Index of Subjects and Sources
2001: A Space Odyssey (film) 36
9/11 2001 18 -20 , 84
academic freedom 132
Account of a Meeting with Denizens of Another World, 1871, An 88 -91
actors, and paranormal 135 -40
acupuncture 75 , 102
Adams, Douglas 138
alien abductions xii , 55 , 62 -5 , 78 , 83 , 125 -8 , 174
aliens: 'canals' and 'face on Mars' 34 -40 ; crop circles attributed to viii ; hoax by David Langford 88 -91 ; implants by 62 -5
alternative medicine xi , xiii , 137 ; doctor's criticisms 71 -7 ; miracle cures for cancer 67 -70 ; women and New Age beliefs 156 -8
American Museum of Photography 98
anaesthesia, body and mind under 116 -17 , 162 -70
ancient astronauts, 'face on Mars' 37
Andrews, Colin xii , 44
angels xii
Anglia Live (tv programme) 1
anomalystic psychology 83
Ansible 88
anthropology, hoax by Carlos Castaneda 51 -3
anti-science see pseudoscience
apocalypse 15 -17 , 22
Arkana 157 -8
Arnold, Kenneth 171 -2 , 174 -6
Asimov, Isaac 158
Association for Skeptical Inquiry (ASKE) xiii , 105
Association for the Protection of Evolution (APE) xii
astrology viii , xi , xiii , 18 ; fakes and forgeries 89 ; Paul Daniels on 144 ; Stephen Fry on 137 -8 ; women and New Age beliefs 158 -9 ; see also horoscopes
astronomy, 'canals' and 'face on Mars' 34 -40
Aswynn, Freya 156 -9
auras 100 , 141 -2
Australian Skeptics 148
authority 79 , 139
Avebury Circle, and 'face on Mars' 37
Barnett, Paul 88 , 90
Barnum, P. T. 98
Basil, James 62 -5
Beauvoir, Simone de 158
Beecher 102 -3
Belgium, weeping statues x
belief 147 , 177 ; fashions in xi -xii , 41 , 88 ; harm caused by belief in paranormal 66 (see also frauds ); mechanics of 2 -6 ; memories 78 -81
belief systems see New Age ; religion
Berglas, David 14 4
Berlitz, James 158
Bermuda triangle 22
Bethurum, Truman 174
Bible: apocalyptic writing 15 -17 ; miracle cures in Gospels 181 , 186
Bigfoot 10 , 12
biorhythms xii , 41
Blackmore, Susan 1 , 3 , 5 , 127
Blaze, Matt 1
Bloecher, Ted 172 -3
Blundell, Nigel 91
Bockler, Georg 151
body memories 80
Bogardus, Abraham 98
Bonnke, Reinhart 181 -6
Bower, Doug 41 -2
brain capacity, 10 percent myth 18 , 24 -9
Briggs, Captain Benjamin 30 -3
Briggs, Captain James 32
British, reactions to paranormal xii -xiii , 62
British Columbia Skeptics Society 24
British Medical Association, report on alternative medicine (1993) 71 -2 , 75
Broome, Kate 115 , 118
Bruce Gentry: Daredevil of the Skies (film) 175
Brugger, Peter 4 -5
Bruni, Georgina 60
Brunvand, Jan 55
Buguet, Édouard 99
Butler, Brenda 57
Campbell, Joseph 158
Campbell, Scott xiii
Campbell, Steuart 13
Canada: alternative medicine 69 ; sleep paralysis 126
cancer, alternative medicine 67 -70 , 74 , 156
Capra, Fritj of 158
Carlotto, Mark 38 -9
Carnegie, Dale 27 -8
Carnot, Sadi 151
Carter, Angela 159
Castaneda, Carlos 41 , 51 -3 , 158
Cavanagh, Archdeacon Bartholomew 92 -7
Centre for Crop Circle Studies 42 -4
Challenger disaster, memories of 84 -5
change blindness 84
'chi' 21 -3
child abuse, recovered memories 66 , 78 -81 , 85
children, brain capacity 26 -7
chiropractors 75 -6
Chorley, Dave 41 -2
Churchland, Patricia 117 -18
civil liberties 132
clairvoyance 3 , 24 , 159
Clausius, Rudolf 151
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (film) 175
Cocoon (film) 175
cognitive dissonance 23 , 81 , 103
