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‘Abd al-Raḥmān
Abū al-Ḥasan ‘Ali
African slaves: fugitive slaves; gacis in Muslim Granada; manumitted, owners’ categorization by skin color, ethnicity, and origin; Portuguese slave trade; racial slavery in Americas; religious brotherhoods/confraternities. See also African slaves (North Africa); African slaves (sub-Saharan)
African slaves (North Africa); Berber slaves in Muslim Iberia; and Charles III’s diplomatic ties with North African states; military defense of Almería; Muslim Iberian slave trade; owners’ categorization by skin color; tattoos
African slaves (sub-Saharan): animismn; dances; health; manumission; Muslim Iberia’s slave trade; non-Muslim slave labor in Americas owners’ categorization by skin color; Portuguese slave trade; religion/conversion; scars (cicatrices)
agricultural work; Christian Spain; Muslim Iberia; Roman Hispania; sugar industry; Visigoths’ rural slaves
Albillos, Bartolomé
Albornoz, Bartolomé de
Alcaraz, Leonor de
Alexander, Pope
Americas, slavery in; antislavery sentiment; armed slaves in urban militias and guard units; changes in institution of slavery; demise of slavery; free black population; fugitive slave communities; labor needs; labor of non-Muslim sub-Saharan Africans; large-scale gang slavery and plantation agriculture; model for; and Old World slavery traditions; Portuguese Brazil; Portuguese slave trade; racial slavery; reasons for not using African Muslim slaves; reasons for not using Amerindian labor; reasons for not using European labor; and scholarly reinterpretations of domestic slavery; slave societies; small-scale slavery
Amerindians; death rates; in Seville
al-Andalus. See Muslim Iberia (al-Andalus)
Andalusia: domestic slavery; fugitive slaves; internal slave market; numbers of slaves; slaves’ religions
Andreoni, Giovanni Antonio
Ángeles, María de los
Angulo, Beatriz de
anti-slavery sentiment in Latin America
Arabian Peninsula, tradition of slavery on
Aranda Doncel, Juann
Arguëlles, Agustín de
Arian Christianity. See also Visigothic kingdom
Arrais, Amador
artisanry; Christian Spain; domestic slaves; Roman Hispania (commerce and manufacturing); salt production; skilled craft guilds
Atarés, don Pedro de
Avila, reconquest of
Badr (slave of al-Raḥman III)
Baldera, María la
Balearic Islands: manumission by public and church authorities; numbers of slaves; reconquest and enslavement of Muslims. See also Mallorca; Minorca
baptism; and concubinage; and manumission; and slave marriage patterns
Baqī ibn Makhlad
Barbary piratesn
Barberà, Guillem de
Barcelona: agricultural work; artisanal workers; children born to slave mothers; curfew; domestic slavery; fugitive slave laws; internal slave market; manumissions; men/women slaves; numbers of slaves; reenslavement; religious brotherhoods of African Christians; slaves’ namesn; white slaves
Bargas, Juan de
Barrios Leme, Rodrigo de
Basque provinces
Batlle, Juan
becoming a slave; capture and enslavement of people born free; children born to slave mothers; children sold/abandoned into slavery; descaminants; penal slavery; self-sale into debt slavery. See also capture and enslavement of freeborn people
Belta, Hanz
Benci, Jorge
Benedict Pope (Pedro Martínez de Luna)
Benítez, Maximiliano and Antonio “Berberiscos,”
Bernal, Diego
Black Death
Blackburn, Robin
Blumenthal, Debra; Enemies and Familiars: Slavery and Mastery in Fifteenth-Century Valencia
Bonassie, Pierre
Borrassà, Lluís
Bos, Francisca
Braudel, Fernand
Brazil: abolitionists; end of slavery; gang slavery; Portuguese slavery
British colonies: abolishment of slavery; slave trade
Brodman, James
Byzantine Empire, slavery in
Cádiz: constitutional convention and question of slavery; decline of slavery; influx of new slaves/slave population; internal slave market; manumissions; noble slaveowners; religious brotherhoods of African Christians; slave trade
Calafat, Pere
Canary Islands; artisanal workers; Christian slave trade and enslaved indigenous people; concubinage/prostitution; conquest and captives; groups of fugitive slaves; historians of; Inquisition in; manumissions; men/women slaves; Muslim coastal raids; numbers of slaves; religious brotherhoods of African Christians; sugar-cane agriculture
