
Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Page numbers followed by the letter t refer to tables.

active galactic nuclei, 125

Adams, Douglas, 33, 59

ADD, 177–182, 183, 184–186

Akhmedov, Evgeny, 165

Akulov, Vladimir, 76

ALICE detector, 47

Alice in Wonderland, 170, 183

“All,” 26, 27, 229

Allanach, Benjamin, 235

allegory of the cave, 15, 69–70

Alpert, Mark, 228

Alpher, Ralph, 134

Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, 243

Anaxagoras, 34

Andromeda Nebula, 132

angular momentum conservation, 36, 56

ANTARES experiment, 244

anthropic principle, 176

antimatter asymmetry, 144


detection of, 85

right-handed, 104

antiparticles, 38–39, 91

antiprotons, 144

Antoniadis, Ignatius, 177, 179

Antusch, Stefan, 166

Arkani-Hamed, Nima, 168–169, 176, 177, 250

See also ADD

ATLAS detector, 47, 181, 232–233

atmospheric neutrinos, 126, 216, 218

atomic nucleus. See nucleus, atomic

atomism, 15–16, 29, 35

atoms, 35

Aulakh, Charanjit Singh, 162

Aurelius, Marcus, 8

Babu, Kaladij, 112

background radiation. See CMB; cosmic neutrino background

background radioactivity, 99, 102–103, 110–111

backward in time. See time travel

Baer, Howard, 64

Bahcall, John, 93, 119–121, 250

Barger, Vernon, 122, 130

baryogenesis, 153, 164

baryon asymmetry, 164

baryons, 41

conservation of, 144

Baudis, Laura, 111

Beacom, John F., 241

beauty in science, 25, 52, 54, 78, 254, 255

beta decay, 42, 57, 82, 92, 104

asymmetry in, 74

double, 105, 106, 107, 113, 148, 238

Fermi theory of, 83

inverse, 85, 241

and neutrino oscillation, 95

See also neutrinoless double beta decay

Bhattacharyya, Gautam, 162, 163, 182, 216, 236

Big Bang, 132, 135, 141

nucleosynthesis, 146

bi-maximal mixing, 130

black hole

coinage, 30

microscopic, 180, 181, 237

Blake, William, 12

Bohr, Niels

and Everett, 30

and Heisenberg, 18–19, 23, 25

in Moscow, 24

See also Copenhagen interpretation

bomb, nuclear, 83, 93, 94

and Heisenberg, 18

and neutrino hunt, 84–86

bootstrap paradox, 210, 228

BOREXINO experiment, 244

Born, Max, 83

Bose, Satyendra Nath, 40

bosons, 40

Bowie, David, 248

branes, 173–175, 219, 224

oscillating, 221

Brimos (Greek god), 11

Brout, Robert, 69

Brown, Dan, 215

Buchmüller, Wilfried, 165

Bukowski, Charles, 34

bulk (non-brane), 183

Buniy, Roman, 211

Cabibbo, Nicola, 123

Cabrera, Blas, 136

Calatrava, Santiago, 254

Camus, Albert, 252

Casas, J. Alberto, 155

Cauet, Christophe, 234

causality, breakdown of, 21, 29, 229

CERN, 5, 44–46, 127, 128

detectors at, 44, 45, 47, 48–49

work environment at, 215–216

Chadwick, James, 89

“charge” (other than electric), 39

chargino, 77t

Charpak, Georges, 246

Chen, Shao-Long, 237

Chikashige, Yuichi, 161

chirality, 38, 40, 72

flip, 92

CHOOZ experiment, 238

Chown, Marcus, 225

chronology protection conjecture, 211

Chung, Daniel, 221, 223

Cicero, 8

Clark, William, 247

Clinton, William Jefferson, 117

closed timelike curve, 204–205, 206, 211, 222

CMB, 135, 139, 145, 150, 153

and cosmic structure, 148

discovery of, 131–132

prediction of, 134

uniformity of, 137

CMS detector, 47, 48–49

cobalt, 60, 74

collapse of wave function, 23, 28–30, 31–32

color charge, 41

Coma Supercluster, 132

compactification, 172, 173

complementarity, 24

and ancient Greece, 29

condensate. See Higgs condensate

Conrad, Janet, 227

conservation laws, 54

See also specific conserved quantities

constructivism, 251, 253


Everett visit to, 30

Heisenberg visit to, 18

Copenhagen (Frayn play), 20

Copenhagen interpretation, 23, 31

cosmic background radiation. See CMB

cosmic neutrino background, 145, 241

cosmic rays, 38, 50

cosmological constant, 134, 142

cosmology, 131–153 (Chapter 10)

