
First and foremost, I want to thank my editor, Kay McSpadden. Kay read and reread this story more times than I can count. I also would like to thank Patricia Kirby, who has always been one of my most sharp-eyed content editors. This time she also contributed “horse sense.” I also had a few new editors this time who also helped me keep Sleipnir in character: Laura Concklin, Beth Cruz, and Matthias Beckmann. My brother, Thomas, was great as a myth reference. Special thanks go to my mother, Cherryl Crouch, for her red pen.

I also want to thank all of my readers. Your continued encouragement helped give me the confidence to write this story. Thank you so much!

Finally, thanks must go to my husband Eric. If he hadn’t encouraged me to stop writing fan fiction and start writing something of my own, this story never would have happened.