Cape Verde islands
capture and enslavement of freeborn people; “baños” (North African prisons); capture in warfare; Christian captives in Muslim Granada; Christian captives of other Christians; Christian captives taken to North Africa; Christian captives who converted to Islam; Christian raids on North Africa; coastal and sea raids; differences between captives and slaves; land raids; life stories; miraculous intervention stories; Morisco revolt and Christian enslavement of Moriscos; Muslims captured in raids; mutual prisoner exchanges and repatriation treaties; raids across religious lines; ransoming procedures; reconquest (and enslavement of Muslims); Roman Hispania; sold at auction; Visigothic kingdom; wars between Muslim Granada and Christian states; women
Caribbean Islands
Carranza, María de
Carrillo del Castillo, Diego
Cartagena: early modern construction and public works; influx of new slaves/slave population; lives of freed slaves; work of slaves
Cartagena de Indias
Castile: coastal raids during war with Aragon; fugitive slave laws and extradition treaties with Portugal; historians of; manumission; Muslim slaves from reconquest raids; ransoming arrangements for Christian captives; slave trade; tax on slave sales. See also Seville; La Siete Partidas (thirteenth-century Castilian law code)
castration. See also eunuchs
Castro, Alvaro de
Catalonia: coastal raids; concubinage/prostitution; decline of slavery; numbers of slaves; sale records (women/men); salt production; slave trade
Cataño, Batista
Catholic Church and abolition of the slave trade
Celada, Luis de
Cervantes, Miguel de; Los baños de Argel; captivity in Algiers; Don Quixote; El trato de Argel
children: bords de la casa, bords de la terra, and bords de cullita; born to slave mothers; of enslaved Moriscos; manumission of; sales; sold/abandoned into slavery
Chindasuinth, King
Christian Spain, early modern; baptismal records; Black Death; children born to slave mothers; concubinage; domestic servants; eighteenth-century decline of slavery; historians of; Morisco expulsion; numbers of slaves; owners of slaves; penal slavery; religion and slaves’ lives; seventeenth century; slave marriages; slave trade. See also Americas, slavery in; Inquisition
Christian Spain, medieval; capture and enslavement of freeborn people; children born to slave mothers; communities of religious minorities (Jews and Muslims); concubinage; domestic servants; eastern Iberia; fugitive Muslim slaves; historians of; independent agents (apprentices); legal conditions of slavery; manumission; Mediterranean maritime regions; numbers of slaves; penal slavery; Reconquest; religion and slaves’ lives; self-sale into debt slavery; slave marriages; slave trade; slaves’ names; wars with Muslim Granada
church slaves
clothing and dress of slaves
complexity of Iberian slavery; gradations between full slavery and full freedom; new interpretations of involuntary labor/domestic slavery
Concepción, María de la
concubinage; Christian Spain; forced sex and prostitution; and homosexuality; Muslim Spain; pregnancy and childbearing; Roman Spain; wet nurses
Congregation of the Santo Cristo de Burgos
conversions: Christian captives to Islam; and the Inquisition; and manumission; Muslim slaves’ to Christianity; sub-Saharan Africans
Córdoba: fugitive slaves; internal slave market; manumissions; men/women slaves; Muslim; purchasers of domestic slaves; religious confraternity coordinating ransoming; slave marriages (baptismal records)
Córdoba, Andrés de
Cordoncillo, Catalina de
Corella, Francisco
Corté Alonso, Vicenta
Cortes of Toledo (1559)
Corvera, Marquis of
Council of Trent
crime and punishment; Christian kingdoms; curfews; Inquisition; laws limiting assembly and prohibiting slaves from carrying arms; masters’ authority over slaves; Roman Hispania; Seville’s regulations; Siete Partidas (Castilian law code); slave revolts; slaves’ murder of masters; Visigoths
Crof, Juan Bautista
Crown of Aragon; coastal raids during war with Castile; domestic slavery; fugitive slaves; institutionallyowned slaves; internal slave markets; legal codes; manumission. Mudejar community; penal slavery; self-sale into debt slavery; slave ownership by non-Christians; slave trade
Curtin, Philip D.
