For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. —1 Corinthians 4:15
Apostles are fathers. This is the statement of the Apostle Paul. Even though there might be many, many teachers, by comparison there are not many apostolic fathers. This is true today. Many would claim to be apostles. However, as it was in the days of Paul, there is confusion concerning the different ministry functions. The Corinthian church was clearly a highly gifted group of people. The gifts of the Holy Spirit operated in them (1 Cor. 12). The church seemed to be enjoying the good life of serving Jesus and reigning in life (1 Cor. 4:8). Paul speaks of them as reigning as kings. He actually says this is a good thing. However, in the midst of this it appears they were allowing other ministry gifts to have an influence over them that Paul himself was claiming as their father. It is a good thing to drink deeply from the gifting God places in His body. However, we must know who our father is. The honor of apostolic fatherhood is essential to maturity and longevity. Yes, we should drink of the anointing of those set by God in His church. We must, however, recognize who our apostolic father is. This will empower us for function in the spirit world and stabilize us during good times and bad ones. It is essential to identity and purpose as we recognize our apostles and honor them as being sent from God into our lives.
As I approach Your Courts, Lord, I ask for the ability to recognize my apostolic joining. Help me honor those who have sacrificially laid their lives down for my progress. May I honor this. May this be recorded in Your Courts in testimony concerning me. In Jesus’s name, amen.
I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars. —Revelation 2:2
If we are to recognize true apostles, we must also be aware there are those who will masquerade as apostles! They do this to manipulate and try to gain from the Body of Christ acknowledgement, places of authority, and money. We need the spirit of discernment to be able to recognize those who desire to use and abuse us. The Bible says there are those who will exploit and seek to make gain from you by these claims (2 Pet. 2:3) This can produce the introduction of heresies and untruths into the Body of Christ. These will be used by the devil to lead people astray and do damage to the cause of the Lord. It is imperative that we have the discerning of the Lord to recognize who is really an apostle and who is not. There are many defining points of real apostles. One of the most prevalent is the sacrifice they have made. Any real apostle will have suffered on some level. This is at least partially because the devil hates the apostolic. He understands that it is this gifting of grace that has the power and authority to break his rule over regions. This results in demonic attacks against the apostolic. This doesn’t mean apostles don’t live blessed lives. However, if you gaze deep enough, you will find those who have stayed true through testing and trials because of their apostolic mandate.
Lord, help me to discern the real apostles. Let this be that I might align properly and gain new realms of authority before Your Courts. Help me value the sacrifice that real apostles have made for the mandate on their life. In Jesus’s name, amen.
And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus; Simon the Cananite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Him. —Matthew 10:1–4
Notice that Jesus called His disciples and gave them power and authority. The very next verse then declares them to be apostles. The main thing that determines if someone is an apostle is the authority they carry in the spirit world. The transition from being a disciple to having a rank in the spirit world that is apostolic comes when Jesus invests authority in us. The word power in this verse is the Greek word exousia. It means “delegated influence, authority, jurisdiction.” Apostles are not necessarily apostles to everyone; they have a jurisdiction. Peter was an apostle to the Jews, while Paul was an apostle to the Gentiles (Gal. 2:8). This was their primary jurisdiction as apostles. When they functioned in these realms, the authority they carried brought significant breakthroughs. Real apostles are mindful of where their jurisdiction begins and ends. They know that functioning within these realms will produce greater results and create a safeguard over them, their families, and those joined to them. Boundaries are important in the spirit world. Apostles are aware of these and walk in the fear of the Lord to stay in them.
As I come into Your Courts, Lord, help me to recognize apostolic authority. Help me to perceive boundaries in the spirit world and stay in them. As I do, allow the Courts of Heaven to recognize my function before You, I pray. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Am I not an apostle? Am I not free? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? Are you not my work in the Lord? —1 Corinthians 9:1
Paul recognized that his claim as an apostle was connected to a church that had been built and was in existence. He saw the Corinthian church as a seal of his apostleship. Real apostolic authority always builds something. Many would claim to be apostles yet can’t point to anything they have built. Whether churches, networks, businesses, or other organizations. Anyone who really carries the apostolic authority will have as a proof of their apostleship that which has been built. We must only be connected and aligned with real apostles. Is the supposed authority they carry producing something tangible? Any real spiritual authority will cause things to be arranged in the unseen world, that something is established in the seen realm. We cannot see what is happening in the spiritual realm necessarily. We can however see the results of what is happening in the unseen dimension in the natural. Any true apostle will be a builder. They will be able to build in the natural realm what is seen in the spirit world. The result will be that which carries apostolic authority and influences the earth.
