Then Aaron lifted his hand toward the people, blessed them, and came down from offering the sin offering, the burnt offering, and peace offerings. —Leviticus 9:22
One of the duties of the priest was to bless the people. After the offering for sin and other offerings were presented, the priest would then bless the people with the favor of God. When we function as priest to our God, this is something we should practice as well. Not only should we intercede and secure the blessing, we should also impart the blessing as well. This impartation of the blessing can change the course of life for people. Instead of doors being locked, they can open. Instead of favor being denied, it can be given. Instead of lack being experienced, prosperity can come. Instead of disease touching, health can be secured. There is great power in one functioning as a priest before God. The impartation of the blessing can change everything. We can do this in our own personal time of prayer, but in the presence of others we can also literally initiate these blessings from God. This is the duty and job of us as priests. We give people the goodness and graciousness of God in their lives.
Lord, as I approach Your Courts, I thank You that Your heart toward us is one of blessing and not cursing. As a priest unto my God, I take the blessing of God and impart it to others. I thank You that this blessing will alter the course of people’s lives for good. Thank You that You grant me the privilege of functioning as one sent from You to others. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Do not cut off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites; but do this in regard to them, that they may live and not die when they approach the most holy things: Aaron and his sons shall go in and appoint each of them to his service and his task. —Numbers 4:18–19
Great care had to be exercised regarding approaching God and handling the holy things of God. If mistakes were made, people died. Leviticus 10:1–3 chronicles two of Aaron’s sons dying because they presumptuously offered strange fire. They did not treat as holy that which was required of the Lord. In the New Testament things are not as severe. Yet there is still a need to honor God in His holiness. Perhaps people will not die naturally, but if we don’t walk in the reverence of who God is, we can forfeit the destiny that God has for us. Many times dying is symbolic of the forfeiture of destiny. There must be a fear of the Lord that we live in even under the new covenant. We are received by grace that we might serve God with reverence and godly fear as we approach Him (Heb. 12:28).
Lord as we approach You, we thank You that You are loving, kind, and good. We also know that we must approach You in the fear of the Lord, being empowered by Your grace. We honor You as the King of glory and the Most High God. Would You always allow me to have the right heart before You that I might be acceptable in Your sight? I submit myself to You and Your ways, in Jesus’s name, amen.
Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, of Your holy temple. —Psalm 65:4
Notice that it is the choosing of the Lord that allows us to approach Him. Coming into His presence is a privilege granted to us and a mark of His acceptance. Of course, we all have access into the presence of God through the blood of Jesus (Heb. 10:19). Not everyone, however, exercises this right and privilege. Whoever by faith will approach the Lord will be granted access before Him. When we come before the Lord and encounter His presence, it is because we have been acknowledged, accepted, and chosen of the Lord. The result of this is being satisfied with the goodness of His house and/or presence. Out of partaking of His goodness we are settled, secured, and established in Him. Fears are dismantled and removed from our lives. We can say with the psalmist, “He…delivered me from all my fears” (Ps. 34:4). As we dwell in the Courts of the Lord, it becomes our habitation and place of occupancy. It is a place we are familiar with. From this place we obtain a sense of safety and security that only His closeness brings.
Lord, as I approach Your Courts, I thank You that I am accepted through Your blood. I thank You that I enter Your Courts and dwell in this holy place. I ask, Lord, that Your favor, security, and safety would calm all my fears. I thank You that as I stand before You, You cause me to approach You with the awareness of Your love for me. Thank You, Lord, that I live my life in closeness to You. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Then he conferred with Joab the son of Zeruiah and with Abiathar the priest, and they followed and helped Adonijah. But Zadok the priest, Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, Nathan the prophet, Shimei, Rei, and the mighty men who belonged to David were not with Adonijah. —1 Kings 1:7–8
Zadok was a Levitical priest who stayed true during the uprising against David. Even when all the hierarchy of the kingdom rebelled, Zadok remained loyal. This eventually brought great reward. He and his descendants are spoken of in Ezekiel as those who will have a prominent place in the Kingdom of God because of their loyalty (Ezek. 44:16–31). Notice that it is recorded that Zadok and others “were not with Adonijah.” Sometimes it is as important as who we are not numbered among as those that we are. When all the leaders were forsaking David and following a rebellious son, Zadok stayed true. This was in the occasion when David was old, sick, and close to death. These others were seeking to get themselves rightly positioned for the next king that was not the one chosen of God. Zadok on the other hand was loyal, true, and committed to David, even in his weakness. This can be a true test of loyalty. Will we remain true until the end even when it would seem advantageous to jump ship? The result of Zadok’s loyalty was a promotion in the kingdom and a name synonymous with faithfulness. May we pass the test as well.
