I am much indebted to Michael Leslie, who has read and commented so usefully upon my first draft; to Mark Laird for his comments and help on garden matters; to Robert Williams for his careful copy-editing. To the Foundation for Landscape Studies I am grateful for funds to make one more visit to the British Library, to review their Evelyn manuscripts. For help at that Library and, more specially, for the assistance and help from John Pollack and his colleagues at the Rare Book collections at the University of Pennsylvania, I am always most grateful.
My interest in Evelyn, though, is long standing, and I should thus recognize the research I originally did for Garden and Grove (1986), and the Dumbarton Oaks symposium on John Evelyn’s ‘Elysium Britannicum’, published in 1998, and notably to John Ingram, whose transcription of that manuscript was used by the contributors before it was published by the University of Pennsylvania Press in their Studies in Landscape in 2000.
The author and publishers wish to express their thanks to the below sources of illustrative material and/or permission to reproduce it. Some locations are given here in the interests of brevity.
Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford: 4; The Bodleian Library, Oxford: 5 (MS Aubrey 4), 30; The British Library, London (photos © The British Library Board): 2 (Evelyn estate papers, BL Add MS 78610 [H]), 3 (Evelyn estate papers, BL Add MS 78610 [I]), 8 (Evelyn estate papers, BL Add MS 78610 [C]), 10 (Add MS 78342-78344), 11 (Add MS 78342-78344), 18 (King’s MS 43), 19 (BL Add MS 78628A), 21 (BL Add MS 78628B), 24 (Evelyn period, Box XI), 45 (formerly in the holdings of Christ Church College Library, Oxford, MS 45), 46 (formerly in the holdings of Christ Church College Library, Oxford, MS 45), 47 (formerly in the holdings of Christ Church College Library, Oxford, MS 45), 48 (BL Add MS 78610); The British Library, London, Map Library (photo © The British Library Board): 22 (K.Top. XVIII,17.3); Cambridge University Aerial Photography: 34; from Joshua Childrey, Britannia Baconica; or, The Natural Rarities of England, Scotland, & Wales . . . (London, 1661): 29 (photo The Library Company of Philadelphia); from Benjamin Cole, London Restored; or, Sir John Evelyn’s Plan for Rebuilding that Antient Metropolis after the Fire in 1666, engraving after John Evelyn (London, [c. 1755]): 39 (photo University of Pennsylvania Libraries); from John Evelyn, Diary and Correspondence of John Evelyn . . . Edited from the original Mss. at Wotton by William Bray, vol. III (London, 1867): 36; from John Evelyn, Elysium Britannicum (British Library Add MSs 78342-78344): 10, 11, 17, 40, 41; from John Evelyn, Kalendarium Hortense; or, The Gard’ners Almanac; directing what he is to do Monethly, throughout the Year (London, 1664): 51 (photo University of Pennsylvania Libraries); from John Evelyn, The Life of Mrs Godolphin, ed. Harriet Sampson (London, 1939): 43; from The Miscellaneous Writings of John Evelyn, now first edited, with occasional notes, by W[illiam] Upcott (London, 1825): 20 (photo University of Pennsylvania Libraries); from [John Evelyn], The State of France, as it stood in the IXth yeer [sic] of this present Monarch, Lewis [Louis] XIIII. Written to a Friend by I.E. (London, 1652): 16; from [John Evelyn], Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest-trees and the Propagation of Timber . . . By J.E., Esq. . . . (London, 1664): 25; from John Evelyn, Sylva: or, A Discourse of Forest-trees, and the Propagation of Timber . . . (York, 1776): 26, 27 (photos University of Pennsylvania Libraries); from Roland Freart, A Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern, in a Collection of Ten Principal Authors . . . compared with one another . . . Written in French by Roland Freart, . . . made English for the benefit of builders . . . by John Evelyn . . . 2nd edn (London, 1707): 38 (photo University of Pennsylvania Libraries); Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin: 33; Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA: 44; photos Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA: 13, 14, 44; National Gallery, London: 31; National Portrait Gallery, London: 15; from John Ogilby, Queries in Order to the Description of ‘Britannia’ (London, 1673): 30; from John Ogilby, The Works of Publius Virgilius Maro (London, 1649): 28; private collections: 7, 9, 12, 37, 49; from [Jean de la Quintinie], The Compleat Gard’ner; or, Directions for Cultivating and Right Ordering of Fruit-gardens and Kitchen-gardens . . . By the famous Monsr. De La Quintinye, Chief Director of all the Gardens of the French-King . . . Made English by John Evelyn . . . (London, 1693): 50; from [John Raymond], Il Mercurio Italico, Communicating a Voyage through Italy in the yeares 1646 & 1647 by I. R. Gent then not 20 years old . . . (London, 1648): 35; from Thomas Sprat, The History of the Royal-Society of London, for the Improving of Natural Knowledge (London, 1667): 23 (photo University of Pennsylvania Libraries); Victoria and Albert Museum, London: 6.
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