Lord, as I stand before Your Courts, I thank You that You allow me to connect with real apostles who build from the authority You have granted them. May the Kingdom of God have a natural expression because of the authority of apostles in the unseen realm. In Jesus’s name, amen.
But we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children. So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us. —1 Thessalonians 2:7–8
The Apostle Paul and his apostolic team pictured themselves as those who mother. We hear very little, if anything, about the mothering influence of apostles. Cleary there is to be one. Paul said they were as nursing mothers to this church. When a mother nurses her child, a bond is created that can last a lifetime. Nursing isn’t just about the child receiving nutrition; it is also about the mother and child creating a connection that can be unbreakable. Paul said they imparted their own lives. They didn’t just preach the gospel; they also gave themselves. Apostles are not just to be the hierarchy of the church. They are not to be the untouchables that no one can reach. They are to be relational in nature and relatable to the people of God. When this is in place, a lot of the criticism of the apostolic movement will cease. Relationship does wonders for demolishing false concepts and ideas. May the people of God be nursed and cherished by the apostolic of the church. This will create a sense of security and importance in the people of God that will allow destiny to be fulfilled.
Lord, thank You that from Your Courts apostles who can both mother and father are being established. Thank You that because of this, Your church is coming to greater levels of maturity and power. In Jesus’s name, amen.
A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench, till He sends forth justice to victory. —Matthew 12:20
There is a cry for justice in the hearts of God’s people. There is much loss that has been suffered and much pain that has been inflicted. The cry is that this would be acknowledged and repaid with good. This is actually the hope that is in the heart of God’s family. It is promised that justice will be sent forth. In other words, there will be a rendering of justice that brings God’s people out of defeat and into victory. There will be a returning of fortunes that cause the pain of the last seasons to be forgotten. Whether the loss that has been suffered is the result of human action or completely the activity of the demonic, the word of God promises justice to victims. From the Courts of Heaven, we can expect and endure until this verdict is set into place. There are times when it seems that no one is actually aware. Please realize that God knows. We can approach His courts and petition Him for justice to be set for us and what concerns us.
As I come before Your Courts, Lord, I ask for justice. I have experienced loss and pain. Would You take up my case and hear my petition, that righteous judgment might be established for me? In Jesus’s name, amen.
Behold! My Servant whom I have chosen, my Beloved in whom My soul is well pleased! I will put My Spirit upon Him, and He will declare justice to the Gentiles. —Matthew 12:18
Jesus has been granted the Holy Spirit without measure (John 3:34). One of the main reasons for this anointing is to declare justice. Justice is always the result of righteous judgments. There can be no justice without righteous judgment. Jesus has been granted the authority and power to judge so that justice might be established for all. This means all wrongs will be righted. All suffering will be rewarded. All loss with be restored. This is justice. Notice that there is a requirement of being anointed with the Holy Spirit that will allow judgment to establish justice. From the Holy Spirit the wisdom that is necessary to render right verdicts to this end is granted. In the days of Moses, God took some of the Spirit that was on Moses and put it on seventy others. This was so they could judge rightly the cases and disputes of the people (Num. 11:16–17). They had to be anointed with the Spirit that was upon Moses. They received an impartation to stand as judges and establish justice among the people. We must have the anointing to underwrite judgments for justice.
As we come before Your Courts, Lord, we ask for the anointing of Your Spirit. May we be empowered to see the judgments of the Lord set so that justice might be revealed. Move by Your Spirit, we pray, and cause Your name to be glorified and justice to come. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Behold! My Servant whom I have chosen, my Beloved in whom My soul is well pleased! I will put My Spirit upon Him, and He will declare justice to the Gentiles. —Matthew 12:18
The chosen servant is the one who will render justice into place. He is the one who will be anointed for such activity. Being chosen speaks of having passed the test of being a servant. God loves to exalt those who in secret have served to places of extreme importance and influence. He loves to take those others have disregarded and even condemned and establish them in the eyes of all as those He has chosen. This in itself is justice. We are told that the Lord takes people from the dust and the ash heap and sits them with the princes of His people (Ps. 113:7–8). This happened to David. When the prophet came to the house of Jesse to look for a king, David wasn’t even called. However, through the Holy Spirit on Samuel the Lord searched him out. He couldn’t be hidden or disregarded always. He was the chosen one who was in the sheepfolds serving. He was set as king to judge God’s people and to bring forth equity. So it will always be in the Kingdom of God! The chosen of the Lord to administer justice will be a servant at heart. This is so they will not mistreat the people of God from the place of authority they’ve been granted.