Lord, as we stand before Your Courts, we ask for the faithfulness of Zadok to be in our lives. May we be found true even when it would seem advantageous to do otherwise. Lord, I ask that the spirit of Zadok would be in me that I might be found worthy of exaltation in Your Kingdom. Allow me, Lord, to pass the test. In Jesus’s name, amen.
The king also said to Zadok the priest, “Are you not a seer? Return to the city in peace, and your two sons with you, Ahimaaz your son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar.” —2 Samuel 15:27
Zadok was prophetic as a priest. David had confidence in his prophetic abilities. As a result of Zadok’s prophetic power he was able to discern in the midst of rebellion who the chosen of God was. Because of his prophetic perception he did not follow Absalom or Adonijah. He stayed with David while others joined the revolts. Zadok was faithful, yet his prophetic sense empowered him to know the seasons and times and what he should be doing. If we are to be rightly positioned, our decisions we make in the now should be prophetically motivated. We must be able to see what others are missing. The result will be a future that others might forfeit because of wrong decisions motivated out of self-survival rather that prophetic insight. May we learn to pay attention to what God is saying rather than what the circumstance seems to be demanding. The result will be right decisions setting the course for times to come.
Lord, as I come before Your Courts, I ask that I might see and understand prophetically Your will and passion. Forgive me for the times I have allowed the circumstances rather than Your voice to direct me. Allow me to be as Zadok, even during revolts, that I might choose the right ways of the Lord and secure the future You have for me. In Jesus’s name, amen.
“But the priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, who kept charge of My sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from Me, they shall come near Me to minister to Me; and they shall stand before Me to offer to Me the fat and the blood,” says the Lord God. —Ezekiel 44:15
Zadok was chosen of the Lord to stand before Him because when others went astray, Zadok stayed true. God desired Zadok to come near to Him and minister to Him. Many times the sign that someone is chosen of the Lord is seen in how near God is to them. We can look for outward signs of God’s approval. However, it is the closeness of His presence with a person that many times is the seal of his or her union with God. Does our life carry this closeness with God? It is not necessary for power to be exhibited or for there to be success. It is not always the gifted or the one celebrated by others. It is the closeness and nearness of the Lord to this person’s life. If we don’t recognize this, we can miss the ones that God is actually choosing. They are the ones who have not gone astray but have stayed true when others forsook. May we be those that pass the test and be of the Zadok priesthood accepted and chosen by the Lord.
Lord, as we come before Your Courts, we thank You for gifting, success, and even celebration of others. However, Lord, we ask that it would be Your presence that would verify we are chosen by You. You desire to be close to those whose hearts are joined to You. May this be that which testifies of our approval by You. In Jesus’s name, amen.
And it shall be, whenever they enter the gates of the inner court, that they shall put on linen garments; no wool shall come upon them while they minister within the gates of the inner court or within the house. They shall have linen turbans on their heads and linen trousers on their bodies; they shall not clothe themselves with anything that causes sweat. —Ezekiel 44:17–18
The garments worn by the Zadok priesthood were designed to prevent sweating. Sweating is symbolic of something being done from our own efforts and activity. We are told it is not by might nor power but by the Spirit of the Lord that things are accomplished (Zech. 4:6). This means that we are empowered by the anointing of God on our lives. We are not to wear ourselves out seeking to be successful or impacting. Our effectiveness comes from the gifting and empowerment of the Spirit of the Lord. We are not to seek to accomplish God’s agenda out of our own strength. In essence we must be clothed with linen that will breathe. The flow of the Holy Spirit will keep us inspired, moved, and motivated from the innermost parts of our heart and life. The result will be greater works accomplished with less natural effort involved. This means that what we could never do out of our own strength, God does in us and through us by His Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is a partnership with Him through His Spirit that empowers our lives for life and service.
Lord, as I come before Your Courts, I petition You that I would be clothed with the Spirit of the living God resting on me. Help me, Lord, not to depend on my own efforts but to partner with You and Your Holy Spirit. I ask that anything that makes me sweat would be disconnected from me. Let my life be a demonstration of dependence on You and Your precious Spirit. In Jesus’s name, amen.
