For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” —Romans 1:17
We see that we go from faith to faith. This means that the growth of our faith is a progressive and step-by-step experience. Notice that the righteousness of God is revealed through this process. We see and become acquainted with the faithfulness of God as He shows us His salvation as we grow in our faith. In other words, the more faith we operate in, the more the revelation of God’s goodness, righteousness, and display of His power is seen. If we desire to see a progressive unveiling of God’s works in our behalf, it will require that we learn how to live in and from the faith realm. “The just shall live by faith.” Those who are justified and vindicated by the Lord in His eyes and the eyes of others, are those who have chosen to live by faith. They have placed their confidence in the Lord and are progressively growing in their ability to believe God. They become convinced that God is unable to fail them. This rock solid conviction causes them to live a life of faith that is even increasing and going from faith to faith. Therefore, they are also seeing the supernatural hand of God move for them with every increasing frequency and strength. Doubts, fears, and unbelief vanish as faith takes more and more of their heart. It becomes their immense pleasure to believe the Lord and move from faith to faith.
As I approach Your Courts, would You let it be testified that I am moving in faith? Would You let it be known that I believe You? May this speak before You and be verified in Your Courts. I ask that this record of my increasing faith be known as decisions are rendered in my behalf. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” —John 11:40
As Jesus is standing at the tomb of Lazarus, Martha resists rolling the stone away from his grave. He has been dead four days and has begun to decay. Jesus, however, has promised that Lazarus will rise. Martha must decide if she is willing to believe. Her choice in this moment will determine whether the glory of God through the resurrection of her brother, Lazarus, will be revealed. Will she allow the stone on the mouth of the tomb to be rolled away? Her faith or the lack of it will determine if God’s glory is seen or not. The manifestation of the glory of God is always connected to someone’s faith. If we are to see God’s glory in miracles, breakthroughs, and victories, we must be willing to believe. It is highly risky. If we believe and nothing happens, then the stench of that failure is known. If we believe and nothing happens, then the shame and ridicule of the failure is seen. If, however, we believe and God’s glory manifests, then not only are we and others touched, generations can be empowered by the glory of God that is seen in these moments. This is what happened at this tomb. Jesus manifests the glory of God. Lazarus is brought out of the tomb. This miracle is still affecting people more than two thousand years later. All because Martha chose to believe in a moment of time. May we believe and see the glory of God also.
Lord, I ask that I have the faith to believe You in intense moments. May I choose faith over fear. Would You allow this to speak before Your Courts, that this one has chosen to believe You? As this is known, allow Your power to be known and Your glory to be seen. In Jesus’s name, amen.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. —2 Corinthians 8:9
Many read this Scripture and immediately place it in a spiritual context. They consider that Paul was speaking of being spiritually rich. However, Second Corinthians 8 and 9 are explicitly about finances, and Paul urges them to give. Therefore, when Paul declares that what Jesus did for us on the cross can make us rich, he is speaking not just spiritually but naturally as well. It is God’s will for us to prosper and even be rich. God declared in Deuteronomy 8:18 that He needs a wealthy people for His purposes to be done in the earth. The devil knows this as well. He, therefore, builds cases against us to prohibit us from gaining the benefit of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Part of that benefit is prosperity, wealth, and even being rich. We cannot see God’s purposes in the earth accomplished without the wealth to do it. Whether it is the evangelism of nations, the reformation of culture, or us and our families being blessed and empowered with finances. We must know how to address these issues in the Courts of Heaven and see any legal right the devil is claiming be revoked and removed. The first thing, however, is believing that God wants us to be prosperous and undoing any poverty mindset that would say it’s more spiritual to be poor. This is not true. We must repent for believing this is the heart of God.
Lord, as we approach Your Courts, we agree with Your Word and heart that it is Your will for us to prosper. We repent and ask that any agreement with the poverty spirit that might be in force would now be revoked. We desire to prosper, in Jesus’s name, amen.
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep—so shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, and your need like an armed man. —Proverbs 6:10–11
Notice this Scripture declares your poverty. In other words, poverty will try to claim you as its own. Also, we must be mindful that poverty is not a condition; it can be a demonic spirit that will not allow us to prosper. This is why it is referred to as a “prowler” or an “armed man.” In other words, it is an entity with a mind and desire to control and possess you. It wants to fashion the future you have rather than allowing God to do this. If we are going to be free from this spirit of poverty and prosper, we must renounce its rights to own us and control us. This can be done by repenting for any attitude, action, or agreement we have entered into with this spirit. Also, we should deal with any iniquitous activity from our bloodline that would be granting this demonic thing the right to function against us. Once this is done, we must repent of every mindset we have that would allow this spirit of poverty to possess us and our destinies, and we must change our thinking. Once we have set things legally in place to disown this spirit, we must with aggression in the spirit world revoke and rebuke this thing and declare its power against us null and void. We will then be freed from this spirit and allowed to prosper, accumulate wealth, and even become rich!
