It may be surprising to learn that aboard a pirate ship there was a set of rules; a list concerned with how treasure was divided up, how the injured would be compensated and what time lights must be blown out. The crew member was asked to sign their name or make their mark, swearing allegiance to the captain, an act that formally inducted them into the crew and entitled them to vote for officers and other ‘affairs of moment’. Occasionally they’d swear on a bible, but in true pirate style they were more likely to swear on a human skull, crossed pistols, swords or astride a cannon. Ironically, captured recruits, particularly valuable officers such as carpenters and ship’s navigators, were often forced to sign the code – a fact that seems to contradict the democratic purpose of having a code of conduct in the first place. On other occasions willing recruits asked pirates to force them into signing, because they believed a judge may be softer on them had they been forced to turn pirate under duress. Generally men who had not signed the code had a much better chance of acquittal at trial if arrested. Many pirate codes have failed to survive because pirates on the verge of capture often burnt or threw them overboard to avoid them being used as evidence against them, but fortunately a few have survived, either in part or in their entirety.
The articles varied from captain to captain but they usually covered the same ground. Here is an example of a real code of conduct, as devised by Bartholomew Roberts, aka Black Bart, written in 1721.
Every man shall have an equal vote in affairs of moment. He shall have an equal title to the fresh provisions or strong liquors at any time seized, and shall use them at pleasure unless a scarcity may make it necessary for the common good that a retrenchment may be voted.
Every man shall be called fairly in turn by the list on board of prizes, because over and above their proper share, they are allowed a shift of clothes. But if they defraud the company to the value of even one dollar in plate, jewels or money, they shall be marooned. If any man rob another he shall have his nose and ears slit, and be put ashore where he shall be sure to encounter hardships.
None shall game for money either with dice or cards.
The lights and candles should be put out at eight at night, and if any of the crew desire to drink after that hour they shall sit upon the open deck without lights.
Each man shall keep his piece, cutlass and pistols at all times clean and ready for action.
No boy or woman to be allowed amongst them. If any man shall be found seducing any of the latter sex and carrying her to sea in disguise he shall suffer death.
He that shall desert the ship or his quarters in time of battle shall be punished by death or marooning.
None shall strike another on board the ship, but every man’s quarrel shall be ended on shore by sword or pistol in this manner. At the word of command from the quartermaster, each man being previously placed back to back, shall turn and fire. If any man do not, the quartermaster shall knock the piece out of his hand. If both miss their aim they shall take to their cutlasses, and he that draweth first blood shall be declared the victor.
No man shall talk of breaking up their way of living till each has a share of l,000. Every man who shall become a cripple or lose a limb in the service shall have 800 pieces of eight from the common stock and for lesser hurts proportionately.
The captain and the quartermaster shall each receive two shares of a prize, the master gunner and boatswain, one and one half shares, all other officers one and one quarter, and private gentlemen of fortune one share each.
The musicians shall have rest on the Sabbath Day only by right. On all other days by favour only.