When they go out to the outer court, to the outer court to the people, they shall take off their garments in which they have ministered, leave them in the holy chambers, and put on other garments; and in their holy garments they shall not sanctify the people. —Ezekiel 44:19
The priests were forbidden to wear the clothes they ministered to the Lord in when they went outside among the people. Clothes can speak of different anointings that we can carry. Therefore, the clothes we wear while we minister to the Lord in intimacy and prayer are different from what we wear when we minister to the people. Of course, I am speaking in spiritual terms and not natural ones. In intimacy with the Father we can be broken and very vulnerable. When we are among the people and releasing the anointing of God, it can be different. We can be bold, assertive, and fearless. So often to try and wear the same anointing while ministering to the people will not be understood. It can be misinterpreted. They so often know nothing of that place where we have been with God. However, they can get the benefit of the anointing that is for them that we carry as a result of the clothes we have on. We must know how to change our clothes, as we move from one function to the other.
Lord, thank You for the different anointings that we are to carry. One can be for ministry to You, while another is ministry to the people. As I stand before Your Courts, I ask for the grace necessary to “change” clothes as I move from my ministry before You to impartation for the people. Thank You for this ability. In Jesus’s name, amen.
They shall neither shave their heads, nor let their hair grow long, but they shall keep their hair well trimmed. —Ezekiel 44:20
The priests were required to have proper hairstyles and haircuts. Why is this? Hair speaks of being under proper authority (1 Cor. 11:15). In that it had to be well trimmed, it also speaks of there being no insubordination or lawlessness. As we function as priests before our God, we must examine ourselves to make sure we are properly aligned with God and others in authority God has placed in our lives. This is essential to functioning as priests before Him. The more we surrender to proper authority, the more authority we can carry. This authority will make us more effective as we seek the face of God and operate as those who would represent Him. Every form of rebellion in us would allow the devil the legal right to contend against us. He would build cases against us to deny our rights to carry the authority of God into our spheres. We should repent for any and every place we would be in rebellion against God or those set by God to represent Him in our lives. We must denounce all lawlessness and walk in proper alignment and covering as priests to our God.
Lord, as we come before Your Courts, we surrender as best we know how to You. We ask that we have the proper “hairstyle” in the Spirit before You. Help me, Lord, to denounce all rebellion, insubordination, and lawlessness connected to my life. Let me reflect one who is truly submitted and yielded to You. In Jesus’s name, amen.
No priest shall drink wine when he enters the inner court. —Ezekiel 44:21
God forbade priests drinking wine as they ministered to Him in the innermost court. This tells us that the only influence we are to be under is the influence of the Holy Spirit of God. Paul spoke of this in Ephesians 5:18 when he admonished them to not be drunk with wine but to be filled with the Spirit of God. His exhortation was to allow only the intoxication of the Spirit of God to rule our lives. There was to be no counterfeit or substitute to the real Holy Spirit and His function over and through us. We are not to allow any other influence to rule us. Whether it be substances such as alcohol, anger, moodiness, another person’s ideas, or other forms of influence. We are to be ruled only by the Spirit of God and His leadership. If we allow other influences, they can mimic the Spirit of God and make us think we are hearing Him when we are not. Therefore, we should be submitted only to the presence of the Lord as we seek His face and stand before Him in His holy place.
Lord, I ask that You help me to come only under Your influence and power. Please, Lord, allow only who You are through the Holy Spirit to control my life, decisions, and choices. I ask before Your Courts that You would strengthen me to always serve You from this place. In Jesus’s name, amen.
They shall not take as wife a widow or a divorced woman, but take virgins of the descendants of the house of Israel, or widows of priests. —Ezekiel 44:22
Priests were forbidden to marry widows who had not been formerly the wife of a priest. They were also forbidden to marry divorced women, who were therefore not virgins. These ideas go far beyond the idea of natural marriage. We must be careful who and what we marry. In other words, who and what we give our heart, desires, and loyalty to in covenant. This can be people, ideas, movements, and other things that can take control of our lives and pull us away from our first love of Jesus. Whatever we are married to will bring an influence into our lives that can defile. This is one of the main reasons why God forbade the marrying of women who had already been married outside the priesthood. He understood that they could bring ideas in the life of the one called to be priest that would not be healthy or right. We must make sure we are equally yoked together in all things (2 Cor. 6:14). We must not join ourselves to that which will defile us; we should join ourselves to that which will enhance our walk and function as priests to our God.
Lord, I ask that You help me to be wise in any and every covenant I make. Would You help me to not allow anything to possess my heart that doesn’t press me to You. As I stand before Your Courts, please, Lord, allow this to be true and established. I yield my life to You, in Jesus’s name, amen.
And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. —Ezekiel 44:23
Priests are to have a sense of the holiness and cleanness of the Lord. They are to live in such a way that they can help others discern what God approves of and what He doesn’t in this present world. This is what Romans 12:1–2 implores us to do. We are to so present ourselves as living sacrifices before God that we understand and manifest what is pleasing and acceptable to Him. This is part of what we do as priests. There is such a confusion today in what is acceptable before the Lord. We need a people who are so walking with their God that they can reveal the difference between holy and unholy, clean and unclean. These are not legalistic requirements but rather revelation of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. We must not reject what God approves, and we must not approve what God rejects. We are to function as priests before our God and help people discern from our own lives what God blesses and what allows curses to light.