Lord, as I approach Your Courts, I ask that every claim of the spirit of poverty to own me be revoked. I repent of all activities, agreements, attitudes, thought processes, and any and all iniquity in my bloodline that would allow this thing to operate. Let every claim now be annulled. I also with great spiritual aggression declare the rights of this spirit revoked and that it must now leave me, in Jesus’s name, amen.
For God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy to a man who is good in His sight; but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and collecting, that he may give to him who is good before God. This also is vanity and grasping for the wind. —Ecclesiastes 2:26
The Lord is said to use the sinner to gather and collect so that God can then give it to the one who is good before God. We see this happening several places in Scripture where there was a transference of wealth. One of those places is when Israel, as a band of slaves with no material wealth, left Egypt with all its riches. The Scripture says that because they asked the Egyptians for their wealth, they gave it to them, and they plundered the whole nation (Exod. 12:35–36). The Lord gave them favor in the eyes of the Egyptians so that they did the unthinkable: they gave them their gold, silver, and their precious things. The result was a great transfer of wealth from Egypt to the nation of Israel. Israel would now have what they needed to build God a house in the wilderness. Why else would a group of former slaves need such wealth. There were no stores or shops in the wilderness. They had what God would require to build His dwelling place among them. We must realize that a transference of wealth is not just so we can be blessed. It is so we can fulfill the mandate of God in the earth. As we allow Him to work in our hearts this desire, we can then be trusted with prosperity, wealth, and riches. May the great wealth transfer come into the hands of us the people of God. As it does, may we be abundantly blessed but also empowered to fulfill God’s desire.
As we approach Your Courts, Lord, would You allow our passion to see Your will done in the earth? May we be trusted with wealth not just so we can be blessed, but also so Your pleasure might be done. In Jesus’s name, amen.
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. —Proverbs 13:22
The righteous will be trusted with the wealth of this world. Many believe it is unbiblical and unspiritual to care about wealth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Without wealth God’s agenda cannot and will not be accomplished. The Lord declares that a good man doesn’t just bless his children but will have enough to bless even his grandchildren. God declares the righteous are His appointees to steward any wealth the sinners have accumulated. When the Bible calls someone good, it is speaking of a deep heart of kindness, wholesomeness, and integrity. It speaks of an inability to do evil. This is why Jesus said there is only One who is good—God (Matt. 19:17). God is the only One who carries the qualities that would correspond with being good. However, as we are transformed and renewed in our salvation, we can begin to exude at least some of those qualities. This will enable us to be the good and righteous of the Lord that God might trust us with the wealth the sinners have stored up. As we are evaluated by the Lord, may we be those He can entrust with His wealth. After all, all the silver and gold belong to Him (Hag. 2:8). He will trust it to those who from His goodness and righteousness will steward it for His desires and longings.
As we approach Your Courts, we ask that we might be found acceptable before You. May we be good before You and may we be righteous. We humbly ask that we might be considered as ones who You allow to steward the wealth that ultimately belongs to You. In Jesus’s name, amen.
And let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful. —Titus 3:14
Understanding the purpose of a thing is very important. Otherwise we misuse it. This is true for wealth and riches. If we don’t understand what it is for, we will assign it a purpose contrary to why God created it. One of the purposes of wealth is to meet urgent needs and to not be unfruitful. Paul is admonishing those who are connected to him to be gainfully employed. This is so they can meet these urgent needs. The word urgent in the Greek is anagkaios. It means close, near, necessity. It comes from the word anagkē, which means constraint, distress. So urgent needs place constraints and distress on our lives when they are unmet. There is no pressure like financial pressure. Many people live their entire lives under this pressure. Their constant need to war against just getting by, causes them to become unfruitful. Paul admonished his company and people to work and have prosperous businesses so their needs would not distract from their Kingdom assignment. Some think they need to be in full-time ministry, yet the supply is not there. They try to make it work, but they and their families suffer. They think that if they worked in the business realm, they would be distracted from ministry. The financial need they and their families suffer is more of a distraction than if they had a job. God desires us to prosper and not live under the distress of financial lack. He has a plan for your success and blessing.
Lord, as I stand before Your Courts, I ask that every constraint and distress I am living under because of the lack of finances would be lifted. Help me, Lord, to listen to You and abide in Your wisdom for me. You, Lord, have a strategy for my financial future. In Jesus’s name, amen.
There was a little city with few men in it; and a great king came against it, besieged it, and built great snares around it. Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city. Yet no one remembered that same poor man. —Ecclesiastes 9:14–15
Even though the poor man in his wisdom delivered the city from the attack, his poverty caused him not to be remembered. This demonstrates that even though we have wisdom that can bless society, without money we are denied the influence to do so. It is amazing that through his wisdom the city was saved, yet his poverty denied him a consistent place of influence in the city even though he had much to offer. The principle is that wealth affords us influence. Wealth is not just about having money. Wealth is about having influence as a result of the money. This is why the riches of the wicked are to be transferred into the hands of the righteous (Prov. 13:22). It is not just so we can finance our agenda and what the Lord desires. It is so we can be granted influence for ongoing change in cities, states, territories, provinces, nations, and continents. This is the only way our cultures and societies will become expressions of the Kingdom of God. When those who have the money are righteous and can wield their influence for God’s Kingdom agenda, change will come into our world. This is why the devil resists the godly from having wealth. We must contend in the Courts for any and all legal right satan would use to stop this transference of wealth. Then the righteous will gain the influence necessary for change.
