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______. 1953b. “Dianyingjie zuowan chuxian renyao shaonian qiaozhuang modengnü zikui shengwei nan’ersheng” 電影街昨晚出現人妖少年喬裝摩登女自愧生為男兒身 [Human prodigy appeared on movie street last night: A man dressing up like a modern woman, loathing a natural male body], September 25.
______. 1953c. “Ji yinyangren hou you yi yiwen poufu qutai fang nanchan chuyun shaofu liang zigong” 繼陰陽人後又一異聞剖腹取胎防難產初孕少婦兩子宮 [Another strange news after the hermaphrodite: C-section performed on a woman with two uteruses], September 28.
______. 1953d. “Jiananren youguai shaonü chongxian jietou bei juji” 假男人誘拐少女重現街頭被拘拏 [Fake man abducts a young lady: Arrested when reappears in public], September 28.
______. 1953e. “Nanbu junyou fenshe weiwen Xie Jianshun” 南部軍友分社慰問謝尖順 [Soldiers from the southern station console Xie Jianshun],September 4.
______. 1953f. “Nanshi faxian yinyangren jiangdong shoushu bian nannü” 南市發現陰陽人將動手術辨男女 [A hermaphrodite discovered in Tainan: Sex to be determined after surgery], August 14.
______. 1953g. “Qingnian nanzi shen youyun yishi pouchu renxingliu” 青年男子身有孕醫師剖出人形瘤 [Doctor excised a human-form growth from a pregnant man], November 13.
______. 1953h. “Renyao zhanzhuan qijie nongde mianwu qunxie shangfeng baisu juliu santian” 人妖輾轉起解弄得面污裙斜傷風敗俗拘留三天 [The human prodigy no longer appears fabulous: Detained for three days for offending public morals], September 26.
______. 1953i. “Shoushu shunli wancheng gaizao juyou bawo” 手術順利完成改造具有把握 [Surgery successfully completed: Alteration is feasible], August 21.
______. 1953j. “Wei qiuzheng shengli yi diding yinyang” 為求正生理易地定陰陽 [To validify physiology and yin or yang], December 5.
______. 1953k. “Xie Jianshun gaizao shoushu huo jianglai Taibei kaidao” 謝尖順改造手術或將來台北開刀 [Xie Jianshun’s alteration surgery might take place in Taipei], September 24.
______. 1953l. “Xie Jianshun jue laibei kaidao xinan yinü nanding” 謝尖順決來北開刀係男抑女難定 [Xie Jianshun has decided to relocate to Taipei for surgery: Sex remains uncertain], November 27.
______. 1953m. “Xie Jianshun kaidaohou zuori qingkuang zhengchang” 謝尖順開刀後昨日情況正常 [Xie Jianshun’s operation proceeded normally yesterday], August 22.
______. 1953n. “Xie Jianshun xiaojie de yintong” 謝尖順小姐的隱痛 [The pain of Miss Xie Jianshun], October 17.
______. 1953o. “Xie Jianshun xiaojie jiang beilai kaidao” 謝尖順小姐將北來開刀 [Miss Xie Jianshun coming to Taipei for surgery], October 29.
______. 1953p. “Yidu dianying dunzuo youtian” 一睹電影頓作憂天 [A trip to the movie: Fast becoming worries], September 26.
______. 1953q. “Yinyangren bianxing shoushu qian zhunbei hushi xiaojie qunyu tanxiao” 陰陽人變性手術前準備護士小姐群與談笑 [Before the hermaphrodite’s sex change operation: Chatting with nurses], August 16.
______. 1953r. “Yinyangren daokou chaixian” 陰陽人刀口拆線 [The Hermaphrodite’s stiches removed], August 28.
______. 1953s. “Yinyangren liulangji” 陰陽人流浪記 [The tale of a hermaphrodite], December 30.
______. 1953t. “Yinyangren Xie Jianshun jinkaidao biancixiong” 陰陽人謝尖順今開刀辨雌雄 [Hermaphrodite Xie Jianshun: Sex determined today through surgery], August 20.