Lord, thank You that You establish judges and kings that are servants at heart. They are Your chosen ones to execute justice. May this spirit be in me that the Courts of Heaven might regard me as one who can serve in this capacity. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Behold! My Servant whom I have chosen, my Beloved in whom My soul is well pleased! I will put My Spirit upon Him, and He will declare justice to the Gentiles. —Matthew 12:18
Notice that the one who is to declare justice is the Beloved who pleases God. Whoever walks in the authority to render judgments that produce justice must have the heart of God. The beloved is one who is intimate with the heart of God. Therefore, they know what God desires and wants. From this place they are able to render judgments that satisfy God’s heart and soul well. For those who are granted a place of rendering judgments, they must treasure the heart of God above the cry of the people. There must be a commitment beyond what people would yearn for. There must be an intense intention to never violate the standards set by God Himself. It is so very easy to allow the persons of men to sway away from righteous judgment. This is why only those who cannot be manipulated by money or other means are allowed to judge. Justice must never be perverted. The thing that possesses the heart of one granted authority to judge is a passion for God’s will. They walk in the fear of the Lord, knowing they themselves will give an account of their judgments rendered. They are the beloved of God that the Lord takes delight in.
Lord, as I would approach Your Courts and cry for justice, please allow me to be Your beloved that pleases You. Let there be no injustice in me. I humble my heart before You and say my heart is to obey You fully. In Jesus’s name, amen.
The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness has seized the hypocrites: “Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?” He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, he who despises the gain of oppressions, who gestures with his hands, refusing bribes, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, and shuts his eyes from seeing evil. —Isaiah 33:14–15
Notice that those who love righteousness and administer it to others have nothing to fear before the Lord. Only hypocrites and sinners should fear the devouring fire of God’s judgments. Sinners and hypocrites in Zion speak of the church. These were God’s people. We are told that judgment begins at the house of God (1 Pet. 4:17). God is a rewarder of those who walk in justice with others. When we walk righteously and speak rightly, God sustains us. We are fireproof from His judgments. When we despise gain and won’t sell out, we are fireproof. When we aggressively refuse to be bought, we are fireproof. When we will not be party to bloodshed, we are fireproof. When we shut our eyes from seeing evil and have nothing to do with it, we are fireproof. We are set so that the judgments of God will be in our favor. May we walk in the fear of the Lord and depart from evil, that His name might be glorified.
Lord, as I stand in Your Courts, I ask that I might be fireproofed. Let me make the decisions that are in agreement with You and Your word that will allow for Your judgments to be in my favor. Help me to serve You with a true heart that I might be acceptable before You. I yield my life to Your scrutiny and examinations. In Jesus’s name, amen.
His delight is in the fear of the Lord, and He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, nor decide by the hearing of His ears. —Isaiah 11:3
This Scripture is prophetic of Jesus and His ministry in the earth. He did not judge by the sight of His eyes or the hearing of the ears. In other words, He wasn’t able to be manipulated and fooled. This is good news. Some face the scrutiny of others because lies have been believed about them. Jesus can’t be deceived. His judgment is not based on any natural senses. His judgment is pure and true. Judgment will be rendered from His Courts based on the reality of things, not perceived realities. The Lord looks deep into our lives and ponders the ways of man (Prov. 5:21). His judgments are always based on truth. The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth (John 14:17). In other words, He will always speak the truth, even if it is painful. Yet when this truth is embraced, it will set the captive free (John 8:32). We must allow the truth of the Lord to penetrate our lives. As we embrace this truth, we free the Lord to unveil truth concerning our situations, that righteous judgments might be enforced.
Lord, as I come before Your Courts and petition You for righteous judgments, I ask in the fear of the Lord for my life to be aligned with truth. Thank You that You judge pure judgments. They are not based on what eyes see or ears hear; they are based on the deep reality of all things. In Jesus’s name, amen.
For I know of nothing against myself, yet I am not justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord. —1 Corinthians 4:4
The Apostle Paul declared that he was not critical of himself. He understood that most of us, if we judge ourselves, would be overly critical or lenient. He had committed the judgment of himself to the Lord. In other words, he was allowing the Holy Spirit the right to speak into his life on a momentary basis. If we will allow the Lord this place, as His possession we will be judged, and things will be set in order. Judgment is not the activity of an angry God. Judgment is God having the right to unveil heart issues that we might not be aware of. We are told that the human heart can be deceptive (Jer. 17:9). However, when we allow the Lord to judge us, He uncovers this deception and causes us to know truth. In the Book of James it is called looking in the perfect law of liberty (James 1:23–25). It is the idea of beholding our face in a mirror and taking stock of what we see. The Lord will use His Word and law to show us any discrepancies in what we say we believe and how we really walk. We must invite the Lord who judges to show us places where we need repentance and cleansing. We don’t fall prey to navel-gazing or paralysis of self-analysis. We do, however, allow the Lord to judge our lives and bring divine order to every place.
