bacterial metabolism results in a smoother smoke.
The drying needs of a small-scale grower are the same as those of a large-scale grower, but climate control is less of a challenge.
Create a climate-controlled drying chamber in a grow tent, small room, or closet. A small room or a closet is likely to have the right temperature for drying. Add a hygrometer connected to a small dehumidifier, or ventilation in low-humidity situations, and a thermostat regulating a heater or air conditioner.
A brown paper bag is a simple way to keep humidity higher than the humidity in a room and works by slowing evaporation. Recirculate humidity by opening or closing the bag. To keep the humidity lower, place only two or three layers of big buds in the bag and use a hygrometer to measure the moisture level. If the humidity climbs above 55%, open the bag and use a fan to remove moisture-laden air from the space.
The advantage of rack or screen drying is that air flows freely around the buds. Use fans to circulate air and shorten drying time. Rotate buds every two days to prevent flattening.
Don’t dry buds in a room with growing plants or in bathrooms because the conditions are incompatible. The result may be mold attacks and loss of potency, color, and quality.
Buds should not be dried in an enclosed container such as a closed box, plastic container, or jar that traps air. As the buds dry, humidity in the container builds up, and water is likely to condense on the sides of the container, increasing the relative humidity. These are ideal conditions for mildews, molds, and bacteria to thrive.
Mold and mildew are likely to attack in closed containers, causing rot (botrytis) and molds. The fungi and aerobic bacteria use up the oxygen and anaerobic bacteria, which thrive in a nonoxygen environment. Their telltale sign is the acrid odor of ammonia they emit.
Molds, mildews, and bacteria have a devastating effect on potency and quality. The cannabis loses its distinctive odors and smells earthier.
When the buds first start to dry, they may smell more like hay or freshly mown grass than fragrant flowers. When the plant is cut, it releases stress chemicals called green leaf volatiles (GLVs), which are the same stress-related chemicals lawn grass releases when it is mowed. As the buds dry, they lose color and weight and become more brittle. The green color fades a bit as chlorophyll degrades, making yellow, brown, red, and purple hues more prominent.
Buds are ready for curing when they have reached 10-13% inner moisture. Handheld moisture probes can be used to determine approximate dryness. Because these meters are designed for use with wood and drywall and not cannabis flowers, they require some experience to get accurate readings. Err on the side of caution before container curing or packaging buds for storage.
Without the use of a moisture meter, it can be determined that the first stage of drying is complete when buds feel dry on the outside but retain moisture inside that keeps them pliable. Take an average-size bud and slowly try to fold it in half. If the base of the bud’s stem is dry and bends without retracting or snaps, it is ready to cure. Another way of subjectively judging readiness is by lighting up a thinly rolled joint. If it doesn’t go out between puffs, then it is ready for curing and storing.
Buds on whole plants take a longer time to dry than on cut branches and drying trays/screens because there’s more vegetation and thus more water to evaporate. Big, thick, dense buds take much longer to dry than smaller buds and are more susceptible to mold and powdery mildew.
Drying outdoors is not ideal; however, it may be necessary in some situations.
The main factors that affect outdoor drying are the same as indoors: temperature and humidity. However, dealing with these factors outdoors is more complicated because humidity and temperature vary over the course of a day. Starting in the morning at sunrise, the day begins to heat, drying any dew that sets during the evening. Heat accumulates until midafternoon, when the temperature drops, increasing relative humidity and the chance that dew will fall. Even in areas with small rises and drops, there may be danger during the hottest part of the day and then again as dew drips onto the plants.
Keep plants away from the sun’s heating rays using white reflective material that bounces rather than absorbs the light.
In the shade: Provided that the ambient temperature and humidity stay in a moderate range—50-68°F (10-20°C) and 40-60% RH, plants can be dried outdoors. Buds that experience wider temperature variation lose many more terpenes than those dried in a smaller cooler temperature range. The evening humidity and temperature are critical. Moisture from dew promotes infections. An area exposed to dew is unsuitable for drying unless a dehumidifier is used to eliminate the moisture. Another possibility is to maintain temperature at 68°F (20°C) using a heater; electric heaters are best because they do not emit moisture or particulates, decreasing RH. When the temperature rises with no increase in the water content of the air, humidity decreases.
In a covered area with no sidewalls: An outdoor area that is covered and has no sidewalls is suitable for drying, provided the temperature and humidity stay within range. White roofs reflect light, so they stay cool. Fans are needed to exchange air and to prevent dew from forming on the leaves.
There are plenty of myths and old-fashioned methods for rehydrating overdried buds. One calls for placing fresh tortillas or fruit in a sealed container with the buds so they can absorb the moisture from them. This is unsanitary.
Either put the buds in a climate-controlled room with humidity increased to about 70% or use a tea kettle to add steam to a Rubbermaid container full of buds and close the lid tightly. Leave the steam in the container for a couple of hours. Check the buds to determine if they are remoistened enough or if they are too moist and need to be dried again.
