Special thanks to Jacob Knabb, Victor Giron, James Tadd Adcox, Leonard Vance, Naomi Huffman, and everyone at Curbside Splendor.
Also, thanks to Ryan Duggan for his work on the cover, and Luke Chappelle, Tim Lampinen, Ben Lyon, and Marieke McClendon for their illustrations.
Thank you to the following for their friendship, support, and inspiration during the years this novel was written: Scott Adams, Randy Albers, Dustin Atwater, Sean Atwater, Shawn Bailey (RIP), Sara Bassick, Seth Bohn, Julia Borcherts, Chris Campisi, Todd Campisi, Pete Capponi, Russ Calderwood, Justin Champlain, Chicago Reader—especially Tony Adler, Jerome Ludwig, Philip Montoro, and Miles Raymer, Chris Costello, Deborah Costello, Peter Costello, Brett Cross, everyone at Empty Bottle, Zach Dodson, Chris Erickson, Rich Evans, Matt Flaiz, David Gregorski, Jered Gummere, Brian Hieggelke from New City, everyone at The Hideout—especially Seth Dodson, Michael Slobach, and Katie and Tim Tuten, Bryan Hoben, Chuck Horne, Nathan Johnson, Spencer Johnson, Rob Karlic, Ryan King, Rick Kogan, Dan Lang, Mark MacKenzie, Jim McCann, Jonathan Messinger, Kevin Meyer, Kristy Moss, Carin Mrotz, Mike Mrotz, Nick Myers, Wendy Norton, Todd Novak, Outer Minds (Gigi Lira, Mary McKane, Zach Medearis, A-Ron Orlwoski), Brian Pineyro, Trent Purdy, Chris Rice, the Class of 1986 from St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School in Peoria, Illinois, Shame That Tune (Abraham Levitan, Jeanine O’Toole, Nick Rouley), Tony Sagger, Justin Santorsola, Marin Santorsola, Joel Shaugnessy, Ginna Springer, Matt Springer, John Sturdy, Nicole Torres, Wesley Torres, and Dan “The Fan” Urban.
Boogie Dave was not modeled after any independent record store owner in Gainesville. —BC
(Write your own book. Start your own band. Paint your own picture. Do it.)