Chapter Twenty-four

Tommy sat at his workbench, looking out of his maintenance shop’s one window. He doubted that he could be seen unless somebody walked right up to the greasy glass and peered in, but he could see out just fine. He avoided law enforcement officers on general principle, and he most definitely did not want to speak to Sheriff Rainey or Deputy Steinberg today, unless forced to do so by law.

It took the officers a little while to tie up their boat, and they were deep in conversation by the time they walked past where he sat. He watched them move his way, one step at a time.

Step. They approached his shop, so close that either of them could have reached out a fist and punched its wall.

Step. They passed the window without looking inside where Tommy sat.

Step. They passed the door without noticing the telltale sign that someone was on the other side of it. Its padlock was missing. Tommy had unlocked it and put it in his pocket with the key, which is where they always stayed until he finished working and locked the place behind him.

And another step. Tommy was home free. There was no way now that they would notice that he was here. He had arrived by boat, so there was no truck in the parking lot to give him away. He’d had the forethought to hide his boat a quarter-mile east, in a tiny inlet obscured by tree branches hanging so low that they brushed the water. They hadn’t seen it as they came in from the island where the good-looking archaeologist woman lived, and that was a good thing. He’d been out to that island himself, just the day before, and he needed to hide all evidence of his trip.

He’d needed to wait overnight, so that nobody would see a light on at his shop, but he’d gotten here at the crack of dawn. Who would’ve thought that the cops would already be out and about? Didn’t they have doughnuts to eat?

As soon as he was sure they were gone, he’d finish the task they’d interrupted. He’d come here to fetch some rags and two buckets of the best industrial solvent money could buy. He knew the law wasn’t through with him, and he couldn’t let anybody see his boat in this condition. He needed to get it so clean that they’d never be able to find a trace of the things he’d been hauling. Suspecting a man of something and proving it were two different things, and boat mechanics owned solvents that could clean anything off anything.

Tommy figured it would take him a couple of hours to make his boat cleaner than it had been the day he bought it.


Wilma listened to Tommy’s phone ring until it went to voice mail. He wasn’t out of bed yet.

Of course, he wasn’t out of bed yet, and he probably wasn’t alone there. He wasn’t working these days, which gave him time and energy for drinking himself into a stupor with Lolita. She really must love him. At the moment, Tommy didn’t have any income to pay for the liquor or for her services.

He sounded half-drunk in his voice mail message, so Wilma knew that she was going to have to be the public face of their partnership. People who knew her would laugh at the notion of Wilma investing in a marina, but people had been underestimating Wilma for fifty years. She had some money saved. She had enough cash to buy herself a dress to wear to the bank when she went to negotiate the loan. She could pay somebody to cut her hair and fix it. She could buy all the makeup she needed at Walgreens, and she did in fact know how to put it on.

More importantly, she knew the name of the bank that held the mortgage on Liz’s business. Many nights, she’d sat with Liz after the bar closed, sharing drinks and competing for who had the saddest story. She’d heard all about the bank and its antics.

Wilma knew that Liz had sweated every check she sent that bank. It was never a sure thing that any of her checks would clear until they cleared. Anytime a check didn’t clear, Liz knew to look out for letters and calls from the entity that she called Asshole National Bank.

More than once, Wilma and Liz had taped a nagging letter from Asshole National Bank to the bar’s dartboard and had some drunken fun. There had been many months when Liz got behind on her payments, but she had always found a way to catch up. Wilma felt sure that Asshole National Bank was missing Liz’s almost-regular payments and her late fees. Especially the late fees. They were practically pure profit.

Deep in her heart, Wilma believed she could step right into Liz’s shoes and run her business, because Liz had told her all about it. Those nights in the bar had been like tequila-fueled management training. Wilma’s best guess was that Asshole National Bank was sweating over Liz’s outstanding loan. How easy was it going to be for them to sell a business that had never been profitable? Wally had turned to crime to support himself when he owned the marina. Liz had dealt with the problem by living for years without a dime to spend on herself.

And now poor little Asshole National Bank was making do without that income. Wilma wasn’t half-bad at math. Since Liz had been getting by, Wilma figured she and Tommy would be in good shape if they got hold of the marina, because they already had income from their own businesses. If they rolled the marina rentals, the income from the bar and grill, the boat ramp fees, the fuel sales, and the boat maintenance into an entity that they could manage and promote as a single business, they would be sitting pretty.

Interest rates were lower than when Liz got her loan, so she and Tommy wouldn’t be struggling under the same payment schedule. They could even make a few hundred dollars a month by renting out Liz’s apartment.

Wilma had run the numbers. This could work.

To most banks, Wilma and her partner might seem like low-lifes and bad credit risks, but Liz had been rough around the edges and Asshole National Bank knew that she’d always found a way to get her bills paid. Wilma figured that, with the help of a new dress, a haircut, and the Walgreens cosmetics department, she could manage to look like as much of an upstanding citizen as Liz ever did.

