In the lull that followed the fighting on the Piave, it was possible to sit back and count noses. There were new faces in the mess but there was also a great deal of new confidence because, despite the smallness of the allied air force in Italy, at no time had the Austrians gained command of the air.
There was no Nicola, however. Though it was possible once more to go to Capadolio, the house there was being run only by the servants and Italy suddenly seemed empty, part of another world, part of another war. After six months, they had lost touch with England and Italy seemed more different than ever. Food was different, the way of life was different, the people were different, the backdrop of the mountains different, the thunder of the guns coming from forests carpeted with moss, pine needles and cones, where black-white-and-red woodpeckers tapped and eagles soared against the sky.
With the end of the Austrian offensive, a feeling was even creeping in that the war was coming to an end, too. The newspapers had it that the Austrians would be glad to throw their hands in, and Bulgaria and Turkey were in much the same boat, while in France the German offensive had finished and the allied armies had begun to counter-attack.
A letter arrived from Nicola from Naples. Her father had been transferred to Rome and since overwork at the hospital during the Austrian offensive had resulted in some sort of breakdown, her mother had taken her to the coast to recover.
For a while Dicken felt bereft. Now that she was beyond his reach, his mind was full of her, how she looked, how she spoke, how she worried about her religion, and he had almost forgotten Zoë when he received a letter from her.
“I can fly,” she wrote ecstatically. “I shall take out a licence as soon as the war’s over and probably be the first woman to fly the Atlantic. Casey Harmer taught me. He thinks I’m in love with him and he’ll do anything for me.”
For a moment, he sat staring at the words, unexpectedly churned by jealousy and wondering what she’d been up to. Since she’d slipped into bed with him without argument, he wondered if in exchange for flying lessons she’d slipped into bed with Casey Harmer with the same ease.
He was still choked with jealousy when he received another letter from Nicola in Naples, telling him in her solemn way that she’d finally decided that their religions shouldn’t come between them.
“My brother says if I love you it doesn’t matter and that Protestants have married Catholics before without difficulty or shame. He’s finally decided to become a missionary and it’s this which finally made up my mind. If he can give up his family, so can I.”
It was naïve and gentle in the way that Nicola was naïve and gentle, and it pleased Dicken. He liked the Aubreys, who were good, kind, intelligent, attractive and well-brought-up, all the things he’d learned from his mother to expect from a partner. But the idea of marriage brought a head full of new thoughts as he began to wonder what he could do after the war to support a wife. The prospect of going back to the routine of an office held little appeal, he no longer had much love for seafaring, and hadn’t used his skills with a wireless set for months. Something would surely turn up, he thought, but he couldn’t imagine the cautious Aubrey giving his daughter away without a guarantee that she could expect a stable future.
The squadron had moved now to a field at Sottanunga and were living in a mansion full of marble busts owned by an Italian count who preferred to remain in Rome. The Austrians, showing little fight after the failure of their push, had withdrawn toward the mountain barrier to the north. It was clear they had been weakened by the failure of their offensive, which seemed to have knocked the stuffing out of them so that the possibility of the war ending became an intriguing question mark.
Dicken was still considering his future when Hallowes took him aside in the mess.
“You’re for home,” he said. “You’re to take over a Snipe Squadron in France.”
Dicken was flattered. The tragedy in France still held a terrible fascination and Snipes were the latest thing. The natural development of the Camel, they were of advanced design and increased performance, and had been built to take advantage of a much bigger Bentley engine. With their excellent climb and manoeuvrability and the absence of the Camel’s viciousness, they were already being considered the best all-around single-seat fighter in service. It was a matter of pride to be given a squadron, too, and with luck it meant he could hope to stay alive until the end of the war.
The following day, however, Hallowes took him on one side again. He was pink-faced and embarrassed. “I got it wrong, Dick,” he said. “I’m terribly sorry. I misread it. It’s the Major who’s going.”
Dicken couldn’t think what use Diplock could be to a Snipe squadron and he was disappointed, but since he had never expected to have his own squadron, the blow was not too heavy.
He went up early to lead a patrol beyond the river, where he caught a Hansa-Brandenburg that fought and wriggled to escape but ended up flying into the side of a hill. Before lunch he was told to provide an escort in the afternoon for the Bristols who were doing a reconnaissance over the railway junction at Vittorio.
