

When I woke up in the morning, Em was already awake. She was lying on her back and thinking hard. Who knew what her enormous brain was going to come up with.

I had to admit, she was no princess. Sure, she was girly when it came to creepy crawlies and shit like that, but she was a hard worker. And she was unskilled labour, but when unskilled labour fills out her jeans like that, it’s all good.

Em had worked alongside me all day, and then made dinner and was happy to watch a movie in bed. I’d pegged her as someone who needed fancy dates every weekend. Of course, this was only one time; she wouldn’t want to work every weekend like I did.

“Good morning.” Em snuggled into my side. She was wearing one of my T-shirts. Em got cold easily; her feet were popsicles. I liked her to sleep raw so I could feel her body against mine and enjoy the view. Usually we compromised by her wearing sexy shit, but last night’s sleepover was unplanned. Maybe she’d sleep naked in the summer when the nights were hot?

I shook my head. I had to remind myself not to count on things lasting. Em would move on, but meantime she was mine—every luscious inch of her. I kissed her, even though she hated her morning breath. She tasted good to me, anytime and everywhere.

Em rolled onto her back and pointed at a ceiling-mounted hook. “That’s not a good place for it.”

Fuck me. I tried not to burst out laughing. “What do you think that is?”

“We have them at home in Toronto. It’s for hanging your macramé planter. But right over the bed? Either you’ll bump your head or drip water over the sheets. It would be better over there, beside the bed.”

She was so fucking pure and innocent. Once the first snort of laughter came out, I could not stop.

Em lay there in offended silence until I caught my breath. “Sorry, babe. It’s not for plants.”

“Then what is it?” she asked.

“It’s for a sex swing.”

I could tell by her puzzled expression that she had no idea what that might be.

I pulled up the T-shirt and stroked her bare thigh. “You want to try it?”

“Maybe.” She pulled out of my reach. “I’m going to shower first.” She grabbed her phone on the way to the bathroom, so she was going to Google sex swings once she was alone.

I started laughing again as I attached the swing onto the hook. For all her prissiness, Em was into sex big time and I was sure she’d dig this too. I adjusted the chain so that Em would be at exactly the right height for my plans.

Em came out of the bathroom shiny clean and wrapped in a towel. When she saw the swing, her eyes widened.

“Oh my gosh.” She edged closer and touched the leather straps. “It looks sort of bondage-y.”

“Is that good?” I liked to push at Em’s boundaries, but they varied by her moods. Sometimes she was up for anything, sometimes she was a tight-ass.

Em shook her head rapidly. She was not in an adventurous mood right now.

“It’s not really like bondage. You’re in control,” I reassured her. Maybe that wasn’t completely true, but she could easily get out.

She kept eyeing the swing. I came up behind her and held her by the shoulders. There were beads of moisture on the back of her neck, and I licked them off.

Em moaned. I could see her hard nipples poking through the thick towel. The idea of the swing was turning her on even if she didn’t want to admit it.

I pulled the towel off and took a heavy breast in each hand, gently squeezing and caressing.

“Why don’t you just try sitting in it? If you don’t like it, we can stop.” But I was going to make sure she liked it.

Em turned her head to look at me, her face suspicious.

“Trust me,” I murmured. She nodded slowly.

I lifted her onto the bed. “Sit your ass here.” I helped her into the swing. She already looked hot with her pale skin against the black leather. “Hold on to these straps, and I’ll do your legs.”

I guided her legs into the loops that kept her knees high and wide apart. Then I stepped back to enjoy the view.

Em was spread out before me, her plump pussy lips like an inviting flower, her soft tummy angled back, and her big tits bouncing gently as she wriggled in the swing just above the bed.

“I don’t know,” Em protested. “I feel so... exposed.”

“That’s the point. To make things easier.”

I knelt before her on the bed and began lapping at her pussy. At first just broad, messy licks, then I concentrated on her little clit. I licked and sucked and then pinched it between my fingers. Em moaned louder and louder, until she finally cried out.

“Oh god, that feels so good. I’m getting close.”

“Straighten your legs,” I told her. When she did, she was spread out even wider. I tongue-fucked her and then went back to teasing her clit. I now knew how Em liked to be touched. Gentle on her sensitive tits, soft strokes on her inner thighs, but she liked a hard fucking. I thrust two fingers inside her while I licked her reddened clit.

“Oh yesss!” she cried. As she came, her body bowed out, head dropping back and her arms and legs wide apart.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and looked down at Em lying limp in the swing. So beautiful. So hot.

My cock was insanely hard, and I reached into the bedside table for condoms. The box was empty. I’d used the last one last night.

“Shit. I’ve got to go to the truck and get condoms.” I knew I had some in the glovebox. I searched for my clothes.

Em raised her head. “Ian, wait. It’s so cold out there. I’m on birth control. Why don’t we just go without?

I stared at her. I had never in my life done it without condoms. First off, when I was a teenager, I was too worried about knocking someone up. Later, it was about STDs. And now, it was back to getting trapped by a pregnancy.

“You don’t have to worry, I don’t have anything,” Em reassured me because I was taking so long to answer.

How ridiculous that a woman who had only slept with three guys before was telling me—a guy who had fucked three girls in one party-fuelled night—that she was healthy. I should have shown her my medical tests before I laid one finger on her. And even though she wanted kids, I knew Em would never con me into fatherhood. She’d make her baby daddy sign a ten-page contract first.

“Okay,” I croaked. I stroked my cock a few times since my hard-on had faded.

“I like watching you do that. It makes me horny,” Em cooed. Her saying that made me even harder.

I grabbed the straps of the swing and lowered myself towards her.

Em giggled. “Is this strong enough to hold both of us?”

“When I build shit, it stays up,” I told her.

She raised her head and kissed me. The moment felt weirdly tender. But my raging hard-on wasn’t giving me time to think.

I pushed forward and put my cock inside her. Fuuuuck. It felt incredible. Without a condom everything was so intense—wetter, softer. I rocked my hips back and forth, with every stroke better than the last. I grabbed Em’s ass and pulled her into me. She was going crazy too, wriggling and straining to feel me deeper. Her breathing was loud and uneven, sharp pants every time I pushed into her.

“Ian. You feel so good inside me,” she moaned. I ran my hands up her sides, feeling her waist, her ribs, and then her heavy breasts. She was so soft, inside and out.

Em’s frantic grinding against me reminded me to give her clit some attention. I reached between us and rubbed rhythmically until she screamed out that she was coming again. I liked to make her come apart like this, to shatter her tight control.

But now it was my turn. I pulled out of her and slowly rotated the swing around and around.

“You’re makin’ me dizzy,” complained Em. She sounded half-drunk. High on orgasms. Holding her hips, I lay underneath her and I positioned her so I could stick my cock up inside.

“Keep your knees up, babe.” I lay back with my cock fully inside her, then released her. She spun around my cock—the ultimate, 360-degree fucking.

“Oh fuck, that’s good,” I cried out, so close to coming.

Then Em lowered a leg to stop her body from spinning and managed to wind herself up again. The slow wind-up was almost as good as the release, feeling her muscles squeezing my dick. Then she let go, and again her pussy spun around my cock.

“Oh yeaaaah,” I cried out as I came, feeling my load shoot deep inside her. 

Everything was messy and real. I collapsed onto the bed for a long time.

“Ian? A little help?” Em peered down at me.

“Oh, sorry.” I got her out but didn’t have the energy to take the swing down too.

I lay on the bed with Em snuggled beside me. That was the best sex I’d had in my entire life. How much longer would things be like this between us? Good shit never lasted.