coincidence 3 -4 , 119 -24
cold reading techniques vii , 105 -13
Colvin, Neil 59
Committee for Scientific Inquiry 24 , 130
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) xi , 24 , 130
complementary medicine see alternative medicine
Conde, Kevin 54
consciousness, near-death experiences 114 -18 , 162 -70
Consumers Association 72
corn circles see crop circle s
Cosmic Man , The (film) 175
Cottingley Fairies 41
Cowling, Giles 59
Cox, James 152
Coyne, William 97
creationism xii , 114
Crew, Eric 37
crop circles viii , xii , 41 -5 ; women's New Age beliefs 160
cryptozoology 10 -14
Cryptozoology 13
crystal healing 22 , 137
CSICOP xi , 24 , 130
cultural dimension, UFOs 171 -6
curses 8
Cusack, Sister M. F. 95 -6
Daily Mirror viii
Daily Sketch 99
Daily Telegraph x , xii , 135
Daly, Mary 158
Daniels, Paul 143 -6
Darwin, Charles 11
Day I Died, The (tv programme), near-death experience 115 -18
Day the Earth Stood Still, The (film) 175
De Gratia (brigantine) 30 -1
de Mille, Richard 52 -3
Deane, Ada Emma 99
Decker, Dwight 28
Delgardo, Pat 44
Deveau, Oliver 31 -2
Devil-Girl from Mars (film) 175
Diaconis, Persi 123
Dircks, Henry 151
Don Juan, hoax by Carlos Castaneda 51 -3
Donnelly, Steve xiii
dowsing xi , 138 -9 ; crop circles 43 -4
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 99
dream analysis 80
Duncan, Jean 111 -12
E.T. (film) 175
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (film) 175
Eastern mythologies, martial arts and mental powers 21 -3
Easton, James 54
ECSO xiii
ectoplasm 99 , 177 -9
Edison, Thomas 153
Egypt, ancient, 'face on Mars' linked to 36
Einstein, Albert 28 , 150
Encyclopaedia Britannica 28
end-of-the-world beliefs see apocalypse
End Times Bulletin 15
energy: martial arts and mental powers 21 -3 ; search for perpetual motion 148 -54
Energy Dispersive X-ray Microanalysis (EDX), used to examine alien implant 63 -5
Enlightenment 151 -2 , 155
Equinox (tv programme) 43 -4
ESP 3 , 5 , 114
Essiac 67 , 69
European Council of Skeptical Organizations xiii
European Skeptics' Congress: 3 rd, Amsterdam, 1991 42 ; 5th, Keele, 1993 71
Evans, Dylan 101
Evans, Hilary xiii
Evans, John 35 , 40
evolution 25 , 114
eyewitness testimony: mechanics of belief 2 -6 , 14 ; memory 83 -5 ; monsters 10 , 12 -13
faith healing 66 , 180 -6
fakes and forgeries 14 , 87 , 133 -4 , 145 ; Turin Shroud 46 -50 ; see also frauds ; hoaxes ; placebos
false memory syndrome 66 , 78 -81 , 85 - 6
feminine archetypes 158 -60
feminism 155 -61
Feng Shui xii
Fenwick, Peter 115
Festinger, Leon 81
films: and 'face on Mars' 36 ; UFOs 175
Fire in the Sky (film) 175
flashbulb memories 84 -5
Flood, Solly 30 -2
Fludd, Robert 151
Flying Saucer, The (film) 175
Ford, Henry 25
forensic psychology 83 -4
Fort, Charles 33
Fortean Times 15 , 54
Fox sisters 41
frauds: exploitation by psychics 7 -9 , 190 -1 ; miracles of Indian godmen 187 -9 ; perpetual motion 152 -4 ; possible explanation of Mary Celeste mystery 30 -3 ; spirit photography 98 -100
Freethinker, The 92
French, Chris xiii
fringe medicine see alternative medicine
Fry, Stephen 135 -40
Fulton, Robert 152
Galaud, Katherine 5
Gambler's Fallacy 5
Gardner, Martin xi
Geller, Uri 144 , 189
ghosts xi , 1 , 125 -6 , 140 ; memories of 83
Gilchrist, Cherry 158 -60
Girson therapy 67 -8
goddess, the, women and New Age beliefs 156 -60
