Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom
Nelson Mandela, The Illustrated Long Walk to Freedom
William Nicholson, Long Walk to Freedom Screenplay
Nelson Mandela, Conversations With Myself
Nelson Mandela By Himself: The Authorized Book of Quotations
Nelson Mandela, The Authorized Comic Book
Nelson Mandela: The Authorized Portrait
Anthony Sampson, Mandela: The Authorized Biography
Fatima Meer, Higher Than Hope, An Authorized Biography
Elleker Boehmer, Nelson Mandela
Tom Lodge, Mandela; A Critical Life
Martin Meredith, Nelson Mandela: A Biography
Joseph Ajay Fashagaba, The Life History of Nelson Mandela
and South Africa
Father Michael Lapsley, Redeeming The Past
Stephen M Davis, Apartheid’s Rebels
Barbara Rogers, White Wealth and Black Poverty
Jay Naidoo, Fighting For Justice
Anthony Sampson, Black and Gold Tycoons, Revolutionaries and Apartheid
Denis Goldberg, The Mission: A Life For Freedom in South Africa
Patrick Bond, Elite Transition
Sampie Terreblanche, Lost In Transformation
Fran Buntman, Robben Island and Prisoner Resistance to Apartheid.
Zakes Mda, Sometimes There is a Void
William Gumede, Restless Nation
Stanley Greenberg, Race and State in Capitalist Development
Ronnie Kasrils, Armed and Dangerous
Ahmed Kathrada, Memoirs
Ken Keable, London Recruits
Joe Slovo, An Unfinished Biography
Firdoze Bulbulia and Fatth Isiakpere, Council Of The Elders
Eddie Daniels, There and Back, Robben Island, 1964–1979
Martin Plaut and Paul Holden, Who Rules South Africa
Alan Wieder, Ruth First and Joe Slovo in the War Against Apartheid
Jomarié Dick, Viva Mr. Mandela
David Goodman and Paul Weinberg, Fault Lines: Journeys into the New South Africa