And, best of all, Tommy would have to be satisfied with thirty percent because she was going to keep him out of jail. For the first time in her life, Wilma had the upper hand in a business deal. She had waited fifty years for the chance to say, “Screw you,” to the world that had ground her under its heel because she’d been born poor and ugly. Liz’s death had given her that chance.


Faye had watched the sheriff’s boat disappear into the distance and still she stood on her own dock. She didn’t want to be where she was. Where did she want to be?

She wanted to be in her boat.

Where did she want to go?

It would be a while before Gerry and his crew showed up for work. Faye had a sudden desire to be at the contamination site in the daylight, alone, so she indulged that desire. Newly appreciative of a smartphone’s power to put a time-stamp on a person’s whereabouts, she shot Joe a text:

You and your dad should go ahead and have breakfast. I’m taking the boat out for a few minutes and I’ll eat when I get back.


Faye rounded the far end of the island and cut the motor, drifting silently into sight of the live oak that marked the contaminated area. She’d hoped that seeing the trouble spot from the water would give her a miraculous mystery-solving perspective, but she was disappointed. Between her boat and land, she saw nothing but an expanse of shallow water. Beyond it was a sandy shelf of land between the water and the excavation. This sand-and-grass beach was narrow now, with the tide high. It would be wider later in the day.

She had seen these things before. They were not news.

Beyond the overgrown beach was an open area of about an acre, centered on the excavation. The big live oak gave the only real shade in that acre. Faye would have guessed it to be hundreds of years old. Nadia had taken one of her background samples at its base, on the presumption that the soil beneath that tree had been undisturbed by anything but its roots for a long, long time.

Behind the open acre was the lightly wooded area where she had found the piece of an old wooden trough, the basis for some of her grandmother’s scariest stories about The Monster Man. And now she knew that it was tainted with arsenic, but again, this was nothing new. What could she learn, right this minute, by looking carefully at this trouble spot?

She looked down at the water, glad that she could see clear to the bottom. There was no oil slick on its surface, where there had been an obvious rainbow sheen just a few days before. Maybe she’d done the right thing by calling in the cleanup crew. Maybe they were doing a good job, earning every penny of their eventual bill.

Raking her eyes over the scene, she saw only one thing that surprised her. The cupola of her house rose above the far treetops. The distance from her home to the spot where she sat was a decent walk, but she sometimes forgot how massive the big house at Joyeuse Island really was. Two stories, surrounded by porches on all sides, sat atop an above-ground basement, and the whole thing was topped by a cupola the size of a large bedroom. The view from that cupola was breathtaking, blue-green water dotted by islands and hugging a dark coastline. It had been a long while since Faye’d had enough free time to sit up there and do nothing but look.

If she went there now, she would see that her great-grandmother Courtney had been right when she remembered seeing this end of the island from the top floor of her house. If there had ever been a Monster Man’s cabin here, or any cabin at all, little Courtney could absolutely have sat in the cupola and seen lamplight shining out of the monster’s cabin door. When Courtney, Faye’s great-grandmother, was a little girl, that lamp would have been lit by burning kerosene.

Had Faye really dug up The Monster Man’s fuel tank?

Before she gave any thought to what she was doing, Faye had beached the boat. Trowel in hand, she sidled up to the excavation that she really wasn’t supposed to revisit until Gerry had signed off on its safety. He had greatly enlarged the unit where she’d been working, removing the old tank and the kerosene-saturated soil near it. The contaminated soil had been placed in fifty-five-gallon drums that sat nearby, waiting for disposal. Soil that had been screened but tested as clean sat in piles, waiting to be returned to the excavation as backfill.

As Faye surveyed the piles of clean soil and thought that “screened” was a funny word. If she’d been the one doing the excavation, looking for artifacts instead of contamination, her technicians would have used actual screens to check out this soil. They would have methodically run this backdirt through progressively smaller screens to separate it from the tiny things that archaeologists loved. Seeds from garden plants, fish bones left from somebody’s dinner, buttons—any of these things could help tell the story of the way people used to live.

Faye squatted next to Gerry’s screened soil and thought. If this dirt was clean enough, environmentally speaking, to go back in the ground, then why couldn’t she screen it again her way? When she saw Gerry, she’d ask his permission to do that. In the meantime, she figured he wouldn’t even notice if she disturbed his dirt.

There was no stratigraphy left to preserve. This soil was totally churned. Since she couldn’t do much more damage than Gerry had already done, Faye stuck her trowel in the pile at a random spot and started scraping.

It would have beggared the imagination if she’d found something interesting right away, and she didn’t. Faye had spent a lot of her life digging and finding nothing. This had fine-tuned her already considerable capacity for patience. She used that patience to keep scraping at Gerry’s backdirt for two hours until she heard the boat bringing him and his crew back out to Joyeuse Island.

