An unexpected visitor
The Blue Drawing Room
romising to bring back some news, Evie returned to the drawing room where she found Miss Clarissa Wainscot deep in conversation with Lady Charlotte.
Glancing around the drawing room, Evie received several nods. Clearly, Elizabeth had provided them with an update on Bicky’s condition. While everyone appeared to be eager for more news, they knew better than to bring up the subject in front of a visitor.
Dressed in riding clothes, Miss Clarissa’s manner came across as exuberant. She sat on the edge of her chair, looking ready to jump into action at a moment’s notice.
It took a moment for Evie to actually place
the young woman. When she did, she realized she had actually heard of her two years before.
Little did Miss Clarissa know Charlotte, Lady Chambers, had already made sport of her, declaring the fact the young Miss had reached the ripe old age of twenty-three without a single proposal as a veritable catastrophe. The girl had become a pariah for no other reason than her failure to shackle a man. Any man. It stood to reason, there had to be something wrong with her. Now, at twenty-five, Evie imagined Charlotte had cast the young girl as an absolutely lost cause.
To Evie’s surprise, Charlotte appeared to have had some sort of change of heart.
As Evie strode in, Charlotte chirped, “You’ll never guess, so I’ll tell you. I have just agreed to sponsor Miss Wainscot in the coming season. She shall be my guest when I next visit town.”
Evie couldn’t tell if Charlotte had made a sincere offer or if she’d merely wished to distract Miss Wainscot with a bee’s knees type of promise which she might or might not keep.
“Splendid,” Evie offered and strode across the room.
However, the small distance she had tried to put between herself and Miss Wainscot did not deter the young Miss.
“Lady Woodridge. Are you here for the weekend or will you stay longer?” Miss
Wainscot asked, which seemed rather forward since they hadn’t even been properly introduced.
Before Evie could deliver her reply, Charlotte, bless her heart, piped in, “We’ll have to sort out your wardrove for your upcoming season. Competition is very stiff. Of course, I can’t promise anything, but I’m sure I can secure invitations to the sort of affairs where we might catch a glimpse of the Prince of Wales.”
Miss Wainscot gasped. “The Prince of Wales! Mama will be beside herself when I tell her.”
Charlotte gave a knowing nod. “Then you should make haste. I’m sure you’re simply dying to share the news with your mama.”
Miss Wainscot rose to her feet only to waver. After all, she had presumably received clear instructions from her mama to extricate as much information as she could. It stood to reason, she could not return to Hainsley Hall empty-handed.
At any other time, Evie would have humored the young woman with a tidbit, something… anything to take back with her, but she didn’t feel inclined to be generous. Not when she had an injured Duke and a possible attempt or two on her life to contend with.
Nevertheless… She forced herself to dig deep.
“It just occurred to me,” Evie said, “I made
an appointment at Marceline’s Salon de Beaute without taking into account the planned activities at Yarborough Manor. Would you do me the favor of taking my place for a day of beauty treatment tomorrow? I’m sure the proprietress won’t mind,” she offered the young woman. “You want to be at your best when you’re… presented to the Prince of Wales.”
Miss Wainscot gasped again. It seemed all her Christmases were coming at once. “You would do that… for me?” She turned to Charlotte and then back to Evie, her lips still slightly parted. “I’d been reluctant to impose on His Grace, but I’m so glad I made the trip out here.”
Finally, Evie thought, as Miss Wainscot made a move to leave.
She couldn’t help pondering over the effort it had taken to eject the young woman from the manor house without injuring her pride. In their place, anyone else would have simply shown her the door.
Larkin cleared his throat the way he did when he was ready to announce someone.
Good heavens, Evie thought. What now? Or, rather… Who?
“There is a gentleman inquiring after Lady Woodridge. A Mr. Winchester.”
It took a moment for Evie to realize he meant Tom. What on earth had possessed her chauffeur to come here and request an audience
with her and why had he introduced himself as Mr. Winchester?
Evie glanced over at Miss Wainscot and could see her ears had pricked up.
Larkin cleared his throat again. “I’m sure His Grace will not mind if I show the gentleman to the library.”
Nodding, Evie hoped he would be swift about it so Miss Wainscot would not cross paths with Mr. Winchester.
However, Miss Wainscot had other ideas and, appearing to remember her priorities, she scurried after the butler saying, “Oh, Larkin. You could show me out first. That way you won’t have to make a round trip.”
“As you wish, Miss Clarissa.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes and sunk back into her chair mouthing, “I tried.”
“Yes, thank you.” Evie hesitated, however she went on to say, “I am indebted to you.” She didn’t want to be, but a lack of gratitude would be a black mark against her. “I simply don’t understand why there is so much interest in my visit to Yarborough.”
It seemed Evie had been living in a state of blissful ignorance because everyone’s eyebrows quirked up.
As Bicky had wickedly pointed out, she was in the presence of two eligible bachelors.
! I feel as though I’m caught in a spider’s web and possibly one of my own
making because I’ve been protesting too much.” No, she would not marry again.
Her widened eyes jumped from Charles, Viscount Maison to Mark Harper who both grinned and winked at her. “Stop it. At once!”
“But think of the sport we could have,” Charles said.
She didn’t know Mark Harper very well, and yet, he played along too.
“We might end up with an epic and outmoded pistols at dawn battle for you, Countess. Even if we don’t, think of how much fun it would be to spread the rumor about.”
Evie recovered and gave them both an impish smile. “Is that so? Well, I’m not greedy and I do enjoy a bit of sport as much as the next person. In fact, probably more so. I do like an even playing field so I might invite Miss Clarissa. I hear she has a sister and a very eager mama.”