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On horseback, Cyrus and two of his brothers—Dermott and Fraser—approached the imposing Castle Rebbinglen late in the evening. Dirk rode beside them. Isobel, along with the female servants and the bairn, traveled in a coach. The chiefs' bodyguards rode nearby, while the rest of the MacKenzie and MacKay clansmen and guards followed behind the coach.
Cyrus could not believe how wide the roads were here, just inside the edge of the Highlands, but Dirk had told him that Kilverntay had hired men to make road improvements through his and Rebbie's extensive holdings over the years. This made it easier to have supplies carted in from the coast.
Glancing up at the steely clouds hanging low in the sky, he was glad the rain had held off all day.
He could not keep his mind from wandering back to Lady Lily and all the questions he had about her. Had she already arrived at the castle? Would he find her attractive? He hoped she would see their match as advantageous.
Once their large party passed through the massive portcullis, a group of over a dozen people met them in the bailey. Robert MacInnis, the Earl of Rebbinglen—Rebbie to his friends—stood at the forefront of the many guards and servants. Dark-haired and wearing a belted plaid, Rebbie looked much as he had the last time Cyrus had seen him two years prior.
Cyrus dismounted to greet him first.
"Welcome. And congratulations on your new title, Stornmor." Grinning, Rebbie clasped Cyrus's forearm, giving him a warrior handshake.
"I thank you, but you well ken to call me Cyrus. Unless you wish me to call you Rebbinglen."
Rebbie laughed. "Nay, indeed. I'm glad you've all finally arrived. I expected you days ago."
"Aye, 'twas our intent to arrive yesterday, but we ran into storms midday and had to take shelter with Chief Calhoun overnight. Several days ago, a gale forced us to row the galleys into a port north of Inverness, then continue sailing south after it was over."
With a slight frown, Rebbie sobered. "Thank God you're all safe."
When Dirk and Isobel approached, Rebbie turned and gave him a warrior handshake and a back-slapping embrace. "Good to see you, my friend. And you too, Isobel." He kissed her cheek. Grinning, he gently patted their sleeping son's wee head. "Congratulations on this new addition to your family. He's the image of you, Dirk."
"Aye." Dirk gave a proud grin. "He's a wee scamp. Always into something."
Rebbie then greeted the rest of the MacKenzie brothers, exchanging handshakes. "Where is Shamus?"
"Happily married," Cyrus said dryly, still unable to believe his younger brother had married almost two years ago. "And watching over Teasairg Castle while I'm away."
Rebbie chuckled. "Good for him. Come in. I wish all of you to meet my wife and children."
They climbed the stone steps to the great hall and a petite blond lady approached, carrying a tiny babe.
After introducing Cyrus, Rebbie wrapped his arm around the lovely woman's shoulders. "This is my wife, Calla." Rebbie's beaming smile said they were blissfully in love just as Dirk and Isobel were.
Cyrus bowed. "I'm most pleased to meet you, Lady Rebbinglen."
She grinned and bobbed a curtsy. "Please call me Calla."
Rebbie introduced each of the newcomers, and Cyrus had no idea how she could remember so many names.
Rebbie pulled back the blanket from the newborn's face. "And this wee lad is my heir, William, named after my father."
Isobel pushed forward to get a closer look. "Ooh, he's adorable."
"I'm certain he'll be a strong warrior like you one day," Cyrus said.
Rebbie motioned to the small fair-haired lass of about one that a nursemaid held in her arms nearby. "This is our daughter, Katherine." He then placed his hands on the shoulders of a lad of around eight summers who stood in front of him. "And this is our son, Jamie."
Even though Dirk had already told Cyrus in secret that Jamie was, in truth, Rebbie and Calla's firstborn son, only close friends were allowed to ken the truth of it. To everyone else, Jamie was Rebbie's stepson. Cyrus was amazed at how much the lad resembled Rebbie.
Jamie bowed respectfully, and then Cyrus shook his hand, impressed that he already possessed a strong grip. The lad had been an earl longer than Cyrus.
Dirk shook his head, bemused. "You were a confirmed bachelor the last time I saw you, and now you have a lovely wife and three children. You have been busy, my friend."
Rebbie chuckled. "Indeed."
"Ha," Isobel blurted. "Calla is the one who has been busy."
They all laughed at that, while Calla smiled and agreed, apparently thrilled to be a wife and mother. Would Cyrus's own future wife be as content in her role?
After Dirk introduced wee Griff, still sleeping on Isobel's shoulder, Calla motioned to her. "Come. I've had a nursery set up for your use." They proceeded across the great hall toward the stairs. The maid carrying their wee daughter followed, while Jamie ran toward the bigger children in the corner.
