(First published on January 1948)
CCORDING to my information, there is government of sorts in space around us (in the banned, quarantined area), a government made up of men and women not truly immortal but possessed of means to greatly prolong life even under the conditions of our planets.
These cannot leave this area of space to return to the clean spaces beyond, where life is much better, they are exiles from their former state, as our legendary Satan was supposed to be. They are also the sons of sons of exiles—and they have a government.
There are several groups of divergently opinioned individuals powerful in this strictly local space-state. Some of these are comparatively benevolent toward the comparatively short-lived mortals, ourselves.
Others, notably Venus and Mars, are dominated by families who grew up under medieval traditions, and they live on those planets (the common people live) in the same type of conditions and mean servitude that prevailed in Europe in the Dark Ages.
This is not a chance, but a design for life promoted by these groups, and in the larger spheres of this space-state—it is called “The Medieval Illicit.”
It is this imperial, egotistic, utterly sadistic and cruel organization, of members espousing the desirability of Medieval conditions of life for the “aristocrats,” who are today sabotaging our national life, as well as causing the general pattern of destruction swiftly overcoming all the brash green idealistic productions of our machine age. They plan to return Earth to the conditions of life they are accustomed to upon Venus as well as upon Mars—or so it is reported.
Naturally, to have the best possible set-up for a “Medieval Illicit” pattern of life, a large portion of us surface dwellers must be removed from life. This is being accomplished as fast as possible, though they seem somewhat discouraged by the birth-rate replacing the losses so continuously.
They want a forested landscape, dotted at respectable distances with Medieval towers and battlements, surrounded by a slavish populace not too
numerous, yet numerous enough to provide a bountiful supply of victims for the Gilles De Rais (bluebeard) type of orgy they prefer as a constant of their life.
License for aristocrats would then be the law of life. Witchcraft and its Sabbath, superstition and ignorance in the common man, would then permit open and unsecret use of the mechanisms of the Elder race which they base their power upon.
Fantastic as this “Medieval Illicit” way of life seems to us who are used to the “modern” way of life, it is desirable to them, and powerful forces are at work to bring about a world-wide debacle which will plunge us quickly again into the darkness of those times.
They have no modern minds; they are not interested in science or its development—science is an enemy they fear as it will in time produce implements and weapons which will neutralize and destroy their superior powers inherited from the past. They are not human as we know it—but another thing.
Fighting this movement upon Earth, (dominated by aliens brought up mainly on Venus where such conditions prevail and which they paint as the most desirable way of life) are native rays led by other aliens from planets vastly different from our own, but modern in their intentions toward the common surface man of Earth. They want him smart and healthy and able and growing, and they do not want him and his “modern” machine art destroyed. They have a use for him in their design of life.
They have behind them the tremendous power and wealth of a far-off space organization to whom the “Medieval Illicit” movement is just as “illicit” and horrible as to us. They are handicapped by the vast distances and time between their base of power and Earth, while the “Illicits” use Earth and Venus as their base for piracy upon the ships and people of the true space government. Their ships cannot land openly here, because the hidden pirates would destroy them. They do maintain contact with their Earth followers, a contact hampered and broken by the furious activity of the Venus-Earth-Mars outfit to cut off and destroy the last vestiges of this decent force.
This M.I. outfit contends that it holds these three planets against all comers, and knocks off every space ship that unwittingly wanders into view, as well as making regular forays against the space lanes far outside our solar system. The real truth of how big they are, or how far they travel, is pretty hard to come by. It is like asking the Russian government for a look at their secret records.
The truth that is ascertainable as such is that there is a bunch having space ships who do occasionally raid other peoples having space ships, and who do not allow any space ship to visit Earth and get away again
Just how big or strong their opposition may be is also hard to learn because of tampering in communication as well as the difficulty in distinguishing lies from actual attempts to make Earth people aware of the true state of affairs.
The ascertainable truth is that there is an opposition to the M.I. outfit, who do get around them and land space ships and leave again—who do recruit and train surface men of Earth, and who do not espouse the Medieval Illicit plan for the future.
It corresponds roughly to spies and diplomats of Russia and U.S.A. arguing and working undercover to rule Greece, or free Greece, depending on which side your sympathy is.
Both Russian and United States operatives have more potential power than Grecian officials, yet ostensibly they are only visitors in Greece.
The fate of Earth in the future is bound up in the success or failure of the opposition to M.I. in the underworld.
In “Cult of the Witch-Queen” and in “Masked World” I tried to give you a picture of the underworld as I knew it. These angles of space powers and politics and life-patterns I did not include, but I did try to give you a picture of how bad it could be by showing what the Hag-men did to Venusian native cities.