As we approach Your Courts, O Lord, we ask for wealth. Not just so we can be blessed and comfortable, but so that we can have the influence to alter society into a Kingdom expression. Let every legal thing the devil would use to resist this transference of wealth be annulled and revoked. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. —1 Timothy 6:17
Those who are wealthy in this life must never place their confidence in their wealth. Proverbs 23:5 says that riches can suddenly make wings and fly away. In other words, it can go as fast as it came, or faster. Our confidence must always be in the Lord. However, we are told that riches are to be enjoyed. It actually declares that God gives us things to enjoy. These things are the result of the riches that we have. No one should ever feel guilty about enjoying what God has blessed them with. If He has trusted you with wealth, then one of the purposes of it is to enjoy it. The Lord is not a miser who does not want us to enjoy this life. Our ultimate reward is to be in the next age. However, God loves to bless us as His people. As a good Father, He loves to see His children enjoying themselves. As we steward the wealth and blessings we are entrusted with, we must always remember the Lord. In fact, Deuteronomy 8:11–14 exhorts us to never forget the Lord in the midst of what He has blessed us with. We must always remember that He is our source. Developing and maintaining a thankful heart before Him concerning any wealth we have is paramount. This will keep us from forgetting God, the source of our blessings, and also allow us to enjoy the wealth and riches entrusted to our care.
As we approach Your Courts, Lord, we ask that we might enjoy the things You have richly blessed us with. Thank You, Lord, that You are our source. All good things come from You. Therefore, as we enjoy Your wealth poured into our life, we do not forget You. May it be recorded in Heaven before Your Courts that we acknowledge You in this. Let this speak before You. In Jesus’s name, amen.
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. —John 10:10
Jesus promised abundant life. This doesn’t just mean financially, but it is included. Abundant life is difficult to have if there is no financial blessing and we are in need. The thief, which is the devil, wants to steal, kill, and destroy. One of the ways he does this is through the religious spirit. In regard to prosperity, the religious spirit makes people think that to be poor is noble and spiritual. Nothing could be further from the truth. Money doesn’t determine whether we are spiritual. However, the religious spirit would criticize prosperity, and make people judge anything that would declare God wants His people financially blessed. Without the blessing of the Lord financially, we will not be able to accomplish the commission the Lord left us. We will not be able to evangelize the world, disciple nations, or reform cities. All of this requires money. We must break any and all agreements with the religious spirit that would think otherwise and believe God’s desire is to prosper us. Otherwise this spirit will have a legal right to make a claim before the Courts of Heaven to keep us stymied in our accumulation of wealth. We must ask that our minds might be freed from this religious spirit. Then we should ask that our minds might be renewed with the true principles of the Word of God concerning His heart to bless and prosper us. If we can be freed from this religious spirit, we can then believe God for the prosperity that He has promised us in His Word.
As I approach Your Courts, Lord, I ask that any and all agreements with the spirit of religion would be annulled and revoked. Let my mind go free from this spirit’s influence and its fashioning of my future. I believe Your promise of abundant life. I believe this includes financial blessing. Let it be mine, I pray, in Jesus’s name, amen.
“Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, and this temple to lie in ruins?” Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: “Consider your ways! You have sown much, and bring in little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes.” —Haggai 1:4–6
The people of Israel had been sent back to rebuild the temple, the city of Jerusalem, and the nation. However, they had instead taken the provision of the Lord appointed for this and used it to build their own houses. They had in fact set their houses ahead of and instead of the house of God. This lack of properly stewarding what they had access to caused a lack of prosperity. They had little instead of much, not enough, unmet dreams and aspirations, and a devouring of finances. This was all because they had not properly stewarded what God had set in their control. They had misappropriated funds designated for the house of God. It wasn’t that God was against them having nice houses. The problem was they had put their own houses ahead of the house of the Lord. They had violated the principle of seeking first the Kingdom of God (Matt. 6:33). If there are places in our lives, history, or bloodlines where we have mishandled finances, satan can use this to build a case against us. We must repent of this, change anything we need to, and ask for the blood of the Lamb to speak in our behalf (Heb. 12:24). Once this silences the accusation of improper stewardship, these claims of the devil will have no more power against us. The result will be a blessing of the Lord that can overtake us and bring us to new realms of accumulating wealth.