"Where are Lachlan and his wife?" Dirk asked. "I'd hoped to see them."
"They're unable to attend," Rebbie said. "Angelique is ready to deliver their second bairn at any time."
"We'll have to visit them before we return home."
While Rebbie and Dirk caught up, Cyrus glanced around the massive great hall with its stone walls, polished oak tables, gleaming silver candlesticks and many tapestries depicting historic scenes intricately woven in jewel tones. Where was Lady Lily? Surely she would appeal to him beyond her wealth and social station.
Three ladies he didn't know descended the stairs and claimed seats near an enormous fireplace at the opposite end of the great hall. They sent furtive glances toward Cyrus and his brothers.
Fraser moved in beside him and raised a sly dark brow, his blue eyes gleaming with interest. "I wonder which ones are unattached?" he murmured too quietly for Rebbie to hear.
Annoyance darkening his stormy green eyes, Dermott leaned close and whispered, "Cease your skirt-chasing for a few minutes. Some of these ladies are countesses. You must show them respect."
"I show all women respect," Fraser muttered.
"Dermott is right," Cyrus said. "I don't wish anything to jeopardize my chances of marrying Rebbie's sister."
"I'll be on my best behavior." The mischievous gleam in Fraser's eyes belied his words.
Rebbie approached, grinning. "I see you have spotted the ladies."
Cyrus gave a brief nod. "Is your eldest sister among them?"
"Aye. Come, I'll introduce all of you." Rebbie moved forward.
Following, Cyrus scanned the ladies, searching their faces to see who appeared honest and who seemed as if she wanted to manipulate and use him. Usually, he could spot them right away by their coy smiles.
As they drew nearer, an elegant ginger-haired woman seized his attention. She was a beauty, still young but not a naïve lass and her expression was most serious. Her self-assured, amber-colored eyes met his for an instant, then darted away. He forced himself to glance at the other two females as he tried to guess which one must be Lady Lily. Both were dark-haired, bonny and refined, and he presumed that the more girlish one was Lily. Aye, with her dark brown eyes, she did bear a family resemblance to Rebbie.
As the ladies all arose from their seats, Cyrus couldn't stop his gaze from venturing back to the stunning redhead, even though he was near certain she wasn't Lily.
He had no plans of falling in love, but he did want to find his wife desirable. Begetting an heir shouldn't be too much of a chore.
"I would like to introduce all of you to Cyrus MacKenzie, the Earl of Stornmor and Chief of Clan MacKenzie." Rebbie gestured toward him.
Cyrus bowed.
"And two of his brothers, Dermott and Fraser." Rebbie then motioned to the lady with brownish-black hair in her mid-twenties. "This is our cousin, Lady Rose Forbes, the Countess of Kerrimuir."
"My laird, I'm most pleased to meet you. Please call me Rose." After a curtsy, she gave him a cheeky, flirtatious smile and freely offered her hand.
"Cyrus." He bowed and kissed her gloved hand.
Rebbie indicated the flame-haired beauty standing next to her. She was dressed in shimmering blue silks, more befitting a queen or princess, with twinkling jewels and pearls draping onto her creamy throat and décolletage. "This is Lady Elspeth Seton, Baroness Grey, a friend of the family."
Having his suspicions confirmed, Cyrus wanted to curse that she was not Lily. Besides that, she was most likely married.
"My laird." She curtsied and he noticed she hadn't invited him to call her by her given name.
"My lady." Cyrus bowed and kissed her gloved hand. When her luscious scent washed over him, his body quickened with carnal interest, and he barely suppressed a curse. What the devil was that complex, alluring scent? He could not identify it, but he wanted to drown in it. Reluctantly, he released her hand.
Rebbie motioned to the fresh-faced, dark-haired girl. "This is my eldest sister, Lady Lily."
The lass was pretty, with big brown eyes, but she didn't smile. Instead, she blanched and looked at him in the way many women did, as if she feared him.
'Haps he wore the wrong expression. He forced a smile and tried to appear friendly. 'Twas simply that this meeting was of utmost importance to him and he took it all very seriously.
"Lady Lily, 'tis my great honor to finally meet you." Cyrus bowed over her hand and kissed it.
Her face shifted from pale to blushing pink in a matter of seconds. He approved of her shy glance, which proclaimed her naïve. Not coy in the least, thank the saints. But her smile appeared as strained as his felt.
Lady Lily curtsied. "My laird, I'm pleased to meet you."
"Please call me Cyrus—all of you."
"If you will excuse us, I'm going to offer my friends a wee dram before supper." Rebbie bowed, as did Cyrus and his brothers.
