Chapter 31

Left-Wing Faggot Heaven

White House Living Quarters

–Your wife is planning something very big, said Jarn’s voice in Bubba’s head.

“How big?” asked Bubba as he got comfortable on the bed.

–I don’t know, said Jarn. But I don’t think your wife has any intention of sharing it with my Bubbakins.

“She doesn’t share anything with me anymore,” replied a frowning Bubba.

–Well, she should. Sweet Pea was there for her every step along the way. She probably wouldn’t have become president without your support. The woman owes you, said Jarn. You should be there to get some of the glory.

“Yeah! You’re right!” he answered resentfully. “She owes me!”

–I’m sure you’ll find some clever way to get into the Oval Office and look around, said Jarn. I have an idea. Maybe you could start by asking her where her secretary of state and National Security advisor are located.

“Why? Are they missing?”

–They haven’t been seen in public for almost a week. People are beginning to wonder. Also, you might ask where your daughter is.

“Leslie too? Why?”

–Because she’s with them, said Jarn.

–Wait a second, she reminded him, doesn’t Leslie have a master’s degree in nuclear disarmament studies?

“That’s right,” exclaimed Bubba. “She does. They could all be somewhere secretly negotiating a major disarmament treaty. Probably with the Russians!”

They probably are, she responded.

–You are so smart, Bubbakins, squealed Jarn. You are making me horny with your smartness!

He perked up. “I am?”

Big, strong, intelligent Earth men, who don’t let obstacles get in their way make me hot, purred Jarn.

Bubba grinned. “Don’t worry,” he said. “Your Bubbakins will find out what’s going on!”

She sighed again in his head.

–You have made me so...hmmm. Would you like to disarm me?

“Should I dim the lights?” asked Bubba.

Take a hot shower, suggested Jarn. Heavy on the steam!

Walking to the bathroom, Bubba turned on the shower with only the hot water running. After a few minutes, when he could barely see anything, he turned down the hot water. Then taking off his clothes, he entered the spacious shower and closed the door. The lights in the bathroom dimmed and Jarn appearing out of the steam wrapped her arms around him. Bubba smiled as a tentacle slithered down the length of his manhood.

“If you want,” whispered Jarn into Bubba’s ear as she stroked, “I can grow my Bubbakins another one of these, only much, much bigger. Would you like that?”

Grinning, he nodded as her tentacles pulled him into her.

Lecken Prison, Oregon, Cell 158

Be strong, do not fear; your God will come with a vengeance…

Isaiah 35:4

Cutter lay on his bunk, simmering in anger, staring at Teddy sleeping on the bunk next to him. Ever since his dressing down a week earlier over Babyface and Peter, resentment had been building in him like a boiling tea kettle that someone had suddenly sealed. He wondered what would happen if he pulled Teddy from his bunk and fucked him like the bitch Cutter was beginning to see him as.

–You look troubled, my faithful noble servant, boomed the voice inside his head.

Cutter immediately sat up and looked at the ceiling.

“It’s nothing, angel-lady,” he replied.

–No, tell me, requested the voice. It’s important that I know what troubles you.

“It’s the master,” said Cutter. “I think he’s weak and not up to the tasks ahead.”

–I see, said the voice. And how did you come to that conclusion?

“First, he was upset when I poked Babyface and afterwards when the pussy committed suicide,” said Cutter. “By the way, did Babyface go to heaven?”

Uh…yes…of course he did, said the voice.

“Left-wing faggot heaven?”

–Uh…yes…He went to left-wing faggot heaven.

“Can I get a blow job from him in heaven?”

–Uh…yeah…sure…why the hell not. What else concerns you?

“He also won’t let me fuck Peter,” said Cutter

–Did he say why? asked the voice.

“He made the excuse that it’s because I hurt Peter,” said Cutter. “But that can’t be true because it’s obvious to me Peter likes it when I hurt him.”

–So why do you think he won’t let you fuck Peter?

Cutter looked at Teddy sleeping and then up at the ceiling again.

“I think it’s because he’s turning into a faggot himself,” whispered Cutter. “I heard he’s been giving Peter blowjobs.”


“Yes! Really! He’s been giving Peter blowjobs!” said Cutter with emphasis. “That’s why he doesn’t want me fucking him. He’s turned into a lefty socialist faggot. Next thing you know he’ll be talking about the green new deal, alternative energy, or Medicare for all.”


“Yes, I know.”

–Well, I’m here tonight to tell you not to despair, said the voice. Your time is coming very soon.

Cutter closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Thank—the—Lord!”

–Yes…uh…thank the Lord!

“What should I do about the master?” asked Cutter. “I don’t think he’s going to be up to the task of purifying the world of its sins.”

–The son of God seems to have grown weak the second time around, said the voice. He might have to face his martyrdom this time a little quicker.

–But not…until after he has fulfilled his primary mission. Until then, do like you have always done and protect him.

“And when is he going to face martyrdom?” asked Cutter.

–I’ll let you know.

“When the time comes, can I be the one to give him the opportunity to be resurrected?”

–Hmmm…maybe…but only if you’re a good boy and do as you’re told.

“Ok, I will,” said Cutter. “Thank you Miss Angel-Lady.”

Feeling better?


Good. Get a good night’s sleep, said the voice. Remember, your time to serve the Lord is close—very close–only days away—so don’t despair and be ready. I might come for you in the middle of the night.

Cutter lay back on his bunk, happier than he had been in a long time. He looked at Teddy sleeping with Peter on the top bunk and smiled while he drifted off to sleep thinking about getting the blowjob he had coming from Babyface when he got to heaven.