Lord, as I stand and petition You for Your judgments in my behalf, I ask that You might be my judge. That You, Lord, would judge me and not myself. I know Your judgments are true and pure. Set me free from Your Courts, Lord, that Your righteousness might be seen. In Jesus’s name, amen.
But if the servant plainly says, “I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,” then his master shall bring him to the judges. He shall also bring him to the door, or to the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him forever. —Exodus 21:5–6
In Hebrew order, when a man was sold into slavery to another Hebrew to pay a debt, he would serve for six years and go free on the seventh. If, however, he had grown to love the master’s house and all that he enjoyed there, he could choose to remain there forever and be a bondslave. This is what should happen to us with Jesus. We first encountered Jesus so His sacrifice could pay our debt. However, the longer we serve Him, the more we never want to go “free.” In other words, our relationship with the Lord began because we needed our debt to be paid. It became, however, a love relationship. To consummate this transaction with the master and the slave, the man would be taken to the judges, and his choice to become a bondslave would be publicly announced. The judges speak to us of the evaluation of our heart in the process of becoming a bondslave. As we desire for the Lord to have more of us, we must allow the judges to look into our lives. The Holy Spirit, the Word of God, prophetic encounters, and others can be the judges that expose our hearts as we prepare to move from one whose debt needed to be paid to one who loves the Lord and will not go free. We will then be marked by having our ear pierced. This speaks of our ear being opened that we might ear. This is the mark of a bondslave, a hearing ear.
Lord, as I come before Your Courts, I announce and declare that I want to be Your bondslave. May it be recorded this is my desire. Would you allow the “judges” to lovingly examine my life as my ear is opened to hear Your voice. In Jesus’s name, amen.
He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep. Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish.” —John 21:17–18
In questioning Peter, Jesus exposed Peter’s heart. He asked him three times, “Do you love Me?” This meant, “Do you love Me so much that you will give everything for Me?” Having just walked through his denial of Jesus, Peter was painfully aware of his heart and its lack of devotion to Jesus. All Peter could do was tell Jesus that he loved Him as a friend. Peter was grieved. It hurts when the examination of the Lord reveals the true nature of our hearts. When Peter answered honestly, however, Jesus told him in essence, “I will bring you to where I’m asking you to be.” In other words, as Peter walked with Jesus, he would become one who would die for the Lord and His purposes. Jesus would finish the work in Peter. A part of this work, however, is allowing the penetrating examination of the Lord to unveil our hearts. As Peter walked through his process, Jesus perfected what concerned him. He became one who was willing to die for the Lord and in fact did. The love of Jesus consumed Peter until he was willing to give all and love Jesus as the Lord had desired. The Lord is the author and finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2).
Lord, I ask before Your Courts that I might love You and be devoted to You as You would desire and require. I do not have the ability in myself to love You this way. Lord, I give You the right to examine my heart and perfect all that would concern me. As I would stand in Your presence, before Your Courts, may I be found surrendered and yielded to You. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, “Get justice for me from my adversary.” —Luke 18:3
Jesus tells the story of the widow who approached an unjust judge and asked him to get justice for her from her adversary. She wanted the adversary to be made to pay for whatever she had lost. In other words, her adversary would be made to give back all that he had stolen. We know the devil is a thief and a robber (John 10:1). He comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). When we come before the Courts of Heaven and make our case, we can request retribution from the devil and his forces. We can ask that all he has stolen be given back to us. All the pain, sorrow, finances, reputation, and other precious things can be restored. One verdict from the Courts of Heaven can set this in place. We are told we can have double what was lost (Job 42:10). We are also told that we can have sevenfold what was taken from us (Prov. 6:31). We can come before the Courts and remove any legal right the devil would claim against us as his right to consume. Once this is done, we can then petition the Courts of Heaven to have all that was lost restored and reinstated. The Lord delights in making the devil pay back what he has taken from His children.