Just such an impossibly grotesque evil life may overtake Earth in the future.
In the caverns, there are
places where such completely evil organizations as the fictional “Cult Queen” and the Limping Hag’s immortals do exist and plan for power.
Just how logical or sane or able they may be to take over large surface territories, is another question. Sometimes one thinks they could not fry an egg properly, such ludicrously inept activities they indulge in.
But that they have immense power for evil is true, for the good ones are unable to take control fully and cause the sabotage to cease.
If the atom wars begin, I will see it as the climax of the Medieval Illicit groups to set the stage for a kind of life they are fitted to dominate.
Again the “legends” of Bluebeard and his kind will be told by the hearths, while the horses of the “aristos” ride past toward the castle on the mountain. Again, the witches will have their followings of slavish worshippers, the were-wolf haunt the forest, and the “beautiful” Duchess torture the handsome peasant while the Lord looks
Again, the magic of science will be confined to the tower of the castle, the exclusive property of the over-lord.
Again, the right of primo-geniture will blight the marriage of every poor man
The court of the Sun-king will glitter, while the sores of the peasant fester and disease multiply.
Again, the shrieking victims will travel openly down the long trails to Hell, the underworld they, then will know exists.
For Evil is alive on Earth, and it is strong. And it has little to do with mystic night-gowns or spiritual worship or any other insubstantial excuse for wisdom. Evil is pragmatic and not superstitious.
Moreover, it knows there is an underworld and it has traffic there.
The atom bomb is not a joke. But what lies behind is even more terrible of face.
It seems to me that the only hope for good is for the cavern ray who do espouse good to come out in the open on the surface and make a real effort to unify men against the Medieval Illicit type of organization.
If you exist, White, why do you wait with the atom bomb war every day closer?
Or are you all truly mad and impotent and wrapped in pleasure to the exclusion of all human affairs? Is that conclusion inescapable as the future use of the atom bomb is inescapable?
I spit upon you, then.
Again and again, as I sift all these tales and attempts to explain the peculiar conditions of life and motivations of the great among the cavern people, I come to that unescapable conclusion: they are not worth spitting upon.
They are a mad, pleasure-bent lot, who have never accomplished one useful thing, and the only reasonable beings among them are guards and slaves and other unimportant unofficial and lowly people of clean stock.
The secrecy they insist upon is as much a shameful covering of their inherited deficiencies as it is a shameful covering up of their inherited prerogatives of great pleasure and huge harems . . . is as much a covering up of their pitiful madness as it is a conscious monopoly of wonderful legacy from the past.
That they have and use space ships and kill others who come here from space is very probable and I have seen enough to know it must be true. But that it is a sane, logical proceeding toward an end of value in acquisition of power—is not true.
They are mad, below, and the atom bomb comes for all of us of the surface. Let us hope that when it does, their cities of imbecilic wallowing in worn-out pleasures will collapse upon their heads.
They wear Medieval styles, affect Medieval customs, hate modern freedoms for common man.
Few as they are, inequal as we know our modern society to be—it is yet too good for us in their eyes
They are alien, out of a past once alive on Earth, still alive in all its horror on neighboring planets—they say.
In any case, they are entirely alien to any concept of Utopian equality and opportunity for the man of common birth.
The pattern of destruction sweeping Earth bases in the plans of these Imperialists—whatever name you call them; it is not had enough for what they are doing to man.
That this movement should end in the holocaust of the atom war and triumph for them is unthinkable—but apparently inevitable!
They will not die in that holocaust. Modern science and medicine will—and they have no use for either.
You say they do not exist. I say they are mad, and that the secrecy that hides them is a product of their madness.
If all the evidence of their existence that is spread across the face of Earth and our newspapers and statistics does not apprise you of their existence—it may be that they are right, and that a people so blundering, blind and ignorant do not need to be considered in plans for the future of life on Earth.
It may be that we, modern men, are even more insane in our blind adherence to a taught view of life given us by . . . Them!
It may be that those who survive the atom war will be called by future historians a singular sample of the survival of the fittest . . . an endorsement of the theory of life which produced the “survival of the fittest” law.
Those will survive who are deep enough in Earth to survive the shocks of such explosions—and who had sense enough to get down there before it came. Those will also survive who engineered the war, and knew exactly when the bombs would fly and where they would land.
A great many generals and diplomats and munitioneers still die in bed.
Those will survive who were so proud they refused to take part in the struggle of the “beasts” on the surface. Who were too lazy to get out of their stim bed and help us.
But will anything at all survive on the surface of earth? Who knows?