apples: apple, sage & Calvados chutney 84

apple slaw 108

dill & apple herring 68

aquavit, dill 72

artichoke, olive & Provolone panini 144

asparagus & prosciutto gratin 150

aubergine: baba ghanoush 63

avocados: avocado dips 14, 92, 100

avocado margarita 96

choco-avo mousse 96

everything avocado toast 95

peach & avocado panzanella 95


B-52 128

baba ghanoush 63

babycakes 154

bacon: tomato bacon gratin 80

beans: Bourbon baked beans 134

chorizo & bean burger 111

Mexican-style beans 14

beef: chorizo & bean burger 111

beer margarita 138

black cloud ear fungus: egg noodle, black cloud ear fungus & tofu salad 45

blueberry tart 72

Bourbon baked beans 134

bread: artichoke, olive & Provolone panini 144

bruschetta 34, 65

everything avocado toast 95

flatbreads 127

focaccia crostini 37

herb spelt bread 158

peach & avocado panzanella 95

broccoli, garlic & almond sprouting 161

bruschetta 34, 76

burgers, chorizo & bean 111

burritos, orange-braised pork 18


cabbage: chorizo & red cabbage salad 76

cake, lemon drizzle 172

cauliflower: buffalo cauliflower & chickpea bowl 103

celeriac remoulade 108

cheese: artichoke, olive & Provolone panini 144

blue cheese & walnut bites 85

grilled halloumi with jalapeño relish 167

halloumi & mushroom kebabs 124

little spinach & feta pastries 60

Manchego & olive pinchos 52

shredded pastry with cheese in lemon syrup 64

sun-blush tomato, orange & burrata salad 87

trio of honey-baked Camembert 87

cheesecake 88

chicken: chicken noodle soup 46

chicken tinga tacos 17

ham & chicken croquettes 53

not your Dad’s BBQ wings 108

spicy grilled orange-honey mustard wings 132

Thai peanut wings 132

chickpeas: buffalo cauliflower & chickpea bowl 103

chickpea masala 28

falafel 63

chillies: chilli & lime garlic mayo 116

chilli popcorn 120

gosht aloo saag masala 29

Szechuan chilli dressing 42

chipotle dip, creamy 100

chocolate: choco-avo mousse 96

chocolate bites 146

churros 57

Frangelico truffles 154

chorizo: chorizo & bean burger 111

chorizo & red cabbage salad 76

chorizo in red wine 54

chorizo, red pepper & pea frittata squares 143

churros 57

chutney 84

coconut rice 25

cola 112

corn on the cob: elotes 17

cosmo, rose & pomegranate 64

crisps, root vegetable 92

croquettes, ham & chicken 53

crostini, focaccia 37

cucumber: tomato, cucumber & mint raita 30

tzatziki 63


dips 63, 92, 100, 124

dough balls, wild garlic 116

dressing, Szechuan chilli 42

duck: cured duck & mustard bruschetta 76

dumplings, steamed rice noodle 42


eggs: chorizo, red pepper & pea frittata squares 143

Hong Kong egg tart 48

Scotch eggs 80, 166

Spanish potato tortilla 54

elotes 17


falafel with tzatziki 63

figs: fig & honey ricotta cheesecake 88

fig chutney 84

fish see herring; salmon, etc

focaccia crostini 37

Frangelico truffles 154

fries 111, 116, 128

frittata squares, chorizo, red pepper & pea 143

fruit, aquafaba pavlova with 104


game hen & cornmeal waffles 137

gosht aloo saag masala 29

gratins: asparagus & prosciutto 150

tomato bacon 80

gravad lax 68

Greek rice-stuffed tomatoes 60

guacamole 14


ham & chicken croquettes 53

herring: dill & apple herring 68

mustard herring 68

Hong Kong egg tart 48

hot toddy 162

hotpot, Lancashire 161


jalapeño relish 167

Jerusalem artichokes 102

julep, peach 104


kebabs: cured pork 79

halloumi & mushroom 124

mini kebabs 127

koftes, lamb 124


lamb: gosht aloo saag masala 29

lamb koftes 124

Lancashire hotpot 161

mini kebabs 127

Lancashire hotpot 161

leek & potato soup 158

lemons: lemon drizzle cake 172

lemon-lime soda 138

Naani Maa’s lemon pickle 30

lettuce cups, mushroom-filled 45


margaritas 20, 96, 138

martini, classic dry 146

masala: chickpea masala 28

gosht aloo saag masala 29

mayo, chilli & lime garlic 116

