97807180216_0031_008.jpg Estimated Time: 5 minutes

½ cup fat-free cottage cheese

¼ cup vanilla or plain protein powder

1 teaspoon maple extract (or 2 tablespoons low-sugar maple syrup)

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

Dash of ground nutmeg (or pumpkin pie spice)

2 tablespoons sweetener that measures like sugar

½ to 1 cup water (alter this according to desired consistency)

5 to 10 ice cubes (use fewer for a thinner consistency)

Place the cottage cheese, protein powder, maple extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, sweetener, water, and ice cubes in a blender and blend until a creamy consistency is reached. Enjoy!

Yields 1 Serving

Nutritional Information: 180 calories; 0 grams fat; 7 grams carbohydrates; 0 grams fiber; 4 grams sugar; 36 grams protein

I have fond childhood memories of the house filling up with the sweet smell of cinnamon while waiting in anticipation for warm French toast that dripped with melted butter and maple syrup. Now you, too, can have all of your favorite flavors whipped up into a thick and creamy protein shake that is so good it could honestly pass as a milkshake. Yes, I did say you could have French toast and a milkshake for breakfast! Now that is worth waking up for, if you ask me.