A few minutes later, Eric parked where Lydia directed, and they climbed from his vehicle. They walked along the sidewalks, the evening sun setting behind the buildings, painting the sky in royal colors. They watched the street lamps flicker on, illuminating their path.

As they walked along, she continued pointing out various sites. “When I first moved out here, I was amazed at the beauty of the Kansas prairies. It’s nothing like where I was raised.”

“Where was that?”

“I was raised in Pennsylvania. That was actually the Vet Med school that I went to, at the University of Pennsylvania. My parents still live in the eastern part of Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia. I didn’t move here until I decided to do the internship. By then, Caroline was in high school and did not want to move again. So, I took the NBAF job so that she could graduate with her friends here.”

“And Caroline now?”

Smiling widely, she answered, “She thought about going to Kansas State since she went to high school here, and I’m working here. But she really wanted to go back East, and since my parents are not too far away, I thought it was a good decision. She’s also at the University of Pennsylvania.”

They continued walking, their hands linked, and the thought crossed her mind that they looked like a real couple. It felt like being part of a real couple.

Before she had time to let her mind wander too far down that path, he asked, “Do you see yourself staying here? In Kansas?”

They stopped at a bench underneath tall trees with several streetlights around. Sitting down, she snuggled into his side as he wrapped his arm around her. “I’ve given that a lot of thought lately with Caroline gone. The NBAF has been good for me and good to me. The money has allowed me to pay off my student loans, the health insurance is excellent, and it’s a secure job.”

He looked down and pulled her closer, staring into her eyes. “I feel a but coming at the end of your statement.”

She chuckled, and said, “You’d be right. It’s not that I feel like I have to be where Caroline is. For all I know, she could move anywhere in the world when she graduates from college. Kansas is beautiful, and I’ve loved it here, but I don’t feel like this is my forever place. I know my parents will be getting older, and I’d like to enjoy being around them more. Or, at least not halfway across the country from them.”

“So, you think you might want to move back East sometime?”

“I think so. I haven’t made any definite plans, but I’m certain it’s where I’ll end up.”

“And pigs?”

Bursting out in laughter, she said through her giggles, “I don’t feel like pigs are the only animals that I can take care of. I can certainly be a large animal vet, but I was also trained in small animals, so I could work almost anywhere.” Grinning slyly, she added, “But, I might have to get a pig for a pet.”

This time he chuckled, joining her laughter.

“How do you do that?” she asked, twisting her body to stare up at him.

His brow scrunched down, and he asked, “Do what?”

“Always find things out about me. Somehow it seems as though I end up blabbing all kinds of things about me. So, what about you? Where are you from?”

“Born and raised in North Carolina. I’m an only child. My parents were older when they had me. I never heard them discuss it, but I got the feeling that they had trouble getting pregnant and when I came along, I think they were rather surprised. Happy, but surprised.”

“Are they still living?”

Shaking his head, he said, “No, my dad passed about ten years ago and my mom almost five years ago.”

Taking both of his hands in her own, she held them tightly. “Oh, Eric, I’m so sorry. Here I’ve been talking about my family, not even thinking that you might have lost yours.”

“Don’t take that on, babe. I’m fine, really. I had a wonderful childhood and my parents were very proud of me being in the military. Both of them passed away rather quickly, without a long, drawn-out illness. It’s not like I don’t have anyone in my life. Believe me, when you’re in the military, your team is truly your band of brothers.”

“I’m glad for you, that you have that.” She twisted back around and settled into the crook of his shoulder, reveling in the feel of his arms around her. They sat for several minutes in silence, watching students rushing along the sidewalks as the young often do, always in a hurry.

Her voice slightly wistful, she said, “I know I’m not old, not in years. But sometimes I feel very old in experience. I look at these young people, whose lives lay out before them, and would not wish to be back where they are for anything. Everything I’ve gone through in my life, the good and the bad, the joy and the grief, has led me to where I am right now.”