Danatolia, Hassan
debt slavery
demise of slavery: Brazil; changing attitudes and anti-slavery sentiment; economic shifts; eighteenth-century Iberia; Latin America; regularization of diplomatic ties with North African states; seventeenth century Iberia
Días, Gonzalo
Dinis, King
Diodorus Siculus
Dios, Miguel de
domestic slavery; artisanal work; duties outside household; eighteenth century; Origo’s concept of the “domestic enemy,”; purchasers/owners; Roman Hispania; scholarly interpretations; women and
Domingo of Silos (Santo Domingo)
Domínguez Ortiz, Antonio
Dominicans, Spanish
donations of slaves
Durán, Ferrern
early modern Spain. See Christian Spain, early modern
Egica, King
Elbl, Ivana
Enrique, Francisco
Enríquez, Duarte
Erwig, King
eunuchs: castration and automatic manumission; and Morisco owners; Muslim al-Andalus; Roman Empire/Roman Spain; ṣaqāliba
families, slaves’
farda de la mar
Fernández, Alejo
Fernández, Isabel
Fernández Cevadero, Alonso
Fernando and Isabel (Catholic monarchs): defining who could be enslaved; granting manumission; making gifts of captives; and Moriscos; reconquest and enslavement of Muslim captives
Finley, Moses I.
France, slavery in
Franco Silva, Alfonso
Franks, Catholic
Frederickson, Fredrick
Free Womb Law
freedom; flight; life as a freed slave; manumission. See also fugitive slaves; manumission
Friedman, Ellen
fugitive slaves; accounts of unsuccessful flights; of African origin; Christian slaves fleeing Muslim owners; extradition treaties; groups of runaway slaves; late medieval Christian Spain; laws; Muslim slaves fleeing from Christian owners; Portugal; pursuit of; Roman Hispania; Visigothic kingdom
gacis (slave soldiers defending Granada)
galley service; by arráeces; captives taken in raids; convicts in penal slavery; by forzados
Gálvez, Catalina de
gang slavery: Latin America; Roman Hispania
González, Fernando
González Docón, Pedro
Granada, Christian: artisan workshops; independent agents; internal slave market; lives of freed slaves; manumissions; Martín Casares’s study; men/women slaves; Morisco revolt/rebellion; Morisco slaves remaining in; numbers of slaves; religious brotherhoods of African Christians; slave owners’ categorization of slaves by skin color
Granada, Muslim: Christian captives; Christian fugitive slaves; Christian women slaves (concubines); conversions to Islam; gacis (slave soldiers imported to defend); intermittent wars with Christian states; Muslim fugitive slaves’ escape to
Graullera Sanz, Vicente
Great Britain: slavery and the British colonies; slavery in
Guadalcanal, silver mines of
Güejar, Gaspar de
Guridi Alcocer, José Miguel
Guzmán, don Luis de
Guzmán, Juan de, duke of Medina Sidonia
Ḥakam al-
Ḥakam al-
Heers, Jacques
Hernández de Portillo, Pero
hierros (marks of the iron or brand)
Hillgarth, J. N.
Huelva: artisanal workers; manumission of children; sale records; work of slaves
Hunwick, Johnn
Hurtado, Ana
Hurtado del Val, Juan
Iberian slavery studies; broad comprehensive surveys; complexities; data/information; future research areas; and involuntary labor/domestic slavery; locally focused studies; objectifying terms; periods and places emphasized; pre-1980s; recent works and new interpretations; scholarly popularity since late 1980s; women slaves
Ibiza. See also Balearic Islands
Ibn Ḥawqal
independent agents, slaves as; cortados; Muslim Iberia; “setmaners,”
Inquisition; and animist beliefs of sub-Saharan Africans; fugitive slave confessions; manumissions
Iranzo, Miguel Lucas de
Ireland, slavery in
Isidore of Seville
Italy, slavery in
Jaca, Francisco José de
Jaén: decline of slavery; lives of newly freed slaves; manumissions; marked slaves; owners of domestic slaves; preference for sub-Saharan Africans over white slaves; religious brotherhoods of African Christians; sale records (women/men); work of slaves
Jamán, Addra
Jaume I;
Jerez de la Frontera, battle at
Jews: and Castilian slavery; Muslim Iberia; penal slavery in the Crown of Aragon; as slave owners; as slave traders; Visigothic restrictions on slaveholding
Jiménez, Francisco
Jódar, Luis de
Juana, Queen
languages of slaves
Lanzarote: coastal raids; internal slave market; men/women slaves; Moriscos of. See also Canary Islands
Las Casas, Bartolomé de; The History of the Indies
Latin America. See Americas, slavery in
Latino, Juan
Law of Moret
Ledesma, Martín de
Leovigild, King
Lepanto, battle of
Lewis, Bernard
