

A visas, 148

ABC (television network), 49, 59, 60

Abduction Conference, 89

Abdullah, Prince of Saudi Arabia, 44, 51, 61

Accessibility, of lawyers, 20 Ackerman, Gary, 8

AEDPA (Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act), 127–128

Afghanistan, war in, 71–76

AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association), xx

Air France Flight 63, 66–69

Airborne Warning Control Systems (AWACS), 42

AJC (American Jewish Congress), 40

Al Qaeda, 67, 79

Al Qaeda in Europe: The New Battle Ground of International Jihad (Vidino), 39

Alien crewmen visas, 149–150

Aliens of exceptional ability visas, 164–165

Aliens of extraordinary ability visas, 159

American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), xx

American Jewish Congress (AJC), 40

Anti-immigration sentiment, xx, 9, 23, 97, 108

Anti-Muslim sentiment, 82, 130

Anti-terrorism, 23–27, 39–40

Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA), 127–128

Artamonov, Alexei, 100–106

Artamonov, Victorya, 100–106

Asadabad, Afghanistan, 73

Assistants to aliens of extraordinary ability visas, 159

Asylum Law, 41

Athlete visas, 160

Atta, Mohammed, 64


B-1 visas, 148–149

B-2 visas, 149

Bandar, Prince, 44, 46–48, 61

Bar-Zohar, Michael, 39

Begleiter, Robert, 9

Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, 12

Berezovsky, Boris, 102

Bergman, Ronen, 39–40

Bhutto, Ali, 78

Bhutto, Benazir, 78–79

Bin Laden, Osama, 61, 79, 130

Board of Immigration Appeals, 4

British Uniform Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 3–4

Business immigration, 17

Business visitors visas, 148–149


C-1 visas, 149

Cap-Gap extensions, 153

Cardozo School of Law, 17

CBP (Customs and Border Protection), 100, 146

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 26, 36–37, 59, 64, 102, 104

Certain victims of trafficking in persons visas, 161–162

Chaudhry, Iftikhar Khan, 77, 79–84, 126, 134

Cherny Nal, 100

Chevra Kadisha, 7

Children, 85–91. See also International child abductions

CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

CIS. See U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Claims Committee, 125

