The Illusion of Choice

We may think that people always have a choice but this isn’t necessarily true when they’re strongly manifesting their own reality. For example, fear is a very powerful energy, and so, the fear of being alone projects the need to find someone that fills this gap. Once this person appears, we can fill the gap so perfectly that it’s impossible to refuse the opportunity.

In the previous example, despite the fact that we had been talking on the phone for months and happy with each other, as soon as we had a major fight, that new man appeared exactly in the following day. There was no coincidence and she was in such a major pain that couldn’t refuse him. We do defeat ourselves when we least expect.

It’s relatively easy to predict the future of our relationship by looking at these elements, but we should always look first at what we are doing. For example, we can look at our past relationship and see if the present one can match our ideal relationship for the future. If the answer is yes, we should observe our mind and heart, to see what we are doing wrong to make it work again.

The mind will have to learn to accept the other person, understand her or his needs, and learn to satisfy the other person, make him or her happy. The heart has to give and receive love but also endure pain.

Sometimes, the best way to love someone is simply to not react to her or his manifestations of anger. Any reaction leads to a counter-reaction, and that’s why when we think that we are helping someone, we may be actually pushing that person away, into another karmic cycle, much more difficult to accept.

Our relationship also failed in this aspect as I never wanted to feed any anger between us but she couldn’t contain herself and would turn into an abusive person, both orally and physically. If someone feeds pain and thinks about rejection, the future becomes obviously clear.

We can then say whatever we want about it but nothing justifies what we actually do. For example, this woman kept telling me that all her boyfriends cheated on her. I didn’t, but she cheated on me. In other words, she proved what this book is describing, i.e., that it doesn’t matter who cheats because when a relationship is doomed to break it will  through the weakest link.

Apart from this, we are also dealing with a paradigm and paradigms are powerful. Her paradigm will now lead her into a situation in which she will be cheated. All evidences point at this direction.

I wasn’t the weakest link between us and that’s why she wanted to marry me. She knew from the beginning that I was trustworthy, that I would never cheat on her, and so she felt safe. But feeling safe is an illusion, especially when we’re self-destroying a relationship. And so, she was actually the one cheating on me and doing what others have done to her.

Although the previous example is about love, it can be applied to money too. If you don’t like your work, and you don’t try to be efficient at what you do, you can expect to lose your job. What is happening today in the world can be attributed to the economic situation but it isn’t as much related to a lack of jobs, as it is correlated to an identity crisis among people. The world is going thought a major alchemical transmutation.

In our personal life, for money to flow in abundance, the mind and heart must be connected to what we do, whatever it is. Only then can we accept any change with confidence, because it always shifts from good to better.

Nothing stays the same, so we’re either evolving or declining. A relationship between two persons is either going forward towards the manifestation of common dreams, or backwards, towards self-doubts, manipulation of will, deceptions and illusions.

If one person is moving in one direction, and the other is acting as a counter-force, as soon as the first succeeds, the second will somehow disappear. Two people in a relationship can only succeed together or fail together. There is no other way.

In a business partnership, the same occurs. We are either trusting or distrusting, working together for the same end, or apart for our selfish needs.