life as a slave; agency; beginning and adaptation; captives’ stories; Christian captives taken by Muslim raids; clothing/dress; concubinage; crime and punishment; family and marriages; gender ratios; health, illness, and death; language; legal conditions; life stories; manumitted slaves (life as a freed slave); masters’ authority; the master’s household; miraculous intervention stories; new names; religion
Linares, Catalina de
Lisbon House of Slaves (Casa dos Escravos de Lisboa)
Llull, Ramon
Lobo Cabrera, Manuel
López de Haro, Diego
López Molina, Manuel
Lovejoy, Pauln
Low Countries, slavery in
Lucena: freed slaves; internal slave market; manumissions; men/women slaves
Lugo, Alonso de
Madeira; sugar-cane agriculture
Madrid, early modern noble slaveowners of
Málaga: captives taken by raids; early modern decline of slavery; as fugitive slaves’ destination; internal slave market; masters’ punishment of slaves; reconquest and enslavement of Muslims; religious brotherhoods of African Christians; sale records; slave owners’ categorization of slaves by skin color; women slaves; work of slaves
Malberán, Francisco
Mallorca: agricultural work; concubinage; crime and punishment; groups of runaway/fugitive slaves; independent agents (“setmaners”); internal slave market; legal conditions of slavery; lives of freed slaves; manumissions; men/women slaves; the mestre de Guaita; Muslim slave rebellion (1374); Muslim slaves’ conversion to Christianity; numbers of slaves; reconquest and enslavement of Muslims; religious brotherhoods; slave owners’ categorization of slaves by skin color; slaves’ clothing/dress; slaves owning slavesn
Manli, Hamet
Manrique, Juan
Mansur, al-
manumission; ahorramiento; automatic; by baptism and conversion; and carta de alforria (Portugal); Castile; children; Christian Iberia; by Christian public and church authorities; Christian/non-Christian masters and Christian/non-Christian slaves; contracts and talla payments; court cases; granted by masters/owners; and the Inquisition; by last wills and testaments; law code (Siete Partidas); legal mechanisms for gaining freedom; lives of newly manumitted slaves; Muslim Spain and Islamic law; new scholarly interpretations; notarial documents; older adults; by others’ purchase; Portugal; prices for; raising money for; rates of; and religious confraternities; revoked documents and reenslavement; Roman Spain; self-purchase; and slaves’ marriages; Visigothic period
manumitted slaves (freed slaves); behavioral requirements toward former masters; blacks of African origin (and assimilation); and law codes (Siete Partidas); poverty/charity; racial discrimination; reenslavement; Roman Spain; successful lives; Visigothic freedmen; women
Marín, Pero
marked slaves; brand marks; descriptions in notarial documents; hierros (marks of the iron or brand); scars (cicatrices); tattoos
Marmon, Shaunn
marriages, slaves’
Martín Casares, Aurelia: on late sixteenth-century Granada; on scholars’ use of terms that objectify slaves; on slave markings
Mas i Forners, Antoni
medieval Spain. See Christian Spain, medieval
Medina, Pedro de
Medina Sidonia
Mendoza y Solís, Fernando de
Mercado, Tomás de
mines: penal slavery and labor in; Roman Hispania
miraculous intervention stories
Mironis, Arnallus (and wife Arsendis)
Moirans, Epifanio de; Servi liberi seu naturalis mancipiorum libertatis iusta defensio
Montúfar, Alonso de
Moriscos; enslavement of; expulsion; as independent agents (cortados); revolt/rebellion; slave trading by; tax for coastal defense (farda de la mar)
Mosto, Alvise da
Mudejars: in Crown of Aragon; manumissions in Valencia; and Muslim raids on Christian vessels; penal slavery; and reconquest of Toledo
Muḥammad b. Hashim, ruler of Zaragoza
Muñoz, Catalina
Muntornés, Francesc
Münzer, Hieronymus
Murcia: donations to the church; Inquisition tribunal; internal slave market; lives of freed slaves; men/women slaves; numbers of slaves; Reconquest and Muslim captives; slave owners’ categorization of slaves by skin color
Muslim Iberia (al-Andalus); Arabic language; Byzantine Christians; children born to slave mothers; Christian and Jewish slave holding and head taxes; Christian slaves; concubinage; dhimmī (Jews and Christians); domestic servants; educated slave women; eunuchs; expansive phases; fugitive slaves; imported Slavs (ṣaqāliba); independent business agents; innovations of Muslim slavery; institutional owners; intermittent wars with Christian states; internal slave market; Islamic law (Qur’ān and Hādīth); manumission; modern scholarship; North African Berbers; numbers of captives; slave marriages; slave owners’ categorizations of skin color, ethnicity, and geographical origin; slave soldiers; slave trade (imported slaves); sub-Saharan African slaves; and tradition of slavery on the Arabian Peninsula; women slaves