Cowan, Clyde, 84, 86, 117, 250

Cowell, Henry, 65

CP symmetry, 239

CP violation, 140, 240

crab nebula, 245

Csaki, Csaba, 221

cults, 7–16 (Chapter 2), 26, 32

relation to modern physics, 29

CUORE experiment, 111, 238

Dai, Jin, 173

dark energy, 142–143, 149, 152

dark matter, 79, 80, 141–142, 149, 186, 231

detection of, 149

searches for, 103

Davis, Raymond

and early neutrino search, 117, 118

personality of, 250

and solar neutrinos, 93, 119–121

DAYA BAY experiment, 239, 241

decoherence, 32, 94

De Crescenzo, Luciano, 26

Demeter (Greek goddess), 8–11, 14

Democritus, 15, 29, 35

Deppisch, Frank, 155, 235, 236

De Rujula, Alvaro, 245

desert (particle), 51, 61, 247

conferences on, 63–64, 127, 140

Deutsch, David, 228, 229

DeWitt, Bryce, 31

Diamond Head, 2–3, 4

Dick, Karin, 165

Dicke, Robert, 131, 135

Dienes, Keith, 180–182

di-lepton decay, 231, 235

dimensions, extra, 4, 167–187 (Chapter 12)

asymmetric warping of, 221, 222, 226

searches for at LHC, 237–238

warped, 184–187, 219–220

as wormhole, 214, 220

Dimopoulos, Savas, 77, 170, 177

See also ADD

Dionysian events, 14–15, 32, 253

Dionysus (Greek god), 11

Dirac, Paul, 24, 83

in Moscow, 25

Dirac neutrinos, 166

Dirac particles, 91, 92

direct detection

of cosmic neutrino background, 241

of dark matter, 149

direct production of dark matter, 149

Disney, Walt, 202, 252

Doors (musical group), 12

double beta decay, 105

Double-CHOOZ experiment, 239, 241

double seesaw

See seesaw, inverse

double-slit experiment, 22

Drees, Manuel, 162

Dreiner, Herbi, 162

duality relations, 174, 234

Dudas, Emilian, 180–182

Dvali, Gia, 170, 177, 186

See also ADD

E (Eels lead singer), 31

ecstasies, 32

Eddington, Arthur, 118

Eels (musical group), 31

Einstein, Albert, 190

and cosmological constant, 134, 142

and extra dimensions, 170

and mass concept, 199

opposition to quantum mechanics by, 21, 29

at patent office, 188–189

in Princeton, 202


classical, 39, 189

quantum, 74, 170

strength of, 169

electron antineutrino, 218

electron volt, 46

Elefsina, Greece, 8

elementary particles. See particles

Eleusis, 7–16 (Chapter 2)