Hatto met him as he headed for his machine. He looked tired these days. “Sorry to drag you out,” he said. “But it’ll be the last job before you go home.”
Dicken shrugged. “I’m not going home,” he said. “Hallowes misread the signal.”
Hatto frowned “He didn’t seem to have misread it when I spoke to him,” he said. “He seemed very pleased. And it certainly seemed to me to indicate you were going home.”
They made their arrangements over a map resting on the wing of Hatto’s machine but Hatto was late appearing as Dicken headed for his machine after lunch.
“Tried to get another look at that signal,” he said. “But Hallowes says Parasol Percy’s got it in the safe, which,” he added, “is unusual. Signals of that sort are usually stuck on the notice board for everybody to see and crow about.”
The target was heavily guarded by anti-aircraft guns but the photographs were safely made. As Hatto climbed back to take station alongside Dicken’s flight, three Austrian airplanes appeared from between the mountains, their blue and green camouflage making them hard to see against the slopes. They were a new type Dicken hadn’t seen before and they could outclimb the Camels, so he turned for the lines and increased speed, only to see Hatto dropping behind with engine trouble.
Waving him on, he swung north to guard his rear. As the leading Austrian came in close, he yanked on the stick and went up in the first part of a loop, then fell over sideways to drop into position behind, his guns clattering. The Austrian immediately started going down in a flicking spin and after a few turns began to shed pieces of wing before finally dropping like a stone, a blue-and-green-blotched coffin rapidly disappearing against the blue of the earth. The other two machines vanished.
In the region of Monte Campolo, they were attacked again, this time by five Bergs. Turning to meet them, Dicken headed for the centre of the formation and, aiming at the right-hand machine at close range, saw it roll on to its back and dive vertically into the hills at Peralto. As the other Bergs swung away, he dropped into position behind the rearmost and it began to go down in an erratic glide towards a patch of wood in the Val Freddo. Almost immediately, he found himself face to face with yet another Berg, but the Austrian lost his nerve and, as he tried to pass above, he presented the belly of his machine. Raked from one end to the other, it caught fire and exploded and when Dicken looked down there was nothing except two red-and-white-striped wings fluttering down into the mountains. As the Camels reformed, he saw three long columns of smoke and his companions were both waving their arms wildly and pointing at themselves to indicate that they, too, had each downed an enemy.
Hatto’s Bristol was only a speck in the distance now and as they headed after it, red Italian anti-aircraft fire rose near the lines to draw attention to an Aviatik near Disina. As Dicken fired, the observer disappeared inside his cockpit and the Aviatik began to go down in a long dive toward the south.
Dicken’s motor was giving trouble now and, waving his companions on, he landed on a Caproni airdrome near Remido and telephoned to Sottonunga.
As he put the instrument down, the Italian colonel appeared, full of smiles. He was a big man, as if he’d been chosen to go with the large machines he commanded, and he suggested Dicken should return with him and dine with his family.
He had a house alongside the River Remo, which was a tributary of the Piave, and since the weather was hot, he suggested they should swim. As they were heading toward the water, the colonel’s wife and daughter appeared. The daughter was pretty and dark-eyed, and it turned out that the colonel was a count, which made her a contessa because in Italy everybody in the family carried the title, too.
After dinner they danced on a marble-floored veranda to music from a gramophone, and the colonel offered him a bed for the night. The evening was warm enough to sit outside, the sky pearly with a cold moon; and, as the colonel and his wife and two other guests who’d turned up, went inside, Dicken managed to kiss the girl, who kissed him back with marked enthusiasm.
He left after breakfast and reached Sottanunga in the middle of the morning. Hatto was flying and, as he arrived, Diplock greeted him with a smile. He couldn’t understand why until he realised Diplock had read the report made out by his companions.
“Five!” he said. “The whole flight! This is remarkable!”
He didn’t seem to know whether to be pleased or jealous but in the end, obviously deciding it was going to do him a lot of good, too, he added his praise and congratulations, and offered Dicken two or three days off to get information on the Austrian flight.
“Go up to the Val Freddo,” he said. “Find out where they came from. This sort of thing looks good in my reports.”