Clients, treatment of, 19

Cole, USS, 50

Colvin, Marie, 33, 49

Commission of Immigration, 2

Communication with clients, 20

Compliance, 17

Confidentiality, 21

Conflict Preemption, 109


inaction of, 6, 11

and international child abductions, 88

private immigration bills in, 122

state laws and, 109–110

testimony to, 125–131

Constitutional Preemption, 109

Corruption, in Saudi Arabia, 42

CPLC v. Napolitano, 111, 112

CPT (curricular practical training), 152

Creditimpex Bank, 101, 105

Cultural exchange visas, 161

Culturally unique athlete visas, 160

Culturally unique entertainer visas, 160

Curricular practical training (CPT), 152

Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 100, 146


D visas, 149–150

Dabbagh, Maureen, 89

DACA. See Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

DeCanas v. Bica, 110–112

Defectors, 23, 26–27

Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 118

Deferral of Removal, 106

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 5, 93–97

and anti-immigration sentiment, 97

and Barack Obama, 97

and Donald Trump, 97–98, 108

drawbacks of, 94

rescission of, 93

Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, 169

Department of Homeland Security (DHS), xx, 68, 100, 111–112, 118, 146, 149

Department of Justice, 23, 116–117, 128

Department of Labor, 155, 165

Department of State, 145

Deportations, 108

Designated School Official (DSO), 153

DHS. See Department of Homeland Security

Diplomat visas, 148

Disclosures, 49

Discretion, 21

Discrimination, by U.S. government, 9

Diversity Visa Program, 65, 168–169

Divorce, 85, 87

DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), 118

Drai, Bernard, 90–91

Drai, Rachel, 90–91

DREAM Act, 97

Dreamers, 5

Drug Enforcement Administration, 100

DSO (Designated School Official), 153

Dunn, Scott, 9


E-1 visas, 150

E-2 visas, 150–151

E-3 visas, 151

E-Verify, 111–112

Eastern District of New York, 9

Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), 146, 149

Emory International Law Review, 143

Employees of international organizations visas, 153–154

Employers, 111

Employment-based immigrant visas, 163

Employment-creation immigrant visas, 167

Englewood, New Jersey, 10–11, 32, 58, 125, 133

Entertainer visas, 160

Entrants under NAFTA visas, 162

Equal Access Education v. Merton, 112

ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization), 146, 149

Exchange visitor visas, 156–157

Express Preemption, 109


F-1 visas, 151–153

Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia, 42, 44, 51, 55, 61

Faisal, King of Saudia Arabia, 44

Falun Dafa movement, 37

Falun Gong, 37

Family immigration, 17

Family-sponsored immigrants, 168–169

Farooqui, Waqil, 94–96

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

and Artamonov family, 102–106

and international child abductions, 89, 138

and lawyers, 25

and John Lennon, 1

and marijuana, 3

and Saudi Arabia, 56–59

and terrorism, 95

Fiancé(e)s of U.S. citizens visas, 157–158

Field Preemption, 109

First Amendment, 3

FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), 4, 94

Foreign consular processes, 18

Foreign government official visas, 148

Foreign media representatives visas, 156

Foreign Service Offices, 145

Fourteenth Amendment, 118

Fourth Amendment, 114

Fox News, 31, 36

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 4, 94

FSB (Russian Security Service), 100–102, 105


G visas, 153–154

Gaddafi, Muammar, 11–12, 35, 83

Gheshayan, Khalid al-, 86–88

Ghussein, Fred, 47

Gilbey, Deena, 30, 62–64

Gilbey, Paul, 62–64

González, Elián, 88, 135–136

Green card lottery, 65

Green cards, 6, 15–16

GRU (Russian military intelligence), 103

Gulab, Mohammad, 72–76


H-1B visas, 153, 154–155

H-1B3 visas, 122

H-2 visas, 155

H-3 visas, 155–156

Hague Convention, 32, 85–87, 90, 137, 140–142

Hamouda, Mohamad, 88–90

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, 170–171

House Foreign Relations Committee, 49

House Subcommittee on Immigration, 125

Huber, Mary, 88–90

Human asset intelligence, 122

Human Rights Caucus, 49

Human Rights Watch, 47–48, 50

Hussein, Altaf, 77, 80


I visas, 156

Ibn Saud, 42

ICE ACCESS, 109, 113

ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), xx, 100, 106

Immigrant classification, 147

Immigrant community, 66

Immigrant couples, 19

Immigration Act of 1990, 163, 169

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), xx, 100, 106

Immigration and Nationality Act, 53, 113

Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA), 71, 109

Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), xx, 30–31, 50, 128, 130 and John Lennon, 1, 3–4