Elliott, Steven, 235

Ellis, John, 59

El Monstro detector, 85

energy conservation, 56

in beta decay, 82–83

energy units, 46t

Englert, François, 66, 69

erasure of structures, 148

ergot, 11, 13–14

Erlich, Joshua, 221, 223

ether, 189

Everett, Elizabeth, 30–31

Everett, Hugh, III, 30–32, 228

and Niels Bohr, 30

Everett, Mark (aka E), 31

EXO-200 experiment, 110, 111, 238

families. See particle families

Fardon, Robert, 152

faster-than-light travel, 5, 197–198

Fermi, Enrico, 19, 250

and neutrino coinage, 83

and students of, 83, 86

Fermilab, 5, 127

fermions, 37

Ferrara, Sergio, 77

Feynman, Richard, 20, 30, 118

filaments, 132, 139, 147

fine-tuning problem, 76

Flanz, Marion, 165

flatness, 135

flavor (particle property), 42, 96, 146, 225

flavor frontier, 236–237

flavor puzzle, 239

force carriers, 40

Frayn, Michael, 20

Freese, Katherine, 221

Frigerio, Michele, 237

Fritzsch, Harald, 58

Fuchs, Klaus, 94

Fukugita, Masataka, 163, 164

fundamental particles. See particles

GADZOOKS experiment, 241

Galileo Galilei, 89

GALLEX experiment, 113, 124, 125

gallium, 124

Gamow, George, 134

gauge symmetry, 59

gauge theories, 58

Gehman, Victor, 235

Gell-Mann, Murray, 37, 137, 160

general relativity, 199–201, 205

GENIUS proposal, 111

Georgi, Howard, 58, 59, 77

GERDA experiment, 111, 238

germanium, 125

isotope 76, 98

Gherghetta, Tony, 180–182

Glashow, Sheldon, x

and electroweak interaction, 44, 74

and neutrinos as probes, 246

and seesaw mechanism, 160

and single primordial particle, 58–59

gluino, 77t

gluons, 40, 41

Gödel, Kurt, 202, 203, 204–205, 224, 250

See also incompleteness theorem

Gödel universe, 206

Goethe, Wolfgang Johann von, 20, 25

Golden Gate Bridge, 167, 168

Gol’fand, Yuri, 76

Grand Unified Theories. See GUT

grandfather paradox, 209, 228

Gran Sasso Laboratory, 100–101, 127, 128

Gratta, Giorgio, 110


in general relativity, 199

not in Standard Model, 43

and quantum physics, 175–176, 180

as strong force, 177–180

graviton, 170

Greece, ancient, 7–16 (Chapter 2)

