OED = Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition
ODSAE = Oxford Dictionary of South African English (1996)
aitsa: hey! How now!
askoek: a dough-cake baked in embers (ODSAE)
baas: employer, owner, manager, now offensive to many (ODSAE)
bakkie: a light truck, a pick-up (ODSAE)
bloedsap: An Afrikaner supporting a predominantly English-speaking political party and not the National Party (ODSAE)
boetie: little brother, an affectionate or sometimes condescending form of address
bokmakierie: a species of shrike
Boland: an area of the Western Cape lying to the west of the Hex River Mountains (ODSAE)
braai, braaivleis: barbecue
Broederbond: An exclusive (originally secret) organisation promoting the economic and political interests of Afrikaners (ODSAE)
daeraad: a strain of wheat (literally dawning)
dagga: marijuana
Die Stem: Die Stem van Suid-Afrika “The Call of South Africa” formerly the only, now joint national anthem
dikkop: stone curlew
dominee: title of and form of address for a minister of the Dutch Reformed Churches
donga: a channel or gully formed by the action of water (OED)
drift: a passage of a river; a ford (OED)
eland: the largest member of the antelope tribe . . . much valued for its flesh (OED)
FAK: Federation of Afrikaans Cultural Associations; the song anthology produced by the Federation
frikkadel: a ball of minced meat, fried or baked (OED)
fynbos: Cape macchia, a vegetation type of small, often heath-like trees and shrubs with fine, hard leaves, characteristic particularly of the Western Cape (ODSAE)
galjoen: a sea-fish, Coracinus capensis (OED)
goffel: an insulting term for a ‘coloured’ person (ODSAE)
grootbos: forest, contrasted with fynbos (q.v.)
hanslam (pl. hanslammers): an orphanes or rejected lamb which is reared by hand (ODSAE)
hotnot: an insulting term of address or reference to a ‘coloured’ person. Also attrib. (ODSAE)
klaaslouw bush: Athenasia
kleinbaas: young or small ‘baas’ (q.v.), junior
kleinnooi: young or small ‘nooi’ (q.v.)
kleintrou: strain of wheat (literally little faith)
klipspringer: small mountain antelope (literally rock-leaper) (ODSAE)
kloof: a deep narrow valley; a ravine or gorge between mountains (OED)
koelie: an offensive term for an Indian person
kokkewiet: the bou-bou shrike
koppie: a small hill, hillock
krantz: a sheer rock face, a precipice (ODSAE)
même: vernacular affectionate term for mother
mies: a term of address to a (white) woman, especially an employer (ODSAE)
oubaas: literally old master, the elderly male owner of a home, farm or business, the employer of the servants and labourers who work there (ODSAE)
oumies: old ‘mies’ (q.v.)
ounooi: old ‘nooi’ (q.v)
oupa: grandfather
nooi: a term of address to a (white) woman
pastorie: the dwelling of a pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church (OED)
riempie: a thin strip of worked leather, used esp. for thonging the backs and seats of chairs, settles, and other furniture (ODSAE)
rooibos: any of several shrubs of the genus Asphalathus, cultivated for their leaves (ODSAE); the tea made from these leaves
rooikrans: invasive yellow-flowered tree, Acacia cyclops (ODSAE)
sis: yuck! Expression of disgust
sluit: a ditch
spanspek: sweet-melon
stoep: a verandah or porch, whether open, covered, or enclosed (ODSAE)
tackies: sports shoes or running shoes
tollie: a young ox, a young bull-calf (ODSAE)
tokoloshe: in African folklore, a mischievous and lascivious water-sprite or goblin (ODSAE)
vaaljapie: any rough new wine . . . produced privately on farms; any inferior wine (ODSAE)
vastrap: a fast dance similar to the quickstep (ODSAE)
velskoen: an outdoor shoe made of hide
vetkoek: a small unsweetened cake of deep-fried dough (ODSAE)
vlei: a piece of low-lying ground covered with water during the rainy season (OED)
vygie: noon-flower, mesembryanthemum, fig-marigold
WAU: Women’s Agricultural Union