There are many ways of applying the principles of alchemy to predict the future in any given situation, and they’re always correlated to the law of opposites as described by Taoism.
These opposites aren’t necessarily contrary to themselves as they complement when guiding to the manifestations we perceive. For example, illusion and dream are two opposites, as one leads to deception and the other to realization but, at a first stage, they’re exactly the same thing, as anything that hasn’t yet materialized is invisible, unreal to anyone else.
For many people, love is an illusion and marriage a reality, and so they do believe that, until they are married, their love is an illusion. And the same applies to a job or a business in which individuals believe that their worth is associated with something material as having a promotion or more money in the bank account.
Obviously, until a person earns enough money to validate himself, has to follow an illusion, and the difference between calling it an illusion or a dream is usually unclear for others until something actually proves the value of such thought or idea, and commonly many years later after it started being pursued.
In many cases, pentagrams can be and are used in magic to manifest the good and the evil. Magic can indeed lead to something good or bad depending on the intention behind the will of its user.
In his works, Da Vinci has shown how these laws correlate to lead to beauty, an ultimate good purpose. But beauty is a self-perceived concept, as we can’t truly judge a manifestation except in its relation to our own existence, and this is why the guiding force of a good purpose is always survival, being the best solution presented the survival of the species or humanity as a whole.
Our body, in itself, is a representation of a living pentagram, being our legs related to space, the hands to action and the mind to conscience.
Action is associated with time, as we can be as slow or fast in what we do. Space is connected to our sphere of influence, which can be as direct as our selfish desires or as expansive as the whole world.
Conscience, in itself, is what directs energy, and so, love enhances conscience and empowers it with motivation. A person that works hard, is motivated to do something big and fast, and does everything with happiness, is destined to achieve amazing results in his life and create magic in the physical the world.
We can predict how much a person can or can’t do based on this principle, and that’s how much someone can manifest. The more powerful one is, the more he or she can manifest, and vice-versa, as the person with less energy and will should focus on smaller actions in order to achieve a certain goal later in time. Persistence always favors the one who is weak.
A smaller goal isn’t necessarily less important than a big one, because step by step, we can always reach high goals. A big journey starts with a first and small step. As an example, persistence is the ability to insist in something that takes time to materialize. The one that is persistent is gradually building his future, even though it often seems difficult to achieve. And yet, that future is nothing more than a dream being brought to present.
People that quit quickly tend to focus on things that are too far from their reach and this applies to anything in their life, not only goals, but also love. Women that aren’t persistent in their relationships, want to violate the 4th element, forcing their boyfriend to marry them, and then end up collapsing everything, namely, the love among the couple.
Their anxiety is related to fear and fear is correlated to lack of happiness or motivation and ability to purse significant actions. My previous girlfriend, for example, wanted to marry me, but couldn’t accept me as being a writer, therefore violating the 4th element. But was also dramatically failing on the 3rd as she didn’t know how to love.
I did many efforts to reinforce the love between us but she couldn’t accept it, she couldn’t relax near me, didn’t like to enjoy walks on the beach and, whenever we were alone, she would look at her books instead of talking to me. She was violating and neglecting the 3rd element entirely, which, on the other hand, made her even more anxious about the 5th, marriage. She wanted to force the 5th element while neglecting the 3rd and 4th, and so, the 2nd, our relationship, had to be broken, as it ended up happening when we moved to different countries and eventually broke-up.
One thing led to another but the events aren’t as important as the manifestation of the five elements altogether. We can predict absolutely anything by looking at them, because one always follows the other, and to jump them is to violate this law.
Many people may choose to believe that the universe has its own way, that there is a meaning in everything, but that meaning, that law of the universe, is always within us. Nothing that happens is separated from our exteriorizations. The end of a relationship is as meant to happen as the actions of the ones involved in it cause it to happen. What you fear and what you desire isn’t separated from the desires and fears of the universe towards your own existence.