Stray was funded through a creative development from Big West in 2012. Stray had its first public showing at The Workshop, Newport Substation December 2012.
Stray was first produced by the Big West Festival at Newport Substation, Melbourne, on 27 November 2013 with the following cast:
actor one | John Shearman |
actor two | Ngaire Dawn Fair |
actor three | Trent Baker |
Director, Kat Henry
Set Design and Graphics, Peter Mumford
Lighting Design, Kara Stacey Merrin
Production/Stage Manager, Kylie Russell
Audiovisuals, Brett Ludeman
Sound, ZackLee
Stray was first produced by La Mama Theatre, Melbourne, at La Mama Courthouse on 12 March 2014 with the following cast:
actor one | Matt Whitty |
actor two | Ngaire Dawn Fair |
actor three | Trent Baker |
Writer, R Johns
Director, Kat Henry
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its funding and advisory body.