godmen 187 -9
Good, Timothy 174
Goodman, Linda 158
government conspiracies: 'face on Mars' linked to 37 ; Rendlesham UFO sightings 54 -61
Grant, John 88 , 90
Grant, Russell 137
graphology xi , 18
Graunt, John 121
Great Camp Chesterfield Exposé 179
Great Sea Serpent 10
Greatest American Hero, The (tv programme) 175
Greenham Common women 158
Grush, Rick 117 -18
Guinness, Michelle 182
Gummer, John Selwyn 137
Gurney, E. 6
Haigh, Tim 190
Haines, Brian 30
Halloween 146
hallucinations, and sleep paralysis 126 -8
Halt, Charles 55 -9
Hameroff, Stuart 116 -17
Hancock, Graham 40
Health Watch 73
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 114
Helmholtz, Hermann von 151
Hendry, Allan 174 -5
Heuvelmans, Bernard 11 , 13 -14
Hewitt, V. J. 16
Hill-Norton, Peter John, Lord Hill-Norton 60
Hoagland, Richard C. 36 , 38 -9
hoaxes 14 ; Carlos Castaneda 51 -3 ; crop circles 42 -5 ; Knock apparitions 92 -7 ; Loch Ness monster 13 ; spirit photography 98 -100 ; UFOs 54 , 88 -91 , 174
Hoggart, Simon 6 6
homoeopathy 69 , 103 , 137
Hope, William 99
Hopkins, Budd 62 , 125 -7
horoscopes 22 , 141
Houdin, Robert 143
Houdini, Harry 99
Howard, Toby xiii
Howgate, Michael xii
Hufford, David J. 126
Humanist News 144
Hutchinson, Michael xiii
hydrocephalus, and brain capacity 26 -8
hyperaesthesia 138 -9
hypnosis 66 , 78 -80 , 85 -6
I Ching 139
illusions: false memory syndrome 78 -81 ; psychic experiences seen as 2 -6
Illustrated Monitor (Dublin) 95
incest, false memory syndrome 80
incubi 126
Independent 138 , 159 -60
Independent on Sunday 99
India, godmen 187 -9
Indian Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal 189
Indian Rationalist Association 189
Indian Skeptic 189
Inglis, Brian 71
Intelligent Design 114
International Society of Cryptozoology 13
internet xii ; contacting dead via 100 ; modern legends about government UFO cover-ups 55
intuition: fallibility 119 -24 ; women and New Age beliefs 155 , 159 -61
Invaders, The (tv programme) 175
Invaders from Mars (film) 175
Investigators, The (tv programme) 7
Ireland: Knock apparitions 92 -7 ; weeping statues x
iridology 72
irrationality 22 ; women 155 -61
Is There Anybody There? (tv programme) 54 , 92
It Came from Outer Space (film) 175
Italy, weeping statues x
Jacobs, David Michael 125 -7
James, William 28
Johnson, Howard 153
Jones, Jim 16
Joule, James 151
Jung, Carl 158
Keely, John 152 -3
Kennedy, John F, memories of assassination 84
'ki' 21 -3
Knock apparitions 92 -7
Koresh, David 16
Kurzweil, Ray 117
Kusche, Lawrence 33
La Salette, appearances of Virgin Mary 17
Landis, T. 5
Langer, Ellen 4
Laplace, Pierre Simon de 120
Lashley, Karl 28
Late Night North (radio programme) 111 -12
Leonardo da Vinci 151
levitation 24
Leymarie, M. 99
Liere, E. J. 168
Lindsey, Hal 16
Listener, The 135
Lloyd Webber, Andrew 13 7
Loch Ness monster viii -ix, 10 , 12 -13 ; memories 83
Lockhart, J. G. 32
Loftus, Elizabeth 86
London Evening Standard viii
Lone, Peter 16
Loosley, William Robert, UFO hoax about 88 -91
Lorber, John 26 -8
Lowell, Percival 35 , 37 -9
Lyons, siege of (1795) 20
Mack, John 62 -3
Macphilpin, John 92
magic 87 ; alternative medicine seen as 77 ; magicians and psychics 99 , 177 -9 ; skepticism of Paul Daniels 143 -6 ; women and New Age beliefs 157 , 159 -60
Magic Circle, Occult Committee 99
