Lemon sole
Despite its name, lemon sole is no relation of Dover sole and is in fact a type of flounder. The Japanese regard it as one of the karei family: flatfish with both eyes on the right side of the head. Among the karei group, lemon sole is often overshadowed by the other more highly prized flatfish such as halibut, flounder, and plaice. However, its succulent white flesh makes it suitable for all types of sushi and sashimi.
Lemon sole fillets
With a delicate, almost sweet flavor and succulent texture, lemon sole is a popular sushi ingredient outside Japan.
Lemon sole is found in the seas of northern Europe: the North Atlantic, the North Sea, and the Norwegian Sea. They are caught throughout the year, but are at their best between September and March. There are various types of flounder available throughout the year in North America, but should be avoided from April to September, as this is when they breed and the flesh tends to be less flavorful.
Choose net-caught lemon sole over those caught by trawl. Avoid immature fish (less than 10in/25cm) and its breeding season from April to August. Pacific flounder is generally more sustainable than Atlantic species. Check for local certified fisheries.