If I ask a woman what makes her angry and she tells me, then the answer is as important as the question, because I can only ask that which I want to know, and, if I want to know it, is because I’m willing to accept the solution, which means wanting to solve myself. And yet, I’ve met many people that do ask questions and don’t solve anything.
My previous girlfriend, for example, kept asking me how to fix our relationship, and she asked it for five years, until, finally, she decided to cheat on me with someone else. At first, she believed to have solved her problem by sleeping with another man but soon realized that he was actually stimulating her memories of me. Their relationship didn’t last long because she couldn’t love him. But it made her realize how much she loved me.
The real challenge arrives when we’re faced with such outcome, because now she is trapped between the humiliation of wanting me back and a relationship that is doomed to end but that she wants to keep merely to satisfy her own pride and need for security.
In both cases, she is being trapped by her own ego, and that’s why the ego is the main force pushing us to fulfill our karma.
We often look at the ego and karma as negative things, but that’s related to irresponsibility, which is also negative by itself. These 3 elements compose the triangle of self-destruction, from which we emerge as a renewed being after years of struggle and pain.
When she says that we may meet after several years if this relationship doesn’t work, she is already subconsciously accepting the fact that she is in a path of learning through self-destruction.
As I said to her, we just need to listen ourselves speaking to truly know what we are doing and attracting.
The ego and karma can be seen as positive, when we form the triangle of conscience, from which the will to be happy demands the responsibility in accepting our own mistakes and the consequences of our actions.
Apart from these facts, and because we tend to manifest by default, reality keeps pushing us forward along the whole way, not allowing us to see where the path is leading us. And this is what makes conscience such an important topic.
Those who say the universe has its own way don’t understand the meaning of spirituality, as to be spiritual is to see more, and you can’t see and not act at the same time. Wherever you can see, causes a reaction in you, from which even passivity can lead to a certain action or reaction.
Silence and sound have both a meaning, and we understand the role of which when understanding the meaning of being conscious.