In the relationship that I mentioned, trust is definitely an important element, because both of us were always worried about being cheated by the other.
Even though a relationship can heal, if there is love, the interaction and positive communication between both people, trust either is built or eventually corrupts the other elements.
At this point, we have to clarify what is trust for us, and we do it by creating 3 elements for trust. If I mention how can I trust a woman, she will know immediately if she can be trustable or not. And if I look at my own elements from the perspective of the person I know, I can, again, predict what will happen, despite any of our independent wishes or wills. Here is how it occurs:
I trust a woman in a relationship with me if...
I may be seen as arrogant by predicting everything about life before life decides what to do with people, before people, themselves, decide what they will do, but that’s the secret to how I can predict things with years in advance and without any special technique apart from the one described in this book, which I use naturally by merely observing things as they are.
This said, I know exactly what can happen to destroy the relationship based on the previous vertices of the triangle of trust.
The price to pay at this point is so big that I know already what will happen. I have confirmed it with several fortunetellers and also with my own techniques when doing it. It is clear that she will decide to meet me again. It is also clear that we will have fights after meeting each other, and then, we will definitely end forever our connection.
I know this because her business demands traveling alone and constantly, and so, not to travel alone implies finishing her own business, and she will never do that. The price is too heavy.
This leads us to another important topic, related to karma. In other words, the main issue here isn’t about what I need, what she needs, mutual respect, or even trust. The main point is that karma is always part of the alchemical transmutation of life. Whenever we do something bad to another person, we have to pay for it. And if we don’t pay directly to that person, we will pay in another way. The universe never leaves us guiltless.
Now looking going back at our alchemical predictions, if she thinks that the price to pay for betrayal in love is too big for her, she will have to pay this price in another way. She will continue with her life, alone or with anyone else, but her business will collapse, one way or another. And then, she will be stuck in a relationship without her independence and without money.
The karmic price is paid when she abandons such relationship and faces her future alone. At that point, she might find someone to love, but only after she starts a new career, doing something else in life.
You can also apply the same previous exercise for anything else in life and even on your own. Your conscience and the 5th element are the same thing, reason why we always attract the things we project. And we project what we desire, even if our desire consists merely in the avoidance of a certain situation.
To be more precise, what is important to you is what is important for the 5th element. And if you want to understand a situation between you and another person, you merely have to question about what that person thinks if you don’t know already, to then see how your own elements interact between each other. That’s how you can always predict the future, even the one of others, and despite what they say or think about it.
This is actually a very interesting topic because whenever I predict the future of others, they always think I’m wrong, as if their will was more powerful than the laws of the universe. Humans behave like arrogant gods but they are always crushed like insignificant bugs.
Life only works well when you accept to be part of it, when you let yourself go in the sea of conscious emotions and thoughts, when you are aware of what you do and what you’re creating, where you are going.