As I approach Your Courts, O Lord, I ask that the adversary, my legal opponent, be made to repay all that he has taken. Let every precious thing be restored at least double if not sevenfold. I thank You, Lord, for justice from Your Courts. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. —Matthew 12:29
We are told that when the strong man is bound, we can then plunder his house. Bind is the Greek word deō, and it is connected to something being arrested, which is a legal activity. When we legally have incapacitated the devil and his forces, we can then plunder his house. When satan was kicked out of Heaven, he was stripped of everything. Everything he has in his house today is a result of his stealing, killing, and destroying (John 10:10). As the people of God we are to take back all that satan has gained through these activities. We are to see revoked every legal right he is claiming through the history of sin that he claims has granted him these rights. When we repent in behalf of ourselves, our bloodlines, and our histories, the blood of Jesus has the power to silence his claims against us. We then have the right to ask for a judgment against satan and to require that all that is in his house be requisitioned to meet that judgment! We are allowed to plunder his house to pay off the judgment of Heaven against him. This means souls released for the Kingdom. Finances restored. Health reinstituted. Anything and everything that has been lost can be reclaimed from his house! This is the judgment from the Courts of Heaven.
Lord, as we come before Your Courts, we thank You that satan is bound. We thank You that any legal case against us is silenced and all that he has used to steal, kill, and destroy is revoked. Let the plundering of his house begin now. In Jesus’s name, amen.
…and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. —2 Corinthians 10:6
Paul exhorts us that there can and will be a punishing of all disobedience. The word punish is the Greek word ekdikeō, and it means “to vindicate, retaliate.” When justice is rendered in our behalf, there is a vindication that can and will come. All lies, untruths, falsehoods, and wrong ideas about us will change because God has vindicated us. Notice, however, that this is connected to fulfilled obedience. In other words, as long as there are places of disobedience in us, the devil will use this as a legal right to deny our vindication. The vindicating of all disobedience means that the results and effects of my disobedience and the disobedience or others is thwarted. Any curses associated with it lose their rights to operate. Any reaping of wrong seeds sown is stopped. All legal rights the devil might claim to harass my life and hinder my future is revoked. We must embrace the grace of God to fully obey the Lord in every area. May He grant us the desire and strength to obey Him fully that all effects of disobedience will be removed, and my life can come into new places of blessing and breakthrough.
As I approach Your Courts, Lord, I repent for the places of disobedience in my life. Any place of willful rebellion in me or unintentional sin, would You please forgive? Would You allow Your blood to speak for me? Empower me, Lord, that I might fully obey. May all effects of disobedience now be revoked, and may vindication now come. In Jesus’s name, amen.
It is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you. —2 Thessalonians 1:6
This Scripture would seem to not agree with the loving nature of who we know God is. However, this word is clear. Those who persecute and mistreat the righteous because they belong to Him will be repaid with trouble. The Bible actually says the awareness of this principle is where we as the people of God get strength to persevere. Revelation 13:10 unveils that whoever hurts and does wrong to others will themselves suffer. We are told this is the patience and faith of the saints. In other words, there is justice with God. The understanding that God is a just God who will defend the righteous but punish the wrongdoer is a source of empowerment as we seek to keep the faith and walk out our salvation. Without this assurance of the justice of God, life would be unbearable for some. However, because there is justice with the Judge of all the earth, we can prevail knowing that God is true. In the midst of the wounding, however, we must keep our hearts pure and free of anger, unforgiveness, and bitterness. Should we let these things reside in us they can short-circuit the Lord’s ways. We must allow Him to seek vengeance in our behalf.
As we stand before Your Courts, Lord, I ask that I might have an awareness of Your justice. I know, Lord, that You will defend me. Help me to maintain a right heart that I would allow vengeance to belong to You. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. —Romans 12:19
We are admonished to not seek vengeance ourselves. We are told to “give place to wrath.” In other words, we are not to respond in anger and try to hurt someone who has hurt us. When we do this, we take the situation out of the righteous hand of God. If we seek to defend ourselves, God will not defend us. Vengeance, or repayment for wrongs done, belongs to the Lord. If I try to do this myself, I seek to operate in a dimension that God says is His alone. If, however, I trust that He is just and righteous, I can leave it to the Lord. My challenge is to not allow anger and wrath to fester in my heart and make me bitter. Should I allow this, then a root of bitterness can develop (Heb. 12:15). Now I am guilty of not allowing the grace of God to rule my heart. Any wish for the hurt of another is not from God. I must place this in the hand of God and instead have a heart to bless. I must be like Jesus as much as possible. Even as they were crucifying Him, He cried, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). May my heart be so healed that this would be my cry. Remember, vengeance belongs to God.
