Anne Sharp Wells (M.L.S., University of Alabama; M.A., Mississippi State University) is a member of the staff of the George C. Marshall Foundation and the assistant editor of the Journal of Military History. She previously served on the faculties of the Virginia Military Institute and Mississippi State University. In addition to teaching a college course on the United States and World War II, she has edited the Newsletter of the World War Two Studies Association, participated in the Douglas MacArthur Biographical Project, and coauthored two books about the war with D. Clayton James: From Pearl Harbor to VJ Day: The American Armed Forces in World War II (1995) and A Time for Giants: Politics of the American High Command in World War II (1987). She has written two other books with James: America and the Great War, 1914–1920 (1998) and Refighting the Last War: Command and Crisis in Korea, 1950–1953 (1992).