During that time, she found only a triangular shard of blue glass and a chip of white china, neither of them as big as a dime. They had the look of age, but she saw no identifying marks on them to tell her anything more without the aid of a lab. Nevertheless, they had their value.

Faye had never heard any mention of someone living on this end of the island. There had never been a garbage pit here, because nobody was going to haul garbage to this end of the island when it was so easy to bury it behind the house. She could construct any number of narratives that would bring these bits of trash to the west end of Joyeuse Island—hurricanes, wayward pirates, messy picnickers—but one of those narratives was her grandmother’s tale of a forbidden cabin. It presumed that someone really had lived in a cabin right here. It presumed that The Monster Man stories were based on truth.


After eating the pancakes Joe had saved for her, after doing the breakfast dishes with him, after leaving Sly with his coffee, Faye put Michael on her hip and she took Joe’s hand. They walked up the sneak stair to the second floor. From there they stood on the landing below the cupola and Joe lowered the staircase that would take them up there.

It wasn’t the original cupola. They had lost it in the big hurricane that had almost taken the whole house and the two of them along with it. Together, they had reconstructed it, building the wooden framework and roofing it and fitting new windows into all four sides. For a while after they finished the renovation, they had brought their morning coffee and bedtime snacks up here, but business and children and everyday chores had distracted them, and those relaxed days seemed a long time in the past.

As Joe listened to Faye’s stories about The Monster Man, he looked out a window and followed her pointing finger with his eyes. She showed him where the tank had been and where the arsenic still was. She told him about the bits of china and glass, and she asked him to imagine where the old cabin might have stood.

He scrolled through her phone’s displays as she talked, and he listened to her tell him how she’d shown Sheriff Rainey and Gerry Steinberg that they were wrong about his father. Then they’d just sat for a while, side by side, and watched the sun on the water. Faye could have convinced herself that there was no trouble out there in a world so beautiful, until Joe spoke and interrupted the silence.

“I hear what you’re saying about how you were out on the porch all night, and I appreciate you telling the sheriff about it.”


“But it’s not proof that you didn’t go to sleep for a little while. Or that Dad didn’t find a way to slip past you, real quiet.”

“I would have heard—“

“Probably you would’ve heard. But probably ain’t proof.”

Joe wasn’t looking at her. He was looking out at the water where his father would have been navigating a boat in the dark, if he’d taken a surreptitious trip ashore to attack Delia.

“It ain’t proof,” he repeated. “I guess what I’m trying to say is this. I’m real grateful that you’re defending my dad this way. I believe every word you say. I believe everything you showed me on your phone. Still, all of those things added together don’t make me as certain-sure as you are that he ain’t guilty.”


Joe had taken Michael back downstairs, leaving Faye to look out at the water, alone, wondering how Joe could stand to let his father stay in the house if he thought the man might be a rapist. Or a killer.

The vibration of the phone in her pocket interrupted her thoughts.

When she answered it, Sheriff Mike’s voice said “Hello.”

“Long time no talk. How’s Magda?”

“Working too hard. She needs to retire, so she can do nothing but drink coffee and gossip. Just like me. She says she’s too young to retire, and she is, but that don’t mean I’ll quit pestering her to stop working and start sitting around, passing the time of day with her loving husband. Anyway, I’ve got some more gossip for you.”

“Lucky me.”

“Since you were so interested in poor Delia Scarsdale’s situation this morning, I thought you might want to hear the latest scuttlebutt. It’s about Liz this time. You knew her a lot better than Miss Scarsdale, so I thought you’d be even more interested in this piece of gossip.”

Faye looked toward shore, as if she could see the marina from where she sat. As if she could see the shallow water where Liz met death. “Have they found her killer?”

“No. But Tommy Barnett has been running his mouth.”

“About what? Does he know who killed her?”

“It’s not about who killed her. It’s about who was the mastermind behind Tommy’s waste dumping business.”

“I thought Tommy was behind it, if it makes any sense at all to call Tommy a mastermind. He was the one getting paid for it.”

“Well, that’s just the thing.” Sheriff Mike paused, like the true storyteller that he was. Storytellers made people wait for the good stuff.

What’s just the thing?”

“Tommy says that he wasn’t the only one getting paid for dumping. He says that Liz was the one who ran the operation. He said people would come to her with their chemical problems. She would put them in touch with Tommy and then he’d make those problems go away, no questions asked. He claims that she took most of the money and let him take the risks and do the scut work.”

“Does that even matter?” Faye asked in a voice loud enough to overload the Sheriff Mike’s phone speaker. “He’s guilty. Gerry Steinberg and those other deputies saw him break the law with their own eyes. Why are they letting him accuse Liz when she’s not here to defend herself?”

