The Two Triangles in a Square

The principle of the square works in a similar way as the one of the cross. This symbol exists merely as a way to help us in our perception of reality and through a new perspective.

The first thing we must keep in mind is that a four always leads to a five, so the square exists merely to teach us how, like a triangle pointing at a certain direction. In fact, the square is a combination of two or four triangles, and it’s worth to keep this in mind in order to understand how and which 3 elements are leading to a certain forth in order to predict what the 5th will magically manifest.

To see this we just have to connect the 4 angles of the square to find these triangles. So, for example, if we’re dealing with a relationship, each angle represents a dynamic of the manifestation in process. We may have person A, person B, love and what is happening between both, which may be, among any other things, an argument.



Let’s consider the triangle on the left as being me and the one on the right as being my ex-girlfriend. In common we have 1 and 2, which is the love and the argument. Zero is my conscience and the number 3 hers.

My conscience about our love is that it will never end, and my conscience of the argument is that it is temporary. Therefore, my conscience tells me to focus on my work and leave her apart for a while.

This positive attitude can’t break the square but, by looking at her triangle, things appear quite different. She believed I would never be with her again, that my explanation of wanting to focus on new books was just an excuse to meet other women. She also believed that she wasn’t being loved. So, her conscience told her that she could end alone if not finding another man rapidly. She broke the square in two triangles.

Another way to look at it consists in using probabilities, that is, to see how many positive and negative elements is the triangle manifesting. In this case, we have 1, the argument and 3, her negative conscience about the relationship.

It may seem that there is a 50/50 chance to keep the relationship, but this type of probability isn’t safe to work with, as life never remains the same. The major tendency of the energies of the planet is to break whatever tends to crystalize in time and remain permanent, in order to transform the elements into a more subtle matter.

Nevertheless, it’s worth mentioning that I suddenly, and just before she slept with a new man, broke the 3rd element by getting angry at her, and so, now we have 0, 1 and 3, 75% of the relationship ending.

As weird as it may seem to say it like this, she actually had 25% of chances to say no to the new man and, interestingly, they fitted perfectly into the number 2. In other words, her new boyfriend was a new zero, a new me, number 1 manifested, because he was nice to her, and number 2 wasn’t there because he didn’t love her. So, what did 3 do? 3 did what 3 desired: a new opportunity.

The relationship between them failed because the 2 never existed. But can a relationship fail with 25% of chances? No, other 2 elements must manifest for the three of them, simultaneously, lead to their breakup in less than one month. And so, the only reason why she keeping being with him is shame, the egotistical will to keep something doomed to finish.

They can still try to maintain and prolong this relationship, because what they’re actually doing is keeping something that doesn’t really exist, and that’s why there is no love now and there will be none in the future. The love she feels for me will act as a counter-force as soon as I finish my own alchemical transmutation in the process of alchemically detaching from her.

The number 3, that previously desired that man, regretted it, because love for the previous man, number 2, was still there, and can’t change because it’s trapped inside two worlds.

Whenever we are trapped between two realities, and from a karmic perspective, what is happening is a process of accumulation of karma, from which, once the two magnetic fields break apart, that karma creates a 3rd element, unique in itself. And that’s her own complete failure in keeping or even getting any type of relationship. She will end alone until this karma is paid or in deep pain every time she avoids it by restarting a new relationship.

This said, they had to fail in either zero or one, or both. And as she eventually told me, he didn’t like to know that she still loved me, so his conscience started drifting away, and the number one was merely the material side of their relationship, which either became boring or conflictive.

Again, we can predict what would happen here, because it had to break exactly on the number one. And it will, when she decides to leave the Unites States and go back to her home country, China, reason why she has been delaying it for many weeks, as she very likely knows it already. The evidence that she knows it comes as well from her desire to meet me again after arriving in China and her anxiety in trying to know where I am when that moment comes.

In her arrogance and selfishness, she still thinks that she can control the events that life pushed forward for her to learn from, and that’s why she cries so much. She is trapped inside her mind because her heart can’t love.

This cycle shows itself at the beginning of a relationship she destroyed and at the end of it, when she moved to a new one that was never meant to work.

Those that can’t use their heart but use only their mind keep continuously feeding from illusions, paranoia, anxiety and irrational fears. They are indeed very neurotic and mentally sick. And that’s the proper way to look at such people as they are only victims of themselves, not necessarily fate.

What she can’t see for the moment is that this journey out of the country isn’t temporary but a physical representation of the end that she will soon face. And that end that she is so afraid of is very likely her own death. Loneliness and depression deteriorate the mind and body at a much faster rhythm.