Eric stood and, with his hand in hers, gently pulled so that their bodies were aligned, face to face. Holding her gaze, he asked, “And are you happy with where you are right now?”

Her chest felt heavy, as though a weight were pressing her down, and she said, “Yes. I know you’re leaving. I’ve known since the beginning that this was only temporary. And right now, my heart hurts knowing that our time together is almost over.” She felt his arms band tighter around her and she continued, “But I wouldn’t change one moment. Meeting you, spending time with you, has made me happier than I’ve been in a long time. Maybe, if nothing more, you’ve shown me that there’s more out there for me. I’m not done with living.”

He swooped down, claiming her lips in a kiss that stole her breath. His hands slid up to cup her jaw, holding her in place as he delved inside her warm mouth, stealing her essence. She gave as good as she accepted, wanting to press every second into her memory like a flower between the pages of a book. Knowing that, when he left, she could pull her memories out and feel just like she was feeling at this moment.

Finally, he leaned back, sucking in a ragged breath. She was panting as though at the end of a race, staring up at his face. He seemed to be battling with something, so she remained quiet, giving him the space he needed.

He dropped his chin and offered her a small smile. “I don’t know how I’m going to say goodbye tomorrow,” he admitted. “But I want to take you home right now so that I can have this one last night.”

Arriving back at her house, they had barely made it through the door before he kicked it shut and whirled around, backing her against the wall. Hot and wild, they tore at their clothes, both desperate for skin to skin contact. Their noses bumped as their heads moved back and forth, a tangle of lips and tongues with kisses that branded.

Eric’s heated kisses stopped as he bent to grab a condom. The cool air beaded Lydia’s nipples and she was uncertain how she had become completely undressed so quickly, but a quick look around her showed her dress, bra, panties, and shoes lying all about the floor.

Chest heaving, she stared at his muscular, tight body, once again admiring his perfect male form. Young and adventurous, sex with Tim had been fun. But as Eric lifted her against the wall and impaled his erect cock deep inside her as she wrapped her legs around his waist, she was experiencing something new. Wall sex was something for romance novels, but she had never thought to experience it herself.

He pressed her back against the wall, helping to hold her in place with his forearms, which left her legs spread wide. The sensation was completely different as he thrust continuously, reaching deep inside her sex. He bent his head and pulled her nipple into his mouth, eliciting tingles that shot between her breasts and her core. Her legs began to ache slightly, but the pain was balanced with the tightening inside, her orgasm close.

“Touch yourself,” he ordered, his voice gravelly with need.

She shifted one of her hands between their bodies and found her swollen nub. Pinching it slightly just as he increased his thrusts, she cried out as her orgasm rushed over her. Throwing her head backward, she hit the wall, but ignored that pain as well. As her body slowly stopped pulsating, she dropped her chin and held his gaze.

She watched as his jaw clenched, and the muscles in his neck stood out. Fascinated, she continued to stare as he finally threw his head back and roared, continuing to plunge. His movements slowed, and he lowered his chin, staring into her eyes for a moment, before he dropped his forehead to the wall just over her shoulder.

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and pressed their bodies together. No words were spoken. No words were needed.

He slowly pulled out and lowered her feet to the floor, continuing to support her body as the tingles began to cease in her legs. Once she was sure she was steady, she smiled up at him and watched his handsome face transform as he smiled back.

“God, please tell me I didn’t hurt you,” he said. “I was so rough—”

She shushed him with her fingers over his lips and shook her head. “Don’t you dare apologize for what we just did. It was wonderful. Hell, it was more than wonderful. It was fuckin’ fantastic.”

He laughed, and she loved seeing his face full of amusement. As his mirth ended, he kissed her lightly, mumbling, “If we’ve only got one night, let’s make it last.”

She nodded her agreement, and they walked back to her bedroom, leaving their clothes scattered by the front door. Once in bed, they lay tangled in each other. The next time, it was not just sex. They made love with kisses, and murmurs, and words whispered in the dark as their bodies joined together.