As we approach Your Courts, O Lord, we ask that every place we have not stewarded properly what You trusted us with, may be forgiven. We ask that the blood of Jesus might speak for us. We also ask that if we have misused that which You designated for Your house, please, Lord, forgive us. Revoke satan’s claims against us, we pray. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol we are in agreement. When the overflowing scourge passes through, it will not come to us, for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood we have hidden ourselves.” —Isaiah 28:15
The people of God had actually made a covenant with demonic powers and were trusting in them for protection and provision. If this has happened in our bloodlines, then these devilish entities will continue to claim us and our lineage. Should those who came before us, having made an agreement with the “other gods” for protection, provision, rain in season or other “benefits” to their lives, then these demons claim legal authority to rule over us and dominate certain aspects of our lives. This can include the financial realm, especially if we are believers in Jesus and have a heart to bless the Kingdom of God. These demon powers use this to stop people’s favor, undo business deals, restrict creative ideas, and stop other means to prosperity. We must come before the Courts of Heaven and see the rights they claim be revoked and removed. When this is done, that which is restraining the breakthrough into prosperity, wealth, and riches can be removed. We will become free to increase. That which hasn’t seemed to produce before can begin to produce now. This is because the legal rights satan claims as a result of a covenant in our bloodlines and history has now been annulled.
As I approach Your Courts, Lord, I ask that any covenant with the power of darkness made in my bloodline be revoked. I give back anything these powers would say I have gained from them. I ask and declare that I only want what Jesus has for me. I am His, bought by His blood. Let me now prosper and increase, in Jesus’s name, amen.
Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see when good comes, but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land which is not inhabited.” —Jeremiah 17:5–6
If our confidence is in the flesh and its abilities and we do not factor in the supernatural of God, we can make wrong decisions. We are actually told that we will not see when good comes. This means we will miss opportunities that would otherwise cause us to prosper. We will disregard them because we are making decisions only from a natural perspective. We are not seeing as God sees. The result will be us inhabiting the parched places of the wilderness. In other words, we will vanquish in the place where there is no fruitfulness. This is all connected to a curse on the one who trusts in the natural realm more than in God and His ways. The enemy will use this to build a case against us and cause us not to prosper. We must repent for the places we have trusted man and his strength instead of believing in the Lord and His Word. Notice also that this causes our heart to depart from the Lord. We leave a vital, loving relationship with the Lord because of a misguided approach to life. May we get our eyes back on the Lord and focus intently on Him. The result will be seeing what others are missing and the gaining of prosperity it can bring.
Lord, as I approach Your Courts, I repent for any place I have trusted flesh and even my own strength rather than Yours. I ask that my attention might be focused again on You, that I might believe You, Your word, and Your ways. Let any claim against me by the devil now be revoked, as I set my heart fully toward You again. Open my eyes to see that I might not miss the opportunities You set before me. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good? —Matthew 20:15
Jesus tells the story of a vineyard owner who hires laborers at different times of day. Some are hired at the last hour and work only that time, yet they are paid the same amount as those who labored all day. Those who worked the longest are upset because they only get paid what they had agreed to. The last, however, are paid on the basis of whatever was right. In other words, they trusted in the goodness, kindness, and generosity of the owner of the vineyard. As a result of this they received much more than those who had a contract. The lesson is we must work out of His grace and trust the reward to Him. When we serve Him from this place, He delights in rewarding us greatly. Even in the realm of prosperity in this life should we apply this principle. When we serve Him from grace, the renumeration is much greater. The Lord takes much delight and joy in seeing His servants prosper (Ps. 35:27). He is actually looking for those who will serve Him from grace. When these are found, He uses them to manifest His goodness for others to see. The blessing and increase He bestows on our lives are used to challenge the perspective so many have of God. He removes ideas that He is a hard and even cruel God and replaces it with the correct concept that He is liberally generous toward us.
As I approach Your Courts, Lord, I serve You from grace. I ask that I would not serve You from law but from the goodness of who You are. As I do, Lord, use me to challenge the idea others have of You. Let them see in me the goodness of God manifested as Your prosperity overtakes and overruns me. In Jesus’s name, amen.
As for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and given him power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor—this is the gift of God. —Ecclesiastes 5:19
Not everyone enjoys the blessing of having wealth. The wealth some have actually causes them heartache and pain. However, we are told that when we have wealth, experience prosperity, and get to enjoy it, this is God’s gift to us. The key to enjoying the wealth God might have trusted us with is to possess it and not allow it to possess us. In other words, no matter how much we might have, it must always be viewed in a proper perspective. We must never see it as our source, but rather the Lord. When this is true, we are free to enjoy the goodness of the Lord in what He has blessed and trusted us with. Notice in this Scripture that we are told God has given us this wealth. We understand that our own power and might did not produce it. We may have worked and sought to be faithful, but it was the blessing of the Lord that made us rich with no sorrow added to it (Prov. 10:22). Many people work hard, but not all prosper. Prosperity is the result of the blessing of God on someone’s life. When we know this, we are freed to realize it is the goodness of God that has trusted us with this. There are responsibilities that go with this, but I am also free to enjoy and eat of the goodness of the Lord that He has afforded me.
Lord, as I come before Your Courts, I thank You for the blessing that makes me rich and adds no sorrow with it. I recognize You as the giver all good gifts. Help me to enjoy the blessings You have and do bestow on Me. I worship You and magnify You for Your goodness to me. In Jesus’s name, amen.