Using a paper towel that is slightly moistened can add moisture into the environment that the flowers are stored in. Be sure not to allow the buds to come in contact with the paper towel. Place the wet towel in an open container inside a cure tote to increase the humidity and add some moisture back to the bud.
Although hydration packs are primarily used for maintaining appropriate water content in dried flowers that will be stored for longer periods of time, they can also be used to rehydrate overdried buds. Returning moisture to overdried buds with a moisture packet will not improve a cure. However, moisture packs can be used to rehydrate buds that will soon be consumed.
These methods cannot salvage buds that have lost their terpenes due to overdrying.
The vast majority of water is removed during the first phase of drying. This usually happens within 5 to 10 days. The second phase, removing more water while more evenly distributing the remaining moisture and retaining the terpenes, is known as curing. It is analogous to the tobacco curing process, in that it uses a precise climate and time to bring out the aromas of the plant.
Curing is essential to the taste and experience of the finished buds. Like aged wines, well-cured buds are smooth and flavorful. Uncured buds still “work” but are not nearly as enjoyable or desirable. Some buds sold commercially are not cured, just dried.
Curing does not make buds more potent than they already are.
Although most cultivators have traditionally cured in closed containers, curing can also occur in an open, climate-controlled space. The conditions should be similar to the drying room, but with slightly elevated humidity to slow down this second-stage drying process and reap the benefits of curing buds outlined above. Open curing rooms should maintain the following conditions so that the buds equalize their moisture content, lose water at a slow, stable pace, and retain their potency:
Delicacy: Handle the material as minimally as possible. Each bud movement breaks off trichomes and decreases value. By curing in a room, the buds remain undisturbed. Less Labor and Time: Batch-curing a large, room-size crop requires much less time in monitoring and burping than curing in containers.
Some growers don’t cure their buds. They leave the crop in place in a controlled drying room until it’s time to bag for storage. The only time the buds are touched is during trimming or packaging.
The supply chain can act as a curing agent. A proper dry and cure can take two to three weeks. Buds stay in the supply line for many days to weeks before they reach the end user. They continue to cure during that time.
The Cannatrol™ Cool Cure Box with patented Vaportrol® Technology, gives the small grower precision control over the drying and curing processes. Dial in the optimal conditions, and close the door. Water is removed gently, so that the trichomes will not be damaged and potency and flavor are retained. The fully programmable system dries and cures up to 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of wet buds per cycle and can store up to 4 pounds (1.8 kg) of finished flower in ideal conditions.
Sometimes there isn’t enough time to cure, and that’s okay. Plenty of people can’t tell the difference. There is no such thing as “fast curing”: that’s an oxymoron. By its nature, curing is a slow process that takes time.
Hydration packs are primarily used for maintaining appropriate water content in dried flowers that will be cured and/or stored in sealed containers. They can be used to ensure that moisture levels inside storage containers do not exceed or fall short of optimal levels for curing and storage.
Buds are ready for storage when they have reached 8-11% inner moisture. Handheld moisture probes can be used to determine approximate dryness. Because these meters are designed for use with wood and drywall and not cannabis flowers, they require some experience to get accurate readings. Err on the side of caution before packaging buds for storage.
Cannabis quality and potency change over time. In the living plant, the precursors of THC and CBD are found in their non-psychotropic acid forms, THCa and CBDa. Only when they lose a portion of their molecules do they become active as THC and CBD. This occurs naturally over time and is accelerated in the presence of heat and light, especially ultraviolet light.
Once buds are dried and cured, quality for use is at its peak. Over time THC gradually degrades and is far less psychotropic.
Research conducted at the University of Mississippi on low-quality cannabis stored for four years at room temperature (68-72°F/20-22°C) found that the percentage loss of THC was proportional to time in storage, with the greatest loss in the first year. As the THC level declined, the concentration of CBN increased (Ross and Elsohly 1999).
This research is consistent with the experiences of cannabis users. Cannabis loses potency over time as the psychotropic THC converts to CBN or other cannabinoids, which induces sleep. Storing buds in the freezer or refrigerator slows deterioration. Freezing keeps buds fresh and preserves them the longest. However, even in a deep freeze, THC deteriorates at a rate of nearly 4% a year. In deep freeze (below 0°F/-18°C), deterioration slows further. At refrigerator temperatures, THC deteriorates at the rate of about 5.4% a year.
Terpene molecules vary in size, and the smallest ones evaporate at lower temperatures, starting in the high 60s Fahrenheit (18-20°C). Buds kept at room temperature in an open container will experience some loss of terpenes. Storing buds in a refrigerator or freezer keeps terpenes in a liquid state, rather than gassing off. A freezer is best for long-term storage; a refrigerator is good for protecting terpenes in the short term.
Cannador® manufactures storage products that separate cultivars and keep them at the appropriate relative humidity in order to maintain the flower’s natural terpenes and mitigate evaporative loss. They are lockable and come in different sizes that can range in capacity from one to six ounces.
There are several problems with storing cannabis in a freezer, especially when supercooled to 0°F (-18°C).
