Al fresco picnicking is all very well and good but, let’s be honest, it’s a bit of a hassle to load everything into a hamper, lug it to ‘the perfect spot’, then battle the bugs as you try to enjoy your Scotch egg. And that’s before the heavens open and you’re left with soggy sandwiches. Take this palaver out of the equation and lay a rug in your living room (or a chequered tablecloth on a table to keep this a classier, not-sitting-on-the-floor affair). Warning: don’t try to play frisbee.

small plates & sides

Scotch Quails’ Eggs

Grilled Halloumi with Jalapeño Relish

Herbed Crushed Potatoes

Rosemary Skewered Sausages

Bigger Bites

Spring Pasta Salad Jar

Salad of Roasted Vegetables

something sweet

Lemon Drizzle Cake


Pimm’s Deluxe
