How We Solve Karma

There are only two ways to solve karma: Fast and slow. When I accepted that I had been very rude to my previous girlfriend, when I surrendered to my pain and the need to correct my behavior with others, when I decided to react with kindness every time my female friends send me angry messages, I met many wonderful and kind women in less than three weeks. I paid my price and I was set free. And so, I know that my next girlfriend will follow this flow of energy and will be a very kind person that I can easily love and likely marry with.

Good karma leads to good karma, even if in between we may have to deal with painful breakups, despair and the fear of loneliness. And that’s exactly why hope is so important. Hope will help us see into the future and laugh at the past.

The hopeless is always blind by his own fears. And that’s why when doing fortunetelling about this situation, every single person can see the same as me, that her new relationship, based on fears and arrogance, won’t ever work.

Alchemically speaking, my ex-girlfriend could be that person but she wasn’t ready to be it before, and now, after her big mistake, as the price is much higher, she definitely cannot pay this debt to the universe.

She knows this too, because she keeps saying: “I can’t go back after what I did to you”.

As with money, the universe also has its own flow of abundance and debt. If you demand too much, if you are too selfish and arrogant, the debt is higher. And the opposite is also true. I help the world so much that the universe brings me abundance.

The rules apply equally to money and love because everything is ruled by energy. And while many people work hard to pay their debts, many others choose to keep increasing them until they cannot pay them any longer in this lifetime.

There is no short way out in a situation like this, as my ex-girlfriend either sacrifices now everything for love, or she pursues her illusions and suffers for a few more years with her own deceptions. And I know that, unless she reads this book, she will end badly.

Fear is a sleeping dragon and running away from it feeds this dragon. One day, more powerful than before, this dragon awakes and burns everything within. It is at this moment that the pain becomes overwhelming. And yet, I’m talking about a pain that can’t exist until there is a material and external manifestation forcing the inner dragon to awake. This is why breakups are important, even though more important to the one that doesn’t understand what love is, as they do end up worse.

When we talk about alchemy, we are talking about the chemical transformation of the magnetic field and, obviously, it isn’t independent of our own energy field, our vitality, emotions and state of mind. And so, people do behave according to what they experience, according to their own karma. The relation between inside and outside is perfectly accurate.

The reason why I can do fortunetelling without any tools, is precisely because of this immortal truth. Very often, and unconsciously, people reveal their own future. When my former girlfriend tells me that she needs a few more months to see if her new relationship will work and cries every time I tell her I won’t pick up her calls anymore, she is already admitting that she’ll end up alone after a few months. And why a few months? Because that’s the time I need to detach emotionally from her. As soon as it happens, the new man, which won’t make any more sense in her life, will vanish.

The reasons why one thing leads to another are never important but only that they do happen. A decision is always more important than any logic. Logic follows decisions and not the opposite.

The person that can’t decide is trapped in a hurricane that keeps expanding, and that’s karma. Metaphorically speaking, this person is like a princess being hold hostage by a dragon, her own and biggest fear.