Lord, as we come before Your Courts, we yield to You. We repent for every place we have breached Your standard and partaken of that which is unholy or unclean. We want to live as a holy people set apart to You. Allow us, Lord, to so demonstrate what is acceptable to You that others might be moved and motivated to walk in this way. In Jesus’s name, amen.
In controversy they shall stand as judges, and judge it according to My judgments. They shall keep My laws and My statutes in all My appointed meetings, and they shall hallow My Sabbaths. —Ezekiel 44:24
Priests were the appointed judges of God in society. They had the wisdom according the law and Word of God to settle controversy between people. As we walk as priests before our God, may His wisdom so be in us that we too can be the peacemakers of God. We are told that these are called the sons of God (Matt. 5: 9). So those who carry the nature of the Father as His children, know how to put an end to controversy. They know how to diffuse a situation rather than detonate it. They do this by judging righteously in given situations. This doesn’t require that we have a recognized position in society. People will search out those with wisdom when they are known as those who can end controversy. As we stand as the priests of the Lord in the realm of the spirit, may we too render judgments that end controversy so that peace might come into otherwise volatile circumstances.
As we come into Your Courts, Lord, we as priests stand before You as Judge. We thank You that You grant us the wisdom to judge righteously. May we render decisions that will put an end to controversy and establish Your peace in situations. May we be used to diffuse rather than detonate explosive circumstances. In Jesus’s name, amen.
They shall not defile themselves by coming near a dead person. Only for father or mother, for son or daughter, for brother or unmarried sister may they defile themselves. —Ezekiel 44:25
Priests were forbidden to touch anything dead. They were only allowed to touch the dead if it was related to them. This means that God made room for natural human affection when it came to this ordinance. Otherwise things that were dead brought defilement to the priests. This is because the priests were to carry life. Dead things defile. They corrupt. This is why we are commanded to repent of dead works (Heb. 6:1). Dead works produce death in those who do them. We are told in Romans 8: 6 that carnal or fleshly mindedness brings death. So we as priests to our God are to separate ourselves from anything associated with death and not life in the Spirit. Defilement is when we have a sense of uncleanness and guilt associated with a certain activity or attitude. This defilement must be dealt with through repentance and the blood of Jesus cleansing us. It washes away the consciousness of guilt associated with the activity. As priests to our God we must stay pure and clean from that which carries death. When we do, we are then free to minister life.
Lord, as I come before Your Courts, I repent of any accusation against me of defilement through associating with dead works. I ask that Your blood would cleanse every defilement and I would be free from it in Jesus’s name. Thank You, Lord, for Your faithfulness to me. Amen.
It shall be, in regard to their inheritance, that I am their inheritance. You shall give them no possession in Israel, for I am their possession. —Ezekiel 44:28
God proclaimed that the priests would get no inheritance of land as the rest of Israel did. He Himself would be their inheritance. If you examine further, as their livelihood priests were given the offering the people brought to the Lord. However, whoever will step into their function as a priest to their God will be rewarded with a special sense of His presence over their life. God will be near those who dedicate themselves to be His priest and minister to Him. The Lord Himself will be their inheritance. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” In other words, God rewards those who seek Him with Himself. This isn’t to say that He doesn’t meet our needs and such as well. However the real reward or inheritance is the Lord and the closeness of His presence over our lives. May we truly serve Him as priest that we might be found worthy to be His inheritance. This alone satisfies like nothing else.
Lord, as I come into Your Courts, I ask that You, Lord, would be my inheritance. Out of this, You will meet my needs. However, Lord, let it be known in Your Courts that my passion is You and Your presence. May You be close to me and may I be Your servant and friend forever. In Jesus’s name, amen.
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. —1 Peter 2:9
We are called a royal priesthood. When royalty is spoken of, it is in regard to kingship. So Peter is declaring that we are a kingly order of priests. We have looked extensively over many days at our function as priests. This is our legal activity in the spirit world. Once, however, we have fulfilled our function as priests, we must step into our kingship and decree a thing into place. As we do, things begin to move into divine order. The reason is because the legal rights that had resisted it have been removed through priestly activity. Kingly decrees are now able to move things to where God intended them to be. This is the joint venture of us functioning as kings and priests to our God. One of the major reason people do not see breakthroughs from the Courts of Heaven is passivity after they have functioned as priests. Getting things legally in order is of great necessity. However, we must with aggression step into kingship and with boldness and authority set things in place through our words, decrees, declarations, and announcements. As we do, the final and complete breakthroughs will come.