______. 1953u. “Yinyangren Xie Jianshun tongyi gaizao nüxing” 陰陽人謝尖順同意改造女性 [Hermaphrodite Xiejianshun agreed to be turned into a woman], August 30.
______. 1953v. “Yinyangren xisu wangshi yuan cishen chengwei nan’er” 陰陽人細訴往事願此身成為男兒 [The hermaphrodite reveals his/her past: Hopes to remain a man], August 15.
______. 1953w. “Yinyangren yiyou zhiyin” 陰陽人己有知音 [Hermaphrodite already has an admirer], August 24.
______. 1953x. “You yi yinyangren linjia fangxin daluan wulu yindu yulang” 又一陰陽人臨嫁芳心大亂無路引渡漁郎 [Another hermaphrodite anxious prior to marriage but unable to be treated], December 31.
______. 1953y. “Yuanlizheng bingyi tijian faxian yige yinyangren” 苑裏鎮兵役體檢發現一個陰陽人 [A hermaphrodite discovered in Yuanli district], December 10.
______. 1953z. “Zenkuan Xie Jianshun buwang abingjie” 贈款謝尖順不忘阿兵姐 [Donating to Xiejianshun: Never forget the female soldier], September 21.
______. 1953aa. “Zhongguo Kelisiding zuori wei beilai” 中國克麗絲汀昨日未北來 [The Chinese Christine did not arrive at Taipei yesterday], December 6.
______. 1954a. “Benshu fujia shunü biancheng rongma zhangfu” 本屬富家淑女變成戎馬丈夫 [A well-to-do lady turned into a heroic warrior], December 10.
______. 1954b. “Bianxingren Liu Ming tulu zhenqing qianwei shengnü shijia yuanshi yifu meimei” 變性人劉敏吐露真情前謂生女是假原是異父妹妹 [Transsexual Liu Min reveals the truth: Her daughter is actually her stepsister], December 13.
______. 1954c. “Gechu nüxing qiguan keneng bianzuo nanxiang” 割除女性器官可能變作男相 [Possible masculinization by the removal of female genitals], December 14.
______. 1954d. “Hebi ruci feijing” 何必如此費勁 [Why go through so much trouble], March 26.
______. 1954e. “Liu Ming wuzui” 劉敏無罪 [Liu Min is innocent], December 20.
______. 1954f. “Rensheng guji dengxianguo touhuan yisi yinyangren” 人生孤寂等閒過投繯縊死陰陽人 [A hermaphrodite kills herself for loneliness], March 16.
______. 1954g. “Xie Jianshun bingfang shenju jingdai shoushu ding yiyang” 謝尖順病房深居靜待手術定陰陽 [Xie Jianshun residing in the hospital room: Waiting for sex-determination surgery], February 15.
______. 1954h. “Xie Jianshun jiju nüertai qinsi mantou fenbaimian youju mishi yizeng xiu” 謝尖順極具女兒態青絲滿頭粉白面幽居密室益增羞 [Xie Jianshun appears extremely feminine], June 25.
______. 1954i. “Xie Jianshun youju daibian yijue de titai jiaorou” 謝尖順幽居待變益覺得體態嬌柔 [Xie Jianshun secluding herself and becoming feminized], March 18.
______. 1954j. “Yinyangren gaizao chenggong qitai zhuidi nannü mobian yishu huitian mingzhu chenghui” 陰陽人改造成功奇胎墜地男女莫辨醫術回天明珠呈輝 [The sex of a hermaphrodite successfully transformed through surgery], April 12.
______. 1955a. “Banfa yingbianfei qianjin zeng hongzhuang” 頒發應變費千金贈紅妝 [Awarding Xie for building her new feminine look], September 21.
______. 1955b. “Daqian shijie mei bianxing sanbing zuo xinniang” 大千世界美變性傘兵作新娘 [American paratrooper becomes a bride], July 29.
