About the Author

Wendy Maltz, LCSW, DST, is an internationally recognized psychotherapist and expert on healthy sexuality and sexual recovery. Her books include The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography, Private Thoughts: Exploring the Power of Women’s Sexual Fantasies, and two award-winning poetry anthologies, Passionate Hearts: The Poetry of Sexual Love and Intimate Kisses: The Poetry of Sexual Pleasure. Wendy is the producer of Partners in Healing and Relearning Touch, two highly acclaimed video productions for couples who are healing intimate problems caused by sexual abuse.

A licensed clinical social worker, licensed marriage and family therapist, and a certified diplomate of sex therapy, Wendy has more than thirty years of clinical experience treating sex, intimacy, and relationship concerns. She is codirector of Maltz Counseling Associates in Eugene, Oregon, and an adjunct professor at the University of Oregon Graduate Program in Couples and Family Therapy. Her educational web site is www.HealthySex.com.


Wendy Maltz welcomes your feedback and responses to The Sexual Healing Journey but regrets that she is unable to answer individual letters, phone calls, and e-mails requesting advice on personal situations. (Please refer to the organizations listed in the Resources section for counseling and support referrals.)

Her website is www.HealthySex.com.

Her e-mail address is wendymaltz@healthysex.com.


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