Lord, as I come before Your Courts, I thank You that You have heard me as priest. Thank You for this place of function. I now step into my place as a king and with boldness utter decrees, declarations, words, and announcements that shift things to the desired and intended place. In Jesus’s name breakthrough now comes. Amen.
(As it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations”) in the presence of Him whom he believed—God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. —Romans 4:17
Kings are those who decree a thing and see it happen. We as kings actually get to operate even as God Himself operates. He called things that didn’t exist as if they did. Abraham’s revelation of who God is was that He gave life to the dead and called into reality those things that did not exist. Having been made in His image and likeness, we are to walk in portions of this same power (Gen. 1:26). This means that our words have creative power, even as God through His words created the visible world from what was invisible (Heb. 11:3). We also through spoken words and decrees can see things materialize from what is invisible. Just because something is invisible doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Many things we cannot see exist. Through our words, we call out of the invisible realm that which exists into the visible dimension. This is the power of operating as a king in the spirit world. Once things have been legally set in order as priest, we then decree as kings. The result will be physical manifestations of answers to prayers and requests before God.
As I come before Your Courts, Lord, I stand here as a king. I thank You that we are kings and priests before our God. From this position, I now call into place in the natural what already exists in the spiritual. Thank You, Lord, that all things are legally set, and I can now put this in place from my kingship. In Jesus’s name, amen.
So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” —Mark 11:22–23
When Peter marveled that the fig tree Jesus cursed so quickly withered away, this was Jesus’s response. He was endeavoring to teach His disciples how to use their words as kings. They were to recognize the authority their words could carry in the spirit world. This would result in natural manifestations coming into agreement with God’s will. Jesus was emphasizing that their words must be without doubt and filled with faith. In other words, they couldn’t just mouth words from an unbelieving heart; they had to first have faith in their heart to empower the words of their mouth. From this, things would be set in motion that would produce supernatural happenings. We too are to use our words from the realm of faith. Paul spoke of faith-filled words in Second Corinthians 4:13. He declared that the spirit of faith in him caused him to speak in a certain way. Faith has a way of talking. We must allow the Holy Spirit to fashion this dimension in our hearts. We will begin to speak with faith that sets the right things in motion over our lives and situations.
As I come before Your Courts, Lord, I humble my heart and ask that the spirit of faith be formed in me. Let doubt and unbelief be extracted from my life, I pray. Produce in me, Lord, the spirit of faith that will allow me to walk as a king in boldness and authority. Use my words to set in motion that which is necessary for Your will to be done. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus. —Acts 4:13
One of the attributes of functioning as kings is boldness. The religious leaders marveled at the boldness of men who would otherwise have been petrified before them. This was because of the confidence and security that came from knowing Jesus. Uneducated and untrained individuals would normally have been greatly intimidated by the supposed prestige and authority of the Jewish leaders. This was not the case of Peter and John. In the natural they may have been uneducated and untrained, but in the spiritual realm they were kings, and they knew it! They knew they actually outranked in the spirit realm they stood before. Wow! This produced a boldness laced with humility. The presence of humility in the midst of boldness is what keeps us from brashness. This form of boldness will allow a release of faith with our words that produces the supernatural. This is the reason Peter and John were standing before these men. The miracle at the Beautiful Gate of the lame man being healed had brought them there (Acts 3:2–9). The man had been healed because Peter and John had made a bold decree of faith from their kingship. This release of authority through boldness healed the man. Kings function with boldness.
Lord, I come boldly before Your Courts. By faith I take my place before You that Your blood has granted. As I stand in this place, I ask that You help me to move in true boldness and not brashness. May I without fear or doubt through faith operate in an amazing boldness that brings the supernatural. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word. Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, you ministers of His, who do His pleasure. —Psalm 103:20–21
Angelic presence responds to the “voice of His word.” They also are here to “do His pleasure.” The voice of His word can come through our voice. It is His word, not necessarily the voice that is carrying it that angels respond to. When the Holy Spirit uses our voice to declare His word, this can initiate angelic activity and movement. Sometimes the lack of angelic involvement in the earth is because there has been no voice to carry His word. Our words as kings can arouse the movement of angels from the heavenly realm. This is important because angels are sent to be ministers to the heirs of salvation (Heb. 1:14). Could the lack of angelic help in our lives be because we haven’t motivated them through the lack of speaking His word? We must learn to be the voice of His word. Angels move and heed the voice of His word. This requires we fill ourselves with the word of the Lord that the Holy Spirit might draw from it. As we speak His word under the unction of the Spirit of God, angels are aroused to pursue the doing of His word in our behalf. Let’s boldly speak the word of the Lord and see angelic presence move for us and with us. The result will be supernatural help for us as the heirs of salvation.