names of slaves
Napoleon Bonaparte
Navas de Puebla
Las Navas de Tolosa, battle at
N’Damba, Albert
New World slavery. See Americas, slavery in
noble slaveowners
notary records (notarial documents); descriptions of slave markings; indicating skin color; manumission; wills
numbers of slaves; Atlantic slave trade; Christian Spain; by percentage of population; Portugal; by region; Roman Hispania
Núñez, Constanza
Olid, Alvaro de
Oliveira, Fernão, Arte de Guerra no Mar
Origo, Iris
Orsini-Avila, Françoise
ownership, slave: church slaves; educated Muslim slaves of Christian officials; individual monks/nuns or monasteries/convents; institutional owners; noble slaveowners; by slaves. See also capture and enslavement of freeborn people; manumission
Palma, Juan de
Paredes, García de
Pedro IV of Aragon
penal slavery
Peratallada, Guillermo de, bishop of Gerona
Pere, King
Pérez Mazanedo, Alonso
Pesagno, Manuel
Pike, Ruth
Planas Rosselló, Antonio
Porras, Cristóbal de
Portugal: agricultural work; black Christian slaves; Brazilian slavery; concubinage/prostitution; decline of slavery; fugitive slaves; historians of slavery in; independence from Spain; independent agents; Lisbon House of Slaves (Casa dos Escravos de Lisboa); manumission by authorities; Muslim slave system; numbers of slaves; raids and privateering; salt production; seamen; and Seville’s internal slave market; slave owners; slave trade; slave trade in the Americas; slaves’ names. See also Americas, slavery in
Prado, Guillermo de
prices; internal slave markets; for manumission; and slaves’ ages; women slaves
Puente, Cristina de lan
Puerto Rico
Qaysī, ‘Abd al-Karīm al
race and ethnicity: de color de membrillo cocho; ladinos; manumitted slaves and racial discrimination; mulatos; Muslim Spain; negros; new directions/future research; and non-Muslim sub-Saharan Africans in the Americas; and prices; slave owners’ categorization by skin color, ethnicity, or geographical origin; slave trade
raids: across religious lines; Christian raids on North Africa; coastal and sea raids (and corsairs); eighteenth-century changes in corsair activities; land raids; and medieval slavery in Crown of Aragon; Muslim coastal raids; Muslims captured
ransoming; and difference between captives and slaves; Muslim captives of Christians; mutual prisoner exchanges and repatriation treaties; personal exchanges; raising money to recompensate ransomers; ransoming agents; religious orders coordinating
Reccared, King
Recceswinth, King
Reconquest; capture and enslavement of Muslims; raids across religious lines
Reixac, Antoni
religion and slaves’ lives; animism; baptisms; Christian brotherhoods/confraternities; Christian Spain; conversion to Christianity; conversion to Islam; manumission and baptism; manumission and holy orders; Portugal; Roman cults; Visigothic church slaves
religious confraternities (cofradías): black slaves in late medieval/early modern Christian Spain; confradía of Nuestra Senora de Gracia (Valencia); coordinating ransoming of Christian captives; and manumission; Portugal; and racial discrimination
Riḍwān (grand vizier of Granada)
Robles, Fernando de
Rocha, Manuel Ribeiro
Rodríguez, Cristóbal
Rodríguez, Jarbel
Roman Hispania; agricultural work; artisanry (commerce and manufacturing); captives becoming slaves; capture and enslavement of freeborn people; children born to slave mothers; children sold/abandoned into slavery; concubinage (prostitution); conditions and work of slaves; crime and punishment; decline of slavery in; domestic servants; eunuchs; familia Caesaris (administrative slaves); freed slaves (liberti); fugitives; gang slavery; the individual slave’s peculium; legal conditions (Roman law); manumission; mine workers; modern scholarship; numbers of slaves; public service jobs; religion (cults); and “slave society,”; slave trade
Rundī, Abū al-Baqā’ al-
Sabet, Jordi
Salas, Juan
Salicrú i Lluch, Roser
salt production
Salvago, Cristóbal
San Pedro Mártir, convent of
Sandoval, Alonso de
Santa Ana, José de
Santamaría Arández, Álvaro
Santiago (St. James)
Sanz de Lanes, Eneco
ṣaqāliba (imported Eastern European slaves in al-Andalus)
Saqaṭī, Muḥammad al-
Saunders, A. C. de C. M.