Greek philosophy, influence on modern physics, 25

See also individual philosophers

Green, Michael, 171

Grojean, Christophe, 221

Grossman, Yuval, 186

ground state, 67, 70

Guralnik, Gerald, 66, 69

GUT, 59–62, 63, 66, 69, 75

and neutrino mass, 98

and neutrinos, 91

neutrinos as probes of, 130

and predicted proton decay, 126

scale, 136, 152, 158, 180, 218

unification of forces in, 78–79

Guth, Alan, 135, 136, 137

Hades (Greek god), 8–9, 11, 14

Hades’s grotto, 10

Hadrian, 8

Hagen, Carl R., 66, 69

Hagura, Hiroyuki, 246

Haldeman, Joe, 227–228

Hall, Lawrence, 162

hallucinations, 32

Halzen, Francis, 243

handedness. See chirality

Hawai‘i, University of, 4

See also Manoa campus

Hawking, Stephen, 209, 211, 212, 250

Heidegger, Martin, 143

Heidelberg-Moscow experiment, 102–103

See also neutrinoless double beta decay

Heidelberg University, 97

Heinlein, Robert, 210

Heisenberg, Werner, 17–18, 19, 20, 23–25, 250

at eighteen, 56

and Greek philosophy, 24–25

in Helgoland, 20, 24

and Niels Bohr, 18–19, 23

and nuclear structure, 89

and nucleon symmetry, 57, 58, 83

threat to his life, 18

and Wolfgang Pauli, 36, 81–82

helicity, 38, 72

Hellmig, Jochen, 111, 114

Helo Herrera, Juan Carlos, 235

Hemingway, Ernest, 34, 254

Heraclitus, 15

Herman, Robert, 134

Hermann, Armin, 24

Herr Auge detector, 86, 87

Heuer, Rolf-Dieter, 66

Heusser, Gerhard, 111

Hewett, JoAnn, 227

hierarchy problem, 75–76, 169, 185, 231

Higgs, Peter, 65–66

Higgs boson, 50, 66, 76, 80

exotic decay of, 237

Higgs condensate, 75, 163, 164

Higgs field

ground state(s) of, 69, 70, 136

invention of, 66

and isospin charge, 74

and neutrino coupling, 158

and vacuum energy, 143, 157

Higgs mechanism, 66, 67

Higgs triplet, 157

Hilbert, David, 54

Hirsch, Martin, 112, 113, 162, 235, 236

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 33

Hofmann, Albert, 11–15

Hollenberg, Sebastian, 224

Honolulu, 1, 2–3

Horava, Petr, 173

horizon problem, 139, 221

Hsu, Stephen, 211

Hubble, Edwin, 134, 142

Hubble Telescope, 133

Huber, Patrick, 246

Huber, Stephan, 186

Hung, P. Q., 149, 152

Huxley, Aldous, 13, 26, 253

Iasion (Greek god), 14

Ibarra, Alejandro, 155

IceCube Neutrino Observatory, 243, 244

IMB detector, 92, 127, 242

incompleteness theorem, 204

indirect detection of dark matter, 149

inflation, 136–137, 138, 140–141, 153, 241

inflaton (field), 137, 140–141, 143, 147, 166

inhomogeneities in CMB, 138, 139, 153

interference, two-slit, 21–22

International Linear Collider, 46

invariance, 77

“Is,” 28

isospin, 58, 73, 74, 156

Joliot-Curie, Irène and Frédéric, 93

Jung, C. G., 82

Jünger, Ernst, 11

K2K experiment, 240

See also T2K experiment

Kachelriess, Michael, 161, 215

Kajita, Takaaki, 115

Kaluza, Theodor, 170, 171

Kaluza-Klein excitations, 186, 226, 237

Kamiokande detector, 92

See also Super-Kamiokande

KamLAND, 129–130

KamLAND-Zen experiment, 111


detector, 107, 108–109

experiment, 107, 238

KEK laboratory, 127

Kellogg, J. M., 85

Kephart, Thomas, 214, 215

Kepler, Johannes, 244

Kerouac, Jack, 249

Kibble, Tom, 69

Kirsten, Till, 113, 124

Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Hans Volker

and “desert” conferences, 63, 127

and neutrinoless double beta decay, 98, 103, 110

personality of, 250

and theoretical studies, 111, 113, 163

Klein, Felix, 54

Klein, Oskar, 170, 171

KM3NET telescope, 244

Kolb, Edward W., 140

Kom, Steve, 235

Kovalenko, Sergey, 112, 113, 235

Kuhn, Thomas S., 24, 251, 252

Kuzmin, Vadim, 121, 164

kykeon, 10, 11, 14

Large Hadron Collider. See LHC

Learned, John, 126, 127, 242, 243, 246

Leary, Timothy, 13

Lederman, Leon, 92

Lee, T. D., 71

Leigh, Robert, 173

Lemaitre, Georges, 134, 142, 205

leptogenesis, 160, 165

lepton number, 91, 112

conservation of, 91

violation of, 182

leptons, 37, 74

leptoquark forces, 158

leptoquarks, 62

Leser, Philipp, 237

Lewis, Meriwether, 247