Lord, as I come before the Courts of Heaven, I thank You that angels are present to move in my behalf. Forgive me, Lord, for the times I haven’t activated this help. Forgive me for the times I have not been a voice that could speak Your word. May I step into this place as a king and see angels aroused for me and with me. In Jesus’s name, amen.
And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses. —Mark 11:25–26
As Jesus instructed His disciples how to use their words and mouth to move the heavenly realm as kings, He spoke of the necessity of forgiveness. Clearly forgiveness is necessary to walk in spiritual authority. This means that unwillingness to forgive will cause our spiritual authority to be diminished and even vanish. Our prayers will become ineffective. Jesus said whenever we stand praying, we should forgive. There is something about engaging in the spiritual activity of prayer that causes issues of the heart to be revealed. As we engage in prayer, we move into a dimension of the spirit where everything becomes open and manifest. Hebrews 4:13 tells us that all things are naked and open before the Lord. He sees and knows all things. As we pray, however, what God already sees, He can cause to come to the forefront, so we become aware of something we are harboring in our heart toward someone else. It can be something we are completely justified to feel. In this moment of prayer, however, we become aware of the wickedness of this thing before the Lord. We then repent and find freedom from it. Our spiritual authority as kings is restored as we stand before the Lord.
Lord, as I stand in Your Courts, I allow You the right to search my hidden and even stubborn place of unforgiveness. I realize this is displeasing to You and will result in the diminishment and even the vanishing of the spiritual authority I am to carry. Forgive me, Lord, even as I forgive those who have wounded me. Thank You for the grace to forgive even as You forgive me. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Now Joshua had commanded the people, saying, “You shall not shout or make any noise with your voice, nor shall a word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I say to you, ‘Shout!’ Then you shall shout.” —Joshua 6:10
As the people circled Jericho for six days, they were forbidden to say a word or make a sound. On the seventh day they encompassed the city seven times. On the seventh time they shouted. When they did, the walls of the city came down (Josh. 6:20). This required restraint for them to walk around the walls of this city and not say a word. I’m sure the walls of this city seemed insurmountable and unconquerable. As they walked around the city, if they had said something, it probably would have been statements of fear and doubt. After seven days, however, perhaps faith had begun to arise in their hearts. Maybe the walls no longer looked as large as they had at the beginning. Perhaps something had begun to change because of the lack of the negative report. When it came time to shout on the seventh trip around the walls on the seventh day, there was now a supernatural development of faith. The shout was from a deep well of expectancy that something was about to happen. From this place in the spirit of a restrained tongue, a shout erupted that shook things in the spiritual world. The walls fell flat, and the city was conquered. So will the strongholds of our lives fall as well.
Lord, as I come into Your Courts, I ask for the grace of a restrained tongue that I may speak no evil. Forgive me for all the evil reports I have brought in negativity. Help me have a guard over my mouth that my words as a king may carry divine authority. In Jesus’s name, amen.
For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. —James 3:2
The ability to not offend with the tongue grants authority to control our whole being. If we struggle with areas that are out of control in our lives and are not able to exercise authority there, the answer might be in learning to control the tongue. This Scripture seems to indicate that the power to control our tongue will give us authority over other unruly areas of our life. As we control what comes from our mouth, we grow in authority to rule our entire being. Other rebellious places of our life will become easier to subdue because we are exercising His authority. This Scripture seems to be clear. If we don’t stumble or trip with our tongue, we are able to bridle every other appetite and desire. Wow! This means that we must set a guard over our mouth and let no corrupt speech come from our mouth. We must not be negative, arrogant, judgmental, or even hateful toward others. We must ask the Lord to empower us from His Courts to subdue the unruly member called the tongue. This will result in new levels of authority to operate as kings before Him and the purposes of His Kingdom.
Lord, I come and approach Your Courts. I ask, Lord, that I might have grace to subdue my tongue under Your authority. Forgive me for all the places where I have used my tongue for evil. I repent. Grant me, Lord, the grace I need to exercise the authority of the Lord to restrain the words of my mouth and speak only right things. In Jesus’s name, amen.