Scandinavia, slavery in
scholarship. See Iberian slavery studies
Schwartz, Stuart B.n
Scipio Africanus
Segovia: educated Muslim slaves of Christian officials; health of slaves; work in royal mint
setmaneras (weekly wage workers)
Seville: artisan workshops; concubinage; domestic slavery; fugitive slaves; gender ratios; health/illnesses of slaves; historians of; independent agents (apprentices); internal slave market; laws prohibiting slaves from carrying arms and limiting assembly; manumissions; numbers of slaves; purchasers of artisanal slaves; reconquest (and enslavement of Muslims); Santa Hermandad (paramilitary police); slave owners’ categorization of slaves by skin color; slaves’ religions; taxes on slaves
Sharīshī, al-
Las Siete Partidas (thirteenth-century Castilian law code); crime and punishment; and fugitive slaves; and manumission; and slavery in the Americas; on three ways of becoming a slave
Sisebut, King
slave markets, internal. See also slave trade; traffic in slaves
slave revolts
“slave society,” ; Americas; Finley’s scheme; Roman Spain
slave trade; African slaves; and the Black Death; Canary Islands; Christian Spain; Crown of Aragon; Greek slaves; Jewish slaves; Muslim al-Andalus; Muslim slaves; Portuguese; Sards; and slave ownership by non-Christians; transatlantic; Turkish and Armenian slaves; turning points affecting the geography of; Visigothic. See also traffic in slaves
Slavs; ṣaqāliba
Sobrer, Guillem
soldiers, slave; defense of Almería; defense of Muslim Granada; gacis; Mamluks; Muslim Spain; Visigothic
Soler, Jaume
Solís, Isabel de
Soto, Domingo de
Soto y Campany, Ricardo
Spanish American Empire. See Americas, slavery in
Stella, Alessandro; Histoires d’esclaves dans la péninsule ibérique
sugar industry
Sunyer, Andreu
Sureda, Catalina
Sweet, James H.
taifa kingdoms
talla payments
taxes: Castilian alcabala and almojarifazgo; Castilian moneda foránea; farda de la mar (on Moriscos for coastal defense); head taxes for slave holders; Muslim Spain; royal dues collection by the Lisbon House of Slaves; on slave sales; on those with free servants
Tello, Nicolás
Tenerife,. See also Canary Islands
Third Council of Toledo
Third Order of the Franciscans
Toledo: manumission documents and reenslavement; numbers of slaves; reconquest
traffic in slaves; ages and prices; donations; fraud in slave sales; internal slave markets; marked slaves; prices of slaves; re-export trade between Iberia and Italy; sales transactions; skin color, ethnicity, and geographical origin; women . See also Americas, slavery in; slave trade
umm walad
Valcanell, Pere
Valencia: artisanal workers; chief bailiff (bayle general); domestic slavery; internal slave market; law codes; manumissions; merchant purchasers of slaves; Muslim slave fugitives; numbers of slaves; penal slavery; reconquest and Muslim captives; religious brotherhoods of African Christians; scholars of; self-sale into debt slavery; slave marriages; slave ownership by non-Christians; slaves’ conversions
Valladolid, early modern noble slaveowners of
Valladolid, Juan de
Vera, Leonor de
Vergara, Alfonso de
Vergara, Pedro de
Verlinden, Charles
Vincent, Bernard
Visigothic kingdom; and Arian Christianity; capture and enslavement of freeborn people; church slaves; crime and punishment; Crown slaves (servi fiscales); domestic servants; fugitives; legal rights of slaves; manumission; penal slavery; restrictions on Jewish slaveholding; rural slaves; slave marriages; slave trade; slaves as combat troops; slaves of nobility (idonei); wars against the Catholic Franks
Vitoria, Francisco de
War of the Spanish Succession
wet nurses
Wiedemann, Thomasn
wills and manumission
women slaves; children born to; clothing/dress; concubinage; domestic slavery; and fraud in slave sales; internal slave markets; as majority of slaves; manumission; Martín Casares on; murder of masters; Muslim Iberia; owners’ categorizations of skin color, ethnicity, and geographical origin; prices; tattoos
work as a slave; agricultural and construction ventures of nobles; agriculture; Americas; artisanry; church slaves; domestic slavery and its variations; elite/educated Muslim slaves of Christian officials; eunuchs; independent agents; institutionally owned slaves; mining operations; public works; Roman administrative slaves (familia Caesaris); slave soldiers; sugar industry; Visigothic Crown slaves (servi fiscales)