
Answering the Call

In the final analysis, we count for something only because of the essential we embody, and if we do not embody that, life is wasted.

—C.G. Jung


I am committed to living a life that I truly love. I will discover and embrace my uniquely beautiful gifts and share them within my world. The purpose of my life is to create that which I am in Essence, into my own beautiful physical Form. I am open and receptive to my Guide within, trusting that living that which I am Called to do is exactly how I want to live my life.

When we begin doing things we enjoy in our lives on a regular basis, this prepares us for the eventuality of welcoming in our innate and essential artistic vision and expressing it in our physical world. When we learn to clear out the clutter and embrace the quiet and solitude we desperately need, then we can create a safe place within ourselves and begin to respect our own essential needs. It is important to live within a healthy and stable environment of our own making, so that we may confidently welcome the joy of opening to our dreams and visions that hold a very special light just for us. It is when all these ingredients come into alignment that we will experience the poignant and powerful moment when we fully commit to ourselves, to allow our own unique, creative expression to emerge and become manifest within our physical world.

This is a turning point, a place of no going back to the old ways we have lived with for so many years. This is the moment where we truly walk into ourselves and become the artists behind our own life's design. This is the time when we finally grasp that it is our right to examine and configure our world from our own positive perspective, no longer allowing the perceptions of our social framework to define and direct us in how we relate and what we do. It is with eyes wide open that we can see fresh relationships amongst things we had never known to be connected. With warmed hearts and inspired minds, we are now learning to express ourselves with a greater sense of clarity and vision. We are very much like the butterfly whose time has come to emerge from within its own cocoon, ready to fly freely out into the world and become the beautiful being we Leaped in here to be. A transformation has taken place, offering us the capacity to attune to our inner directive and respond to the voice of our Guide, Calling us toward our true life's purpose.

This is the moment where we truly walk into ourselves and become the artists behind our own life's design.

No longer can we allow for distractions that cause us to side-step the light emanating from within us, pulling us off our self-inspired path. Now we must become focused, disregarding the old messages that insisted that we run faster and multitask our way through our days. Now we know, without a doubt, that we have beautiful and important things to do of our own making, and now it is our time to do them. We are not talking about setting even more goals to accomplish, but rather, we are focusing on engaging in those things that create rich meaning and value for ourselves and in turn, reflect our most radiant and essential nature.

Yes, it is true that we human beings are meant to be in motion, but we must be in motion with a defining purpose behind our actions. Scheduling a constant flow of activities just to fill our day is not a goal we need to establish for ourselves. What does matter in goal-setting is that we carefully select how we are going to use our time, so that we may enrich our experience of living. When we embrace the premise that we were born with a mission to fulfill and that we have a Guide within to help us, quite remarkably a pathway will appear, if we open our minds and hearts to see it.

Signposts Along the Path

We can look to nature to see this idea at work. There is a balance within our world that allows for the expression of beauty in all things. Without the sun, there would be no life. For our world to exist, plants need to turn that radiant light into chemical energy so that they can grow. As a leaf captures the sun's energy, it turns it into sugar, allowing animals and plants and the entire species of man to exist. Imagine our world without bees, whose job it is to cross-pollinate plants. Without their presence, again, the very existence of humankind would be sorely challenged. And so it goes for hummingbirds and sharks, for trees, weather systems, and humans alike. We are all created with our own unique purpose to fulfill, and if we fail to do this, we will be profoundly upsetting the balance of life on our planet.

As we discussed earlier, do we awaken to our day and announce that today, we are going to fulfill our life's purpose? Or might it be more effective to get up and write a symphony, if that is what we are Called to do? You see, when we live our own specific Calling, we have the capacity to become happy people by expressing the beauty of Essence into a Form, specific to our own creative expression. When we do this, we are experiencing a depth of fulfillment that is purposeful and valuable. When we share our joy and the beauty of what we have created out into our world, we truly are fulfilling not only our own specific reason for living, but supporting the overall purpose of life on Earth.

When we share our joy and the beauty of what we have created out into our world, we truly are fulfilling not only our own specific reason for living, but supporting the overall purpose of life on Earth.

Perhaps it might help if we think of it in this way. When we drop a pebble into a pond, the ripples of energy radiate outward until they reach the perimeter of land. With the initial action of dropping a pebble into the water, energy is set into motion, creating a secondary effect of the ripples of water touching the shoreline. As it is with the pebble in the pond, so it is with us in our lives. When we focus our intention on creating a song or whatever our special talents allow us to do, there is a secondary response that radiates out into our world, fulfilling the greater purpose for creating a balance of living within all of life. There is nothing that exists on this planet that is not sweetly and profoundly connected to all of life itself. When we write a song and play it for others, they too will be able to enjoy the pleasure and beauty of our expression, thus Octaving the experience beyond the initial action. When our experience of purpose and meaning is accomplished through a joyous act, we deepen the experience, which allows us to continue expanding within our own abilities, and subsequently we are able to share its essence with our world.

Putting It All into Motion

Nothing happens until something moves.

Albert Einstein

What matters most here is that we begin to put our plans into motion by tapping into what we truly love to do and share it with others. When we do this, we will be impacting every other creature that exists on this Earth in a very positive and beautiful way, by sending out our ripples of energy as we drop our pebble of creativity into the big pond of life. When we set goals for ourselves that fulfill our deep yearning for creative expression, there will always be a more universal benefit to the world as a whole, while assisting us in fulfilling our own purpose for living. As we set our creative Genius into action, a wonderful and unexpected thread of serendipitous events will unfold, with the fore-promised assistance from our Guide. There is a deep respect that must be embraced when creating an expression of the beauty of our Essence into a physical form. It is from within the boldness of taking action, companioned with our alignment with what we are Called to do, that we ignite a dynamic momentum in fulfilling our purpose for living.

PRACTICE—Identifying Your Calling

What is the difference between doing something that you really enjoy and living your Calling? Perhaps we can begin by asking ourselves the following questions and then write down our answers in our journals. Afterward, we will review our responses and see what they tell us.



Our Results

Last summer, I was speaking with my very good friend, Julie, and she asked me how I would feel if I didn't actively do my writing. My response was swift, clear, and distinct. I told her that if I couldn't create the time and solitude that I needed to write, I would die. I posed this exact question to a flight attendant named Lisa, as I was traveling from Los Angeles to New York, and she responded with identical words to mine: “I would die.”

You see, when we have this degree of intensity and passion for something we want to do, it is a strong indicator that we are tapping into our Calling. In my case, it was true, and even now, as difficult as it is for me some days to actually make myself sit down and write, it would be far more painful if I yielded to my own resistance and didn't push myself through those blocks and just do it.

What is it for you? What Calls out to you so strongly that if you didn't do it, you would feel like the Essence that is in the center of you might just cease to exist, or die? Take some time and look at your answers to the questions above. Be honest with yourself, knowing your answers are your own and that only you need view them. How did they make you feel? As you assess your responses, in time, your personal answers will lead you closer to what you are truly Called to do.

But if at the moment you don't seem to feel strongly about anything, I promise that you will if you continue to use the practices contained in this work. By creating solitude and quiet, taking fifteen minutes a day to do something you enjoy, and learning how to create time that you didn't think you had, you will be on your way to finding that something that really sets your heart on fire. You are in the process of preparing, and when that something appears, you will recognize it with every fiber of your being and be ready to answer its Call.