For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. —James 3:2–3
Bits cause horses to obey. A bit is small, yet it produces obedience. The whole body of the horse gets turned in the direction that it needs to go. We must allow the Lord to sit upon us and turn us as well. We must allow the bit of the Holy Spirit to be in our mouth. If our mouth is controlled, every other part of us comes into obedience. This is what it means to be meek. Matthew 5:5 calls the meek blessed. One of the main definitions of meek is to be bridlewise. In other words, meekness is power under control as a result of allowing the Lord to bridle our tongue. The more my mouth lines up with the Word of the Lord, the more power under control I can walk in. I am able to function as a king in the earth in behalf of the Lord. I can be trusted with newer levels of authority and power. The result will be new dimensions of the Kingdom of God being realized. Jesus will be glorified, and His domain extended.
Lord, as I approach Your Courts, let my tongue come under Your power and control. Make me bridlewise that I might walk in power under control. Thank You that even as a horse is controlled with a bit, Holy Spirit, You cause a restraint to be on me and in my mouth. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. —James 3:4
The rudder of a ship in comparison to the size of a ship is little. Even though the power source of a ship is the result of something else, it is the rudder that determines the direction and destination. What a powerful analogy. Perhaps we are motivated and even propelled forward by the wind of the Holy Spirit. It is, however, the rudder of our life, which is our tongue, that will determine where we end up and land. This means we can have a great anointing, tremendous gift-ing, and even wonderful authority, but if our tongue is setting the wrong course, we will not get to where we are supposed to go. The tongue, mouth, and speech will set a direction toward a place we are not intended to go. What a powerful truth to grasp. It is the pilot who sets the rudder and determines the direction of the ship. This means that whoever the pilot is must be under the guidance of the Lord Himself. We as the pilot of our ship must set our rudder or our tongue in agreement with the ways of God. Otherwise the force of the wind will not drive us to our destination but to a place we don’t want to go. May God help us as the pilot to set the right course with the words of our mouth.
Lord, as I seek to walk as a king in the authority of who You are, may I set the rudder of my life. May I set my tongue to speak right things. May I before Your Courts petition that the Courts render a decision of grace to empower me to obey You in these things. I petition the Courts for Your help. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. —James 3:5–6
James gives us further insight into the power of the tongue. He speaks of the tongue as a force that can devour and destroy. He speaks of its ability to start a fire that consumes whole forests that have taken decades and even centuries to grow. This fire can consume and destroy in moments what it has taken years to grow and build. This is the destructive nature of the tongue. We are told it is because the tongue can become a demonic accomplice. Hell itself sets it on fire. This is why we have all seen situations that exploded into absolute annihilation as a result of words spoken in heat and rage. Relationships that have been built over years are destroyed in minutes. This is not just the words of humans, but words of humans set ablaze by demonic impulse. Divorces occur, estrangement takes place, lifelong wounds are inflicted, and families are annihilated because of the demonic savagery attached to the tongue. We must submit our tongue to the authority of the Lord. Yes, so we can function as kings, but also so we can preserve that which has been built and grown for years.
Lord, as I come before Your Courts, I beseech that You help me set a guard on my tongue that would quench any fire. I am asking, Lord, that every tendency toward demonic savagery with my tongue would be thwarted. Let me walk in peace with those I love. I am asking for help from Your Courts. Any place destruction has occurred, would You help me rebuild? In Jesus’s name, amen.
For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. —James 3:7–8
The tongue is a beast to be tamed. Left to its natural tendency the tongue is a devouring beast. We are told that any and every other kind of beast has been tamed or at least captured. Without exercising spiritual authority over the natural tongue, it is an untamed beast. However, through the power of the Holy Spirit this beast can be tamed. When taming a beast, that animal must become convinced that you are more powerful and in control. You are able then to domesticate the creature. The same is true with the tongue. We must use the spiritual authority granted to us as children of God to bring the tongue into submission. John 1:12 tells us that as many as received the Lord they were given authority to become children of God. This means that when we accepted Jesus, we were granted the necessary authority to subdue anything under His feet that would be in opposition to Him and His purposes. This includes our tongue. As we ourselves submit ourselves to Jesus’s Lordship, this authority is enacted to bring the beast of our tongue under His power. This beast of our tongue then becomes something that serves us rather than us serving it.
Lord, I come before Your Courts and ask that my unruly tongue come under Your authority. I surrender this member and all its rebellious intent to You. Let the beast of my tongue be domesticated and surrendered to You. Let it no more expect to be served, but let it now serve You and Your purposes. In Jesus’s name, amen.