meringues: aquafaba pavlova 104

Mexican-style beans 14

mousses: choco-avo 96

strawberry shortcake layer 153

mushrooms: halloumi & mushroom kebabs 124

mushroom & Parma ham pizza 34

mushroom-filled lettuce cups 45


Naani Maa’s lemon pickle 30

Negroni 38

noodles: chicken noodle soup 46

egg noodle, black cloud ear fungus & tofu salad 45

not your Dad’s BBQ wings 108

nuts, spiced mixed 144


olive oil: olive oil & black pepper nibbles 142

olives: artichoke, olive & Provolone panini 144

Manchego & olive pinchos 52


pakoras, potato 27

panini, artichoke, olive & Provolone 144

panzanella, peach & avocado 95

Parma ham: mushroom & Parma ham pizza 34

pasta: spring pasta salad jar 168

pastries: little spinach & feta pastries 60

shredded pastry with cheese in lemon syrup 64

patatas bravas 52

pavlova, aquafaba 104

peaches: peach & avocado panzanella 95

peach julep 104

peanut butter: Thai peanut wings 132

peppers: chorizo, red pepper & pea frittata squares 143

pickles 30, 135

Pimm’s deluxe 172

pinchos, Manchego & olive 52

pizzas 346

popcorn 120

pork: crispy pork belly bites 145

cured pork kebab skewers 79

orange-braised pork burritos 18

potatoes: creamy potato salad 71

fries 116, 128

gosht aloo saag masala 29

herbed crushed potatoes 167

Lancashire hotpot 161

leek & potato soup 158

patatas bravas 52

potato pakoras 27

samosas 24

Spanish potato tortilla 54

prawns: flowering Chinese prawns 46

risotto nero with prawns 150

prosciutto: asparagus & prosciutto gratin 150

‘Scotch eggs’ 80


quails’ eggs: Scotch eggs 80, 166


raita, tomato, cucumber & mint 30

relish, jalapeño 167

remoulade, celeriac 108

rhubarb tart 162

rice: black rice & salmon salad 71

coconut rice 25

Greek rice-stuffed tomatoes 60

risotto nero with prawns 150

ricotta: fig & honey ricotta cheesecake 88

risotto nero with prawns 150

root beer float 112

rose & pomegranate cosmo 64


salads: apple slaw 108

black rice & salmon 71

chorizo & red cabbage 76

creamy potato 71

egg noodle, black cloud ear fungus & tofu 45

peach & avocado panzanella 95

salad of roasted vegetables 171

spring pasta salad jar 168

sun-blush tomato, orange & burrata 87

salmon: black rice & salmon salad 71

gravad lax 68

salsa, roasted tomato 14

salumi chips 79

samosas 24

sangria straight up 53

Sardinian pizza 36

sausages: rosemary skewered sausages 171

Scotch quails’ eggs 166

scallops, steamed rice noodle dumplings with 42

Scotch eggs 80, 166

shortcake: strawberry shortcake layer mousses 153

shrimp see prawns

slaw, apple 108

soda, lemon-lime 138

soups: chicken noodle 46

leek & potato 158

Spanish potato tortilla 54

spinach: little spinach & feta pastries 60

spring pasta salad jar 168

spritz, the perfect 38

strawberry shortcake layer mousses 153

sweet potato fries 111

Szechuan chilli dressing 42


tacos, chicken tinga 17

tarts: blueberry 72

Hong Kong egg 48

rhubarb 162

tequila: margaritas 20, 96, 138

tequila beyond sunrise 20

tequila slammer 128

Thai peanut wings 132

Tintoretto 38

tofu: egg noodle, black cloud ear fungus & tofu salad 45

tomatoes: cherry tomato bruschetta 34

Greek rice-stuffed tomatoes 60

roasted tomato salsa 14

sun-blush tomato, orange & burrata salad 87

tomato bacon gratin 80

tomato, cucumber & mint raita 30

tortilla, Spanish potato 54

tortilla wraps: baked tortilla chips 100

chicken tinga tacos 17

fried corn tortillas 119

orange-braised pork burritos 18

truffles, Frangelico 154

tzatziki 63


vegetables: crispy pickled 135

root vegetable crisps 92

salad of roasted 171


waffles, cornmeal 137

walnuts: blue cheese & walnut bites 85

whisky: hot toddy 162

whisky & blood orange cream 146

wild garlic dough balls 116

wine: chorizo in red wine 54

sangria straight up 53


yogurt dips 30, 63, 100, 124