Lord, I ask that my heart might be free from bitterness and anger. I trust You with any vengeance You see fit. Would You allow the very nature of Jesus to be in me, that I might reflect who You are? May it be recorded before Your Courts that this is my prayer. In Jesus’s name, amen.
As for the Almighty, we cannot find Him; He is excellent in power, in judgment and abundant justice; He does not oppress. —Job 37:23
Oppression is a result of the lack of justice. Where there is judgment and justice there is no oppression. The word oppress in the Hebrew is the word ànah. It is the idea of “looking down or to browbeating.” The Lord does not push us down or make us feel inferior. He doesn’t take the life and spirit out of us so that we have no more heart to seek or to try. This is what the Egyptians did to the children of Israel. They caused them to serve with hard bondage and made their lives bitter (Exod. 1:14). Righteous judgment that brings justice delivers us from oppression. It is not God’s heart for one to oppress another. Anyone with real authority is granted that authority to serve with not to oppress from. However, because of the perversion of man’s heart without God, many consider the authority they have to allow them to abuse. The Lord in His justice actually declares whoever would use authority for this purpose would themselves be judged (Matt. 24:48–51). There is severe punishment for those who oppress others with their authority. Those who use authority correctly, use it to bless not oppress.
Lord, as I am aware that Heaven is watching, I choose to use any authority I have to bless and not oppress. Through judgment You relieve the oppressed. May righteous authority be set so that people are liberated. May it be recorded in Your Courts, Lord, that this is my heart and desire, and I have prayed this prayer. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before Your face. —Psalm 89:14
Righteousness and justice have founded and established the throne of God. This is the foundation from which God as the Judge of all the earth functions. This means that the judgments that come from the throne of God are righteous in nature. This means they are right and good based on the standards of who God is. They are also full of justice in that there is no preferential treatment for one above another. There is justice for all regardless of a person’s social standing or position. This is why we are told God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). Peter made this statement when he saw the Holy Spirit poured out on the Gentiles. Until this time, Peter was certain that God loved the Jews more than any other people group. He suddenly realized that whoever fears God and worked righteousness was accepted by Him. This is because God’s throne is full of justice. Whoever will seek the face of God will find Him. His righteousness and justice demands it. Whoever will call on Him and His name will be saved and delivered.
Lord, as we approach Your Courts, I thank You that there is righteousness and justice in Your throne. In fact, this is the foundation of Your authority, rulership, and Court system. Thank You that because You are just, you hear me when I cry. There is no respect of persons with You. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. —1 Peter 4:1–2
Suffering is a part of life. We all go through it to one degree or another. In fact, when we are tempted and say no to sin, the Bible says this is suffering. Whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased to sin. In other words, when we resist temptation our flesh is suffering. We are choosing to live the remainder of our days in the flesh, not to fulfill lust and desires, but to do the will of God. It can be easy at times to look at the persecuted church in parts of the world and to think of them as better Christians. We should honor them. However, anytime we choose the will of God over our own desires, we too are suffering according to the Word of God. This suffering actually speaks before the Courts of Heaven and is recorded in our behalf. It is being stated that we have chosen God’s ways instead of the ways of the world. May we be granted grace that we might serve the Lord “acceptably with reverence and godly fear” (Heb. 12:28). May our suffering for His sake speak for us before the Courts and give testimony concerning us. May it grant us a status in His presence that will allow us to be heard before Him (Heb. 11:39). May we have a good report.
As I approach Your Courts, may I say no to my flesh and choose Your ways. May this be recorded in Heaven that I have chosen the ways of God. As for me and my house, let it be known that we shall serve the Lord. In Jesus’s name, amen.
But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other people’s matters. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter. —1 Peter 4:15–16
Just because we suffer doesn’t mean we get any benefit from it. To gain from our suffering out of the justice of God, it must be for righteousness’s sake. If my serving is a result of my own foolishness or rebellion, this produces nothing for me but heartache and pain. If, however, my suffering is because I am a believer, I don’t have to be ashamed or reproached. There is a reward and justification that will come to me. Suffering as a believer can be because the devil has targeted you. In other words, his hatred for you is so great that he desires to inflict pain. When this is true, God in His justice will see to it that you are rewarded, either in this life or the one to come. Jesus said those who are persecuted for righteousness’s sake will receive a great reward in Heaven (Matt. 5:11–12). When evil is spoken against us, we are granted a wonderful reward in Heaven out of the righteous judgments of God. Eye has not seen, ear has not heard the things that have been prepared for those who love Him (1 Cor. 2:9). May we be found faithful.