Again, Cyrus glanced over the ladies and wanted to skewer himself when his eyes lingered longest on Lady Grey. Hellfire, what was wrong with him? She was most likely wed to a baron... either that or she was a widow. What difference did it make? He forced himself to turn away and follow his brothers. Regardless of her marital status, she was not the daughter of the marquess, and he must put her from his mind.
STUNNED, ELSPETH WATCHED the MacKenzie men stride away, their matching plaids swinging above their muscular calves, and their wide leather belts cinched above narrow hips.
"Good heavens, such broad shoulders." Rose fluttered a fan before her flushed face. "Too many fine-looking men to meet all at once."
The men disappeared through a door to the side of the great hall. Cyrus MacKenzie's rumbling voice and northern Highland burr still echoed in her head. Why had his presence staggered her? He was a man like any other... or 'haps a man unlike any other was a better description.
Certainly, he was devilishly handsome with his long midnight hair, neatly trimmed beard and dark brown eyes. A powerful man such as she wanted to avoid at all costs, and yet he had caused a startling flush of heat to cover her, head to toe, and her heart to pound within her throat. What in all that was holy had happened to her? Was she coming down with an ague? She inhaled a deep breath, attempting to curb her strange responses.
"That was tantalizing," Rose murmured. "Three gorgeous Highland warriors in their belted plaids. Lily, what do you think of Laird Stornmor?"
The girl, still appearing pallid, hesitated. "Um... I'm still a wee bit speechless."
Rose chuckled. "As am I. But I must say... if you don't want him, I'll take him."
Lily sent her a curious glance. "I didn't ken you were searching for a husband."
"I'm not." Rose grinned wickedly.
Lily's mouth dropped open and she blushed. "You're scandalous!"
Rose snickered. "I'm only teasing you, cousin. I wouldn't dream of stealing him away. But if you should cast him aside, as you have all your other suitors..." Rose shrugged suggestively.
Elspeth again observed the doorway the men had gone through. Personally, she'd found the Earl of Stornmor highly disturbing. He was tall and brawny... good heavens, now that she thought of it, he was 'haps the tallest, brawniest man she'd ever laid eyes on. She had never seen shoulders so broad. When his potent dark gaze had met hers earlier, he'd seemed reluctant to look away, as... bizarrely... she had been. Why on earth would she wish to lock eyes with such a virile and fearsome man? He had a powerful, commanding presence that few men possessed. 'Twas no wonder the king had rewarded him with an earldom. In truth, her instincts warned her that he spelled danger on many levels.
"What do you think of him, Elspeth?" Lily's question startled her.
"Oh. Um... he seems... formidable."
Lily nodded. "I agree. He's a wee bit... intimidating."
Rose chuckled. "He's powerful. I find that a wonderful and... seductive quality. What did you think of his two younger brothers?"
"They're indeed charming." Lily's expression brightened.
"Aha, I see." Rose lifted a brow. "Angling for a man closer to your own age, are you?"
Lily shrugged, looking chagrinned. "I ken I'm supposed to choose a wealthy, titled husband, but sometimes I'm drawn to subtler qualities, like kindness, charm and a sense of humor."
"I cannot see your father allowing you to marry someone who's untitled."
"You're right." Lily's gaze darted across the great hall, and she lowered her voice. "Shh. His sister is coming this way with Calla."
On the stairs earlier, they had met Isobel for a brief moment, as she and Calla were going to put the bairns down for naps while the nursemaids watched over them.
Though Isobel resembled her eldest brother in coloring, her friendly smile was vastly different from his stern facade. "The bairns are sleeping now. Wee Griff is worn out from the journey."
"He's adorable." Lily grinned. "I hope I can hold him later."
"Of course."
"Is your handsome eldest brother as intimidating as he appears?" Rose lifted a mischievous brow.
Lily gasped and Elspeth was astonished Rose would simply blurt out a question like that.
Isobel chuckled. "Not to me, but everyone else seems to think so. Cyrus is a very serious man. Very driven."
"Our young Lily is hoping for a love match, are you not?" Rose inquired.
Lily blushed. "I don't wish to speak of it now."
Ignoring her, Rose went on. "As her cousin, I feel 'tis my duty to help her, especially since her mother isn't here."
"Of course." Isobel smiled. "Women must give each other advice about marriage. And of course, love matches are the absolute best."
Calla nodded. "Indeed."
"I'm glad you think so," Rose said. "What kind of husband do you suppose your brother would be to Lily?"
"Rose, cease your questions," Lily hissed in a scolding tone, her face flushing an even deeper scarlet.
Isobel still appeared amused. Thank goodness. Elspeth certainly didn't wish to see two women fighting this day.