and PATRIOT ACT, 63–65

and political asylum, 83

and terrorism, 127–128

Immigration cases, 15–22

taking on, 16–17

Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), 110, 113

Immigration status, 114

Implied Preemption, 109

INA (Immigration and Naturalization Act), 71, 109

India, nuclear weapons in, 78, 80–81

Informant visas, 161

INS. See Immigration and Naturalization Service

Inter-Services Intelligence, 80

International child abductions, 86, 133–144, 141

and Congress, 88

and domestic laws, 141

and FBI, 89

litigation, 142–143

preventing, 137–139

and Saudi Arabia, 141

and U.S. State Department, 91

and U.S. law enforcement, 88

International Child Kidnapping Act, 91

Intracompany transferee visas, 158

IRCA (Immigration Reform and Control Act), 110, 113


child custody and, 141

in Saudi Arabia, 41–42, 55


J visas, 156–157

James, Kwame, 32, 67–69, 96, 122

Jews and Judaism, xix, 44, 74–75

Journalist visas, 156


K-1 visas, 157–158

K-3 visas, 158

Karim, Rezai, 93–97

Kaufman, Irving, 4–5

KGB, 56, 64, 100–101

Khan, Abdul Qadeer, 78, 83–84

Khan, Ayub Gohar, 81

Khilewi, Mohammed al-, 33, 43–51, 56, 58, 61, 86, 126, 134

Khobar Towers bombing, 55–61, 126, 134

Kidnapping, 85–91


L-1 visas, 158

Labor Certification, 165–166

Labor Condition Application (LCA), 154–155

LaMonte-Shaban, Louis, 30–31

LaMonte-Shaban, Mariann, 30–31

Latino immigrants, 98

LCA (Labor Condition Application), 154–155

Lennon, John, 1–6, 33, 123

LGBTQ community, 118–119

Libya, 11–12, 107

Litvinenko, Alexander, 102

Local government, 114

Local law enforcement, 112, 114

and international child abductions, 88

and terrorism, 127–128

Lone Survivor (Luttrell), 72–74

Louisiana v. Neri Lopez, 113–114

Lozano v. Hazleton, 112–113

Luttrell, Marcus, 72–76


M-1 visas, 158

Marijuana, 2–4, 108

Marriage, 118–119

Materials witness visas, 162


dark side of, 35–40

management of, 29–40, 95

public opinion influenced by, 66, 75

social media, 19

strategic use of, 26–27, 49

talk shows and, 34

threats due to coverage, 58

visas for representatives of, 156

Megrahi, Abdelbaset al-, 11

MI6, 56

Mossad (Mishal), 39

Muehler v. Mena, 114–115

Multinational executive visas, 164

Multinational manager visas, 164


deportation and, 130

distrust of, in US, 23

travel ban, 107


N visas, 159

Narcotics, 1, 3

National Automated Immigration Lookout Systems (NAILS), 38

National Interest Waiver, 165

National Security Agency (NSA), 100

Neumann, Janosh, 103–106

Neumann, Victoria, 103–106 9/11, 11, 23, 31, 54

anti-Muslim sentiment and, 82

and Pakistan, 79

and Saudi Arabia, 51

and undocumented immigrants, 62–66

victims of, 62–66

Nonacademic student visas, 158

Nonimmigrant visas, 145–162

changing between, 146–148

classifications of, 148–162

process of obtaining, 145–146

North Korea, 77, 107–108

NSA (National Security Agency), 100

Nuclear weapons, 77–84, 134


O-1 visas, 159

O-2 visas, 159

Obama, Barack, 5, 97, 108, 118

Office of Children’s Concerns, 88

Office of Children’s Issues, 91

Office of International Students (OIS), 153

Office of Professional Responsibility, 57

Office of Special Investigations, 38

Ono, Yoko, 1–6

Operation Red Wings, 72, 74

Operation Whalers, 73

Optional practical training (OPT), 152

Other workers visas, 166

Outstanding professor visas, 164

Outstanding researcher visas, 164


P-1 visas, 160

P-2 visas, 160

P-3 visas, 160

Pakistan, 44, 72

Pam Am Flight 103 bombing, 11

P.A.R.E.N.T. International, 89

Pele, 21, 30

PERM process, 165–166

Permanent resident cards. See Green cards

Permanent resident status, 162–163

PL-110 program, 104

Plyler v. Doe, 110–111

Political asylum, 36, 83

Political dissidents, 45

Political repression, 55

Precertified shortage occupation visas, 166–167

Preemption, 109–110

Presumption of immigrant intent, 147

Priority worker visas, 164

Private immigration bills, 122

Professional visas, 151, 166

Professionals of “exceptional ability” visas, 164–165


Q visas, 161

Al Qaeda, 67, 79

Quick Reaction Force, 72


R visas, 161

REAL ID Act, 114

Reasonable suspicion, 129

Reciprocal exchange athlete visas, 160

Reciprocal exchange entertainer visas, 160

Regulation of immigration, 110

Reid, Richard, 32, 67–69, 96

Relatives of employees of certain international organizations visas, 159

Religious worker visas, 161

Reunification of families, 85–91

Roush, Patricia, 86–88, 91, 129, 135, 138

Russia, 99–104, 100

Ryjov, Tatiana, 64–66

Ryjov, Vasily, 64–66


S visas, 99, 104, 161

“Safe harbors,” 140

Safety threats, 40, 47–48

Salman, Prince of Saudi Arabia, 48, 51

Same-sex marriage, 118–119

Sanctuary cities, xx, 114–117

Saudi Arabia, 41–51, 54–58, 86–88

and 9/11, 51

bribery in, 45

corruption in, 42–43, 86

and international child abductions, 141

political dissidents in, 45 political repression in, 55

royal family of, 42–43

and terrorism, 126, 134

SAVE (Systematic Alien Verification Entitlement) program, 112

Sayegh, Hani al-, 54–56, 126, 134

The Secret War with Iran (Bergman), 40

SEVIS, 152

Shah, Ahmad, 72–73

Skilled professional visas, 166

Skilled worker visas, 166

Soumare, Mamadou, 31

Soviet Union, 99–100

Special immigrant visas, 167

Special limited provision for spouses and children of permanent residents visas, 162

Specialty occupation worker visas, 154–155

Spouses of U.S. citizen petitioners visas, 158

State Department, 12, 88, 91

State Department Children’s Issues Desk, 138

STEM Extension visas, 153

STEM segment of economy, 121

Stoeffel, Dale, 37–38

Student visas, 151–153

Stylianoudis, Steve, 49, 58, 61

Supreme Court, 107–108, 110, 114, 118

SVR (Russian foreign intelligence), 103

Syria, 38, 44, 57, 95, 107, 144

Systematic Alien Verification Entitlement (SAVE) program, 112


T visas, 161–162

Taliban, 71–76

Taxes and taxation, 169–171

Temporary worker visas, 155

Tentative nonconfirmation (TNC), 111

Terrorism, 22–27, 53–69, 125–131. See also 9/11

cases, 54

and constitutionalism, 128

and FBI, 95

and immigration laws, 24

and INS, 127–128

legislation, 126–127

and local law enforcement, 127–128

Middle Eastern, 56

victims of, 62–66

TN visas, 162

TNC (tentative nonconfirmation), 111

Trainee visas, 155–156

Transit alien visas, 149

Travel ban, 23, 107–108

Treaty investor visas, 150–151

Treaty trader visas, 150

Trump, Donald, 23

and DACA, 97–98

deportations under, 108

on immigration, 107–108

and Twitter, 77

Trump, Melania, xvii


U visas, 96–97, 162

Undocumented immigrants, 62–66, 94, 112–113

United Nations, 11–12, 25, 36, 43, 153–154

United States v. Illinois, 111–112

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), 146, 153, 156, 158

U.S. Constitution, 3, 114, 118, 121, 128

U.S. Secret Service, 12

Unlawful presence, 147–148

USA PATRIOT ACT, 53, 63, 66


V visas, 162

Victims of severe criminal activity visas, 162

Visa Waiver Program, 146, 149

Visitor visas, 149


Whistle-blower cases, 26–27

Wildes, Leon, xx, 1–6, 9–10, 16, 33, 45, 60, 126, 133

Wilding, Michael, 122–123

Witness visas, 161

Work authorization, 111 World Bank, 153–154

World Health Organization, 153–154

World Jewish Congress (WJC), 39