Lord, as I stand before Your Courts, I thank You that You are the righteous Judge. In every place I would be persecuted for righteousness’s sake, there is laid up for me a reward in Heaven. I believe You, Lord, judge righteously. May I be found faithful. In Jesus’s name, amen.
By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith. —Hebrews 11:7
Noah condemned the world. The word condemn is the Greek word katakrinō. It means “judge against, sentence.” Noah through his obedience to God built that which saved his family. He moved in faith when he was divinely warned. These activities released a judgment against the world and it inhabitants. God did not and could not render a judgment against the wickedness of the earth until Noah had fully obeyed. This is still true today. God must have a people who will obey Him. When this is in place, His judging hand that brings order can be released. If the Lord were to judge the earth prematurely, He would have to judge His people as well (1 Cor. 11:32). The Lord in His mercy waits for us to be perfected and obedient before His judgments can come. Some wonder why God will not intervene. This is why. We as the church are the key. When we are in full obedience, the order of God can and will come to the earth (2 Cor. 10:6).
Lord, as we come before Your Courts, may we have the same heart as Noah, who moved with fear and obeyed. May we fully yield and say yes to You. As we do, Lord, let judgments come that can set things in order in the earth. In Jesus’s name, amen.
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” —Revelation 6:10
Those who had been martyred are revealed to be crying out for judgment. They are from Heaven asking the Lord to avenge their blood that was shed because they belonged to Jesus. All blood has a voice (Heb. 12:24). The blood of the innocent, however, can be crying for judgment. We can actually set our cry in agreement with the cry of those whose blood was spilled for the cause of Christ. Why would we want judgment? Without judgment, there is no justice. When judgment comes, a true perspective of who God is in His holiness begins to be reestablished. Yes, the Lord is our gracious Father. He is, however, the supreme God of the universe who judges righteously. When the Lord stretches His hand to judge, society begins to once against return to the fear of the Lord. He is not an angry God to be appeased. He is a good Lord who is to be obeyed. May we never despise the goodness of His forbearance toward us, that we might receive of His mercy and kindness.
Lord, I stand before Your Courts and ask that You will help me balance who You are in Your goodness and severity, even as the Apostle Paul declared (Rom. 11:22). You are not an angry God, but You are the supreme ruler of all. May Your name be known in all the earth and Your judgments bring us to the fear of the Lord. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. —Romans 2:1
Contrary to popular belief, we as believers are to judge (1 Cor. 2:15). But we are not to judge when we are guilty of the same thing. When I judge another who is doing what I am doing, I set a judgment and condemnation over my own life. Paul said we were inexcusable. This word in the Greek is anapologētos. It means “without a defense.” In other words, I have no legal footing to be defended when I condemn and judge someone for doing the thing I am guilty of. This is quite serious. Even though we are called to judge, we must be careful that we ourselves are free. If we aren’t, we are setting ourselves us for condemnation and potentially devastating legal action against us. This is one of the reasons satan is so successful against us legally. He points out our hypocrisy before the Courts of Heaven. This allows him to claim a right to bring hardship, restrictions, and limits against us. We must repent for any and all judgmentalism. When we do, the legal right of our adversary can be revoked—we have a defense.
As I stand before Your Courts, Lord, I ask that all hypocrisy would be removed from me. Forgive me for being hard and without mercy. I repent. I ask that every double standard in my life be now removed. Cleanse me, Lord. In Jesus’s name, amen.
And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God? —Romans 2:3
It would appear that our violation of the standard of God is serious. When I judge others and am critical of them for what I am guilty of, I set myself up for severe judgment. In other words, we should repent for that which is offensive to God. We must not give ourselves room to live in sin. And I must be careful to not be judgmental of those who are in sin like mine or struggling. If I am, the Scripture says that because I gave them no mercy, I will not escape the judgment of God. If I have not given mercy, I will not receive mercy. Judgment is without mercy to those who have shown none (James 2:13). This appears to be a huge thing with God. Hypocrites who slam others for the very thing they are guilty of will be judged. I want mercy. I petition the Courts of Heaven to help me in my process to give others grace in theirs. This will work for my benefit as I stand before the Lord and give an account of my activities and life.
