Editors and Contributors

Editors and Contributors

General Editors

Michael F. Suarez, S.J. is University Professor and Director of Rare Book School at University of Virginia. He is co-editor of The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Volume V, 1695–1830 (2009), co-general editor of The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 8 vols (2006–), and editor-in-chief of Oxford Scholarly Editions Online (oxfordscholarlyeditions.com).

H. R. Woudhuysen is Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford and a Fellow of the British Academy. He has edited The Penguin Book of Renaissance Verse (1992) with David Norbrook; Love’s Labour’s Lost (1998) and, with Katherine Duncan-Jones, Shakespeare’s Poems (2007) for the Arden Shakespeare third series. His book Sir Philip Sidney and the Circulation of Manuscripts, 1558–1640 was published in 1996.


Charlotte Appel is Assistant Professor of early modern history at Roskilde University, Denmark. Her principal research interests are the history of books, reading, and education, as well as church history.

Scott E. Casper is Professor of History, University of Nevada, Reno, where he studies and teaches 19th-century American history. He is the author of Sarah Johnson’s Mount Vernon: The Forgotten History of an American Shrine (2008) and co-editor of A History of the Book in America, Volume 3, The Industrial Book, 1840–1880 (2007).

Daven Christopher Chamberlain obtained degrees in Chemistry (Bath) and Paper Physics (Manchester). He worked at Arjowiggins Research and Development for seventeen years, first as a research scientist, later as Head of Testing and Printing. Currently he is editor of The Quarterly (Journal of the British Association of Paper Historians) and of Paper Technology (Journal of the Paper Industry Technical Association).

Brian Cummings is Anniversary Professor of English at the University of York. He is the author of The Literary Culture of the Reformation: Grammar and Grace (2002) and Mortal Thoughts: Religion, Secularity, and Identity in Shakespeare and Early Modern Culture (2013), as well as the editor of The Book of Common Prayer: The Texts of 1549, 1559, and 1662 (2011).

Christopher de Hamel is Donnelley Fellow Librarian, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He was for many years responsible for sales of illuminated manuscripts at Sotheby’s. He has published very extensively on medieval manuscripts and book collectors.

Jeremy B. Dibbell is Librarian for Rare Books and Social Media at LibraryThing, where he is head of the Libraries of Early America project. He is also at work on a history of the book in Bermuda.

Cristina Dondi is the Secretary of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL), a member of the History and of the Modern Languages Faculty of the University of Oxford, and one of the editors of the catalogue of incunabula of the Bodleian Library. Her research focuses on the history of printing in Italy in the 15th century and on liturgical texts, both manuscript and printed.

J. S. Edgren is Editorial Director of the Chinese Rare Books Project, an online union catalogue based at Princeton University.

Lukas Erne is Professor in the English Department at the University of Geneva. He is the author of Shakespeare and the Book Trade (2013), Shakespeare’s Modern Collaborators (2008), Shakespeare as Literary Dramatist (2003), and Beyond ‘The Spanish Tragedy’: A Study of the Works of Thomas Kyd (2001), and the editor of The First Quarto of Romeo and Juliet (2007) and Textual Performances: The Modern Reproduction of Shakespeare’s Drama (2004).

Patricia Lockhart Fleming is Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, where she served as founding director of the collaborative graduate programme in book history. She is co-general editor and co-editor of volumes 1 and 2 of History of the Book in Canada (Histoire du livre et de l’imprimé au Canada) (3 vols, 2004–7).

John L. Flood is Emeritus Professor of German in the University of London, Past President of the Bibliographical Society, and specializes in German book history. His publications include The German Book 1450–1750 (1995) and Poets Laureate of the Holy Roman Empire (2006).

Eileen Gardiner is co-director of ACLS Humanities E-Book and president and co-founder of Italica Press. She holds a Ph.D. in English literature with a specialization in medieval comparative literature, and is the editor of Hell-on-Line.org.

Vincent Giroud is a Professor at the Université de Franche-Comté. He has taught at the Sorbonne and at Johns Hopkins, Vassar, Bard, and Yale, where he also served as curator of modern books and manuscripts at the Beinecke Library.

Paul Goldman is Honorary Professor, School of English, Communication, and Philosophy, Cardiff University. He is the author of works on 19th-century British art and illustration including Beyond Decoration: The Illustrations of John Everett Millais (2005), Looking at Prints, Drawings and Watercolours: A Guide to Technical Terms, 2e (2006), Master Prints Close Up (2012) and, co-edited with Simon Cooke, Reading Victorian Illustration 1855-1875: Spoils of the Lumber Room (2012).

Abhijit Gupta is Associate Professor of English, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, and Director, Jadavpur University Press. He is the co-editor of the Book History in India series.

Bridget Guzner was Curator of the Hungarian and Romanian Collections of the British Library, responsible for the selection and acquisition of current and antiquarian material, exploring, and describing the collections. Her research interests continue to include all aspects of Hungarian and Romanian printing and publishing, as well as the history and development of the British Library’s collections.

Michael Harris worked at Birkbeck College, London University. His main research interest is in the history of print generally and of newspapers in particular. He founded a major conference on book-trade history, which continues to be held in London and has been involved in editing and contributing to the annual publication of the papers (30 titles). He is currently working on a full-length study of printed serials published in London on either side of 1700.

Neil Harris teaches bibliography at the University of Udine. He currently specializes in the history of Italian Renaissance publishing and in the field of early book cataloguing.

Paul Hoftijzer holds the P. A. Tiele Chair in book history at Leiden University. He publishes on the history of the Dutch book in the early modern period.

Leslie Howsam is the author of Cheap Bibles (1991) and Old Books & New Histories (2006). Her 2006 Lyell lectures discussed research on the correspondence of historians and publishers. She is University Professor at the University of Windsor in Canada.

Clare Hutton is Lecturer in English at Loughborough University, and the editor of volume 5 of The Oxford History of the Irish Book (2011).

Jana Igunma is Curator of Thai, Lao, and Cambodian Collections at the British Library. She graduated from Humboldt-University, Berlin in Southeast Asian History (1996), Library and Information Science (2003), and worked as curatorial assistant for Thai, Lao, Cambodian, and Burmese Collections at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

Andrea Immel is Curator of the Cotsen Children’s Library at Princeton University. She co-edited the Cambridge Companion to Children’s Literature (2009) and Childhood and Children’s Books in Early Modern Europe 1550–1800 (2005), and contributed chapters to the Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, volumes 5 and 6.

Craig Kallendorf is Professor of Classics and English at Texas A&M University. He is the author of The Other Virgil (2007), The Virgilian Tradition: Book History and the History of Reading in Early Modern Europe (2007), and several book-length bibliographies of Virgil, as well as the co-editor of The Books of Venice / Il libro veneziano (2009).

Peter Kornicki is Professor of East Asian studies at the University of Cambridge. He is the author of The Book in Japan (1998), has published catalogues of early Japanese books in European libraries, and is working on Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese editions of Chinese texts.

Elisabeth Ladenson teaches French and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. She is the author of Dirt for Art’s Sake (2007) and Proust’s Lesbianism (1999).

María Luisa López-Vidriero is Director of the Real Biblioteca (Madrid) and Co-Director of the Instituto de Historia del Libro y de la Lectura.

†Harold Love (1937–2007) was an Australian literary historian, critic, and editor. Among his many publications are Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-Century England (1993); English Clandestine Satire 1660–1702 (2004); and Attributing Authorship (2002). He also produced editions of Thomas Southerne (with R. J. Jordan; 2 vols, 1988); John Wilmot, earl of Rochester (1999); and George Villiers, 2nd duke of Buckingham (with R. D. Hume; 2 vols, 2007).

Beth McKillop has been Keeper of Asia at the V&A since 2004. Earlier a Curator in the British Library, she researches the MS and book history of Korea. Her publications include Korean Art and Design (1992).

Adam D. Moore, an Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department and Information School at the University of Washington, works on the ethical and legal issues surrounding intellectual property, privacy, and information control. He is the author of two books, over 30 articles, and has edited two anthologies.

Ian Morrison Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office, previously Curator of Special Collections at the University of Melbourne, is a past editor of the Bibliographical Society of Australia & New Zealand Bulletin (now Script & Print) and has published widely on aspects of Australian book and library history.

James Mosley is Visiting Professor in the Department of Typography and Graphic Communication, University of Reading. He was Librarian of St Bride Library, London, from 1958 until 2000. He has written and lectured widely on the history of printing type and letter forms.

Andrew Murphy is Professor of English at the University of St Andrews. He is the author, most recently, of Shakespeare for the People: Working-class Readers, 1800–1900 (2008) and Shakespeare in Print: A History and Chronology of Shakespeare Publishing (2003).

Ronald G. Musto is co-director of ACLS Humanities E-Book and co-publisher of Italica Press. He holds a Ph.D. in History, specializing in 14th-century Italy.

Niall Ó Ciosáin teaches in the Department of History, National University of Ireland, Galway. His current research focuses on the relationship between literacy, print, and language shift in the Celtic language areas in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Carl Olson is Professor of Religious Studies at Allegheny College. Besides numerous essays published in journals, books, and encyclopaedias, his latest books include the following: The Different Paths of Buddhism: A Narrative-Historical Introduction (2005); Original Buddhist Sources: A Reader (2005); The Many Colors of Hinduism: A Thematic-Historical Introduction (2007); Hindu Primary Sources: A Sectarian Reader (2007); and Celibacy and Religious Traditions (2007); The Allure of Decadent Thinking: Religious Studies and the Challenge of Postmodernism (2013).

Devana Pavlik is a librarian who was from 1983 to 2003 the curator of Czech, Slovak, and Lusatian Collections in the British Library. In retirement, she continues with her research into Czech and Slovak publishing.

David Pearson Director, Culture, Heritage and Libraries at the City of London, has worked and published extensively on the post-production history of books, with particular reference to bookbinding and book ownership.

Alexis Politis is Professor of Modern Greek Literature at the University of Crete. His main research interests are in the history of modern Greek literature (especially of the 19th century), the history of mentalities, folksongs, and the history of Greek printing and publishing.

Andrew Robinson is the author of some 25 books in the arts and sciences. They include The Story of Writing: Alphabets, Hieroglyphs and Pictograms (1995); The Man Who Deciphered Linear B: The Story of Michael Ventris (2002); Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World’s Undeciphered Scripts (2009); Writing and Script: A Very Short Introduction (2009); and Cracking the Egyptian Code: The Revolutionary Life of Jean-François Champollion (2012).

Ekaterina Rogatchevskaia is Lead Curator of East European Studies, British Library. She has published widely on early Russian literature, Russian émigré literature, and the history of the British Library Russian collections.

Shef Rogers is a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. He is completing a bibliography of English travel writing 1700–1800 and is working with four Otago colleagues to compile a one-volume history of the book in New Zealand.

Eugenia Roldán Vera is Professor-Researcher at the Department of Education of the Centre for Advanced Research and Studies (DIE/CINVESTAV), Mexico. Her fields of research are the history of education and the history of the book in 19th- and 20th-century Latin America. She is the author of The British Book Trade and Spanish American Independence (2003).

Geoffrey Roper is a bibliographical consultant. He was head of the Islamic Bibliography Unit at Cambridge University Library, 1982–2003, and editor of Index Islamicus and of the World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts.

Joan Shelley Rubin is Professor of History at the University of Rochester, specializing in American culture since 1865.

Emile G. L. Schrijver is Curator of the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, one of the Special Collections at Amsterdam University Library and the editor-in-chief of Studia Rosenthaliana. He has published extensively on Jewish books, in particular on Hebrew manuscripts of the post-medieval period, and has contributed to numerous exhibition and auction catalogues.

Karen Skovgaard-Petersen is Senior Researcher, Curator of Rare Books in the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books, The Royal Library, Copenhagen. Her fields of research are early modern historiography, and early modern book and library history.

Claire Squires is Professor of Publishing Studies and Director of The Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication at the University of Stirling.

Christine Thomas was formerly the Head of Slavonic and East European Collections in the British Library. She has published on the history of Russian printing, the formation of the Russian collections of the British Museum Library, and on Slavonic early printed books. She is also editor of Solanus: International Journal for Russian and East European Bibliographic, Library, and Publishing Studies.

M. Antoni J. Üçerler, S.J. Director of Research, Center for the Pacific Rim University of San Francisco. His main area of research is the history of Christianity in Japan and China and missionary printing in Asia and the Americas.

Andrew van der Vlies teaches in the School of English and Drama at Queen Mary, University of London. He is author of South African Textual Cultures (2007) and editor of Print, Text and Book Cultures in South African (2012).

Aleksandra B. Vraneš is Professor of Philology, University of Belgrade, and President of the Serbian Library Association. Her fields of interest include library science, bibliography, ethics in science, and the methodology of research. Her publications include Serbian Bibliography in Periodicals: From Orphelin to 1941 (1996), Basis of Bibliography (2001), Academic Libraries (2004), and From the Manuscript to the Library: Dictionary (2006).

Marcus Walsh is Kenneth Allott Professor of English Literature, University of Liverpool. He has written on Swift, Johnson, and Sterne, biblical scholarship, and the history and theory of editing.

Jürgen M. Warmbrunn, Ph.D., is a Slavicist, historian, and academic librarian with a particular interest in East European and Baltic library history and book culture. He is Deputy Director of the Herder-Institut, Marburg, a centre for historical research on East Central Europe, and Director of the research library of the Herder-Institut.

Alexis Weedon holds a UNESCO chair in New Media Forms of the Book and is Head of Journalism and Communications at the University of Bedfordshire. Specializing in publishing economics, quantification, and cross-media production, she is co-editor of Convergence and author of Victorian Publishing (2003).

Edwin Paul Wieringa was educated in Indonesian Languages and Literatures at the University of Leiden (MA 1988, Ph.D. 1994). Since 2004, he has been Professor of Indonesian Philology and Islamic Studies at the University of Cologne. He is the author of a two-volume Catalogue of Malay and Minangkabau Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University (1998, 2007).

N. G. Wilson, FBA Fellow and Tutor in Classics (Emeritus), Lincoln College, Oxford, is a specialist in Greek palaeography, the transmission of texts, and the history of scholarship.

Janet Zmroczek is Head of European Collections at the British Library. Her research interests include the history of the British Library Polish and Baltic collections and the cultural, social, and literary activities of the Polish community in 19th-century Britain. Her articles on these subjects have been published in a range of British, European, and American scholarly journals.