
One of the most difficult tasks in finishing this book was deciding when to stop incorporating the latest and greatest breakthroughs into our story. In the weeks and months following the completion of this manuscript, a barrage of new technologies supporting our case for abundance continued to appear at an ever-increasing rate. We think it’s critically important for you to have access to this ongoing evidence for abundance. Therefore, we’ve created five different ways for you to stay plugged in, interact with the authors, and join an ongoing conservation about radical advances in energy, food, water, health, education, technophilanthropy, DIY innovation, and all the rest.


• Visit our website, where you can sign up for a free newsletter and participate in any future initiatives. In partnership with Singularity University, we will continue to provide news on critical developments driving us toward a much better future.

• We invite you to visit and contribute to, where you can view and submit video content inspired by this book.

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• Follow our Twitter feed @AbundanceHub to receive the latest breaking news.

Become part of the global team identifying abundance-related breakthroughs by simply sending a tweet to the community with the hashtag #Abundance.

If you enjoyed learning about Singularity University (SU) and would like to participate in one of our programs, you are welcome to get involved. Graduate and post graduate students can apply for the ten-week Graduate Studies Program (GSP). Others, including executives, investors and entrepreneurs, can apply for the four-day or seven-day executive programs held on a regular basis at the SU Campus in Mountain View, California. Details on both programs are available at Or for more information simply email us at

Philanthropist and corporate executives interested in the design or funding of an X PRIZE or X CHALLENGE can learn more at Or for more information simply email us at

To learn more about the authors, or to engage either of them to speak on the subject of Abundance, please visit and

Thank you for taking the time to read Abundance. We hope our contrarian view of the future has provided an antidote to some of today’s dark pessimisms. Providing abundance is humanity’s grandest challenge—one that together, with intention and action, we can make happen within our lifetime.