LHC, 46, 47, 231, 232–233, 234

LHCb detector, 47

light cones, 195–196, 197

like sign di-lepton signal, 231, 235

Likhtman, Evgenyi, 76

Linde, Andrei, 136, 167

Lindner, Manfred, 163, 165

linear collider. See International Linear Collider; SLAC

Lir (Celtic god), 65

local group of galaxies, 132

Lono (Hawaiian god), 4

Los Alamos lab

and LSND, 114, 217, 227, 235

and neutrino detection, 84, 85, 87

Louis, William, 227

LSD, 11–14

LSND experiment, 114, 217, 218, 219, 227, 240

lysergic acid, 11–14

M-theory, 174

Ma, Ernest, 237

Mach, Ernst, 189, 199

MACRO experiment, 102, 136

Magellanic Clouds, 132

magic mushrooms, 12, 14

magnetic monopoles, 137

magnetism, 68–69

Majorana, Ettore, 87–91, 156, 250

disappearance of, 89–91

Majorana particles, 91, 92, 104, 118, 238

and double beta decay, 112, 234–235

and neutrino fluctuations, 163

majoron, 159, 161

Majorovits, Bela, 111

Major Tom, 248–250

Manoa campus, 4, 220

“many worlds,” 31–32, 33, 253

March-Russell, John, 180–182


gravitational and inertial, 199

origin of, 67

mass hierarchy, 239

Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics. See MPIK

McDonald, Arthur, 130

MEG experiment, 236

mesons, 41, 125

Mexican hat potential, 67

Michelson, Albert Abraham, 189

Micu, Octavian, 224

Mikheev, Stanislav, 122, 123

Milky Way, 132

MiniBooNE experiment, 226, 227, 240

Minkowski, Peter, 58, 59, 160

MINOS experiment, 127

mirror symmetry, 52, 53, 72

mixing of states, 94–95

Mohapatra, Rabi, 112, 160, 161, 162, 163

momentum conservation, 55–56

Morley, Edward, 189

Morris, Michael, 208

Moses, 51

MPIK, 113, 124

MSW effect, 123, 125, 129, 215, 219, 225

muon, 37, 44, 74, 77t, 101, 102

muon antineutrino, 218

muon neutrino, 37t, 94, 128

atmospheric, 126

discovery of, 92

and oscillation, 95–96, 117, 123, 129

Murayama, Hitoshi, 117, 166, 167

Mussolini, Benito, 90

negative energy, 185, 208, 211, 225

Nelson, Ann, 152

NEMO experiment, 244

NESTOR experiment, 244

Neubert, Matthias, 186

neutralino, 77t, 79

neutrino astrophysics, 242

neutrino coinage, 83

neutrino-electron doublet, 59

neutrinoless double beta decay, 105

evidence for, 110

and Gran Sasso experiment, 98–99, 102–103, 111

and handedness, 160

implications of, 113, 231

and nature of neutrinos, 234–235

and other physics, 145, 161, 162

and possible new physics, 112, 182

neutrino oscillations, 216–217

See also neutrinos: mixing of

neutrinos, 81–96 (Chapter 7), 154–166 (Chapter 11)

atmospheric, 126, 216

Dirac, 166

families of, 94

flavors of, 117, 146, 147

masses of, 71, 130, 146, 148

mass generation of, 154–155, 159, 162, 234, 236, 237

mixing of, 130, 238

as probes, 242

right-handed, 157, 158, 165, 186

small mass of, 180–181

from supernovas, 102

See also atmospheric neutrinos; cosmic neutrino background; neutrino oscillations; solar neutrinos; sterile neutrinos

neutron, 41

decay of, 95, 103–105, 112, 118

in early universe, 147

as nuclear constituent, 35, 89

production of, 84, 85, 86, 241

as proton’s other face, 57–58, 59

Newton, Isaac, 54, 89

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 7, 15, 16, 252, 253

Nobel laureates, x, 44, 58, 74, 83, 86, 144, 164, 246

Noether, Emmy, 52, 54–56, 58

NOVA experiment, 240

nucleosynthesis, 146

nucleus, atomic, 84, 95

and atomic structure, 35–37

structure of, 41, 89

Occam’s Razor, 231

Olympus, Mount, 8–9

“One,” 26–29, 229

OPERA experiment, 129, 227

ORCA experiment, 244

oscillation, 216–217

See also neutrinos: mixing of

Pakvasa, Sandip, 122, 126, 130, 216, 220, 221, 246

Pal, Palash, 121, 162

Palomares-Ruiz, Sergio, 213

Panella, Orlando, 112

Panigrahi, Prasanta, 246

paradigm, shift of, 24, 251, 252

paradoxes, 5, 209, 210, 228

parallel universes, 30–32, 229

Parmenides, 15, 25–29, 229, 253

Parmenides (Plato dialogue), 25

particle families, 37t, 38, 39, 92, 146

particle loop, 162

particles, 34–50 (Chapter 4)

