Please note that some of the links referenced throughout this work may no longer be active.
1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Summary for Policymakers,” in Global Warming of 1.5°C: An IPCC Special Report (Geneva: World Meteorological Organization, 2018), 6.
2. Edward O. Wilson, “The 8 Million Species We Don’t Know,” New York Times, March 3, 2018, (accessed February 4, 2019).
3. Gerta Keller et al., “Volcanism, Impacts and Mass Extinctions (Long Version),” Geoscientist Online, November 2012, (accessed March 12, 2019).
4. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Summary for Policymakers,” 14.
5. Ryan Grim and Briahna Gray, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Environmental Activists in Protest at Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s Office,” The Intercept, November 13, 2018, (accessed February 1, 2019).
6. Sunrise Movement, “Green New Deal,” updated March 26, 2019, (accessed April 5, 2019).
7. Anthony Leiserowitz et al., Climate Change in the American Mind: December 2018, Yale University and George Mason University (New Haven, CT: Yale University Program on Climate Change Communication, 2018), 3.
8. Kevin E. Trenberth, “Changes in Precipitation with Climate Change,” Climate Research 47 (March 2011): 123, doi: 10.3354/cr00953.
9. Kim Cohen et al., “The ICS International Chronostratigraphic Chart,” Episodes 36, no. 3 (2013): 200–201.
10. Abel Gustafson et al., “The Green New Deal Has Strong Bipartisan Support,” Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, December 14, 2018, (accessed February 7, 2019).
11. Aengus Collins, The Global Risks Report 2019 (Geneva: World Economic Forum, 2019), 6.
12. Gillian Tett, “Davos Climate Obsessions Contain Clues for Policymaking,” Financial Times, January 17, 2019, (accessed January 28, 2019).
13. Leslie Hook, “Four Former Fed Chairs Call for US Carbon Tax,” Financial Times, January 16, 2019, (accessed January 28, 2019).
14. “Economists’ Statement on Carbon Dividends,” Wall Street Journal, January 16, 2019, (accessed February 5, 2019).
15. Damian Carrington, “School Climate Strikes: 1.4 Million People Took Part, Say Campaigners,” The Guardian, March 19, 2019, (accessed March 20, 2019).
16. Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis—Version 12.0, 2018, (accessed March 12, 2019); Naureen S. Malik, “Wind and Solar Costs Keep Falling, Squeezing Nuke, Coal Plants,” Bloomberg Quint, November 8, 2018, (accessed March 12, 2019).
17. “Cost of Electricity by Source,” Wikipedia, (accessed April 5, 2019).
18. Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis—Version 12.0, 2018, (accessed March 12, 2019).
19. Carbon Tracker Initiative, “Fossil Fuels Will Peak in the 2020s as Renewables Supply All Growth in Energy Demand,” news release, September 11, 2018, (accessed February 5, 2019).
20. Jason Channell et al., Energy Darwinism II: Why a Low Carbon Future Doesn’t Have to Cost the Earth, report (Citi, 2015), 8.
21. Carbon Tracker Initiative, “Fossil Fuels Will Peak in the 2020s.”
22. Candace Dunn and Tim Hess, “The United States Is Now the Largest Global Crude Oil Producer,” US Energy Information Administration, September 12, 2018, (accessed February 5, 2019).
23. Willis Towers Watson, Thinking Ahead Institute, Global Pension Assets Study 2018, (accessed April 5, 2019), 9.
24. “1,000+ Divestment Commitments,” Fossil Free, (accessed March 15, 2019).