
Octaving and Streaming

When we speak of doing things that we want to do, we are usually only intermittently focused on these pleasures, fitting them into our lives, as we are able to find the time. These are often simple activities that bring a little joy into our days. It could be that we might go out into the garden and cut blossoms for our home or decide to take a long walk around the lake. Maybe it is playing a round of golf that makes us happy, or going out for a lazy lunch on a Sunday afternoon. Whatever it is that gives us a lift, these activities contribute to creating a sense of well-being and balance in our lives.

Whatever it is that gives us a lift, these activities contribute to creating a sense of well-being and balance in our lives.

But when we find something that strongly captures our attention and we return to it over and over again, this is a clue, a prescient hint that we are rubbing shoulders with something that bears significant meaning and value for us. When we find ourselves driven by an internal urging and simply can't stay away, this is the point where we begin to deepen, or Octave within our experience, taking it to another level of intention within us.

Octaving—Deepening the Joy

I knew a woman who loved to knit. During the evenings after dinner, she and her husband enjoyed watching television together, relaxing after a long day's work. Night after night, they would retire to the family room, and Elizabeth would pull out her basket of knitting as her husband turned on the TV. She loved the feel of the yarn in her hands and relaxed into the rhythmic motion of the needles. After a time, it became clearly apparent that she wasn't attentive to the programs they were watching, but rather, she felt herself slipping into a calm and quiet place within herself, where she felt a beautiful sense of peace and happiness. As Elizabeth knit, she was imagining how lovely it might be to meet other women who also loved to knit, sharing their stories and their passion for their art, wrapped in a circle of love. Quite remarkably, after enough long nights of knitting and dreaming, Elizabeth went online, and indeed, began connecting with other women who were also interested in sharing their love for knitting. Together, they formed a group of knitters who met once a week to share their craft, with the focus on donating their works to elderly people who couldn't afford warm sweaters.

Octaving allows us to connect with our spiritual Essence as we create that energy into a freshly beautiful physical form.

What a wonderful example of a woman taking a hobby she enjoyed and Octaving her experience, creating a beautiful opportunity to fulfill a deep desire to connect with like-minded women and to generously share their gifts with others. When we move from the occasional, superficial interest to a dedicated, passionate engagement, we are deepening our response as we answer the Call to express our own unique Genius in our own creative way. Octaving allows us to connect with our spiritual Essence as we create that energy into a freshly beautiful physical form.


Octaving can also be an entirely spontaneous occurrence, much like the Expansion I experienced as a young girl while lying in my bed at night. Octaving is a bridge between our creative inspirations and our body chemistry, as we begin to open up to our intrinsic Genius and feel the creative joy Streaming into our beings. When we focus and become fully engaged in what we are doing, our conscious awareness begins to flow, allowing us to lose all awareness of time and external activities going on around us. This is when we begin to Stream. Instead of being present in our outer world, we are attuning ourselves to the brilliance of our creative Essence and welcoming it to travel freely within us, Streaming the energy of passion and inspiration within our beings. It is here that our Genius resides and becomes ignited, and we need to tenderly care for its well-being. When we care for our Genius, we will experience a joy that defines our purpose for living, encouraging us to develop our ability to sustain this level of being and to Stream with it in all that we do.