left-handed, 73

massless, 72

right-handed, 73

Päs, Frigga, drawing by, 190

Paschos, Emmanuel A., 165

Pauli, Wolfgang, 19, 36, 73, 74, 176, 250

and neutrino postulate, 81–83

Pauli principle, 36–37

Pausanias, 8

Peccei, Roberto, 161

Peierls, Rudolph, 71, 73

Penzias, Arno, 131, 132, 135

Persephone (Greek goddess), 8–11, 26

Petcov, Sergey, 155

Phillips, Roger, 122

photino, 77t

photon, 77t, 145

as decay product, 236

as field quantum, 40, 41

as massless particle, 42, 72

Pidt, Daniel, 236

Piepke, Andreas, 110

Pilaftsis, Apostolos, 165, 182

Pindar, 8

PINGU experiment, 244


decay of, 240

quark composition of, 41, 125–126

Planck mass, 169

PLANCK satellite, 150–151, 153, 241

Planck scale, 135

plasma, 69, 134, 141, 220

Plato, 8, 15, 249

his allegory of the cave, 15, 69–70

influence on Heisenberg, 24

Plümacher, Michael, 165

Polchinski, Joseph, 173, 174

Pontecorvo, Bruno, 88, 93–94, 117, 118, 120

Popper, Karl, 176, 250, 251

Porod, Werner, 162, 236

positron, 39, 84, 91

production of, 85, 118

Powers, Thomas, 18

probability in quantum mechanics, 21–23, 29

Project Poltergeist, 86, 87

proton, 41

acceleration of, 45–47

in early universe, 147

fusion reactions of, 120, 121

as neutron’s other face, 57–59, 83

as nuclear constituent, 35, 89

possible decay of, 62, 63, 126

production of, 95, 103–105

transformation of, 84, 85, 118

proton decay, search for, 62–63, 126

psychedelic drugs, 15, 32

See also ergot; LSD; Salvia divinorum

quanta of fields, 40

quantum field theory, 70

quantum fluctuations, 42, 225, 234, 235

quantum numbers, 36, 56

quantum physics, 17–33 (Chapter 3)

and gravity, 175–176, 180

neo-Platonic nature of, 32

quarks, 37

mixing of, 123, 237

and symmetry, 56

R-parity, 79, 112, 162, 235, 236

radioactivity, 40, 95

background, 99, 102–103, 110–111

and neutrino search, 125

of specific isotopes, 99, 113

Ramond, Pierre, 76, 160

Randall, Lisa, 183–186, 221

Randall-Sundrum models, 184–186, 221

Ratz, Michael, 165

Redelbach, Andreas, 156, 236

red shift, 134, 142

Reines, Frederick, 84, 85, 86, 117, 127, 250

RENO experiment, 239, 241

Republic (Plato dialogue), 70

Rodejohann, Werner, 155

rotational symmetry, 52, 53

Rubakov, Valery, 164, 165

Rubbia, Carlo, 44–45, 250

Ruck, Carl, 13

Rückl, Reinhold, 156

Russell, Bertrand, 34

Sacharov, Andrei Dmitrievich, 144

Sagan, Carl, 207

SAGE experiment, 124

Salam, Abdus, 44, 70–71, 72, 73, 74

Salvia divinorum, 13

Sanami, Toshiya, 246

Santamaria, Arcadi, 162

Sarkar, Utpal, 165, 246

scattering concept, 68

Schechter, Joel, 112, 160

Schechter-Valle theorem, 234

Scherk, Joel, 170

Schilling, Peter, 248

Schmidt, Ivan, 112

Schrödinger, Erwin, 23, 24, 25

Schrödinger’s cat, 23, 27, 91

Schwartz, Melvin, 92

Schwarz, John, 170

Schwarzschild radius, 200–201

Sciascia, Leonardo, 89, 90

seesaw, inverse, 161, 234

seesaw-II, 157

seesaw mechanism

alternatives to, 161

double, 161, 234

in extra dimensions, 182

and neutrino mass, 152, 155–157, 163

and SUSY, 235

Senjanovic, Goran, 160

Shafi, Qaisar, 186

Shaposhnikov, Mikhail, 164

simultaneity, relativity of, 194, 229

Singh, Anupam, 152

Sisyphus, 252

SLAC, 168

Slansky, Richard, 160

Smirnov, Alexei, 113, 122, 123, 165, 186, 215

sneutrino, 77t, 112, 166, 235, 241

SNO, 129

Socrates, 26, 249, 250, 252, 253

solar neutrinos, 113, 218

and Davis experiment, 119

and extra dimensions, 216

oscillation of, 114

within the sun, 122–124, 219

Sommerfeld, Arnold, 81

Song, Liguo, 214

Sophocles, 8


diagrams, 195

warping of, 201

spectrometer, 106, 107, 108–109, 189

speed of light

constancy of, 192

as speed limit, 197

sphaleron, 165, 166

spin, 36

squark, 77t, 173

Stalin, Joseph, 54

Stancu, Ion, 227

Standard Model, 38, 44, 45

completion of, 80

extensions of, 160

failure of, 117, 119

and mass, 67, 70

and neutrino flavor, 146

and neutrinos, 72

no mirror symmetry in, 72

physics beyond, 130

possible limitations of, 45

and spontaneous symmetry breaking, 75, 80

SUSY counterparts of, 77t

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 168

Star Trek, 204, 209

Steinberger, Jack, 92

Steinhardt, Paul, 136

sterile neutrinos, 157, 161

evidence for, 240

and extra dimensions, 216, 219, 220, 226

great mass of, 218

and time travel, 224, 225

Stockum, Willem Jacob van, 205

Strecker, Herbert, 99

string scale, 158

string theory, 170–171, 174–179

Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), 129

Sugawara, Hirotaka, 246

Sundrum, Raman, 184–186, 221

Super-Kamiokande, 116, 117, 127, 240, 241, 242

superluminal speed, 5, 197–198

Supernova 1987A, 92–93, 242

superposition, 21–22

superstrings, 170

superstring theory. See string theory

supersymmetry. See SUSY

surfing, 1–6 (Chapter 1)

