Thank you…
To the ghosts of writers past, present, and future haunting the stacks of the New York Society Library. Particular thanks to the wonderful Marie Hogan for graciously swinging the library’s doors open.
To the electric and beautiful Edmee Cherdieu D’Alexis, Irina Peschan, Emily Naim, and Xavier Marzan for inspiring me and keeping me healthy and sane as the counterpoint to the daily physical stasis of writing and researching. Thank you for moving my body, soul, and imagination—and for shaking my ass when I’d been sitting on it all day.
To Julius Macwan, the rich velvety darkness and magic in a path.
To the lovely Barbara Moore for her encouragement and making the process easy.
To the unbelievably creative and talented Rebecca Zins, who brought this book to life.
To the wickedly fabulous J. L. Stermer.
To Rachel Pollack, Mary Greer, and Wald and Ruth Ann Amberstone for graciously offering gorgeous spreads for inclusion and for being my Hermetic beacons of tarot wisdom.
To handsome Bill and sweet Isabella: you are my everything.