Glossary & Pronunciation Guide

Allistri (al-ee-stree) - a wizard (now deceased) of the Owl Clan and Amanzo's brother

Amanzo (ah-mann-zoh) - a wizard scribe (now deceased) of the Owl Clan

Andresan (an-dree-san) - the location of a stunning series of waterfalls

Bearded Hodyny (beer-ded hoo-dee-nee) - enormous fanged cats found on the continent of Pytch

Benn (ben) - young orphan liberated from Warlord Mandral's castle

Cressidia (kress-id-ee-ah) - a wood sprite who took human form to serve Quixoran

Cygard (sigh-gard) - a heavily armored Cyclops who works as a mercenary. Cygards served as Warlord Mandral's army

Dorsit (door-sit) - handsome and creative Leopard Clan wizard, close friend and ally to the Dragon Clan

Efysian (eff-e-see-in) - sinister Wolf Clan wizard

Gneeth (neeth) - huge Godzilla-like creatures found on the continent of Pytch

Gnoam (nome) - former warlord turned Governor

Greggoran (gregg-or-an) - powerful Dragon Clan wizard, healer, and Jon's father

Guinn (gwin) - a former wizard of the Fox Clan, father to Brett Tanner and husband of nymph Marina. Currently a non-magical resident of Earth

Homa (home-ah) - a wizard of the Shark Clan and Executive Council member

Ignato (igg-nah-toe) - Ignation Territory Warlord

Igneous (ig-nee-us) - Warlord Ignato's castle

Johde (jo-dee) - orphan liberated from Warlord Mandral's castle

Kira (kir-ah) - extremely beautiful daughter of President Szul, swordswoman, and Jon's friend

Lachi (la-kee) - a wizard (now deceased) of the Owl Clan, father to Allistri and Amanzo

Lialia (lee-all-ee-ah) - glamorous water nymph and former Guardian of Efysian's lair. Marina's mother and Brett's grandmother

Lunegra (loon-eh-grah) - largest of Yden's two moons

Lunendra (loon-in-drah) - smaller of Yden's two moons

Lux (lucks) - a wizard of the Spider Clan and Chairman of Executive Council for the Wizards' Consortium

Mandral (man-drall) - ruthless warlord of Mandral Territory (now deposed)

Marla (marl-lah) - Lady Marla, leader of the Andresen Waterfalls nymphs and member of the Executive Council

Moala (mo-all-ah) - a merchant (now deceased) who dealt in illegal and/or stolen artifacts

Nedd (ned) - a wizard of the Bee Clan and Executive Council member

Newtic (new-tick) - small, furry rodent that makes a popping noise when touched

Phineas (finn-ee-us) - young Owl Clan wizard (a/k/a Finn), formerly apprenticed to the wizard Amanzo. Now one of Quixoran's apprentices

Pytch (pitch) - a savage, uninhabited continent filled with predators

Puleden (pull-eh-den) - beast of burden with a prehensile tail

Quixoran (kicks-or-an) - powerful patriarch of the Dragon Clan, sculptor, father to Greggoran and grandfather to Jon Hansen

Rampen Szul (ramp-in zool) - President of the United Territories, and Kira's father. Former Nomad Leader.

Rantynith (rant-een-ith) - flying reptile found on the continent of Pytch

Resa Crovenious (ray-sa crow-vin-ee-us) - a repair spell

Resa (ray-sa) - a wizard of the Scorpion Clan and Executive Council member

Sela (see-lah) - Jon Hansen's precocious little sister

Solegra (sol-eh-grah) - the larger of Yden's two suns

Solendra (sol-en-drah) - the smaller of Yden's two suns

Treefoul (tree-fowl) - patriarch of the Fox Clan, and father to Guinn

Ubbliton (uhb-li-ton) - county known for fine ale

Ure (your) - a wizard of the Dolphin Clan and Executive Council member

Vanyean (van-yee-an) - a type of tree that grows to epic proportions on Yden, especially on Dragon Isle. Draws deep magic into its roots

Vanyean seed (van-yee-an seed) - a walnut-sized seed from the vanyean tree that can produce a six-foot radius field of magic when taken to Earth. Very rare. Currently only two are known to be in existence

Wele (well) - a wizard of the Sea Serpent Clan and Executive Council member

Wyckcrest (wick-crest) - a village outside of Castle Ytherium, formerly known as Mandral Village

Yden (ee-den) - a magical planet in an alternate dimension

Ylan (ee-lann) (local pronunciation is lann) - charming seaside village not far from Ylan Bay, the body of water where Dragon Isle is located. Birthplace, Dorsit of the Leopard Clan

Yrth (Earth) - third planet from the sun. Sometimes referred to on Yden as Hell, the planet without magic

Ytherium (eth-ee-r-ee-um) - Castle Ytherium, the seat of the non-magical United Territories government and the Wizards' Consortium. The castle was originally built by Warlord Mandral