You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. —Psalm 145:16
The Lord is not the God of the closed hand or fist. He is the God of the opened hand, who loves to satisfy His creation with good things. We must recognize the Lord’s heart and posture toward us. He is not seeking to keep things from us or to withhold what is good. He delights in blessing every living thing in His creation. Without this awareness we will have a wrong perspective of who God is. With this right idea, however, we can move in faith and confidence of who He is toward us. This is a basic issue that has to be settled. Many, because of religion, theology, experience, and formed belief systems, consider that God doesn’t want us to prosper. At least they believe this is of no interest to Him one way or the other. Provision for life, however, is basic to the quality of life we can live. If we are certain that it is the passion of God to open His hand and satisfy us, we can believe He is a good God who delights in the prosperity of His servants (Ps. 35:27). The word satisfy in Hebrew is sabà . It means “to fill to satisfaction, have enough, be weary of.” In other words, when God opens His hand, His provision is so abundant that we can even become weary of it. Wow! This is not a negative; it is just letting us know that when God provides, it is in superabundance and not just enough to get by. He satisfies us! In His hand is such blessing that we never want again.
Lord, as I approach Your Courts, let it be known that I believe You are the God of the opened hand. Your provision is so abundant that we as Your people will not want (Ps. 23:1). Thank You that from Your Courts there is a release of this, which I believe and trust You for. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. —Isaiah 53:4
The word griefs is the Hebrew word choliy, which means malady, disease, sickness. The word sorrows is the Hebrew word mak’ob. It basically means pain. This can be physical, emotional, or mental. When Jesus died on the cross, it wasn’t just to forgive us so we could go to Heaven. When Jesus died on the cross, He bore away our sicknesses and carried away pain on every level. This was all done in a legal dimension. The cross of Jesus legally accomplished everything necessary for our healing. The Person of the Holy Spirit is the One who functionally sets in place what Jesus legally did for us. He is the executor of the legal work of Jesus on the cross. When we by faith believe in who Jesus is and what He has done, the Holy Spirit has the right to functionally set in place in our life all Jesus has legally provided for us. We can take this reality and present it in the Courts of Heaven as evidence in behalf of our healing. Should it seem that something is resisting us from being healed, this is a good practice. We plead our case for healing based on the legal work of Jesus on the cross and the Person of the Holy Spirit’s present-day function to administer this into our lives. We are now by faith accessing all that has judicially been provided for us. Should satan bring any case against us seeking to deny what is rightfully ours, the blood of Jesus agreed with, will silence that claim.
As I approach Your Courts, Lord, I declare I believe in what You have done on the cross. I present as evidence the work of Jesus in my behalf for my healing. I ask that any voice against me that would seek to deny what is rightfully mine be silenced. I now ask for the Holy Spirit to administer to me all Jesus died for. In Jesus’s name, amen.
God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. —Acts 10:38
To be healed, we must first be established in who is the healer and who is the one who afflicts with sickness. This verse clearly defines the two separate parties and their functions. Jesus has come to do good and heal, while the devil is the one who oppresses with sickness. If we have questions about who the author of sickness is, then this can hinder us in our endeavors in the Courts of Heaven to be healed. There are portions of Christianity that would believe God uses sickness to discipline and work in His people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sickness is from the devil, and its torments come from him. Only good and perfect gifts come from God (James 1:17). We must be able to stand before the Courts of Heaven and make these statements without hesitation or dispute in our minds. This requires an awareness of God’s Word and a revelation in our heart of His goodness. People are only sick for one reason: satan is taking advantage of something and using it to work against a person. If that sickness is a result of a legal case against us, we must undo that before God can heal, even though all that is necessary for our healing has already been provided (2 Pet. 1:3). We should come before His Courts and establish that Jesus is the Healer, anointed by God. The result can be that what we know Him to be will manifest in our lives.
As we stand before Your Courts, O Lord, we decree that Jesus is our Healer. Satan is the one who afflicts with sickness. We therefore come out of agreement with him through any belief that God would use sickness. We ask from the Court that who Jesus is as Healer would now manifest in our lives. In Jesus’s name, amen.
…who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. —1 Peter 2:24
We were healed. Not that we are going to be healed or are even now being healed. We are told we were healed. This is the legal status we have before God. When Jesus took the stripes on His back, He was legally purchasing our healing. This is why the verse speaks in the past tense. We were healed when Jesus suffered the agony, beating, and stripes that were laid on Him. This means that everything necessary for us to be healed has already been accomplished. If we can believe in what has legally been done, then we can see the Holy Spirit, the anointing of God come and minister that healing present tense into our lives. It is very much like coming to a realization my father bought and purchased a piece of land. The deed and title are still clearly in his name. There is also a will betrothing to me everything pertaining to his estate. It is all legally mine. I, however, must aggressively approach a court to have a judge render a decision that concludes that it is mine. There would be a settling of any argument from another that it belonged to someone else. This is what we do in the Courts of Heaven when contending for healing. We can present before the Courts that Jesus purchased healing for us through the beating He took in our place. He has willed this to us through His blood and body. As we present this before the Courts, every argument to question the legitimacy of our healing is silenced. We are healed!
As I stand before the Courts of Heaven, I remind the Courts that when Jesus died and was beaten, my healing was purchased. I remind the Courts that this has been willed to me through the body and blood of the Lamb Himself. I, therefore, ask the Courts of Heaven to render a decision that I receive and am healed through the work of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’s name, amen.
