Calling all avocado aficionados. Gone are the days when avocados were only associated with guacamole and face masks. Kick some hipster hass with these rich, goopy dishes, all using the mean, green superfood as their star ingredient – served with a healthy, ‘good-fat’ side of antioxidants. Before your guests arrive, tease them with some Instagram posts of what’s waiting for them at yours. They’ll soon be ripe for an avo injection! Because everything in moderation… except avocado.

small plates & sides

Avocado Miso Dip with Root Vegetable Crisps & Dukkah Spice Mix

Bigger Bites

Peach & Avocado Panzanella

Everything Avocado Toast

something sweet

Choco-Avo Mousse


Avocado Margarita