"If you can capture his heart, you will have a happy life. But I must admit... he is rather stingy with his affections." Isobel sobered. "'Tis because a lass he loved betrayed him when he was younger, and he has not given his heart again. He swears he doesn't have one, but I ken he does. He watches over all of us—his siblings, and indeed the entire clan—as if we were his children. He cares deeply, and if any of us are in trouble, he rushes to our rescue. Fire and sword to any who would harm us. He is overprotective, if you wish the truth. When our brother Shamus was held hostage by the MacDonalds, Cyrus laid siege to their castle. He and his men were the victors."
Rose's mouth dropped open. "Good heavens. Did Shamus survive?"
"Aye. In fact, he married the new MacDonald chief's sister, and all is well. They have a wee son. You should see Cyrus when he carries his nephews about. He treats them like his own children. 'Tis clear he will make a good father."
Elspeth found she was holding her breath, hanging on Isobel's every word about her oldest brother. She could not imagine the fearsome man cuddling bairns.
"And I believe he will make a fine husband," Isobel said. "He will provide anything a wife and children could want or need. I simply hope he will find love." Worry weighing Isobel's expression, she looked to Lily. "It depends on whether you are determined to win his heart. My husband required some convincing before we married." Isobel grinned mischievously. "'Twas well worth the extra effort."
"Indeed. The path to true love can be extremely arduous, but in the end, very rewarding." Calla's gray eyes sparkled with joy and intense emotion. "Rebbie's and my path certainly was."
Isobel patted Calla's hand. "Dirk and I are thrilled you and Rebbie found each other again."
Elspeth wasn't certain what she meant. They must have been together previously.
Since Elspeth had arrived earlier in the day, she had noticed that Calla and Rebbie were completely devoted to one another. He would often kiss her forehead or cheek in full view of everyone. Clearly, he adored her.
Such closeness made Elspeth feel exceedingly lonely. Most of the time, she did not give herself time to think about it. She stayed occupied with her businesses. But she had never experienced such love as they were discussing. 'Twas a completely foreign concept, and she felt even more naïve than Lily when it came to deep emotion. She'd felt no romantic interest in her husband nor the earl. She had not even been certain such sentiment existed. But if it did, the love story always ended tragically, as the bards' poems foretold, did it not?
CYRUS AND HIS BROTHERS, along with Rebbie and Dirk, entered the large comfortable library with a low-burning fire in the hearth, brown leather chairs, vivid tapestries on the walls and thick rush mats underfoot. Cyrus was impressed with Rebbie's great wealth, but he also liked the man for his down-to-earth, forthright nature. With his sense of humor and even temperament, he made everyone around him feel welcomed and relaxed.
Rebbie poured drams of whisky for all of them and then offered a toast to their health. Talking, they all took seats upon the cushioned chairs and settles near the hearth.
Cyrus tried to envision Lady Lily but the female that popped into his mind was the beautiful redhead. The way Rebbie had introduced her had not told Cyrus whether she was married or a widow. And whose daughter was she?
She was perhaps three or four years older than Lily, but not old by any means... certainly several years younger than he was himself. Cyrus couldn't ask anything about her. Hell, he didn't even want to think about her.
He must focus on Lady Lily. She was a pretty lass who would, without doubt, make a fine bride.
He'd felt physical attraction to many ladies over the years and had trysts with some of them, but he had not thought it necessary or advisable to be emotionally drawn to his bride. He wanted a wife incapable of manipulation or hurting him. Physical attraction didn't have anything to do with emotion. Did it? Nay.
"Is Lady Grey married?" Fraser's question snagged Cyrus's attention.
He frowned at his brother, even as he waited in anticipation for the answer.
"She's a widow." Rebbie's dark eyes remained serious. "A very good friend of my cousin Rose."
Fraser almost grinned at this information. Damnation, his roguish younger brother had his sights set on her. And what difference did it make? Cyrus certainly had no interest in her.
"Unfortunately, her husband died a penniless baron," Rebbie went on.
Cyrus scowled. Widows of such men were the worst fortune-hunters.
"She does not appear penniless," Dermott observed.
"Nay, indeed. Rose told me she owns several properties and shops in Aberdeen. She's doing very well for herself, and I'm glad. She's a kind lady and highly intelligent."
Cyrus had never considered that a woman would want to own shops, but he supposed it would be a good option for a widow.
"She is indeed beautiful." Fraser raised a brow, his blue eyes sparkling with devilment.
"Who was her father?" Dermott asked.
"He was a merchant," Rebbie said.
"You jest," Cyrus blurted before he realized he was going to say anything.