“You asked if it mattered whether Liz was involved? No, it doesn’t. Yes, it does. It’s complicated.” He took a breath, but kept talking without taking a real storyteller’s break, probably because he didn’t want Faye to yell at him again. “Realistically, I doubt he’ll serve jail time. He was flagrant about his dumping, but compare the results to the Deepwater Horizon spill and you’ll get a sense of scale. And it’s technically a first offense, especially if he tries to claim he didn’t know he was breaking the law until Steinberg chased him down.”

“So. No jail time. What’s he worried about? Fines? Penalties?”

“Yes. There’s a fancy formula for calculating his fines. It will look at environmental damage Tommy caused. It will consider how much he gained, money-wise. It will consider whether his violation was deliberate or chronic—“

“Yes to both. Deliberate. And chronic.”

Sheriff Mike continued as if she hadn’t interrupted him. “And then the powers-that-be will run all those factors into a blender and come out with a number that says what Tommy has to pay for his environmental sins. If they don’t think his crime is worth the expense of a big court case, they have an incentive to keep the penalty low.

“Define ‘low’ for me.”

“If the fine is under ten thousand dollars, they can handle things administratively without going to court.”

Was ten thousand dollars really “low” in the environmental world? What did this say about the cost of the work Deputy Steinberg was doing on Joyeuse Island? Faye and Joe could soon be as broke as Tommy Barnett.

“You know they’re never going to get ten thousand dollars out of Tommy,” she said.

“Hell no. But the penalty can’t be too low, because the state wants to make Tommy an example to other people. Penalty calculations are a dark art. The fine goes down if the environmental damage is considered to be low, but how do you judge that anyway? Sometimes community service or public education can substitute for the dollars-and-cents fine. And I think that’s what he’s aiming for, myself.”

“Who’s aiming for what?”

“Tommy. You’d think his case is black-and-white. Guilty or not guilty. But not really. If he’s not going to jail, and I don’t think he is, his whole game comes down to one thing. Getting that fine as low as possible. So why not shift the blame onto a dead woman? Make himself look like the little guy she took advantage of. Hell. I think he went out as soon as the sheriff finished questioning him and tossed the rest of his sludge inventory.”

“Why would he do that?”

“So he don’t get caught with so much stuff that he looks like a major player. It was a stupid move, but his best defense is to make himself look as stupid as possible.”

“Which won’t be hard.”

“No, ma’am, it won’t. The powers-that-be know that he doesn’t have any money to pay a fine, so he’s hoping they’ll think ‘Why not just sentence this dumbass to get some education and do some community service? Case closed.’”

So Tommy was going to try to save himself by dragging Liz’s name through the dirt. Faye was not amused.

“Faye, you knew Liz and you know Tommy. Do you think he’s telling the truth? Was she involved?”

“Nope. I’ve got no proof. I just don’t think she’d do what he said. She loved living on the water. I don’t think she’d have been willing to pollute it.”

“I don’t, either,” Sheriff Mike said.

Faye looked out the cupola’s windows, over the roof of her old home and over her island and out to sea. She didn’t have anything left to say, not even good-bye. She just sighed and said, “Lying about the dead is really bad karma,” then she hung up.

Sheriff Graham and Gerry Steinberg had started Faye’s day shortly after dawn. Faye’s morning had been stressful and busy and it wasn’t even over. What was she going to do with the rest of her Friday?

For the first time in a long while, the answer wasn’t “Go dig some random holes and see what you find.” Today, the answer was “Go find out the truth about Liz.”

Her husband’s father was at risk of being railroaded for attacking Delia and maybe for killing Liz. Liz herself was in danger of being labeled as an environmental criminal, and she wasn’t here to defend herself. The person who broke into Emma’s house was still at large, leaving her vulnerable. Any fool could see that there was a good likelihood that all Micco County’s unsolved crimes were related.

All those crimes swirled around Sly Mantooth, but they also touched Oscar Croft. Faye had a photo proving that he’d been at the marina shortly before Liz’s death. He had asked Emma for a date on the very evening of her break-in, then he’d showed up unannounced on her doorstep when she was slow in returning his call. He was only a room or two away from Delia when she was attacked.

Or was he?

Delia didn’t see her attacker. Could it have been Oscar who came in through her window and blindfolded her with her own bedclothes? Then, when she got away and went looking for him, did he do nothing more than slip out her window and come back inside through a door?

Connecting Oscar to Tommy was more of a reach, but no matter. Exploring the connections between Oscar, Liz, Emma, and Delia was the important thing.

So how was she going to do that?

Oscar had been trying to get an appointment with Faye for weeks to talk about his ancestor Elias, but she’d been dodging him. As much as she hated to admit it, Faye knew that the time had come to stop avoiding Oscar Croft.