Even under higher temperatures in the freezer, glandular trichomes become very brittle and are easily and inadvertently shaken off buds. For that reason, once placed in the freezer, the container should be handled very gently, and when removed, the buds should be given time to warm up so that they become more pliable.
The moisture in the air in the container freezes and can form ice crystals, especially during long storage. This may also occur when buds have not been dried sufficiently.
In several experiments, properly dried cannabis in a plastic container developed no ice crystals when placed in a freezer for several months. The trichomes remained intact. If moisture is a problem, vacuum sealing mostly eliminates it, although the process may result in crushed buds. Another solution is to purge the air with moisture-free gas such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen. These can be injected into the container as the ambient air exits through another hole. Then both holes are sealed.
When freezing cannabis in glass containers, choose shoulder-less containers, as shouldered containers are more likely to develop cracks. Metal, wood, and some plastic containers are better candidates for freezing.
One way to store frozen cannabis is in small containers. Just enough for a week’s use is stored in each container. The rest of the stored material is not disturbed when a single container is removed, so the glands are not at risk.
Heat and light, especially UV light, evaporate terpenes and erode quality. Only an opaque container will completely protect the terpenes and therefore the quality of the buds stored inside. An opaque container with a white exterior reflects heat, keeping the contents cool.
Cannabis can be properly stored in different materials, each with pros and cons that make them more or less suitable depending on function.
Glass makes great, inert, hard, nonbiodegradable storage containers. Different types of glass are used to store food. The color of the glass determines the type of light and heat that can penetrate the barrier. The downside is that most glass jars are clear, and light degrades trichomes, which doesn’t matter if buds are stored in the dark. For storing buds exposed to light, an opaque glass is best.
Stainless steel tubs with plastic seals and flip-top locking mechanisms are popular because they’re strong and can be stacked. The metal does not interact with the buds and is impervious to outside air. Stainless steel containers are an excellent choice for storage.
True Liberty® Bags and Liners are industrial strength and intended to be used as a protective device to maintain sterility and prevent cross-contamination. True Liberty® nylon bags and liners can be used in applications as low as -100°F (-73°C) up to about 400°F (204°C). True Liberty Can Liners are 100% food-grade nylon, double bottom sealed, sterile, smell-proof, and durable. The Can Liner is 48 by 30 inches (1.2 by 0.7 m) and designed to line a 30 gallon (113 l) drum or 20 (76 l) gallon trash can.
True Liberty® Bags, sometimes called “Turkey bags” or “oven bags,” have long been used as an industrial strength and smell-proof way to protect and store cannabis. The Bin Liner size was specifically developed based on industry demand and is 100% food-grade nylon, side-sealed, sterile, smell-proof, and durable. The standard Bin Liner is 48 by 30 inches (1.2 by 0.7 m) and designed to line a 25-37 gallon (95-140 l) tote bin. The Bin Liner XL provides more bag height at 48 x 36 inches.
Cannabis is slightly acidic and lipophilic, so it degrades some plastics. Plastics are stickier than glass or stainless steel. Turkey bags are popular because they contain almost all odors and are inexpensive. However, they are easily pierced by stems and offer no protection from shaking and movement, which leads to more damage and separation of sugar leaves and trichomes. Five-gallon (19 l) buckets sealed with airtight lids protect buds from getting crushed and can be stacked.
Moisture control packs made for cannabis storage attempt to maintain a preset moisture level by absorbing or releasing moisture. Using one of these packs maintains a set humidity of about 55-62% ensuring the proper level of moisture is retained without causing mold. They are also available at higher humidities to remoisten overdried buds.
Vacuum packaging is popular because it decreases the amount of oxygen present in a storage container. Oxygen is corrosive and degrades the buds’ color. Decreased presence of oxygen also discourages the growth of spoilage bacteria. However, anaerobic bacteria thrive in low and no-oxygen, damp environments. Never seal and store wet or damp buds except when freezing for fresh frozen storage.
Gas-flushed, sealed Mylar bags are excellent packaging for long-term storage. The process injects the bag with nitrogen, purging the oxygen, and seals it. Unlike oxygen, nitrogen is inert and doesn’t burn. Purging packages of oxygen extends the life of the buds and prevents growth of mold and discoloration, similar to vacuum sealing. Some automated packaging technologies offer nitrogen bagging using tamper-proof packaging.
Harvested biomass can be processed directly into concentrates or freezer-stored fresh to be processed later. This saves energy and labor. With fresh-frozen storage, extracting the material can be postponed to a more convenient time.
Fresh frozen buds can be used for making “live” concentrates. For hash making, first, the frozen buds are added to ice water. Then agitation from a paint mixer or other tool makes the glandular trichomes brittle; they break off and are collected in a series of filters that catch different-size glands. When collected, the glands can be sold/consumed as hash or used as an intermediate for making “live rosin.”
Light hydrocarbon extractors commonly use butane and propane as solvents to turn fresh frozen cannabis into “live resin.” The result is a high-quality dabbable concentrate with very high terpene content.