Apple nut cinnamon muffins, homemade, 46–47
Backyard mulberry wine, 86–88
Baked or broiled fish sandwich, 58–59
Banana nut muffins, comeyah, 47
Best barbecue-grill honey chicken, 102–3
Biscuits, homemade cheese, 74
Black-eyed pea soup, yondah, 69–70
Blueberry muffins, Carolina, 45–46
Boiled conch, 111–12
Bread, southern skillet fried, 28–29
Bushel basket of boiled crabs, 109–10
Cabbage soup, 68
Carolina blueberry muffins, 45–46
Carolina chili, 68–69
Chicken coop egg salad, 75–76
Chili, Carolina, 68–69
Chocolate chip cookies with pecans, 120
Comeyah banana nut muffins, 47
Conch, boiled, 111–12
Country candied yams with raisins, 116–17
Country fried fish with grits, 34–35
Country hot toddy, 95–96
Crackling muffins, Momma’s, 50–51
Creamy garlic butter mashed tadas, 71
Crispy smoked bacon and cheese grits, 29–30
Daufuskie-way deviled eggs, 76–77
Deviled eggs, Daufuskie-way, 76–77
Down-home fruity pancakes, 32–33
Fig preserves, fruity, 40
Flounder full of crabmeat, 97–99
Fresh mellow mint tea, 92–93
Fried oyster sandwich, 59–60
Fried shrimp sandwich with lettuce and tomato, 55–56
Fried soft-shell crab sandwich, 57
Fruity fig preserves, 40
’Fuskie backyard pear wine, 82–83
’Fuskie peach wine, 88–89
’Fuskie seafood gumbo, 64–65
Garlic home fries, 72
Grandmomma’s chicken noodle soup, 61–63
Grandmomma’s favorite elderberry wine, 90–91
Grandmomma’s sweet tada muffins, 48
Grape jelly, jammin’, 38–39
Grilled corn on the cob in the husk, 103
Grilled fresh vegetables, 103–4
Grillin’ great fish, 102
Gullah bacon corn muffins, 48–49
Gullah garlic butter shrimp, 108
Gumbo, ’Fuskie seafood, 64–65
Ham and tada salad, 75
Hearty oatmeal raisin muffins, 49–50
Home fries, garlic, 72
Homemade apple nut cinnamon muffins, 46–47
Homemade cheese biscuits, 74
Homemade meatballs, 72–73
Home remedies, ’Fuskie old-fashioned, 131–35
asthma, 137–38
bedbugs, 146
burned food, smell of, 147–48
burned rice, 147
choking on a fish bone, 145–46
cold symptoms (sniffles, coughing, fever, sneezing), 135–36
constipation, 145
country hot toddy, 95–96
cuts, 140
diarrhea, 139
earache, 141–42
ear cleaning, 135
fleas, 146
gas, 137–38
gumball, 142–43
headaches, 145
hiccups, 144–45
high blood pressure, 143–44
hookworm, 138–39
impetigo, 139
indigestion, 137–38
mouth sores, 142–43
muscles, sore, 140–41
pneumonia, 144
redbugs, 146
rice, burned, 147
ringworm, 141
rusty nails, 137
scrapes, 140
smell of burned food, 147–48
sore, swollen muscles, 140–41
sore throat, 140
stomachache, 138–39
strep throat, 140
ticks, 146
toothache, 142
tooth pulling, 142
warts, 144
wetting the bed, 146
“wigworm,” 141
Hot toddy, country, 95–96
Lemonade with orange, ol’ country, 91–92
Lemon shrimp, tangy, 110–11
Local Sea Island country boil, 107–8
Mashed tadas, creamy garlic butter, 71
Meatballs, homemade, 72–73
Milk and egg toast, Sallie’s best, 31–32
Mint tea, fresh mellow, 92–93
Momma’s crackling muffins, 50–51
Momma’s preserved okra and tomatoes, 43–44
Muffins, 45
Mulberry wine, backyard, 86–88
Okra and tomatoes, Momma’s preserved, 43–44
Ol’ country lemonade with orange, 91–92
Old-fashioned lye soap, 146–47
Open-face crabmeat sandwich, 58
Orange, ol’ country lemonade with, 91–92
Orange peel tea, 94–95
Orchard plum wine, 83–84
Pancakes, down-home fruity, 32–33
Peanut butter cookies, 118–19
Persimmon wine, 85
Pie, southern sweet tada, with pecan topping, 117–18
Plum wine, orchard, 83–84
Pork chops with cornbread stuffing, 100
Precious pear preserves, 39–40
Preserved string beans and tadas, 44
Preserves, 35–37
Preserving, notes on, 37
Prissy peach preserves, 42
Roadside blackberry wine, 89–90
Sallie’s best milk and egg toast, 31–32
Sallie’s seafood spaghetti, 73–74
Salmon stuffed with crabmeat and shrimp, 99
Sandwiches, 55
Sassafras tea, soothing, 93–94
Sassy strawberry preserves, 39
Scrambled eggs with onion, bell pepper, and cheese, 30
’Fuskie seafood gumbo, 64–65
fried shrimp sandwich with lettuce and tomato, 55–56
Gullah garlic butter shrimp, 108
island shrimp Creole, 65–66
local Sea Island country boil, 107–8
Sallie’s seafood spaghetti, 73–74
salmon stuffed with crabmeat and shrimp, 99
sizzling grilled shrimp, 101
tangy lemon shrimp, 110–11
Sizzling grilled shrimp, 101
Soothing sassafras tea, 93–94
Soups, 60–61
Southern skillet fried bread, 28–29
Southern sweet tada pie with pecan topping, 117–18
Spaghetti, Sallie’s seafood, 73–74
Steamed or roasted oysters, 112–14
Strawberry preserves, sassy, 39
String beans and tadas, preserved, 44