magic lantern, apparitions at Knock attributed to 92 -7
Malachy, Prophecies of 17
Manchester Skeptics 148
Marion Douglas (schooner) 32
maritime monsters 10 -11 , 13 -14
maritime mysteries, Mary Celeste 18 , 30 -3
Mars, myths about the 'canals' and 'face on Mars' 18 , 34 -40
Marshall, Neil 19 -20
martial arts 21 -3
Mary, Virgin: apparition at Knock 92 -7 ; appearance at La Salette 17
Mary Celeste mystery 18 , 30 -3
Maunder, Edward 35 , 40
Mayer, Julius Robert von 151
Mayo, 7th Lord 94 -5
McConnell, Michael 96
McCrone forensic laboratories, Chicago 48
McDermott, Constable 96
McLoughlin, Mary 96
McNally, Richard 80
Meaden, Terence xii , 44 -5
Mechanix Illustrated 171
media: and alien abduction 125 ; skepticism and 130 , 132 , 134 , 145 ; UFOs 171 ; see also Fry, Stephen ; internet ; radio ; television
medicine: harm caused by beliefs in paranormal 66 ; placebo effect 73 , 101 -4 ; see also alternative medicine ; surgery
mediums see psychics
memory: dynamic nature of 81 -3 , 127 , 165 ; illusions of 6 ; recovering 78 -82 , 85 -6
mental powers 21 -4
mentalism 112 , 177
metempsychosis 140
Miles, Sarah 160
Militias 15
millennium see apocalypse
Miller, William 17
Ministry of Defence (MoD), Rendlesham UFO sightings 56 -61
miracle cures 67 -70 , 181 -6
miracle diets 22
miracles 180 ; Indian godmen 187 -9
Mises, Richard von 121
Mokele-Mbembes 12
monsters viii -ix, 10 -14
Montefiore, Janet 155 , 159
Moorcroft, R. C. 59
morality 143
Morehouse, Captain David Reed 30 -2
Moreland, Donald 59
Mosteller, Frederick 123
Mumler, William H. 98 -9
mutiny, possible explanation of Mary Celeste mystery 31 - 3
Myers, F. W. H. 6
mysteries viii -ix; maritime 18 , 30 -3
myths 18 , 158
NASA, and Mars exploration 34 -40
National Capital Area Skeptics 119
National Enquirer 132
National Geographic 42
near-death experiences 115 -18 , 162 -70
Neil, Jean 181 -6
neuro-mythology, 10 percent solution 24 -9
neuroscience 115 -18
neurosurgery 116 -17 , 162 -70
New Age: apocalypse 15 ; neuro-mythology 27 , 29 ; spirit photography 100 ; women's beliefs 155 -61
New Scientist 89 , 91
New York Sun 31
Newman, Joseph 148 , 153
News of the World 55 , 58 -9
Newton, Isaac 149
nocebo effects 103
Nostradamus ix , 15 -16 , 18 -20 , 158
Noyes, Ralph 60 -1
numerology xi , 18
objectivity 131 , 133 -4
occult 29 ; women and New Age beliefs 156 -7
Ockham's razor ix , 13
O'Hara, Peter xiii
O'Neil, Tom 179
Ord-Hume, Arthur 150
osteopaths 75 -6
out-of-body experiences (OBE) 117 , 126 -7 , 162 -70
Packard, Vance ix
para-cryptozoology 10
paranormal 1 ; belief in see belief ; reactions to vii -ix, xii , 1 , 22 ; significance viii -ix; skeptical treatment see skepticism ; in women's magazines 141 -2
Paris, Academy of Sciences 153
Parnia, Sam 115
patterns, search for 4 -5 , 34
Paul Daniels Magic Show, The (tv programme) 143
Paulos, John Allen 123
Pearce, Ted xiii
Penn (medium) 177
Penrose, Sir Roger 116 -17
Percy, David 37
perpetual motion, search tor 148 -54
Perrot-Warwick fellowship 127
photography: 'canals' and 'face on Mars' 34 -40 ; spirits 98 -100
physics 114 ; quantum coherence in the microtubules theory 114 -18 ; search for perpetual motion 148 -54
Piltdown Man hoax 53
Pirsig, Robert 158
Pitman, Robert 11
placebos 73 , 101 -4
Plato 95
Plummet; Mark xi
Podmore, F. 6
Pope, Nick 59 -60
Popper, Karl x