Lord, I thank You that You are perfecting what concerns me. Make me a merciful person. Draw me near to You that I might have Your heart toward others. I repent before Your Courts for any places of being judgmental. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? —Romans 2:4
When we judge others and are harsh with them, we despise the riches of God’s goodness and long-suffering with us. We are failing to realize that the goodness of God is what can produce and lead us to repentance. God doesn’t judge us quickly. He gives us space. In the days of Noah, He gave them time to repent (1 Pet. 3:20). Remember that the Lord takes no delight in the death and judgment of the wicked (Ezek. 18:32). He will give as much time as can possibly be granted for people to turn. He even did this for Jezebel. He gave her space to repent of her immoral and controlling issues, but she didn’t (Rev. 2:21). Therefore, God legislated judgment against her. He was lenient for a long time in an effort to see repentance come that judgment would not result. When we realize this about God toward us and others, it should make us lenient as well. It should birth in us a heart to show mercy rather than to pronounce a sentence. When this is worked in us, we are moving away from judgment and into mercy.
Lord, as I come before Your Courts, make me merciful. Help me see and recognize Your heart to show kindness. You actually send rain on the just and unjust and shine Your sun on the wicked and the righteous. May I walk in this same heart. In Jesus’s name, amen.
“They have grown fat, they are sleek; yes, they surpass the deeds of the wicked; they do not plead the cause, the cause of the fatherless; yet they prosper, and the right of the needy they do not defend. Shall I not punish them for these things?” says the Lord. “Shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?” —Jeremiah 5:28–29
God promises to judge and avenge Himself upon governmental leaders that do not use their place and position appropriately. Instead of caring for the fatherless and needy, they are making themselves fat and prosperous. When people who have been granted places designed by God to minister to people, but instead use their position to prosper themselves, without helping these others, this is grievous to the Lord. If the church can come to a place of obedience that would allow us to call for judgment on these things, then we could see change. The problem is we haven’t walked in a place of purity, holiness, and love that would allow us to cry for God’s judgment on these things. The lack of obedience to the ways of the Lord have denied God the liberty to judge that which is out of order in our societies. Only when we have walked in fulfilled obedience can God judge and revenge all disobedience (2 Cor. 10:6). The Lord will be able to set in order that which is polluting society. Governmental officials will be brought under the scrutiny of Heaven and required to care for that which is on the heart of God.
Lord, as we come before Your Courts, we repent for ourselves and the church. We ask that we might walk in purity that would allow us to stand in Your Courts and ask for Your judgments on all that is in opposition to You. Let governmental leaders come into alignment that society might reflect Your heart and care. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets, for God has avenged you on her! —Revelation 18:20
We see the Lord judging that which has persecuted and hindered His servants who represented Him in the earth. In these days there seems to be little known of the God who is the “Judge of all” (Heb. 12:23). As much as He is the loving Father, He also functions as the supreme Judge of the universe. One of the things God will judge is those who have hindered, hurt, and damaged the apostles and prophets He sent to them. God promises to avenge them on those who worked against them, persecuted them, and even killed them. This will cause these men and women of God to rejoice, because God has taken up their cause in their behalf. Remember that vengeance belongs to the Lord; it is His to repay (Rom. 12:19). These will not have to defend themselves. The Lord will regard their case before Him and render decisions against those who attacked them and sought to hinder their call in God. True apostles and prophets will be defended by the Lord. Even though they might suffer for a season, it is only so God can legally avenge them upon those who sought to do them harm. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered (Ps. 68:1).
As we approach Your throne and Courts, we request that all that would hinder Your work through true apostles and prophets would be judged. Avenge them upon their captors and those who would persecute, in Jesus’s name. Justify and vindicate them and Your cause in them. In Jesus’s name, amen.
That no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in this matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also forewarned you and testified. —1 Thessalonians 4:6
When you read the context of this Scripture, it is in regard to sexual immorality. In other words, if someone has used their place or influence to become sexually involved with someone who is not their spouse, God says He will judge the wrongdoers, and He will avenge the defrauded. The idea could involve someone who was not consenting, and sexual activity was forced upon them. This is a grievous thing before the Lord. It could also involve the spouse of one who was cheated on by another. God declares He will be the defender and avenger of this situation. Regardless, we must know that sexual activity outside of marriage can result in the judgment of God. In fact, Hebrews 13:4 declares that God will judge fornicators, adulterers, and whoremongers. In this age of sexual freedom, we have adopted standards that I fear will bring the judgment of God before it is all said and done. We must repent of sexual uncleanness and ask that the blood of Jesus speak for us. May we live clean lives that bring the blessings of God and do not cry for His avenging and judgment.
As we approach Your Courts, we bring our lives into Your inspection. We ask that any place of sexual uncleanness will be cleansed and purified. May the holiness of who You are possess our being and make us pure as You are pure. In Jesus’s name, amen.