Round fish and flatfish
The following pages will help you identify fish that are suitable for sushi and sashimi and help you buy them sustainably, in their freshest state, and in season (when they will be better in flavor, texture, and price). You will also learn which cuts of fish to choose and the correct way to prepare them.
I cannot stress enough the importance of buying the freshest fish possible for sushi and sashimi. A whole fish offers more clues to its freshness than a small cut piece, and although it is not always practical to buy a whole fish, it is often possible to see it before it is filleted. Check the following when buying fish:
When buying a fillet, look for one that is bright in color, not dull or darkened, and without pearly or rainbowlike discoloration. Make friends with your fishmonger—he or she should be happy to answer your questions.