post-traumatic stress disorder 81
precognition 3 , 24
Premanand, Basava 180 , 187 -9
Presley, Elvis, and Mars 37
Price, Harry 99
probability 119 -24
prophecies ix , 15 -17 , 19 -20
Prophecies of St Malachy 1 7
pseudoscience viii , 114 , 130 , 153
psychic experiences, illusory nature of many 2 -6
psychic healing 24 ; see also psychic surgery
Psychic News 105 , 190
Psychic Observer 179
psychic surgery 22 , 143 , 190 -1
psychics 41 ; exploitation and frauds by 7 -9 , 16 , 190 -1 ; and Mars 39 ; and miracles 180 ; Paul Daniels on 143 ; on radio and television vii , 105 -13 ; rules for criticising claims by 130 -4 ; seances 177 -9 ; women's magazines 141
psychology, of memory 82 -6
psychotic breakdown 85
Puharich, Andrija 179
quantum coherence in the microtubules theory 114 -18
quantum mechanics 114
radio: alien abductions 125 ; psychics on 105 -13 ; Turin Shroud 46
Rampa, Lobsang 158
Ramsey, F. P. 121
Randi, James xi , 15 -16 , 146 , 158 , 177 , 187
Randies, Jenny 54 -5 , 57 , 90
randomness 4 -5 , 139
rape, false memories of 78 , 84
Rational Enquirer 24
rationality see reason
Raynal, Michel 10
reality monitoring 85
reason 131 -2 , 134 ; skepticism of Stephen Fry 136 , 138 ; women and New Age beliefs 155 -61
Redheffer, Charles 152
reflexology 18 , 72
Regard, M. 5
reincarnation 140
religion 16 , 114 , 136 , 143 -4 , 158 , 180 ; see also Bible ; Roman Catholicism
Remembering Trauma Conference (London, 2003) 78
remote viewers, and Mars 39
Rendelsham UFO sightings 54 -61
Reyes, Julio 11
Reynolds, Pam 162 -70
Richards, Janet Radcliffe 155
Ridpath, Ian 54 , 58
Riffle, Mabel 179
Roesch, Ben 13
Roland, Per E. 25
Roman Catholicism: apparitions at Knock 92 -7 ; appearances of Virgin Mary at La Salette 17
Rooum, Donald xiii
Rosalie, The 33
Rose, Nick 1
Roswell UFO sightings ix , 54 -5 , 60
Sabbagh, Karl 54 , 92 , 114
Sabom, Michael 162
Satya Sai Baba 188
Savage, L. J. 121
scanning electron microscope (SEM), used to analyse alien implant 63
Schiaparelli, Giovanni 34 -5
Schirmer, Herb 173
Schumaker 158
science viii , 114 , 131 , 134 , 136 , 147 ; and Turin Shroud 46 -50 ; women and New Age beliefs 155 -61 ; see also neuroscience ; physics ; pseudoscience
Science: Good, Bad and Bogus (Gardner) x i
Science Now (radio programme) 46
sea monsters 10 -11 , 13 -14
sea mysteries 18 , 30 -3
séances 177 -9
Secchi, Angelo 34 -5
self, sense of 115 -18
self-image, women and New Age beliefs 160 -1
self-improvement 27 -8 , 137
September 11th 2001 attacks 19 -20 , 84
sham surgery 101 -2
shamanism, hoax by Carlos Castaneda 51 -3
Shepard, Leslie 92
Shipton, Mother 16 -17
Shroud of Turin Research Project 48
Sivananda, yogi 187
Skeptic, The x -xiii
Skeptical Briefs 130
Skeptical Eye 119
Skeptical Inquirer, The xi , 89
skepticism x -xiii , 129 , 147 ; importance of ix ; and monsters 14 ; paranormal in women's magazines 141 -2 ; of Paul Daniels 143 -6 ; rules for criticising paranormal claims 130 -4 ; of Stephen Fry 135 -40
Skeptics in the Pub xiii
Sladek, John 89
sleep paralysis 62 , 125 -8
Something To Shout About (video) 181 -6
Southampton Evangelical Alliance Quarterly Bulletin 181
Spare Rib 156
Spencer, Wayne xiii
spirit photography xi , 41 , 98 -100
spirits 125 ; physical manifestations xi , 177 -9
spiritualism xi
spoon-bending 24
Sri Lanka, weeping statues x :