With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. —James 3:9–10
James bemoans the fact that we use our tongue for dualistic reasons. We bless God with our tongue as believers, yet curse men in our speech with it as well. This means we are not consecrating our tongue for the reason it was created. The main purpose of the tongue is to bless, worship, and honor God and others. We are told to let the sacrifice of praise come from our lips to the Lord (Heb. 13:15). We are also to bless humans who are made in the image, likeness, and similitude of God. We are to have an awareness of the honor that all men are worth simply because they were made in God’s likeness. This means that no matter how vile we might think someone is, they are worthy of honor from our tongue. This is why we are told to “honor all people” (1 Pet. 2:17). This can be a real challenge, but if we make it our practice to speak well and not evil of people, we are using our tongue as a consecrated instrument to God. We should choose whether our tongue is going to be an instrument of blessing or cursing. If we choose blessing, then we are aligning with God’s purpose for our tongue and its power. However, if we choose cursing, we are choosing destructive powers to be loosed. May we choose wisely!
Lord, as I approach Your Courts, I bring my tongue and surrender it as one called to operate as a king in Your Kingdom. I choose this day to consecrate my tongue as an instrument of blessing and not cursing. May my tongue be Your vehicle to bless others and not to curse them. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh. —James 3:11–12
Our tongue is either bringing forth fresh water or poison/bitter water. James also speaks to the fact that the kind of tree or plant determines its fruit. In other words the nature of the plant determines the kind of fruit it will bear. We as believers have received the new nature of who Jesus is (2 Pet. 1:3). We have the divine nature of God in us through the new birth of the Holy Spirit. This means our tongues should reflect this new nature. We should speak out of the heart and passion of God. From this opening, fresh water should flow for others to drink from. Are our words producing fruit consistent with the nature of God we claim is in us that people might eat and be healthy? Is the water coming from the opening/mouth refreshing and edifying people or defiling them? Our words are to be as fresh water quenching the thirst of those who would drink from our lives. May they replenish the people who hear what proceeds from this opening. May our words be used to bring life. May people not come expecting to drink of that which is fresh only to take a big gulp of salt water and actually be sickened or made even more thirsty. Let the spring coming from our lives be filled with the freshness of the Lord. Let words that edify spring forth from us (Eph. 4:29).
As I come before Your Courts, Lord, I thank You that You have called me to be a king and priest before You. May my tongue be under Your authority that it might be a spring bringing forth life-giving flow. May people drink from the opening of my mouth and be refreshed and blessed. I yield myself and my mouth to You. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held—to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut. —Isaiah 45:1
Opened doors are essential for success and purpose in life to be fulfilled. So often the enemy is using legal action against us to keep these doors of favor, opportunity, and privilege shut. When we know how to come before the Courts and discern what the devil might be using, we can see the promises we have waited on become a reality. In this Scripture, God promises to open double doors. This means unprecedented opportunities are made available to us, perhaps even what eye hasn’t seen, ear hasn’t heard, and even what the heart hasn’t imagined (1 Cor. 2:9). One of the main things we have to contend against in regard to embracing and moving through these double doors is the disappointment of the past season. If we aren’t careful, we can allow the troubles and tribulations of the past form a mentality that is more about doubt than it is faith. The Lord will heal us of this so that as the doors open we will have the necessary belief to move through them and into the future God has for us. We must repent before the Courts for any unbelief we have allowed to be formed in us so that we can embrace the double doors that are opening for us.
As I approach Your Courts, Lord, I thank You for the open doors that You have set before me. I repent and shake free from the past season of trouble that would have fashioned me with a thinking more in agreement with unbelief than faith. I ask, Lord, that real faith might arise in my heart that I can move through the opened double doors. In Jesus’s name, amen.
For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. —1 Corinthians 16:9
As we approach the Courts of Heaven, we should believe God for great and effective doors to open. When doors open, we have great opportunities for success and influence. Notice that the Apostle Paul said that in the midst of the excitement of these doors opening, there were adversaries. Not just adversaries but many adversaries. Some people allow the presence of adversaries to convince them that the doors that are open are not from God. Or they completely cannot see the open doors because of the trouble. They wrongly believe that anything God does wouldn’t have challenge, hardship, or difficulties attached to it. How wrong they are! In fact, it can be just the opposite. When doors of great favor open, the devil will seek to thwart our taking advantage of it by raising up adversity. If these doors are set by God, any adversary we face will be overcome through our faith and obedience (1 John 5:4). Many times when doors open, it looks like crisis, but in every crisis there can be an opportunity. Yes, there can be danger as well. However, we mustn’t allow the danger to overwhelm the opportunity. We should be aware of the danger and move cautiously, yet also see the opportunity and take advantage of it. When we do, we step through open doors and into the destiny of God.
As I approach Your Courts, Lord, I ask that I have eyes to see the open doors and not just the adversaries. Lord, place in my heart a faith that would realize the adversaries will be conquered and the destiny embraced. Thank You, Lord, that from Your Court there is a rendering of judgment against every adversary that would seek to stop my embracing and moving through these open doors. In Jesus’s name, amen.