When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” —Matthew 8:16–17
Jesus healed all who were sick. This was done as a demonstration and fulfillment of Isaiah 53:4, which declared Jesus’s sacrifice would be sufficient for complete and total healing. Jesus had not yet died on the cross in the natural. However, He had already been “slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8). This was adequate for God to release healing to all who came to Him. God was absolutely confident that His Son would go to the cross. It was already agreed upon and prepared that this would occur. Based on Jesus’s future complete obedience, the manifestation of God’s healing power was seen in an unrestricted way. Those who were brought or came to Jesus were healed. When the Bible says He “healed all who were sick,” clearly this doesn’t mean everyone on the planet got healed. No! This means all who came and were brought to Him were healed. To apprehend the promises of God and the provision of God from the cross, we must come to Him. None were denied. All were healed that came believing in Jesus and His power to deliver. Even Jesus’s future work on the cross was sufficient to heal all who came believing. If this was true before Jesus’s died, how much so now after He has died. Regardless of the condition, may we believe who Jesus is and what He has done legally for us. We can be healed.
Thank You, Lord, that all were healed. I thank You that Your cross was a legal transaction that purchased complete healing. Even before You died, people were healed. Thank You that Your cross and sacrifice are speaking now in the Courts for my healing. In Jesus’s name, amen.
And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God. —Luke 13:11–13
Jesus did two things to bring healing to this woman. He loosed her from the infirmity that was claiming her. The word loosed is the Greek word apolyō. This word can have legal connotations. It means “to free fully, pardon, divorce,” among other things. When Jesus spoke to the woman, He undid what was legally claiming a right to own her and therefore hold her. This had been happening for eighteen years. In a moment, because Jesus dealt with a legal issue, she was freed. He cancelled her debt. He dissolved the devil’s contract with her that let him hold her in this condition. He also decreed a divorce from satanic powers. This is what this word can imply. When Jesus said, “you are loosed,” He broke and dismissed the demonic powers that had claimed the legal right to torment her with this condition. The other thing Jesus did was He touched her. The touch of Jesus was now free to bring healing because the legal right of satan was revoked. Without the revoking of the right satan was claiming, the touch would not have worked or brought healing. Jesus understood how to remove the claims of satan so the power of the anointing on His life could bring healing.
Lord, as we approach Your Courts, we ask that any and all legal rights satan might be claiming to hold us in bondage would now be revoked. Because of who You are and what You have done, allow me to be loosed that Your touch might bring life and healing. In Jesus’s name, amen.
“But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the presence of them all, so that all were amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” —Mark 2:10–12
After Jesus had forgiven the man’s sins, He then released healing to him. It was this man’s sins that had him in this paralytic state. Not all sickness is a result of personal sin, but some are. If this is the case, then only when the legal right the enemy is claiming based on the sin is dealt with, can someone get healed and stay healed. So many lost healings can be traced to this. If someone gets healed but then loses their healing, it can be because there is something legal that is causing the problem. The anointing and faith allowed healing to come, however, the devil claimed a legal right to revisit it again. If sickness is a result of a legal attack against someone, then only when they deal with that issue can healing be received and maintained. When Jesus spoke forgiveness to this man, the legal right satan was working against him was removed. Jesus could then proclaim, “Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” What a powerful miracle that caused people to stand in absolute wonder and amazement. As legal rights against us are revoked, everything Jesus died for us to have can be ours, including healing!
As I approach Your Courts, Lord, I ask that any legal claim against me that would hinder healing now be removed. I ask that I might be forgiven by Your blood for any and all trespasses. Allow then Your voice and Word to release healing that will be maintained and sustained. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. —James 5:14–15
The prayer of faith from the leaders of the church, we are told, will cause God’s healing flow to minister to any that are sick. They are to symbolically anoint with natural oil that the real spiritual anointing of God will touch the afflicted person. As they pray, they are to pray in faith. We are told that if we ask anything without doubting, we can have what we ask (Mark 11:23). Elders and leaders in the church are those who should be keeping themselves in a place of faith. When they do, they are able to pray strong prayers of faith that will release the healing life of God. Notice that in this process, if sin is the reason for the sickness, it will be forgiven. This is necessary if the sickness is connected to a legal right the devil is claiming. As the sick person is prayed for, it is appropriate to help discern any legal complaint the devil has. When this is repented of, forgiven, and cleansed, healing is free to flow. This person is not only healed physically but is freed spiritually to walk in the newness of life that belongs to us as believers. It is true that so often sickness is connected to a legal claim of the devil against us. Once this is renounced and removed, healing can and will be our portion.
As we come before Your Courts, O Lord, we humble ourselves before those whom You have set. We ask that You use them to minister Your healing life to us. Also, we ask that any sin satan would use to afflict us would be forgiven and dismissed from our lives. Thank You, Lord, for Your healing touch, in Jesus’s name, amen.
Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.” —John 5:14
After Jesus healed the man who had been sick for thirty-eight years and had been waiting on the stirring of the waters at the Pool of Bethesda, He found him in the temple. This was a good thing. This means the man was bringing an offering and worshipping the Lord for his healing. He was acknowledging God and thanking Him for his healing even though he didn’t know who Jesus was (John 5:10–13). Jesus found him in the temple and spoke this word to him. He told him to not sin anymore. His sin was the reason why the sickness had come on him. Jesus was letting him know that if he was to maintain his healing, he had to make sure he didn’t grant the devil anymore legal rights. We can see clearly from Scripture that many times sickness is connected to us having given satan a legal right to visit us with these diseases. The only way to be healed if this is the reason is to repent and stay free from these sins. We don’t know what the man’s sin was. All we know is it had led to thirty-eight years of suffering and incapacitation. Jesus warned him that should he enter that sin again, even something worse than the last thirty-eight years would come upon him. When we understand the Courts of Heaven, we will press into new levels of holiness. Not just because we want to please the Lord, but also so we can stay free from satan’s devices against us. When we walk holy, we keep ourselves separated from the cruelties of the devil. Jesus’s healing life is free to flow into us.
Lord, as we approach Your Courts, allow new realms of holiness to overtake us. May we walk free from sin, that satan would have no rights to visit us with sickness and disease. Thank You, Lord, for Your forgiveness, but also for Your power to walk in freedom and liberty from sin. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me.” Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” —John 11:41–43
Clearly on the way to the tomb of Lazarus Jesus had been praying. He actually says that the prayer He prayed at the tomb wasn’t for Him or even Lazarus. It was for the people who were there listening and watching. He said that the Father had already heard Him. He wanted the people to know that what was about to happen was a result of the business Jesus had already conducted in the spirit world with and through the Father. Lazarus died prematurely and before his appointed time. The devil had to have discovered a legal right to do this. Jesus through His prayers, before He stood at the tomb, had dealt with the legal rights satan had claimed. He had stood before the Father and seen the devil’s claims dismissed. Now all Jesus did was utter the proclamation of “Lazarus, come forth” (John 11:43). The result was the one who had been dead for four days came to life, out of the tomb and back to the life of his family. What a powerful miracle. It, however, was a result of Jesus having revoked the legal claims of satan to hold Lazarus in death. He then could simply speak the word and see him brought back to life. As we undo every judicial issue that satan would bring, the resurrection life of God can flow to bring healing to our bodies. We can be restored because of our judicial activity and the release of the power of God.
As we approach Your Courts, Lord, we ask that any claim of the devil to bring any form of death against us would be dismissed. We repent for any and all agreements that would allow his cruelties to operate. Thank You that as these are removed, the declaration of Your life will cause Your healing to flow. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. —John 10:1
When contending for healing in the Courts of Heaven, we must discern if satan is doing something legally or illegally. He actually works from both places. We are told in First Peter 5:8 that satan devours as our adversary, or in the Greek antidikos. This word means “one who brings a lawsuit.” In other words, satan is our legal opponent. Satan, however, is also a thief and a robber. This is illegal. Satan will seek to operate from both places. If satan is operating as a thief and a robber, or a bully who is just seeing what he can get away with, we simply need to take our authority, operate in faith, and release the anointing for healing to flow. If we do this but see no change, then we should conclude that the sickness is a result of a legal issue. We then need to examine things by the Spirit of God and see what claim the enemy might be making that would cause this sickness to land against us. Many times the devil is operating from an illegal place. He is simply trying to hinder, handicap, and even bring destruction and death to us. His hatred for us is perfect. We don’t have to suffer though. Quite often all we need to do is pray the prayer of faith to see Jesus’s provision of healing flow (James 5:15). If we give our best efforts to this, but healing seems to allude us, then we should ask the Lord for His wisdom in regard to what satan might be claiming against us. As we do, God will show us how to approach the Courts and see these rights revoked. Healing will be revealed and manifest.
As we approach Your Court, O Lord, I ask that we might discern the source of any sickness and disease. Help us, Lord, to know if satan is operating legally or illegally. As we do, help us to know how to administer Your healing life and see health and wholeness restored. In Jesus’s name, amen.
It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil. —Isaiah 10:27
When we contend for any breakthrough from the Lord, we need His anointing. This is also true in the realm of healing. It is the anointing of God that brings healing to our lives and bodies. Sickness and disease can be a yoke of bondage that satan uses to control and dominate us. We need the anointing of God to destroy that yoke. The word oil is the Hebrew word shemen. It means grease, fat. Of course this is where grease comes from, the fat attached to meat. However, the only way we get grease from fat is to cook something or heat it up. This would mean that the anointing that destroys the yoke comes from the heated places we walk through. In other words, as we walk in the pressures and stresses of life, it pulls from us the anointing oil that has the power to destroy the yoke of bondage. This included sickness and disease. All of us walk through hard places. The issue is do we allow these places to activate and pull out of us the anointing that is in us? When we received the Holy Spirit, we received the anointing that comes from Him. The difficult places we walk in can be used by God to teach us to use this anointing to overcome. As we do this, grease/oil that destroys every yoke is brought forth in power.