Susskind, Leonard, 167, 176, 223

SUSY, 63–64, 76–80

frontier, 235–236

names of counterpart particles, 77t

neutrino partners, 241

and neutrinoless double beta decay, 112–113

particle masses, 78

partners, 182

and R-parity violation, 162

scale, 152, 234

Sutton, Christine, 249

Suzuki, Hiroshi, 166

Suzuki, Mahiko, 162

Swarup, Vikas, ix

symmetries, 51–64 (Chapter 5)

See also specific symmetries

symmetry breaking, 63, 65–80 (Chapter 6)

spontaneous, 66–67, 69

synthesia, 12

T2K experiment, 239–240

Takita, Masato, 127

tau, 37, 74, 77t

tau neutrino, 94, 96, 117, 123, 126, 128, 129

Taubes, Gary, 44

Telesterion, 10, 13

t’Hooft, Gerard, 164

Thorne, Kip, 30, 207, 208

Timaeus (Plato dialogue), 16, 17, 29, 56


dilation, 192, 193

nature of, 188–201 (Chapter 13), 228

translation, 56

time travel, 5, 198, 202–212 (Chapter 14), 213–229 (Chapter 15)

Tipler, Frank J., 205–206, 224

Tomas, Ricard, 161

translational symmetry, 55–56


beta decay of, 106

and neutrino mass, 106

two-slit interference, 21–22

Tye, Henry, 136

UA1 experiment, 44, 215

UA2 experiment, 44, 45, 215

uncertainty principle, 42

energy-time version of, 43, 155

underground detectors, 97–114 (Chapter 8)


of forces, 62

of particles, 51–64 (Chapter 5)

and Plato, 57, 58


accelerated expansion of, 142

expansion of, 134

as a whole, 28

Uranverein (German atomic project), 18, 83


energy of, 152

fluctuations, 79

polarization of, 60, 61

in quantum field theory, 70

Vagins, Mark R., 241

Valle, Jose, 112, 160, 161, 162, 163, 236

Van der Meer, Simon, 44–45

van Gogh, Vincent, 253–254

visions, 32

Visser, Matt, 221, 224

Volkov, Dmitri, 76

W bosons, 40, 41–42

discovery of, 44

and energy-time uncertainty, 43

relation to Higgs mass, 75

and SNO, 129

Waikiki, 1, 2–3, 223

warping. See dimensions, extra; space-time

Wasson, R. Gordon, 13

wave-particle duality, 21–22

Weiler, Thomas, 212

and cosmic neutrino background, 145

and double beta decay, 113

and extra dimensions, 215, 216, 221

and neutrino mass, 214

and neutrino oscillation, 126, 130

Weinberg, Steven, 44, 74, 163

Weiner, Neal, 152

Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich von, 25–29

Wess, Julius, 77

Wheeler, John Archibald, 30, 31

Whisnant, Kerry, 122

White, Edward, 248

Wiesenfeldt, Sören, 234

William of Occam, 231

Wilson, Robert, 131, 132, 135

Wilson, Robert Rathbun, 245

Witten, Edward, 174

Woit, Peter, 176

Wolfenstein, Lincoln, 121–122, 123, 250

wormhole, 207–209, 214

Wright, David, 165

Wu, Chien Shiung, 73–74

Yanagida, Tsutomu, 160, 163, 164, 166

Yang, C. N., 71

Yokoyama, Jun’ichi, 166

Yurtsever, Ulvi, 209

Z boson, 40, 41–42, 162

and cosmic neutrino background, 145

decay of, 218

and energy-time uncertainty, 43

related to HIggs mass, 75

and SNO, 129

Zaphod Beeblebrox, 33

Zaslavskii, Oleg, 91

Z-burst, 145, 241

Zee, Anthony, 162, 246

Zeus (Greek god), 8–9

Zichichi, Antonino, 100, 250

zinos, 162

Zumino, Bruno, 77

Zweig, George, 37