Star Test (tv programme) 138
Star Trek (tv series and film) 174
Starman (film) 175
statistics 119 -24
Stickney, J. C. 168
Stillwell, Edith 179
Stokes, Doris 145
Street, Dot 57
Strieber, Whitley 88 -91
Strong, Patience 159
Strunkel, Shelley von viii
subjective random number generation (SRG) 5
succubi 126
Sunday Times viii , 67
surgery: body and mmd under anaesthesia 116 -17 , 162 -70 ; placebo effect 101 -2 ; psychic 22 , 143 , 190 -1
Survivalist movement 15
Sweet, Matthew 99
symbolism, women and 158 -9
tai-chi 22
Talk Radio UK, psychics on 105 -11
Tarot 22
Taylor, Busty 44
Teachings of Don Juan, The (Carlos Castaneda) 51 -3
technology xi , 147 ; séances 177 -9 ; search for perpetual motion machine 148 -54 ; and speed of UFOs 171 -6 ; women and 155 ; see also anaesthesia
telekinesis 143
telepathy viii , 3 , 24 , 114 , 159
television: alien abductions 125 ; contacting dead via internet 100 ; crop circles 43 -4 ; and exploitation by psychics 7 -8 ; faith healing 182 , 186 ; ghosts 1 , 125 ; human ability to see patterns 34 ; Knock apparitions 92 ; near-death experiences 115 -18 ; neuro-mythology 26 -7 ; Paul Daniels and 143 , 145 -6 ; psychic Doris Stokes vii ; Rendlesham UFO sightings 54 ; skepticism of Stephen Fry 138 ; spiritualism xi ; UFOs 175
Teller (medium) 177
Tesla, Nikola 153
thermodynamics, laws of, and search for perpetual motion 148 -54
Thirkettle, Vincent 54
Thomas, Lowell 28
Thomson, Donald 84
Thomson, William, Lord Kelvin 119
Thorsons 157
Times, The 33 , 67
tomiki aikidoka 22
Transcendental Meditation 27
transference 142
traumatic events, memory of 78 -81 , 85 -6
Troscianko, Tom 3 , 5
Turin Shroud 41 , 46 -50
UFOlogist, The 174
UFOlogy 10 ; change in speed of UFOs 171 , 173 -4 ; Rendlesham UFO sightings 54 -7 , 59 , 61 ; UFO hoax 88 -90
Uforia (film) 175
UFOs ix , xi , 22 ; and apocalypse 15 ; changing speed of 171 -6 ; crop circles attributed to xii ; hoaxes 54 , 88 -91 , 174 ; memory 83 ; Rendlesham sightings 54 -61 ; see also alien abductions ; aliens
United States: aliens and UFOs ix , 54 -61 , 88 -91 , 171 -6 ; perpetual motion xii , 148 , 152 -4 ; source of new beliefs xii ; weeping statues x
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) 52
University of London Council for Psychical Investigation 99
Vallee, Jacques 90
vaporograph theory, Turin Shroud 47
Venn, John 121
videos, faith healing 181 -6
Vietnamese, sleep paralysis 126
Vignon, Paul 47
visual illusions 2 -3
Vogh, James 89
voodoo deaths 103
Wade, Kevin 105 -10
Wagenaar, W. A. 5
Walker, Catherine 5
Walsh, Patrick 96 -7
War of the Worlds (film) 175
Wavelength (film) 175
Webster, Daniel 61
Weekly News 92 , 96
weeping statues x , xiii
Wessex Skeptics 42
West, Colin 181 -2 , 185 -6
Westrum, Ron 125 -7
Wilkins, John, Bishop of Chester 151
William of Ockham ix , 13
Willis, E. P. 152
Winchester, Captain J. H. 31 -2
Wiseman, Richard xi
Woerlee, G. M. 166 , 16 8
women: gullibility and skepticism 141 -2 ; and New Age beliefs 155 -61
women's magazines 141 -2 , 155 , 159 -60
Worcester, Edward Somerset, Marquis of 151
World Almanac 28
World Trade Center attacks (2001) 19 -20 , 84
World's Greatest UFO Mysteries, The 89 , 91
World's Strangest Mysteries, The 91
Yeager, Chuck 171
yogis see godmen
Youens, Tony xiii
YouTube 181
Zimara, Mark Antony 151