______. 1955c. “Fabiao Xie Jianshun mimi weifan yishifa buwu shidangchu” 發表謝尖順祕密違反醫師法不無失當處 [Publicizing Xie Jianshun’s secret goes against the legal regulation of medicine], October 29.
______. 1955d. “He yi wei Xie Jianshun” 何以慰謝尖順 [How to console Xie Jianshun], October 29.
______. 1955e. “Liuying fang yiren nanjie yimianyuan” 柳營訪異人難結一面緣 [Searching for a stranger at Liuying: Difficult to see a face], May 11.
______. 1955f. “Lujun diyi zongyiyuan xuanbu Xie Jianshun shoushu chenggong” 陸軍第一總醫院宣佈謝尖順變性手術成功 [No. 1 Hospital announces the completion and success of Xie Jianshun’s sex change operation], October 28.
______. 1955g. “Ruoguan yinan jixing fayu shenju nannü liangxing” 弱冠役男畸形發育身具男女兩性 [Irregular development of dual-sexed genitalia on conscripted soldier], October 6.
______. 1955h. “Sici shoushu yibian erchai Xie Jianshun bianxing jingguo” 四次手術易弁而釵謝尖順變性經過 [Male to female transformation after four surgeries: The sex change experience of Xie Jianshun], October 28.
______. 1955i. “Woguo yixue shishang de chuangju Xie Jianshun bianxing shoushu chenggong” 我國醫學史上的創舉謝尖順變性手術成功 [A new chapter in the nation’s medical history: The success of Xie Jianshun’s sex change surgery], August 31.
______. 1955j. “Xie Jianshun bianxing shoushu hou yishi liangzhou hou kexue yan quansheng” 謝尖順變性手術後醫師兩週後科學驗全身 [Doctors will examine Xie Jianshun’s body scientifically two weeks after sex change operation], September 3.
______. 1955k. “Xie Jianshun bianxing shoushu jingguo duanqi zhengshi gongbu” 謝尖順變性手術經過短期正式公佈 [The details of Xie Jianshun’s sex change surgery to be publicized shortly], September 1.
______. 1955l. “Xie Jianshun de nü’erjing qi xumei busheng xiunao huai jilü jingnian fangjie” 謝尖順的女兒經棄鬚眉不勝羞惱懷積慮經年方解 [Xie Jianshun’s anxiety about menstruation problems finally resolved], September 2.
______. 1955m. “Xie Jianshun luoxiong zhaopian zhengshi xi gongpin” 謝尖順裸胸照片證實係贗品 [Xie Jianshun’s half-nude photo: A hoax], September 10.
______. 1955n. “Xie Jianshun younan biannü shoushu yi jiejin chenggong” 謝尖順由男變女手術已接近成功 [The surgery of Xie Jianshun’s male-to-female transformation almost complete], January 9.
______. 1955o. “Xu Zhenjie de mimi” 徐振傑的祕密 [Xu Zhenjie’s secret], May 9.
______. 1955p. “Yinan Shi tijian jianshi yinyangren” 役男施體檢見是陰陽人 [Conscripted soldier discovered to be a hermaphrodite], September 23.
______. 1955q. “Zilian feinan yi feinü huzhang yinzhong dong chunqing” 自憐非男亦非女虎帳隱衷動春情 [Self-loathing of sexual ambiguity], May 7.
______. 1956. “Xiri dabing tongzhi jianglai fulian huiyuan” 昔日大兵同志將來婦聯會員 [Former soldier comrade: A future member of women’s association], October 10.
______. 1958a. “Xiri shachang zhanshi jinze jingru chuzi” 昔日沙場戰士今則靜如處子 [Former battle warrior: A present quiet virgin], September 17.
______. 1958b. “Yishi chuangzao nüren wunian duding qiankun” 醫師創造女人五年篤定乾坤 [Doctors building a woman: Sex determined in five years], September 4.
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