Citrus, herbaceous, vanilla

Festive and light, this pale-pink drink deserves elegant finger food, like small crab cakes, lettuce wraps, or pork belly sandwiches.

One of the more popular drinks during Prohibition, this cocktail was named for Cuban president Mario García Menocal. Americans needing respite from a dry country traveled to Cuba and returned with a taste for rum, vermouth, and curaçao. At the suggestion of spirits blogger Matt Robold (RumDood.com), we roll or throw this cocktail (see technique on page 261), which helps blend the flavors without thrashing the drink in a shaker.

    1½ ounce (45 ml) white rum (Flor de Caña 4 Yr)

    ¾ ounce (22 ml) dry vermouth (Dolin)

    ¼ ounce (7 ml) orange curaçao (Pierre Ferrand)

    ½ teaspoon grenadine (page 244)

    Dash of orange bitters (Regans’)

    Lime wedge, for garnish

In a shaker, roll ingredients back and forth with ice a few times to gently mix. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime wedge on the edge of the glass.