1 Michael Ashcroft ‘45 Years On, Do Ethnic Minorities Remember “Rivers of Blood”?’, Lord Ashcroft Polls 19 April 2013, available at:

2 Paul Foot, Immigration and Race in British Politics (London: Penguin Books, 1965).

3Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules, 20 February 1980 (London: HMSO). It required anyone wishing to follow his or her spouse into Britain to prove that ‘the marriage was not entered into primarily to obtain admission to the UK’. Proving a negative, as the rule obliged the candidate to do, was extremely difficult, and large numbers of spouses were refused entry into Britain. I was aware of many horrific stories of couples and families being separated for years as immigration officers approached each application with the premise of ‘keep them out’, and delays in the appeals system meant the cases languished in the bowels of bureaucracy.

4 Migration Watch, How Did Immigration Get Out of Control?, Immigration System and Policy: MW 116, 10 February 2016.

5Family Migration: A Consultation (London: Home Office, UKBA), July 2011.

6 K. Young (1983), ‘Ethnic Pluralism and the Policy Agenda’, in N. Glazer and K. Young, Ethnic Pluralism and Public Policy: Achieving Equality in the United States and Britain (London: Dartmouth, 1983), p. 297.

7 The Act passed with the support of the majority of Conservative MPs. Dudley Smith, the Conservative MP for Warwick and Leamington (1968–97), called for a ‘crusade to overcome racial discrimination and give fellow Brits who are in the minority a new confidence which they have significantly lacked in recent years’.

8 Even the famous Smethwick general election of 1965, known for its racist Tory election slogan, hid a nasty racism on the left of politics: it turned out that Smethwick’s Labour club, like a number of Labour clubs at the time, operated a colour bar.

9 Robert Ford and Matthew Goodwin, ‘Angry White Men: Individual and Contextual Predictors of Support for the British National Party’, Political Studies, vol. 58, pp. 1–25.

10 ‘MCB Welcomes William Hague’s Commitment to Family Values and Greater Muslim Representation in the Conservative Party’, MCB Press Release 22 March 2001.

11 Speech by David Cameron, ‘Bringing Down the Barriers to Integration’, 29 January, 2007, accessible at:

12 Speech by David Cameron to the British American Project, 11 September 2006.

13 Labour Party, Fairer Britain, Your Choice (April 2010); Liberal Democrat Party, Policies for Racial Equality (April 2010).

14 Jamil Sherif, Anas Altikriti and Ismail Patel, ‘Muslim Electoral Participation in British General Elections: An Historical Perspective and Case Study’, in Timothy Peace (ed.), Muslims and Political Participation in Britain (London: Routledge, 2015), pp. 32–52.

15Ethnic Minority Voters And Non-Voters at the 2005 British General Election, Ipsos Mori, 9 September 2006; B. Clements, The Ethnic Minority British Election Study (EMBES): British Religion in Numbers, 7 March 2011, available at:

16 Anthony Heath and Omar Khan, Ethnic Minority British Election Study: Key Findings (London: Runnymede Trust, 2012).

17 ‘Ministers May Be Told to Focus on Minorities in Key Seats’, Independent, 5 April 2012, available at:; ‘The Number-One Driver of Not Voting Conservative Is Not Being White’, Conservative Home, 6 April 2012, available at:; UK Conservatives Face Defeat Unless They Woo Ethnic Voters’, Financial Times, 16 February 2014, available at:

18 Michael Ashcroft, Degrees of Separation: Ethnic Minority Voters and the Conservative Party (2012), pp. 8–13, available at:

19 Speech by David Cameron to Conservative Party conference, 2007, available at:

20‘Are the Conservatives Really Breaking Through with Ethnic Minority Voters?’, extended discussion by Robert Ford, Laurence Janta-Lipinski and Maria Sobolewska, 12 June 2015, available at: