verhaeren%20sepia%20(b%26w%20enhanced).tifEMILE VERHAEREN (1855-1916) was the most internationally important and distinguished poet of Belgian nationality at the turn of the twentieth century. His creative output was prolific and not only in poetry; Verhaeren contributed countless articles for diverse publications, published influential essays on art and wrote a number of plays. Verhaeren travelled widely and his name on the billing was enough to fill lecture halls across Europe. His friends and supporters included some of the most celebrated names of the epoch – Rilke, Gide, Mallarmé, Valéry, Zweig… – and in England Verhaeren’s importance was acknowledged by the leading critics and writers of the day such as Edmund Gosse and Arthur Symons. At the time of Verhaeren’s untimely death in Rouen in November 1916, his influence stretched across the continent of Europe as far as Russia, where Mayakovsky and Blok gratefully received his works.

After his death and the cataclysm of the First World War, Verhaeren’s work fell into obscurity, a rash of translations into English in 1916 in the wake of his death dwindling to decades of stasis. Now in France and Belgium, with new editions of his works, Verhaeren’s name is undergoing a long overdue re-emergence. This first selection of his poems in English for almost a century provides a starting point for a deep probing of the rich legacy left by one of the genuinely great European poets of the early twentieth century.

will%20stone%20b_w%20(enhances).TIFWILL STONE, born 1966, is a poet, essayist and literary translator who divides his time between Suffolk and the continent. His first poetry collection Glaciation (Salt, 2007), won the international Glen Dimplex Award for poetry in 2008. A second collection Drawing in Ash, was published by Salt in May 2011 and his third collection, The Sleepwalkers, will be published in 2014. Will’s translated works include To the Silenced – Selected Poems of Georg Trakl (Arc, 2005) and more recently a series of books for Hesperus Press, namely a translation of Rilke in Paris by Maurice Betz, and further translations of works by Stefan Zweig and Joseph Roth. Will’s current projects include a series of essays constituting a ‘psycho geographic’ exploration of the cultural landscape and art of Belgium.