As we stand before Your Courts, Lord, we ask that the hard places we walk in would allow us to have Your grease brought out of our lives. May we be used to carry an anointing that breaks every bondage, including sickness. May we choose to use that which is in us, and may it be recorded before Your Courts that this has been done. In Jesus’s name, amen.
And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. —John 1:16
We are told that we have received grace that we might be able to embrace grace! What a wonderful thought. God even helps us with His grace to be able to not miss the grace He would pour into our lives. Grace isn’t just something we get saved by. Grace is the empowerment of God in our lives on every level. Through His grace, we are saved, gifted, empowered, and even ushered into the next life. His grace is truly amazing. However, we can be denied His grace if we are arrogant and proud. We are told in James 4:6 that “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” This means that the Courts of Heaven must consider us humble before the wonderful grace that is necessary for this life and the one to come can be ours. We must humbly approach the Lord and ask that more grace be ours. We should ask that we could be judged and esteemed as those who walk humbly with their God and with others in our life. When we do this, the abundant grace of God will come over us. However, if we become prideful and resistant, we can cut ourselves off from the wonderful kindness of who God is. May we approach His Courts and ask for this abundant grace to be ours.
Lord, as we come before Your Courts, we request the abundance of Your grace. We would humbly declare that we need Your grace. Without Your grace we are incapable of maneuvering our life. We ask that we might be found yielded and humble before You and others. In Jesus’s name, amen.
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. —Hebrews 2:9
Even Jesus needed grace to accomplish His assignment from God. His ability to die was empowered by the grace of God. His transition from this natural life to the afterlife was a result of the grace of God bestowed on Him. Jesus only tasted death. This is because He did not die forever. He died, rose again, and is alive for evermore. However, His ability to walk through the death experience was a result of the grace of God on His life. So it is with us. Unless Jesus’s second coming prevents it, we will all die. The good news is that those who belong to Jesus do not die absent of the influence of God. In the time of death there will be grace to transition from this life to the next. It will not be a time of sorrow and dread but rather a time of expectation. Ecclesiastes 7:1 declares that the day of our death can be better than the day of our birth. For those who have faithfully served the Lord, this time will be filled with the grace of God. We have a picture of one dying and being escorted by the angels into the presence of the Lord. The poor beggar in the story that Jesus told was carried by the angels into God’s presence (Luke 16:22). This is a depiction of the grace of God. Just like Jesus, we are preordained to live forever. Anything we have to do with death will involve the grace of God. Don’t dread that which is to come. Believe that God’s grace is sufficient in all things.
Lord, as I stand in Your Courts, I beseech You for the grace of God to increase and operate in my life. May I live my life empowered by Your grace, and at the time of my death, may I walk through it with Your grace as my companion. Thank You so much for this confidence and assurance. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. —2 Corinthians 12:8–9
Grace is essential to our overcoming life. Paul sought the Lord three times to deliver him from an unpleasant and even harassing thing. However, the Lord refused to do that, instead giving Paul grace to endure the hardship associated with this affliction. God allowed the suffering of Paul that he might be inundated with the grace of God he received during this trouble. This is a marvelous truth. When we walk through things that we don’t see deliverance from for a season, we are being impregnated with new levels of grace. When God chooses not to deliver us in the moment, He instead releases levels of grace that let us deal with the situation we are in. We are therefore able to endure while being saturated in increasing realms of grace. So in fact, sometimes the suffering we experience is that which God is entrusting us with that we might carry great dimensions of His grace. After the place we have walked in is over, this grace will still be a part of our life and the breakthrough it brings to us and others. We must learn to be thankful in all things, even unpleasant places. God is working in us a far greater weight of His glory (2 Cor. 4:17).
As we approach Your Court, Lord, we thank You for the places You allow us to walk through. In these places, O God, would You work into our lives a great grace that will reside after the trial is over. Thank You for this grace from Your graciousness. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. —Romans 5:20
The grace of God is always greater than the need it is sent to meet. There is no sin that grace can’t forgive. There is no destruction that grace can’t restore. There is no death that grace can’t promise life and deliver it. The law magnified the offense. Grace on the other hand is the answer to how big the offense or sin would seem. This is why Paul declared that he was the chief of sinners (1 Tim. 1:15). He declared God saved him so he could be an example. If the Lord’s grace was able to redeem Paul, then anyone is redeemable. There is nothing or no one unreachable through the grace of God. What a glorious, liberating truth and reality. This means that no matter what someone has done, there is grace for that person. If we could only realize the great love that God has for us. He is not looking for a reason to judge and annihilate us. He has a reason to redeem us. The reason is the grace and truth that came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17). Simply believe in who He is and what He has done. Let this belief work deeply in your life until the grace of God fashions the nature of God in you. This is the wonderful truth and marvels of His grace.
As we approach Your Courts, Lord, we celebrate Your grace. Thank You that where sin abounds in all its ugliness, grace does much more abound in all its beauty. May this grace work deeply in our lives from the very Courts of Heaven. You are not looking for a reason to judge us, Lord. Your grace has given You the reason to redeem us. Thanks so much. In Jesus’s name, amen.