All rights reserved

Published by Chicago Review Press Incorporated

814 North Franklin Street

Chicago, Illinois 60610

ISBN 978-1-61373-014-0

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Field, Simon (Simon Quellen)

Electronics for artists : adding light, motion, and sound to your artwork / Simon Quellen Field.

pages cm

Includes index.

Summary: “With today’s modern technology—LEDs, servomotors, motion sensors, speakers, and more—artwork can incorporate elements of light, sound, and motion for dramatic effects. Author and educator Simon Quellen Field has developed a primer for creative individuals looking for new ways to express themselves though electronically enhanced art”— Provided by publisher.

ISBN 978-1-61373-014-0 (pbk.)

1. Art and electronics. 2. Art—Technique. I. Title.

N72.E53F54 2015



Cover and interior design: Andrew Brozyna, AJB Design Inc.

Cover image: Shutterstock

Printed in the United States of America

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